A Specification and Validation Approach for Business
Process Integration based on Web Services and Agents
Djamel Benmerzoug
, Mahmoud Boufaida
and Fabrice Kordon
LIRE Laboratory, Computer Science Department
Mentouri University of Constantine 25000, Algeria
LIP6 Laboratory, Pierre et arie Curie University
4, place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05 France
Abstract. In this paper, we present a new approach for business processes inte-
gration. Our approach is based on interaction protocols that enable autonomous,
distributed business process modules to integrate and collaborate. In our case,
the business processes integration is modelled using AUML and specified using
BPEL4WS. Furthermore and to increase the reliability of interaction protocols
at design time, our approach presented in this paper can validate the BPEL4WS
specification with business constraints (specified by means of OCL). The vali-
dated BPEL4WS specification is considered as a specification language for ex-
pressing the interaction protocols of the multi-agents system, which can then
intelligently adapt to changing environmental conditions.
1 Introduction
Business Processes Integration (BPI) is a key technology for business to business
collaborations. Nowadays many enterprises have automated their internal business
processes with workflow technologies. They have now a new challenge: the automa-
tion of their collaborations with partner enterprises, in open and very dynamic envi-
ronments, to accelerate their business in a cost-effective manner. Web Services (WS)
are a promising technology to support these type of collaborations [1]. WS are an
XML-based middleware technology that provides RPC-like remote communication,
using in most cases SOAP over HTTP.
Heterogeneity, distribution, openness, highly dynamic interaction, are some
among the key characteristics of another emerging technology, that of intelligent
agents and Multi-Agent Systems (MASs). WS and intelligent software agents share
many common features, and this suggests that some relationship between the two
technologies should exist. Actually, the most recent literature in the agents' field de-
votes much space to these relationships [2].
This paper present a new approach based on WS and agents for integrating busi-
ness process. The used approach is based on interaction protocols that enable
autonomous, distributed business process management modules to integrate and col-
laborate. In order to reach an implicit consensus about the possible states and actions
Benmerzoug D., Boufaida M. and Kordon F. (2007).
A Specification and Validation Approach for Business Process Integration based on Web Services and Agents.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002424301630168
in an interaction protocol, it is necessary for the protocol itself to be correct. Indeed
and to increase the reliability of interactions protocol at design time, we have devel-
oped an approach for the specification and the validation of BPI. In our case, the BPI
is modelled using AUML (Agent UML) [7] and specified using BPEL4WS (Business
Process Execution Language for Web Services) [8]. We then use this precise specifi-
cation to generate a validation tool that can check that a BPEL4WS document is well-
formed (that is the BPEL4WS preserving the business constraints).
In the next section we briefly introduce our approach. Sections 3 and 4 discuss our
approach to engineering interaction protocols exploiting AUML/OCL for the model-
ling stage, and BPEL4WS for the specification stage. Section 5 gives a short descrip-
tion on how the BPEL4WS specifications can be validated. Our conclusion and future
work are described in the final section.
2 An Overview of the Proposed Approach
BPI modelling and reengineering have been longstanding activities in many compa-
nies in recent years. Most internal processes have been streamlined and optimized,
whereas the external processes have only recently become the focus of business ana-
lysts and IT middleware providers. The static integration of inter-enterprise processes
as common in past years can no longer meet the new requirements of customer orien-
tation, flexibility and dynamics of cooperation [4].
In this paper, we consider two type of business processes, the private business
processes and the public business ones. The first type is considered as the set of proc-
esses of the company itself and they are managed in an autonomous way. Private
processes are supported within companies using traditional Workflow Management
Systems, Enterprise Resources Planning systems or proprietary systems. These sys-
tems were intended to serve local needs. In other hand, public business processes
span organizational boundaries. They belong to the companies involved in a B2B
relationship and have to be agreed and jointly managed by the partners.
The B2B integration scenarios typically involve distributed business processes
that are autonomous to some degree. Companies participating in this scenario pub-
lishes and implements a public process. The applications integration based on public
process is not a new approach. The current models for BPI are based on process flow
graphs [4], [5], [6]. A process flow graph is used to represent the public process. This
approach lacks the flexibility to support dynamic B2B integration. In contrast, our
approach (figure 1) presents an incremental, open-ended, dynamic, and personaliz-
able model for B2B integration.
We have previously developed an agent-based method for developing cooperative
enterprises information systems [10]. This method permits to explicitly mapping the
business process into software agents. In this paper, we describe the use of interaction
protocols to define and manage public processes in B2B relationships. This process is
modelled using AUML [7] and specified using BPEL4WS [8]. The use of interaction
protocols to define public processes enable a greater autonomy of companies because
Fig. 1. The Proposed Approach.
each company hides its internal activities, services and decisions required to support
public processes. In this way, the interaction protocols provide a high abstraction
level in the modelling of public processes. The AUML model is mapped to a
BPEL4WS specification, which represents the initial social order upon a collection of
agents (figure 1). Since BPEL4WS describes the relationships between the WS in the
public process, agents representing the WS would know their relationships a priori.
Notably, the relationships between the WS in the public process are embedded in the
process logic of the BPEL4WS specification. This relationships entails consistency
problems, which can best be solved at the level of models. We then use this precise
specification to generate a validation tool that can check that a BPEL4WS document
is well-formed (the BPEL4WS preserves the business constraints).
