MMISS-SME Practical Development: Maturity Model
for Information Systems Security Management in SMEs
Luis Enrique Sánchez
, Daniel Villafranca
and Mario Piattini
SICAMAN Nuevas Tecnologías. Departamento de I+D
Juan José Rodrigo, 4. Tomelloso, Ciudad Real, España
Castilla-La Mancha, ALARCOS Research Group
TSI Department, UCLM-Soluziona Research and Development Institute
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Paseo de la Universidad 4, Ciudad Real, Spain
Abstract. For enterprises to be able to use information technologies and com-
munications with guarantees, it is necessary to have an adequate security man-
agement system. However, this requires that enterprises know in every moment
their security maturity level and to what extend their information security sys-
tem must evolve. Moreover, this security management system must have very
reduced costs for its implementation and maintenance in small and medium-
size enterprises (from now on, SMEs) to be feasible. In this paper, we will put
forward our proposal of a maturity model for security management in SMEs
and we will briefly analyse other models that exist in the market. This approach
is being directly applied to real cases, thus obtaining an improvement in its ap-
1 Introduction
Information and processes supporting systems and nets are the most important assets
for any organization [1] and they suppose the main differentiating factor in an
enterprise evolution. These assets are exposed to a great variety of risks that can
critically affect enterprises. There are many sources that provide us with figures that
show the importance of the problems caused by the lack of adequate security
measures [2-6].
At present, tackling the implementation of a security management system is very
complex for a small or medium-size enterprise. The tendency in the field of
enterprises security is that of migrating little by little their culture towards the creation
of a security management system (ISMS) although this progression is very slow.
Thus, studies such as that of René Sant-Germain [7] estimate that with the current
models, in 2009, only 35% of the enterprises of the world with more than 2000
employees will have an ISMS implemented and the figures talking about SMEs will
be much worse.
In this paper, we will describe a new proposal of a model of maturity and security
management oriented to SMEs that is aimed at solving the problems detected in the
Anna Lázár K. and Farkas C. (2007).
Security in TciN M P Systems.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 95-104
DOI: 10.5220/0002425300950104
classical models that are showing not efficient at the time of their implementation into
SMEs due to their complexity as well as other series of factors that will be analysed
in detail in the following sections of the paper.
The paper continues with Section 2, very briefly describing existing maturity
models, their current tendency and some of the new proposals that are arising. In
Section 3, our proposal of a maturity model oriented to SMEs will be introduced.
Finally, in Section 4, we will conclude by indicating our future work on this subject.
2 Related Work
Security Maturity Models [8-13] have the purpose of establishing a standardized
valuation not only to determine the state of security information in an organization
but also to allow us to plan the way to reach the desired security goals. These
maturity levels will be progressive in a way that the implemented information security
increases at the same time as maturity levels are risen.
Among the information security models [14] that are being more often applied to
enterprises nowadays, we can highlight SSE-CMM ( Systems Security Engineering
Capability and Maturity Model), COBIT [9] and ISM3 [15], Besides, although there
have been carried out researches to develop new models, none of them has been able
to solve the current problems produced at the time of applying those models to SMEs.
Among these new proposals, we can highlight CC_SSE-CCM developed by
Jongsook Lee [13] that is based on the Common Criteria (CC) and SSE-CMM, the
model by Eloff and Eloff [12] that defines four different classes of protection that
allow us to progressively increase security levels.
Other proposals take risk analysis as ISMS main point, among them, we can
highlight the proposal by Karen & Barrientes [11] and UE CORAS (IST-2000-
25031) [16]. Karen & Barrientes [11]’s proposal is based on performing an analysis
related to information security to identify the vulnerability degree to determine the
improvement aspects to be carried out in the organization with the objective of
reducing risk. On the other hand, UE CORAS (IST-2000-25031) [16] is developing a
framework for security risk analysis that uses UML2, AS/NZS 4360, ISO/IEC 17799,
RM-ODP6, UP7 y XML8.
The majority of the current models based on risks use the risk analysis Magerit v2
[17] as a methodology. The problem of this methodology is that being the most
complete and efficient that exists in the market, it is not useful for SMEs since it
requires an enormous complexity when collecting data and the direct involvement of
Against these models that take risk analysis as ISMS main point, in our case,
despite we consider it very important, it is only taken as one more piece of the
system. Siegel [18] points out that computer security models that are exclusively
centred in risk elimination models are not enough. On the other hand, Garigue [19]
highlights that nowadays managers want to know not only what has been performed
to mitigate risks but also that this task has been effectively carried out and if the
performance of it has made the company save money.
