Object Oriented Techniques for an Intelligent
Multi-purpose English Language Dictionary System
Samia Yousif
and Mansoor Al-A'ali
Faculty of Art, Design and Computing Science, Royal University for Women
Kingdom of Bahrain
2 Department of Computer Science, College of Information Technology
University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain
Abstract. This research utilizes the features of the Object Orientation (OO) to
develop TOOT, a dictionary system containing English words, their Arabic
meanings, associated actions, semantic relationships, inherited actions and
attributes, exceptional relationships and semantics as well as other
characteristics. TOOT utilizes OO major notions such as objects, classes,
aggregation, inheritances, encapsulation and polymorphism. Each word in this
dictionary system belongs to a class and may have one or more subclasses.
Subclasses inherit all the public attributes and operations of their super class
and this concept is utilized in all types of processing on the TOOT dictionary
system. TOOT is a knowledge base and can be thought of as an intelligent
language model which can be used for many purposes. This research shows
how simple phrases can be generated or validated to be semantically correct. In
the process of using OO UML to represent semantic knowledge, we have made
enhancements and additions to UML itself.
1 Introduction
Research into natural language processing has received great attention and will
continue to do so because of the importance of such topic to humanity [5], [2], [16].
Natural language processing presents two main challenges: representing semantics
and querying these semantics. Until now, no one claims to have the solution to store
semantics of complex sentences and link all its words together with the meaning of
words, phrases of other sentences. The research we present in this paper presents a
novel approach by storing the semantics of English simple phrases using the well
known Object Oriented technique. Object oriented technique is a method of looking at
knowledge at different levels of abstraction. We identified a simple way of storing
simple semantics using object orientation and we demonstrate that this method can be
used to teach simple semantics to young learners of the English language.
Students of the English language need to feel more of the knowledge relating to
the words to improve their skills in English. Students studying English as second
language (ESL) need to use dictionaries in order to know what words mean and what
they can do with them in order to understand and communicate in English [8].
Yousif S. and Al-A’ali M. (2007).
Object Oriented Techniques for an Intelligent Multi-purpose English Language Dictionary System.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, pages 159-168
DOI: 10.5220/0002423801590168
Moreover, Learners' Dictionaries are used to practice English correctly, effectively
and appropriately [15]. Consequently, dictionaries must have maximum semantic
information for words related to semantic classification that will assist the students to
understand English language very well, besides, it will improve and enhance their
Writing fluently in English language requires knowledge of the conventional
contexts, strong vocabulary, and collocations surrounding the word. While this
information may be presented implicitly in dictionaries, many students do not have
the dictionary savvy to extract it and they often have difficulties finding the right
meaning for unfamiliar words or phrases in their dictionaries. In response to these
difficulties, some researchers have proposed new ways to access the English lexicon,
such as an electronic dictionary and presenting typical phraseology rather than words
in isolation [8]. In addition, some researchers have suggested a representation, with a
tree-based model of runtime dictionaries, which allows a very fast morphological
analysis with semantic recognition [11], for example, the path <SPORTS/Water
Sports/Swimming> describes the document field <Swimming> as a sub-field of
<Water Sports>, which is a sub-field of super-field <SPORTS> [6].
Many researchers continue to study a variety of new approaches in teaching
English [13], [9], [3], [12], [14], [18], [1] and [17]. Communicative language teaching
(CLT) approach advocates the development of communicative competence as a
primary goal through the extensive use of the second language as a means of
communication during classroom lessons [7]. The use of technology in the classroom
has increasingly been the object of study in recent years. Computers have been used
for language teaching since the 1960s [4] and [10].
Some researchers applied the ideas from CAL - Computer Assisted Language and
language learning, emphasizing context for language learning, especially for abstract
word learning. [18] Developed a multimedia web-based CAL system which includes
13 abstract words and five main modules: Learning Material, Testing,
Communication, Help, and Extensive English Learning Web Sites. Their research
indicated that pupils who worked with the more communicative methods for teaching
English made greater progress in vocabulary acquisition than those who were taught
in the more traditional context.
Our research presents a model for representing some aspects of semantics for
simple sentences or phrases by utilizing the OO concept, for example, the sentence
(boy reads book) is semantically and syntactically correct, the simple sentence (boy
eats book) is grammatically correct but semantically wrong, but the simple sentence
(book reads boy) is syntactically correct and semantically wrong. In turn, TOOT
dictionary system rejects semantically wrong phrases or simple sentences and
displays the reasons as well provides a correct example such as (boy eats apple) to
help the learner understand his/her shortcomings. This is made possible because of the
intelligent features of the OO approach used to model the words and phrases
semantically which is embedded in the form of associated actions, relationships and
inheritance features with each word (noun).
