ERP Non-implementation: A Case Study of a UK
Furniture Manufacturer
Julie Dawson¹ and Jonathan Owens²
¹Research and Commercial Partnerships, University of Lincoln, Brayford Pool, Lincoln
LN6 7TS, United Kingdom
² Lincoln Business School, University of Lincoln, Brayford Pool, Lincoln
LN67TS, United Kingdom
Abstract. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are pervasive
information systems that have been fundamental in organisations for the past
two decades. ERP systems may well count as the most important development
in technology in the 1990s’. There are many ERP success stories; equally there
are as many failure stories. This paper reviews current literature of the Critical
Success Factors (CSF) of ERP implementations. This review will be used in
conjunction with the case of a UK furniture manufacturer’s (Company X)
implementation of an ERP system. This paper considers the factors that
resulted in the failure of the ERP at Company X in the initial phase of the
1 Introduction
November 2005, the authors were brought into a UK furniture manufacturer
(Company X) to implement an integrated financial, manufacturing and distribution
package; an ERP system. April 2006, Company X decided not to continue with the
ERP adoption. The ERP system failed to be implemented.
Company X’s case is not unusual; the Gartner Group (1998) reported that seventy
percent of all ERP projects fail to be fully implemented, even after three years [16].
Soh et al [14] aid for support, they state that many companies that have installed an
ERP system have had to abandon their efforts.
ERP failures have received a great deal of attention in literature [7]. Buckhout et
al [1] found that seventy percent of ERP implementation projects fail to achieve their
corporate goals. Ross [13] later found that most ERP systems fail to deliver their
anticipated benefits. This problem is still profound in recent years, Ho et al [4]
reported that currently there are relatively few ERP success stories, Kansel [6] also
stated that a large number of ERP implementations still fail to meet expectations.
This paper addresses the issue of ERP failure. It considers nine critical success
factors (CSFs) in the initial phase of ERP implementation. The case of Company X is
analysed with respect to the identified CSFs. The findings allow conclusions to be
made as to why the implementation of the ERP system at Company X failed in its
initial phase.
Dawson J. and Owens J. (2007).
ERP Non-implementation: A Case Study of a UK Furniture Manufacturer.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Workshop on Technologies for Collaborative Business Processes and Management of Enterprise
Information Systems, pages 52-63
DOI: 10.5220/0002426400520063
2 What is an ERP System?
An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a commercial software package [2,
10, 7] that promotes seamless integration of all the information flowing through a
company [2]. Laudon et al [8] explain that an ERP system collects data from various
key business processes, he states that the key business processes are: manufacturing
and production, finance and accounting, sales and marketing, and human resources.
The system then stores the data in a single comprehensive data repository where they
can be used by other parts of the business. Managers have precise and timely
information for coordinating the daily operations of the business and a firm wide view
of business processes and information flows.
Davenport [2] explains how an ERP system can work, ‘A Paris-based sales
representative for a U.S. computer manufacturer prepares a quote for a customer
using an ERP system. The salesperson enters some basic information about the
customer’s requirements into his laptop computer, and the ERP system automatically
produces a formal contract, in French, specifying the products configuration, price
and delivery date. When the customer accepts the quote the sales rep hits a key; the
system after verifying the customer’s credit limit, records the order. The system
schedules shipment; identifies the best routing; and then working backward from the
delivery date, reserves the inventory; orders needed parts from suppliers; and
schedules assembly in the company’s factory in Taiwan’.
3 Why an ERP System?
During the 1990’s, ERP systems became the de facto standard for the replacement of
legacy systems
[5]. Somers et al [15] claim there are numerous reasons for the
increasing demand of ERP systems, for example, competitive pressures to become a
low cost producer, expectations of revenue growth, ability to compete globally and
the desire to re-engineer the business. Markus et al [10] explains that ERP systems
are rich in terms of functionality and potential benefits. She continues to explain that
companies are implementing ERP systems for many different reasons, some
companies have largely technical reasons for investing in ERP systems, other
companies have mainly business reasons (Table 1).
Legacy systems are existing computer systems, often referred to in this way to refer to
existing systems as ‘antiquated’.
Table 1. Reasons for Adopting Enterprise Systems, Markus et al [10].
