Saying is not Modelling
Christophe Roche
Condillac-Listic, University of Savoie, Campus Scientifique
73376 Le Bourget du Lac cedex, France
Abstract: In this article we claim that the conceptual modelling built from text
is rarely an ontology. Such a conceptualization is corpus-dependent and does
not offer the main properties we expect from ontology, e.g. reusability and
soundness. Furthermore, ontology extracted from text in general does not match
ontology defined by expert using a formal language. Such a result is not
surprising since ontology is an extra-linguistic conceptualization whereas
knowledge extracted from text is the concern of textual linguistics.
Incompleteness of text and using rhetorical figures, like synecdoche, deeply
modify the perception of the conceptualization we may have. It means that
ontological knowledge, which is necessary for text understanding, is not in
general embedded into documents. The article will end on some remarks about
formal languages. If they allow to define “a specification of a
conceptualization” they nevertheless raise their own issues mainly due to their
epistemological neutrality. Ontology design remains an epistemological issue.
1 Introduction
Whatever their domain: information systems, databases, natural language processing,
knowledge based systems, etc. applications are more and more ontology-oriented
[1],[2],[3]. Such a success is mainly due to what ontology
promises; it means a way
of capturing and representing a shared understanding of a domain that can be
understood and used by humans as well as by software. Then, one of the main
problems to be solved is to build domain ontology.
Ontology building, as knowledge base building, is a difficult and time-consuming
task. It is the reason why a lot of works are currently done on ontology acquisition
(e.g. Ontology learning ECAI workshops, KCAP workshops). Since we can consider
that technical and scientific documents convey some domain knowledge, ontology
building can rely on knowledge acquisition from texts [4].
Ontology building from text corresponds to a “knowledge reverse engineering from
text” process described by the following figure.
There is today an agreement on the definition of ontology. We can resume the most of
definitions by saying that: “an ontology is a shared description of concepts and relationships
of a domain expressed in a computer readable language”.
Roche C. (2007).
Saying is not Modelling.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, pages 47-56
DOI: 10.5220/0002426000470056
Fig. 1. Ontology building from text.
This process raises several questions. The main one is “Do ontology built from text
and ontology defined by experts in a formal language match?”
In other words what
are the consequences for ontology building of using a given language, either natural
or formal? What is information lost – and what is information introduced – when
experts write text in natural language? On the other hand, do – and how – formal
languages influence conceptualization? This article will try to give some answers to
these questions.
2 Ontology Reverse Engineering from Text
2.1 Industrial Context
In order to illustrate our talk, let us take an industrial application carried out by
Ontologos corp.
for EDF Research & Development (Electricity of France) [5], [6].
The main goal of this application was the re-appropriation of the ontology describing
the concepts in the field of control and instrumentation. The problem is all the more
difficult in that this knowledge is not directly accessible in usable form but is spread
out through various bodies of knowledge, and more especially into documents. In
particular we worked on a corpus
about relay. The ontology of relay we have defined
is currently used for different applications including a content management system for
document classification and information retrieval.
The difference between these ontologies appears through the expressions “linguistic
ontology” and “formal ontology”.
A corpus is a collection of texts which have been selected according to some criteria [7] and
for a given objective. In the framework of our application, the criteria were mainly:
“produced by a same community of practice”, “about a same topic”, “belonging to the same
type of text (descriptive)”, “under the same form”.
2.2 Lexicon and Lexical Structure
The goal of the first stage is to build a lexical structure. It means to build a network of
words linked by linguistic relationships; where words – in general nouns or noun
phrases – denote concepts
and linguistic relationships are mainly hyponymy,
synonymy and meronymy relationships. Thus the first step is to extract candidate
terms for concept’s names. Extracting candidate terms and linguistic relationships
from corpus by automatic text analysis is today an active research domain [4], [8], [9].
Statistical methods based on Harris’s distributional hypothesis, i.e. collocation
analysis of terms [10], as well as linguistic methods based for example on regular
expressions can be used. Regular expressions like “adjective noun” and “noun noun”
patterns allow the extraction of expressions like “electromagnetic relay”, “threshold
relay”, “on/off relay”, “voltage relay”, “undervoltage relay”, ‘overvoltage relay”, etc.
from the relay corpus. The result, which must be validated by experts, is a lexicon of
words of usage considered as many as possible concept’s names.