3 Modelling Public Business Processes with Interaction Protocols
Interaction Protocols have been used in the area of multi-agent systems to represent
interactions among agents [7]. In the context of B2B relationships, an interaction
protocol allows to model and manage the interactions among the enterprises involved
in a B2B relationship. These interactions represent public business processes that the
enterprises agreed on the collaboration. The main objective of interaction protocols is
to abstract public processes from the services to be invoked within each enterprise for
executing the internal activities supporting public processes [2]. In AUML, we can
define an interaction protocol through a protocol diagram, which is an extension of
the sequence diagram of UML. Roles are represented by a rectangular box indicating
the company that performs the role. Role lifeline defines the time period during which
the company participates in the protocol. The lifeline may split up into two or more
lifelines, using logical connectors, to show AND and OR parallelism and decisions,
corresponding to the branches on the incoming message flow.
<XML Documents>
Petri net
FIPA compliant Agent
ement S
Mathematical methods for
evaluation of Petri nets
Other MAS Application
Web Services
In our approach, initial requirements permit to capture dependencies between dif-
ferent roles in different private business processes (possibly other public business
process). This dependencies are detailed using protocol diagrams.
The only use of modelling languages (like AUML) is not sufficient, since it miss-
ing adequate means to specify constraints over the dynamic behavior of an AUML
model. However, it is essential to support the definition of business rules constraints
already in the early phases of development in order to specify correct system behavior
over time. Facing this problem, the Object Constraint Language (OCL) [9] provides
the chance to explicitly and automatically deal with business constraints when build-
ing agent-based applications. The reason for using OCL is that offers a textual means
to enhance AUML diagrams, offering formal precision in combination with high
The definition of a business process constraints is nothing else then a constraint
on the interaction diagrams of the AUML-based public business process. In our case,
we used OCL to define the preconditions and postconditions for our interaction pro-
tocols defined previously. The precondition captures necessary and sufficient condi-
tions that determine when a constraint is applicable. The postcondition describes the
intended update to the model, that is, the effect of the messages exchange. In the case
of defining the business process constraints, we specify the corresponding business
interaction protocol after the OCL keyword context and followed by the keyword
inv for invariants.
4 From an AUML Model to a BPEL4WS Specification
BPEL4WS represents the merger of two process description language, IBM's Web
Services Flow Language (WSFL) and Microsoft's XLANG. It provides both graph-
based and block-based control structures, making it capable of representing a wide
range of control flows. This merger has created the market consolidation necessary to
make BPEL4WS the de facto standard for expressing BPI consisting of WS.
BPEL4WS can be used to describe executable business processes and abstract proc-
esses. Abstract processes are used to create behavioral specifications consisting of the
mutually visible messages exchanged between transacting parties executing a busi-
ness protocol.
In our case, a BPEL4WS specification describes a public business process by stat-
ing whom the participants are, what services they must implement in order to belong
to the public business process, and the control flow of the public process. for exam-
ple, the <partners> section defines the different parts that participate in the public
process. Each partner is given a service link type and the role it will perform as part
of the service link. The <variables> section defines the variables used by the process.
The process definition of the public process occurs after the fault handlers section and
before the close process tag. A public business process is defined using BPEL4WS
activity constructs (sequence, flow, while, switch,…etc).
Many of the features that characterize BPEL4WS abstract processes, make it very
suitable to represent interaction protocols and correspond in a prettyprecise way to
those that characterize AUML. Table 1 describes the ideas behind the automatic
translator from AUML to BPEL4WS.
Table 1. The AUML/BPEL4WS Mapping Overview.
invoke, receiveand reply
5 Generating a BPEL4WS Validator
As we already have said before, the BPEL4WS process specification is considered as
a specifying language to express the interaction protocol of the multi-agents system.
In order to reach an implicit consensus about the possible states and actions in an
interaction protocol, it is necessary for the protocol itself to be correct. We believe
that from the point of view of efficient integration of business process, there are two
key issues: (1) a precise and intuitive way to integration conversation partner into an
interaction protocol (the combination of AUML/OCL model); (2) the ability to simu-
late the interaction protocol is a helpful addition to formal validation and verification
(the verification stage is not described in this paper).
Protocols as
FIPA compliant Agent
Management System
constraints as
Agent 1 Agent 2 Agent n
ACL Message
Fig. 2. Validation of the BPEL4WS Specification.
A set of AUML interaction diagrams are created to model the public business
process, where business constraints are specified in OCL. We then use this precise
specification to generate a Validation tool that can check that a BPEL4WS document
is well-formed (the BPEL4WS preserves the business constraints). A model con-
straint that fails would indicate an invalid combination of BPEL constructs.
In this research, we exploit the Sun Microsystem Web Services Developer Pack
[11]. In particular, we use the JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding) library to
build Java classes from an BPEL4WS specification. Our validation tools permits the
combination of code generation from BPEL4WS specification and code generation
from constraints; with the resulting code facilitating the validation of the constraints
against instances of the specification. In particular, the BPEL4WS code and the con-
straint code are generated separately (see figure 2).
6 Conclusion
In this paper, we presented an approach to modelling, specification and validation of
BPI. Our approach is based on interaction protocols where the autonomy of the par-
ticipants must be preserved. Indeed, the BPI is modelled using AUML and specified
using BPEL4WS. Our approach presented in this paper can validate the BPEL4WS
with the business constraints through the BPEL4WS validator. The validated
BPEL4WS specification is considered as a specification language for expressing the
interaction protocol of the multi-agents system.
Our primary future work direction is certainly the exploitation of BPEL4WS fea-
tures to publishing the protocols specification on the Web and we will describe how
the MAS can use the verified and the validated BPEL4WS specification to establish
the BPI.
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