build Java classes from an BPEL4WS specification. Our validation tools permits the
combination of code generation from BPEL4WS specification and code generation
from constraints; with the resulting code facilitating the validation of the constraints
against instances of the specification. In particular, the BPEL4WS code and the con-
straint code are generated separately (see figure 2).
6 Conclusion
In this paper, we presented an approach to modelling, specification and validation of
BPI. Our approach is based on interaction protocols where the autonomy of the par-
ticipants must be preserved. Indeed, the BPI is modelled using AUML and specified
using BPEL4WS. Our approach presented in this paper can validate the BPEL4WS
with the business constraints through the BPEL4WS validator. The validated
BPEL4WS specification is considered as a specification language for expressing the
interaction protocol of the multi-agents system.
Our primary future work direction is certainly the exploitation of BPEL4WS fea-
tures to publishing the protocols specification on the Web and we will describe how
the MAS can use the verified and the validated BPEL4WS specification to establish
the BPI.
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