We must take into account that risk analysis is an expensive process that cannot be
repeated any time that a modification is performed. Hence, it is important to develop
specific methodologies that allow the maintenance of risk analysis results. UE Coras
[16] project makes this risk analysis maintenance the main point of their model.
The main problem of all mentioned maturity models is that they are not being
successful at the time of being implemented into SMEs, mainly due to the fact that
they were developed thinking of great organizations and the associative structures
associated with them; their structures are strict, complex and costly. That’s the reason
why they are inadequate for a SME environment.
The vision of how to face these maturity levels differs according to the authors
taken as a reference. Thus, some authors insist on using ISO/IEC 17799 international
regulation in security management models but always in an incremental way, taking
into consideration the particular security needs [11, 12, 15, 20]. He proposal
presented in this paper is also based on the ISO/IEC 17799 international regulation
but it has been oriented to be applied to SMEs and avoiding the problems detected in
the current models.
3 MMISS-SME: Maturity Model for Security Management in
The Information Security Maturity Model that we propose allows any organization to
evaluate the state of its security but it is mainly oriented to SMEs since it develops
simple, cheap, rapid, automated, progressive and maintainable security management
models that are the main requirements that these enterprises have at the time of
implementing these models. The most outstanding characteristics of our model are the
following: i) it has three security levels (1 to 3) instead of the 5-6 levels proposed by
the classical models, ii) we propose that each level is certifiable instead of the total
certification existing so far, and finally, iii) the maturity level is associated with the
characteristics of the enterprise.
One of the objectives pursued during the whole process that we have developed is
that of obtaining the highest possible automation level with the minimum information
collected in a much reduced period of time. In our system, we have prioritized speed
and cost saving, sacrificing to do so, the precision offered by other models, in other
words, our model will look for one of the best security configurations but not the
optimal one and always prioritizing times and cost saving.
Other of the main contributions presented by the model that we have developed is
a set of matrixes that let us relate the ISMS different components (controls, assets,
threats, vulnerabilities, risk, procedures, registers, templates, technical instructions,
regulations and metrics) and that the system uses to automatically generate a big
amount of the necessary information, remarkably reducing the necessary period of
time for ISMS development and implementation. This set of interrelations between all
ISMS components allows that if there is any change of these components in any of
those objects, the measurement value of the rest of system objects is altered in a way
that we can have at all times an updated valuation of how the security system of the
company evolves.
The security management model is formed by three phases and the results of each
one of the previous phases are necessary for the following phase (see Fig. 1). At the
same time, there is an information feedback from Phase III to phases I and II that
allows the system to modify its parameters if necessary and to adapt itself to the new
Fig. 1. Simplified Diagram of the spiral model phases.
From now on, we will analyse in a summarised way the functioning of each phase
of the model by reviewing and analysing the algorithms that the system uses to
generate adequate information for the enterprise with minimum effort. At the end of
the section, we will briefly present the tool used to automate the model.
3.1 Phase I: Establishment of the Current and Desired Maturity Level
The main objective of this phase is the establishment of the security level desirable
for the enterprise and later, we will obtain the current security level through the audit.
Moreover, vital information for Phases II and III will be achieved. This section is
composed of two sub-phases.
Establishment of the enterprise profile: The model that we propose
uses a set of characteristics intrinsic to the enterprise in order to define the
maximum maturity level to which the enterprise must evolve taking into
account the current situation. Each one of these parameters are translated
into a value and the normalized sum of these values determines the
maximum maturity level that the system considers appropriate for the
The equation to calculate the maturity level associated with the company is as
According to that expression and our practical experience with our customers, we
have considered three maturity levels:
1: If the result is between 0-0.25.
2: If the result is between 0.25–0.75.
3: If the result is between 0.75–1.
The different elements of this expression are exposed below:
o Factors: Factors represent a set of parameters that we have selected
and that affect at the time of determining the security dimensioning
adequate for the enterprise. In the current version, the following
parameters have been considered:
Number of employees.
Annual turnover.
Dependency on I+D Department.
Number of employees using the Information System.
Number of people directly associated with the Systems
Level of enterprise dependency on I.S. outsourcing.
These factors have values ranges associated that are determined
depending on the characteristics of the enterprise.
o WeightFactor: It is a correct parameter extracted from a matrix that
assigns values to the factor—sector pair. This parameter of the equation
allows us to control the deviations that the special characteristics of
enterprises belonging to certain sectors can produce. For instance, in
the case of technological enterprises, it allows us to increase the weight
of the factor “number of people associated with I.S.”.