This lexicon is structured according to linguistic relationships like hypernymy (versus
hyponymy), synonymy, meronymy and so on. Here too, these linguistic relationships
can be ‘automatically’ extracted from the corpus using both a syntactic analysis – “a
voltage relay is a kind of relay” – and the lexical structure of noun phrases. For
example, linguistic expressions made up of several words with the same ending (i.e.
ending with the same words, for example with the same noun) give interesting
information about the structure of the lexicon. The following linguistic expressions
“voltage relay”, “threshold relay”, “electromagnetic relay” can be considered as many
as hyponyms of “relay” (let us recall that in this article, linguistic expressions are
given between quotation marks).
Fig. 2. A part of the lexical structure.
2.3 Conceptual Structure and Ontology
The second stage is to deduce the conceptual structure from the lexical one. If we
assert that a term
denotes a concept and the hyponymy relationship is a linguistic
In this article, names (nouns and noun phrases) as well as linguistic expressions will be
written between quotation marks: “relay”, “voltage relay”, “A voltage relay is a kind of
relay.” etc.; while concepts will be written between the lower and upper symbols: the name
“relay” denotes the concept <relay>.
A term can be considered as a lexicalised concept like in Wordnet [11] where a concept is
defined as a synset, i.e. a set of synonymous words.
translation of the subsumption relationship, then the noun phrase “voltage relay”
denotes the concept <voltage relay> which is a sub concept of the concept <relay>.
The result is a conceptual structural which matches the lexical one.
Fig. 3. The conceptual structure defined from the lexical structure.
The last, but not least, stage is the validation of the conceptual structure. During this
stage, the conceptual structure is completed as necessary, concept’s names are
normalized and words of usage are associated with concepts. The result is the
ontology of domain. In our example, since writing technical documents relies on the
of the domain, the previous conceptual structure has been labeled as a
valid ontology of the domain.
3 Does It Really Work?
The process of ontology building from text is quite clear and well defined, and a lot of
very interesting work is currently being done on these different stages. But is it so
simple (even if statistical and linguistic methods can be very complex)? And does
such ontology really satisfy our expectations?
3.1 Application-Oriented Validation
One generally says that an ontology is defined for a given goal [1]. Let us take the
example of an ontology-oriented content management system. As a lot of ontologies
built from text, the ontology of relay is both used for classifying documents
information retrieval [12]. Thus, search for information about a concept, for example
<threshold relay>, must return all information about this kind of relay and about its
more specialised concepts (using if necessary the ‘is a’ inheritance relationship for
inferences). But in our case, no information about <voltage relay> is returned when it
should do so. For experts, all information about <voltage relay> concerns <threshold
relay>. Although the conceptualization is not wrong since it has been validated by the
experts (a <voltage relay> is really a kind of <relay>), it is not completely correct.
Where is the problem?
A terminology can be viewed as a constraint language based on a normalized vocabulary.
A document is classified on every concept the content of document refers to.
3.2 Ontology from Text and Ontology from Expert
Ontology built from text (also called “linguistic ontology”) is corpus-depend, which is
not surprising. It means that even when different communities of practice share a
same reality (for example between users and suppliers about relay), it is not possible
to define a sharable and reusable ontology from text as far as these communities use
their own language (Language for Special Purpose). It is the reason why some say
that “these ontologies are domain- and task-specific: concept definitions result from
the selection of a single interpretation context that reflects the application
requirements; they are intended to reflect one of the ways knowledge can be
perceived through the use of language in documents” [8].
In order to better understand the problem we were faced with, experts were asked
to define directly their domain conceptualization in a formal language, independently
of the words of usage
. The result is a formal ontology quite different from text-
oriented ontology. An ontology-dedicated language based on the specific-difference
theory was used by the experts. In such a theory a concept is defined from a
previously defined concept by indicating its specific difference. The concept’s names
are arbitrary and can be normalized. Thus, for experts the concept <voltage relay> is
not a kind of <relay> at the same level as the concept <on-off relay> or the <threshold
relay> one. It is a kind of <threshold relay> whose threshold value is voltage. The
final ontology, described below, does not match the ontology built from text. But it
can be shared and reused between the different communities of practice.
Fig. 4. A part of the formal ontology.
4 Saying is not Modelling
Ontology acquisition from text relies on a set of strong hypotheses. The first of these
is to say that experts can translate ontological knowledge within a corpus which more
or less defines a closed world containing all the necessary information. The second
hypothesis states that the reverse process is possible, based on the fact that a noun, or
a noun phrase, denotes a concept and the hyponymy relationship is a linguistic
translation of the subsumption one. The last hypothesis is to say that the conceptual
structure matches the lexical structure and the former can be deduced from the latter.
