sponses; (ii) space multiplexed [4] or spatial frequency multiplexed [5] filtering, in
which all filters are presented simultaneously in the filter plane, yielding an array of
multiple correlation responses; (iii) combination filtering, in which several filters are
combined to form a composite filter that yields a detectable output correlation re-
sponse for any set of input objects [6]. The last method may be utilized to construct a
bank of composite filters that can be used as time-sequenced or multiplexed filters.
Note that time-sequenced and space-multiplexed filtering requires a large number of
correlations, because a single filter for each object and each its distorted version is
used. To reduce the number of filters Braunecker et al. [7] proposed to carry out only
log N correlations by forming primitive composite filters from similar patterns,
where N is the number of patterns to be recognized,. A drawback of this method is
that it works only with binary images. Billert and Singher [8] suggested to reduce the
number of correlations by employing different composite filters, each of them is able
to recognize a set of training images. The filters possess a good tolerance to additive
noise at the input scene. Nevertheless, the filters work well only with binary-
segmented images.
One of the most important performance criteria in pattern recognition is the dis-
crimination capability (DC), or how well a filter detects and discriminates different
classes of objects. Yaroslavsky [9] suggested a correlation filter with a minimum
probability of anomalous errors (false alarms) and called it the optimal filter (OF).
The disadvantage of the OF in optical implementation is its extremely low light effi-
ciency. A filter with maximum light efficiency is the phase-only filter (POF) [10].
The POF produces sharp correlation peaks but possesses a poor performance in terms
of the DC for noisy and cluttered scenes. An attractive approach to distortion-
invariant pattern recognition is based on synthetic discriminant functions (SDF) filters
[11]. A conventional SDF filter is composed by a linear combination of training im-
ages. It is able to control only one point at the correlation plane for each training
image. As a result, the SDF filters often have a low discrimination capability. Maha-
lanobis, et al, [12] suggested the minimum average correlation energy (MACE) filter.
The MACE filter produces sharp correlation peaks by minimizing the average of
correlation energy in the correlation plane. However, the MACE filter is not tolerant
to input noise, and it is more sensitive to interclass variations than other composite
filters. The main efforts in correlation filter research are focused to the problem of
recognition and localization of objects, and commonly ignoring the problem of classi-
fication. This paper is devoted to the design of new correlation filters for solving the
following two problems: reliable recognition and correct classification of all desired
objects, which are embedded into a cluttered noisy background. These problems may
be solved with the help of adaptive correlation filters [13], [14]. In order to obtain the
impulse response of an adaptive filter an iterative algorithm is used. At each iteration,
the algorithm suppresses the highest sidelobe at the correlation plane. Therefore, it
increases monotonically the DC until a prespecified value is reached. The object
classification is carried out using the phase information at the origin of the correlation
peak for each target. The proposed method requires only one correlation to detect and
classify all needed objects. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a
basic description of pattern recognition based on conventional SDF filters, as well as
a modified SDF approach proposed for object classification. The proposed algorithm