In this research, administrators create relationships between actions (verbs) and
classes (nouns) to provide important information about the meanings of nouns. For
instance, the action ‘eat’ is the relationship between the classes ‘human’ and ‘food’
which means ‘human eat food’ and hence any object under food (subclass of food)
would automatically be related with any object (subclass) under human. These
relationships would be inherited downwards to any depth of the subclasses unless
exceptional relationships are stated.
TOOT is a web-based dictionary system. Each word in this dictionary belongs to a
class and may have one or more subclasses. Subclasses inherit all the public attributes
and operations of their super class and this concept is utilized in all types of
processing on the TOOT dictionary system. For example, the super class 'human'
inherit the public operation 'eat' to its subclass 'boy' and therefore we can generate or
check the simple sentence ‘boy eats food’ or 'boys eat food' with semantic meaning.
This research signifies that TOOT dictionary system assists teachers to make the
English subject more interesting and raise student's motivation as well as it enables
students to understand the meaning of words and helps them to organize sentences
and build them correctly with semantic meaning.
We have conducted a survey of online dictionaries and elicited that almost all
dictionaries come under three categories: leaner, translator and search. Each
dictionary has a number of features, for example some dictionaries provide words
definition, examples, pronunciation, words translation, text translation, pictures,
rhymes, synonyms, and words functions like noun, adjective, etc. Many companies
have cashed in on the concept and have developed dictionaries for a variety of
purposes such as: Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary, Word Central, Ultralingua
Language Software, RhymeZone, Wordsmyth Children's Dictionary, McGraw-Hill
Children's Dictionary, OneLook Dictionary Search, Freesearch, Sakhr, Tarjim,
WordNet & ALWafi.
2 Applying the OO Techniques to Incorporate Semantics in
Object Orientation (OO) is a paradigm for creating software systems using objects.
Objects are tangible and conceptual things we find in the real world. Using OO makes
TOOT Dictionary Objects more semantically related and hence better intelligence can
be incorporated and implemented. OO has major notions such as objects, classes,
inheritances, encapsulation and polymorphism. The OO Unified Modeling Language
(UML) is the industry-standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and
documenting the artifacts of software systems. It simplifies the complex process of
software design, making a "blueprint" for construction. These OO concepts were used
as a model for representing TOOT knowledge base rather than TOOT development.
2.1 Slightly Modified UML for TOOT Dictionary System
Fig. 1 shows the UML design of TOOT Dictionary system and is continued in fig. 2.
Fig. 1 shows that the super class “Thing” has a public attribute “gender” and it
inherits this attribute to its subclasses as well. It presents the value of “gender” for
each class and object. The super class “Information Media” has public operations
(Action On; the action that can be carried out on the second class or object: browsed,
bought, read, sold and written). These operations are inherited to the subclass
“Reading” and consequently to its subclasses (Book, Magazine and Newspaper). In
addition, it demonstrates that the super class “Human” inherits the public operations
(Action By; the action that the first class or object can do: browses, buys, cooks, cuts,
eats, feeds, holds, reads, sells and writes) and (Action On: fed) also the operations
done by the subject without an object “Subject-Only” operations (Action By: grows,
sits, sleeps, swims and weeps) to its subclasses “Family” and “People”. All these
operations are inherited to the objects (Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Man, Woman,
Boy and Girl). Moreover, the private operation (Action By: engages) is added to the
object (Man) and the private operation (Action On: engaged) is added to the objects
(Woman) and we assumed that the objects (young: Boy and Girl) can’t cook, then the
inherited operation (Action By: cooks) is excluded from these objects which means
that the public operation (cook) is an exceptional operation (Action By) for these
The super class “Vegetarian Food” has public operations (Action On: eaten,
cooked, bought, held, sold and cut) and “Subject-Only” operations (Action By:
grows). It inherits them to its subclasses (Fruit, Grain and vegetable) as well to its
instances (objects) as shown in fig. 1 and fig. 2. We suppose that the inherited public
operation (Action On: cooked) cannot be carried out on the objects (Fig, Melon,
Guava, Quince, Lettuce and Radish), therefore it is excluded from these objects. In
turn, this public operation (cooked) is exceptional operation (Action On) for these
As shown in fig. 1 and fig. 2, the public attributes and operations are expressed
with a plus sign (+). The private attributes and operations are expressed with a minus
sign (-). The exceptional operations are expressed with a less-than sign (<). The
“Subject-Only” operations are expressed with an ampersand (&). The letter “b” is
added to these signs (+, -, < or &) when the type of the operation is “Action By”
while the letter “o” is added to them when the type of the operation is “Action On”.