Validation by experts allows to bring up the conceptual structure as a domain
ontology. But ontology built from text in general does not satisfy our expectations in
terms of sharing, reusability, consensus and soundness. The problems we encounter
By ‘words of usage’ we mean words which are used for writing texts.
are mainly due to the fact that these hypotheses are too strong and not always true,
even if we use constrained languages for writing technical document. In reality,
ontology building from text is the concern of textual linguistics. One of the latter’s
principles is the incompleteness of text. This implies that understanding text, and then
understanding the meaning of terms, requires extra-linguistic knowledge which by
definition is not included in the corpus. The ‘closed world’ hypothesis is not stricto
sensu applicable. Furthermore text is written for a given goal according to a given
writer’s intention. All this information is not included in corpus: “the meaning (in
general) of a sign needs to be explained in terms of what users of the sign do (or
should) mean” [13].
Let us go back to the lexical structure (fig. 2) and the formal ontology (fig. 4). The
noun phrase “voltage relay” really denotes a concept in the formal ontology. In fact it
is a shortcut, a word of usage of the terminology, for the more complete expression
“threshold relay whose threshold value is voltage”. “Voltage relay” denotes the
concept <voltage threshold relay> of the formal ontology whose name can be
normalized as “voltage threshold relay”. This example illustrates the fact that using
rhetorical figures, like metonymy
or ellipse, and in particular synecdoche
is a very
ordinary practice in writing technical documents. Such rhetorical figures assume that
both writers and readers share a same and pre-existent conceptualization of the
world which is necessary for understanding meaning of term and text. This pre-
existent knowledge – which is the domain ontology – is not included in texts and then
can not be extracted from them. Only some relationships are explicit; and if these
relationships can always be justified in their context, they can be undesirable from the
domain conceptualization point of view. This is the case for the conceptual structure
built from the lexical one (fig. 3) where a <voltage relay> concept has been defined
and linked by a ‘is a’ relationship with the <relay> concept when no relationship has
been extracted with the <threshold relay> concept. These rhetorical figures refer to
implicit knowledge, either concepts or relationships, which is not possible to know,
except for experts. Let us precise that experts have validated the ontology built from
text (fig. 3) for the same reasons they use synecdoche figures, in reference to the
implicit knowledge of their domain. Natural language is not a suitable language for
specifying conceptualization: it is not its aim; as well as the main goal of writing text
is not to define ontology. Knowledge acquisition from text corresponds to a
semasiologic approach where we first find terms (mainly nouns) and then define them
in a given context. Such an approach is concerned with linguistics and more precisely
with lexical semantics [14] whose main objective is word meaning
. It is then
difficult to reuse and share such a contextual knowledge. Nevertheless, a lot of useful
information can be extracted from text; especially if one considers than an ontology is
also a vocabulary of terms
with their definition: “An [explicit] ontology may take a
A metonymy is a figure of speech in which one word is substituted for another with which it
is closely associated.
A synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole.
Linguistics is mainly interested in the relationships between signifier and signified when
ontology is mainly interested in the relationships between concept and object.
It is important to bear in mind that words of usage of LSP (Language for Special Purpose)
and terms of terminology are not necessary the same.
variety of forms, but necessarily it will include a vocabulary of terms and some
specification of their meaning (i.e. definitions).” [15]. The main result of knowledge
acquisition from text is a network of words of usage linked by linguistic relationships.
There is no concept in text, and the lexical structure does not match with the domain
5 Formal Languages
In theory, domain ontology represents task-independent, and then sharable and
reusable, knowledge of a domain. A formal approach should allow to reach such a
goal. As a matter of fact, natural language, even constrained in its syntax and
semantics, cannot be used for concept definitions. We need a formal language for the
definition of a conceptualization – such a “specification of a conceptualisation” is
called an ontology [16] –. This is a useful means to avoid the issues raised by natural
language and to reach agreement: if you accept the hypothetical and deductive
approach of the formal system, you are obliged to accept its constructions, i.e. the
domain conceptualization.
Nevertheless, the famous hypothesis of Sapir and Whorf [17], [18], concerning the
interdependence of thought and language, is also applicable to formal languages. This
means that the choice of the formal language for the definition of concepts is
important. The way an ontology is built and the way a concept is defined directly
depends on the formal language which is used; and the results will not be the same.