Table 1. Controls associated with maturity levels.
Maturity Level Dominions Objectives Control Controls Subcontrols
1 10 14 29 153
2 9 19 47 277
3 7 20 51 305
53 127 735
Initial Security Audit: This subphase, included in Phase I, consists of
performing a detailed check-list that helps us position the current state of
the company with regard to its maturity level. The 735 subcontrols (Table
1) can belong to different maturity levels, although in the initial
configuration that we recommend all subcontrols belong to a same level.
In Table 1, we can see how at Level2 we must fulfil 47 controls additional
to the 29 ones that we have had to fulfil at Level1. To go from a Level to
the following one, first of all we must fulfil at least 75% of the
subcontrols of the previous level. This margin between 75% - 100% lets a
security range due to the degradation that controls will be suffering as
time goes by.
3.2 Phase II: Risk Analysis
Once we have carried out the first phase to position the enterprise at a Maturity Level
as well as to decide to what extend the ISMS implementation must be developed, we
must perform a risk analysis of the enterprise assets.
This phase is extremely delicate due to the important cost that it can suppose and
the importance of its results for the ISMS success.
The risk analysis model that we have developed is based on the models proposed
by Stephenson [21] that are centered in the synergy between the technical testing and
the risk analysis taking ISO17799 as a reference as well as in the risk analysis
methodology Magerit v2 [17]. These models have not shown to be adequate for
SMEs due to the following reasons: First of all, their enormous complexity, in the
second place, the fact that they require an enormous effort of involvement by the
members of the enterprise and finally the costs associated with them are not
acceptable by this type of enterprises.
For that reason, in our model, we have tried at all times to simplify the previous
models to adequate them to SMEs. The main base on our methodology is defined are:
Flexibility, Simplicity and Efficiency on costs (human and temporal). It is, then, a
methodology aimed at identifying with the lowest possible costs the enterprises assets
and their associated risks, using to do so, the results generated in Phase I and some
simple algorithms.
This risk analysis will be formed by different objects (Assets, Threats,
Vulnerabilities, Impacts and Risks) that interact between themselves.
One of the most important aspects of the risk analysis that we have developed is
that of Association Matrixes that let us minimize the risk analysis cost and produce
the maximum result and information for the enterprise with minimum effort. There
have been performed a series of matrixes that allow us to associate the different
components of the risk analysis (assets-threats-vulnerabilities) and at the same time,
these components with the results produced in Phase I (controls). These matrixes are
of great importance due to the fact that they help us both simplify risk analysis and
obtain a valoration of the level of coverage of an asset with respect to ISO/IEC 17999
controls. These matrixes are static although the consultant can decide to modify them
to adequate them to the company:
Assets vs vulnerabilities Matrix: It lets us associate assets with the
vulnerabilities that can affect them.
Threats vs vulnerabilities Matrix: It lets us associate vulnerabilities to
each type of threat. With this matrix, we can also associate threats and
assets through the assets-vulnerabilities matrix.
ISO17799 threats vs controls Matrix: It allows us to associate threats
with the ISO17799 controls that affect them and thanks to the previous
matrixes, it also lets us establish a security level over an asset from the
controls associated with it.
Other of the aspects that we provide in our risk model is the Level of fulfilment of
a control subjected to an unacceptable risk. The level of fulfilment of a control has
a vital importance at the time of prioritizing the system improvement plan because it
lets us determine the level of current coverage of a particular asset. In the case of an
asset whose risk is high because of the impact that a security mistake could have on
the organization and that, at the same time, has a low control coverage, we must
prioritize the increasing of such coverage in order to rise its level of protection.
The level of current coverage of a control over an asset and for a given threat is
calculated in the following way:
VACAM: Current value of the control affected by the threat measured in
Phase I for each one of the maturity levels.
NCAM: Number of controls affected by the threat for that maturity level.
NCCAA: Level of Coverage offered by the current controls situated in the
system for an X asset against a Y threat with respect to a maturity level Z.
At last, risk analysis will be based on two algorithms:
Risk Level Algorithm: The definition of risk level (RN) will be given by the
combination of the probability (P) of occurrence (vulnerabilities) with the
threat level (TL):
RN= P * TL
Improvement Plan Generation Algorithm. For the current phase of the
project, the improvement plan generation algorithm that has been developed is
very basic and it is only generated taking as a reference the assets that have
obtained a high risk and ordering them from highest to lowest according to the
control coverage. With the obtained results, the system achieves the controls
and issues a report indicating the control that must be improved and those
factors that will improve.