Notice that both “Exceptional” and “Subject-Only” operations are not a part of UML
class diagram, but we added them, which means that the signs of them are according
to our view as well as the addition of the letters “b” and “o” to the signs. The signs
and the letters are utilized to distinguish between the actions.
2.2 Enhancement UML
Fig. 1 and fig. 2 were utilized UML Class Diagram to show the inheritance and the
aggregation of the classes of the TOOT dictionary system. However, the relationships
between classes are not obvious in these figures and can’t utilize UML Class Diagram
to present them. Consequently we have attempted to enhance UML diagram to
demonstrate inheritance, aggregation and relationships as shown in fig. 3. Fig. 3
presents Meta Diagram of enhancement UML. In addition, is easy to draw the
relationships between the classes and more clear to understand it. Fig. 3 demonstrates
two super classes with their subclasses, instances and relationships. The dotted lines
mean that the diagram can be extended depending on the system. The first super class
is called Super class A and it has Subclass Aa. This subclass contains three instances:
Instance Aa1, Instance Aa2 and Instance Aa3. The second super class is called Super
class B and it has Subclass Ba. This subclass consists of three instances: Instance Ba1,
Instance Ba2 and Instance Ba3. The super classes inherit the public operations
(Actions) to its subclasses. Accordingly, these subclasses inherit its public Actions to
its subclasses or instances. The following are the relationship between classes as
shown in fig. 3:
1. Normal Association (Public Operations): It is a connection between classes, a
semantic connection between objects (instances) of the classes involved in the
association. It is normally bidirectional, which means that if an object is associated
with another object, both objects are aware of each other. First direction is Action
By (+b Action), and second direction is Action On (+o Action). The multiplicity
(0..*) and (1..*) are used to present how many objects are linked. This association
is inherited to the subclasses.
2. Recursive Association (Public Operations): It is a connection between a class and
itself. The association still presents a semantic connection between objects, but the
connected objects are of the same class. This is also bidirectional and it has
multiplicity like normal association. This association is inherited to the subclasses.
3. Private Association (Private Operations): It is a connection between objects
(instances). It is bidirectional; First direction is Action By (-b Action), and second
direction is Action On (-o Action). This association can’t be inherited.
4. Exceptional Association (Exceptional Operations): It is a connection between
some objects and classes. Exceptional Action By (<b Action) means that the
inherited action that the object can’t do and Exceptional Action On (<o Action)
means that the inherited action can’t be carried out on the object. Consequently
these actions are excluded from this object.
5. Subject-Only Operations: It means that the action is done by the subject (class)
without an object. It is always Action By (&b Action) as well as is inherited to the
Fig. 1. UML of TOOT Dictionary System.
Fig. 2. Continuing UML of TOOT Dictionary System.
Fig. 3. Enhancement UML (Meta Diagram).
Fig. 4. Classes Relationships.
Fig. 5. A different way of representing OO for TOOT word-phrase language dictionary system.
In TOOT dictionary system, the relationships (Action By) are created between two
super classes manually; subsequently the operations (Action On) are generated
between them automatically. The normal line is sketched between two super classes
(Super Class A and Super Class B) indicates the public relationship (Action By)
which is created manually between them while the dotted lines are sketched between
them and its classes signify the public relationship (Action On) which is generated
automatically as well as it shows the inherence public operations (Action By and
Action On) as illustrated in fig. 4. Notice that the sketched lines of relationships
between classes in fig. 4 are hidden in TOOT dictionary system. The other
relationships that were applied in TOOT dictionary system can be exhibited in the
same manner that is presented in fig. 4. Fig. 5 shows a Meta Diagram of the
enhancement UML to demonstrate the inheritance, aggregation and relationships of
the classes in TOOT dictionary system.
3 TOOT Applications
This research utilized the Object Oriented approach to develop an Intelligent Object
Oriented Dictionary System called TOOT to contain a number of useful and practical
applications. TOOT dictionary system consists of five major educational applications:
TOOT dictionary, Semantic Checker, Lesson, Quiz and History.
The classification of the word is represented in a high fashion way by a Tree
structure. It provides a full path of the super classes and the subclasses in one line
structure rather than separate fields. The tree structure makes it easier to perform
forward and backward navigation to different levels. The tree structure tool is used for
searching and displaying words.
When the student selects a word such as “Boy” as shown in fig. 6, TOOT
dictionary displays the classification of the word “Boy” which is Thing > Living >
Human > People > Boy. This helps the student understand and recognize the
semantic meaning of the word “Boy”. TOOT dictionary also shows the associated
diagram and images to provide further illustration on the word to expand the student
knowledge. Associated diagrams include information on the word in Arabic and
English. The information can be the plural of the word, gender, and description. Read
is an action that Boy can do (Action By), and fed is the action that can be carried out
on him (Action On). When an action is selected, TOOT dictionary system displays the
Arabic translation, the corresponding picture and generates simple sentences using the
selected word and the action. For example, “Boy reads” and “Boy is fed”.