Today formal languages are mainly logic-oriented. The concepts are represented as
unary predicates when their attributes, or slots, are represented as binary predicates,
also called roles. Description logic [19] is a good example of logic appropriated to
knowledge representation. On the other hand, frame representation languages [20], in
spite of the criticism of [21], are semi-formal and more human-readable languages.
They allow to define concepts as a set of slots and organize them according to an
inheritance and hierarchical relationship. OWL, the web ontology language [22],
combines the advantages of these two approaches. It is a dedicated language for
building ontology based on the W3C philosophy and description logic while
providing a human readable formalism with the Protégé environment. The final
ontology depends on the formal language which is used. So, the frame-oriented
ontology of our relay example might be very similar to the conceptual model
extracted from the lexical structure if we stay too close to text. On the other hand, the
logic-oriented ontology of the relay, if it is different in its expression, does not solve
our problem if we forget to explicitly express the relationship between <voltage
relay> and <threshold relay>. In fact, knowledge representation requires a formal but
also an epistemological oriented language. It means a language which can help the
knowledge engineer to capture the nature of knowledge: for example a set is not a
concept, even if a concept can be interpreted as the set of its subsumed objects. As a
matter of fact, logic is a neutral (or flat) language which cannot represent the different
kinds of knowledge: a unary predicate can represent either a concept or a property
while binary predicates can represent either attributes (internal relationships) or
relationships between concepts (external relationships). Some interesting work has
been done in order to introduce epistemological principles in logic, for example the
‘ontological rigidity’ constraint [23], [24]. But such principles do not really define
guidelines for ontology building in the sense that they do not help the knowledge
engineer to identify and structure concepts, they only constrained value of well
formed formula.
6 The OK Model
The OK (for Ontological Knowledge) language is an ontology-oriented language
which relies on epistemological and formal principles [25]. It is based on the specific-
difference theory. This theory considers a conceptualization as a system of concepts
organized according to their differences more than factoring attributes shared by
objects: a concept is defined from a previously existing one by adding a specific
difference. The difference is then the main principle of the ontology building process
on which identifying and structuring concepts rely on. Let us also remark that the
agreement problem is reduced to the agreement on differences.
Fig. 4. The OCW
environment for ontologies by specific differentiation.
Coming back to our example of ‘relay’, this approach reveals that the difference
between the concept denoted by the linguistic expression “voltage relay” and the one
denoted by “threshold relay” is the threshold value. There is no a <voltage relay>
concept (fig. 3) but a <voltage threshold relay> concept (fig. 6) whose linguistic
expression “voltage relay” is one of its possible words of usage. Furthermore, in
technical domains a lot of experts agree with the classical (Aristotelian) definition of a
concept: a <voltage threshold relay> is a <threshold relay> whose threshold value is
voltage, and then on the resulting conceptual structure.
Ontology Craft Workbench”. Ontology written in OK can be translated in OWL [26].
7 Conclusion
Since we can consider that technical and scientific documents convey some domain
knowledge, ontology building can rely on knowledge acquisition from texts. But such
a conceptualization is corpus-dependent and does not offer the main properties we
expect from ontology, e.g. reusability and soundness. Furthermore, ontology extracted
from text in general does not match ontology defined by expert using a formal
The knowledge extracted from text is a linguistic knowledge. The lexical structure
is a network of words of usage linked by linguistic relationships like hyponymy,
synonymy, etc. This lexical structure is a linguistic “picture” of the domain ontology.
A picture built in a given and particular context, for a given goal which reflects a
particular linguistic use of the domain conceptualization. As a matter of fact, texts fall
within language in action. Using rhetorical figures, such as metonymy and ellipse, is a
very ordinary practice even for writing technical documents. Such figures of speech
assume that both writers and readers share a same and pre-existent conceptualization
of the world which is necessary for understanding meaning of words of usage and
texts. This pre-existent knowledge – which is the domain ontology – is not included in
texts and then can not be extracted from them. A conceptual model “directly” built
from a lexical structure will probably not be reusable, because too corpus-dependent,
and then probably not correct if we consider an ontology as a non-contingent
knowledge. The lexical structure and the domain ontology do not match.
At last, if formal languages allow to define “a specification of a conceptualization”
they nevertheless raise their own issues mainly due to their epistemological neutrality.
Ontology design remains an epistemological issue which requires epistemological-
oriented languages.
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