Table 2. Example of application of risks models.
Asset Threat Vulnerabilidades Impact Vulner Risk
authorized use
Controls of inadequate or inexist-
ing physical access to facilities.
High High High
Situation in areas possible to be
High Medium High
In Table 2, we can see a simplified example of how to apply all matrixes and
equations to determine the level of coverage of a control with respect to an asset.
3.3 Phase III: ISMS Generation
In this phase, we have tried to make ISMS manageable, oriented to dominions of the
most interesting regulation for the organization and with a reduced number of
metrics, obtaining rapid results and feeding back the process in each cycle with the
purpose of achieving the initially indicated maturity level.
In the previous phases, we have obtained the enterprise profile, its current maturity
level, its maximum advisable maturity level, the state of its controls, its assets, the
risks associated with it and the improvement plan. Now, with all this information, the
system is ready to automatically prepare an information system management plan for
the enterprise, using to do so, a series of matrixes associated with the previous results.
This set of matrixes that together with those shown in Phase I and II are the main
contributions of our model will be internally used by the system to determine what
procedures, technical instructions, registers, etc must activate for the enterprise.
The objects library composing the ISMS application will be growing as time goes
by. That’s the reason why we have preferred to generate the first version of the model
with a single library that is composed of the following set of objects (Table 3):
Table 3. Composition of the ISMS objects library.
Type Description Number of Objects
ITxx Technical instruction. 4
Nxx Regulation 25
Pxx Pattern 65
PRxx Procedure 50
Rxx Register 35
In this phase of ISMS generation, one of the most important aspects is that of the
Association Matrixes that allow us to associate all objects of these libraries. These
matrixes are internally used by the system to recommend an ISMS initial plan for the
SME according to the information obtained in previous phases. There are four types
of matrixes:
Relationship between regulation and documents: The regulation defines
rules that must be fulfilled in an ISMS concrete subject. The violation of a
rule of this regulation is normally associated with the unfulfilment of other
objects (procedures, patterns, registers and so on). When a violation of a rule
of the regulation is identified, we must add 1 to the unfulfilment of the
documents associated with this regulation in a way that the subsequent
metrics show that the control is not being efficiently fulfilled.
Relationship between regulation and ISO17779: This matrix allows us to
associate the rules of the regulation with ISO17799 controls in a way that
we can measure unfulfilment of ISO17799 controls. The importance of this
matrix is that it allows us to feedback the initial report and in the future, it
will allow us to dynamically evolve the security Level showing it on a
Score-Board. As a regulation is associated with a procedure, this matrix also
defines the set of procedures that must or must not activate regarding the
data collected in the previous phases.
Furthermore, the level defined in Phase I can invalidate points of the
regulation if it considers that the Maturity Level that must be reached by the
enterprise does not require the fulfilment of those points of the regulation.
Relationship between documents and ISO17799 controls: It is the most
important matrix since it lets us associate the documents composing our
model with ISO17799 controls. This matrix is used by the ISMS generation
algorithm in order to generate the enterprise ISMS from the information
generated in Phase I and II.
Relationship between procedures and their associated documents: This
matrix is used today as a reference to determine what documents are
input/output and those that are only input or only output.
Matrixes associated with ISO17799 are vitally important for the design of our
system since they are used by the algorithm for the selection of documents and
procedures considered vitally important not only for the ISMS design but also for its
subsequent follow-up.
To finish this phase, an ISMS generation Algorithm is used. Given the enormous
scope of the research, the ISMS generation Algorithm has been developed looking for
the simplicity principle. This algorithm is composed of the following steps:
1º.-ISMS objects Selection: From the set of defined matrixes and the current
maturity level, the system determines the set of objects and flow diagrams that will
form the ISMS current version.
2º.- Application of colour codes: From the improvement plan generated in phase
II, we will apply a colour code to the different objects composing the ISMS to make it
visually more intuitive for users.
When a procedure has to be only partially fulfilled, this will imply that only the
parts affected by ISO17799 controls will be compulsory to be fulfilled for the current
maturity level. In subsequent versions, objects will become more automated in a way
that procedures will dynamically change according to the initial selection of controls
and maturity levels. In the current version, users have the option of filling out or not
those documents.