As demonstrated in fig. 7, the dotted lines indicate that the object “Boy” inherited
all public operations (actions) from its super class “Human”, (Action By: browses,
buys, cuts, eats, feeds, holds, reads, sells and writes) and (Action On: fed). But we
assume that the object (very young: Boy) can’t cook, then the inherited operation
(Action By: cooks) is excluded from this object which means that the public operation
(cook) is exceptional operation (Action By). Also it inherited “Subject only”
operations (Action By: grows, sits, sleeps, swims and weeps).
Fig. 6. TOOT Dictionary System – after selecting a word like “Boy”.
Fig. 7. The object “Boy” inherited all public actions from its Super Class “Human”.
The Semantic Checker tool checks the entered simple phrases depending on their
classes and its relationships that were created and stored previously. TOOT can check
the syntax and semantics of simple phrases (type 1: Subject + Verb and type 2:
Subject + Verb + Object) entered by the student. This is made possible because of the
intelligent features of the OO technique and the actions associated with each word in
TOOT dictionary system.
Checker tool represents the intelligent aspect of TOOT dictionary system such as
its checking of the spelling of the entered words, listing the possible correct words of
any misspelled words, accepting or rejecting the entered phrases depending on its
semantic meaning, correcting the wrong phrases and generating correct phrases
randomly. In addition, it provides the explanation for accepting or rejecting any
phrase and determines the relationship type that is associated between the entered
classes and action.
The following examples show the acceptance or rejection of the entered simple
phrases depending on its semantics correctness after checking its syntax, correcting
the wrong phrases and generating semantically correct phrases randomly.
Public Relationship. Consider the entered words: boy, eat and book. The simple
phrase “boy eat book” is grammatically correct but semantically wrong. TOOT
dictionary system rejects this phrase and displays the reasons depending on the
classes, its relationships and inheritance. Fig. 5 and fig. 7 show that Boy inherits the
public relationships from its super class Human, as well Book inherits the public
relationships from its super class Information Media but human can’t eat information
media, in turn, boy can’t eat information media while human can eat vegetarian food
and consequently, boy can eat vegetarian food as shown in fig. 7. Hence, TOOT
creates a possible class string which is human can eat vegetarian food, and selects an
object from this class randomly such as Apple and therefore it corrects the semantics
of the rejected phrase to become “Boy eats Apple”.
Special Relationship. Consider the entered words: daughter, engage and father.
TOOT dictionary system rejects this simple phrase “daughter engage father” because
it is grammatically true but semantically wrong. Fig. 5 exposes that the action Engage
is a special relationship between Man (Action By) and Woman (Action On) which
means that Daughter can’t engage Father but Man can engage Woman. Consequently,
TOOT creates a possible class string and generates correct phrase “Man engages
Exceptional Relationship (Action By). Consider the entered words: boy, cook and
rice. TOOT dictionary system rejects this simple phrase “boy cook rice” because
Human can cook Vegetarian Food and the super class Human inherits the public
relationship (Action By) Cook to its object Boy but we assume that the young Boy
can not cook. In turn, Cook is an exceptional relationship (Action By) for Boy.
Therefore TOOT modifies the entered phrase randomly like “Woman cooks Rice”
with correct grammar and semantics.
Exceptional Relationship (Action On). Consider the entered words: woman, cook
and radish. TOOT dictionary system rejects this simple phrase “woman cook radish”
because Human can cook vegetarian Food and the super class Vegetarian Food
inherits the public relationship (Action On) Cooked to its object Radish but we
assume that this action can’t be carried out on the Radish as illustrated in fig. 5.
Hence TOOT amends the entered phrase randomly such as “Woman cooks Rice” with
correct grammar and semantics.
Subject-Only Relationship. Consider the entered words: carrot, grow and pea.
TOOT dictionary system rejects this simple phrase “carrot grow pea” and Fig. 5
demonstrates that Carrot is a Vegetarian Food and the action Grow is a Subject-Only
relationship which means that the Vegetarian Food can grow and the object is not
required. For these reasons, TOOT removes the object and the phrase become “Carrot
4 Conclusions
This paper presented a new approach for the development and evaluation of an
intelligent English-Arabic Object Oriented dictionary system called TOOT. This
research is the first to effectively use the OO concept and enhance UML to deal with
English language semantics for simple phrases. TOOT dictionary system was tested
on the 6
class of an elementary girls school in kingdom of Bahrain to test its
effectiveness in teaching some aspects of the English language and to test its level of
contribution to students learning and the tests are very promising. The results of such
testing are outside the scope of this paper.
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