The system will mark in red those documents affecting both controls that have a
low security level (Phase I) and high risk assets (Phase II) so that users are conscious
of their importance and it will mark in blue those objects (patterns, registers, etc) that
are currently optional and therefore, they will not notably affect the evolution of the
security level and so, the objectives achievement.
The final result of this phase will be a set of regulations and procedures that must
be fulfilled to improve the security level of the enterprise. They will have a colour
code visually and rapidly indicating to users where a greater effort must be applied.
ISMS will be dynamic, adapting it self to the changes in the controls coverage levels
as well as in the security levels depending on how the system evolves. The evolution
of the system will be measured through a set of metrics defined over the ISMS set of
3.4 Model Automation
The whole model explained in previous sections has been integrated into a tool
(Fig.2) that allows us to automate all the maturity cycle. Thanks to this tool, the
model can be managed and maintained with reduced and affordable costs for this type
of enterprises.
This tool includes a scoreboard that allows those in charge of the enterprise know
in every moment the state of its security. This helps them make the best decisions in
the security field with minimum effort.
In spite of the fact that the current version of the tool is still very basic, we hope to
improve the automation level and the complexity of the algorithms and plans
generated in next versions. Anyway, the results obtained so far let us be very
optimistic regarding the success of the model.
Fig. 2. Tool for maturity model automation.
4 Conclusions and Future Work
Despite the enormous efforts that are being made to create adequate maturity models
to manage security in SMEs, these do not fit properly yet with the environment where
they must be implemented. The most possible reason for that is the lack of maturity of
enterprises as well as the fact of having tried to carry out too general and ambitious
models. This causes that firstly, very often enterprises do not know the reach they
must fulfil or from which part they should start restructuring their systems from or
secondly, that the proposed goals are too far away and enterprises management
becomes discouraged. One of the documents generated by international
standardization groups that has had more importance is the ISO/IEC 17799 code of
good practices that defines a very wide set of security controls and that is being used
in some of the most innovating maturity models in the market. Nevertheless, this code
of good practices does not offer a global solution and must be complemented with
other adequate rules and mechanisms although it is a very good starting point for the
development of new maturity models.
In this paper, we have presented the proposal of a new maturity and security
management model oriented to SMEs that allows us to reconfigure and adapt them to
guarantee their security and the stability of their management system with respect to
the dimension of each enterprise. To do so, we have defined a methodology and a tool
able to support the results that have been generated during the research (in this paper,
due to space restrictions, we have not described this tool). We have clearly defined
how this new maturity model must be used and the improvements that it offers with
respect to the classical models.
Some of the main and most valuable conclusions obtained from the feedback of the
participant enterprises in which several models have been analysed are exposed
If we overdimension the security level of an enterprise with respect to its
size, a degradation of the controls that we have overdimensioned will be
produced until they reach their natural balance. The direct consequence is
that the enterprise does not achieve the desired objectives and moreover, it
incurred and expense from which it will not obtain an investment return. It
has been determined that security systems have a natural tendency to find
their balance and that tendency is directly linked to several factors (size,
sector, etc). In other words, the overdimensioning of the applied security
measures becomes an economic loss for the enterprise since its own business
structure finishes rejecting this security over-effort.
Enterprises are shown to be more receptive to very short-term implementation
plans than to long- term ones. The certification by levels offers a guarantee for the
valuation of the short-term evolution of the project.
The presented maturity model reduces the systems implementation costs as
well as improves the success percentage of its implementation into SMEs.
For these reasons, as the majority of our customers are SMEs, our proposal
is being well received and its application is being very positive because it
allows this type of enterprises to access to the use of security maturity
models that so far, it has only been possible for big enterprises. In addition,
with this model, we can obtain short-term results and reduce the costs
supposed by the use of other models, thus achieving a higher degree of
satisfaction of the enterprise.
As this proposal is under constant development, our short and long term objective
is that of deepening into maturity models to refine our model as well as the tool that is
being developed at the same time as the model. Through the research method “action
research”, with the help of the feedback directly obtained from our customers, we
hope to achieve a continuous improvement of these implementations.
This research is part of the following projects: DIMENSIONS (PBC-05-012-1) and
MISTICO (PBC-06-0082), both supported by the FEDER and the “Consejería de
Ciencia y Tecnología de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha”,
RETISTRUST (TIN2006-26885-E) granted by the “Ministerio de Educación y
Ciencia” (Spain), and Proyect SCMM-SME (FIT-360000-2006-73) supported by the
PROFIT granted by the “Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio).
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