Technical reasons Business reasons
Solve Y2K and similar problems
Integrate applications cross- functionally
Replace hard-to-maintain interfaces
Consolidate multiple different systems of the
same type (e.g., general ledger packages)
Reduce software maintenance burden through
Eliminate redundant data entry and
concomitant errors and difficulty analyzing
Improve IT architecture
Ease technology capacity constraints
Decrease computer operating costs
Accommodate business growth
Acquire multi language and multicurrency
IT support
Provide integrated IT support
Standardize different numbering, naming,
and coding schemes
Improve informal and/or inefficient
business processes
Clean up data and records through
Standardize procedures across different
Reduce business operating and
administrative expenses
Present a single face to the customer
Reduce inventory carrying costs and
Acquire worldwide “available to promise”
Streamline financial consolidations
4 Understanding Critical Success Factors and Failure Factors
Gargeya et al [3] reported on the success and failure factors of adopting SAP, a
popular ERP system. Six factors that contributed to the success and failure of ERP
implementation were identified in total.
1. Working with SAP functionality/maintained scope
2. Project team/management support/consultants
3. Internal readiness/training
4. Deal with organisational diversity
5. Planning/development/budgeting
6. Adequate testing
They noted that the primary factors for success (Factor 1 and Factor 2), were
different to the primary factors for failure (Factor 3 and Factor 5). Gargeya et al [3]
noted the factors that contribute to the success of SAP implementation are not the
same as the factors that contribute to the failure. This point states that this paper
should be focusing on one set of factors to understand failure and another set of
factors to understand success.
Umble et al [17] claim there are nine CSFs, from these they proposed ten reasons
why ERP implementations failed within a manufacturing environment (Table 2). This
work contradicts the conclusions of Gargeya et al [3] because nine of the reasons for
failure are the same as what they define to be CSF. They are in fact stating that the
factors for success and failure are the same.
Table 2. CSFs and reasons for failure, Umble et al [17].
Critical Success Factors Reasons for Failure
1. Clear understanding of strategic goals 1. Strategic goals are not clearly defined
2. Commitment by top management 2. Top management not committed
3. Excellent project management 3. Implementation project management is poor
4. Organisational change management 4. The organisation is not committed to change
5. A great implementation team 5. A great implementation team is not selected
6. Data accuracy 6. Data accuracy is not ensured
7. Extensive education and training 7. Inadequate education and training
8. Focused performance measures
8. Performance measures are not adopted to
ensure that the organisation changes
9. Multi site issues 9. Multi site issues are not properly resolved
10. Technical difficulties
Researchers have focused extensively on the CSF’s of ERP implementations. Loh
et al [9] state that there is an increasing amount of research in this area. Somers et al
[15] suggest that the failure of ERP implementations calls for a better understanding
of CSFs. So indeed it has been a common trend in research, to understand and
compile CSFs in order to help practitioners avoid failure.
Although Gargeya et al’s [3] work states that different factors contribute to
success and failure of ERP implementation. Umble et al’s [17] work contradicts this.
In this vein, this paper believes it is logical to consider the CSFs of ERP
implementations in terms of Company X in order to understand why the project
5 The Initial Phase of an ERP Implementation
Somers et al [15] suggest that CSFs are much richer when viewed within the context
of their importance in each stage of the implementation process. This paper will
concentrate on ERP CSFs at what it defines to be the ‘initial phase’ of
implementation, as this is the relevant research in relation to the case study of
Company X. This paper defines the initial phase as a mixture of what Parr et al [12]
consider to be called the ‘planning phase’ and Markus et al [10] label as the
‘Chartering phase’.
Table 3. The Planning Phase [12] and the Chartering Phase [10].
Parr et al (2000) Planning Phase Markus et al (2000) Chartering Phase
Assembly of a steering committee Building a business case
Determination of high level project scope and
broad implementation approach
Selecting a software package
Selection of a project team manager Identifying a project manager
Resource determination Approving a budget and a schedule
Table 3 outlines what Parr et al [12] and Markus et al [10] believe is involved in
this phase. To clarify, the initial stage of ERP implementation in this paper is defined
as involving; building a business case, the assembly of a steering committee and a
project manager, approving a budget and a schedule and selecting a software package.
6 Critical Success Factors in the Initial Phase of an ERP
Loh et al [9] considered twenty one CSFs in SMEs. The CSFs were deduced to ten
based on the grouping of similar factors together and the need for referral by five
references. These ten critical success factors were then linked to their particular phase
of ERP implementation adapted from the phases of Markus et al [10]. Loh et al’s [9]
CSFs for the chartering phase are:
1. Project Champion 3. Project Management
2. Business Plan and Vision 4. Top Management Support
Based on the work of earlier papers, Nah et al [11] identified eleven factors that were
critical to ERP implementation success. They too classified their CSFs into Markus et
al’s [10] phases of the ERP project lifecycle. In the chartering phase the factors noted
by them are:
1. ERP Teamwork and Composition 5. Project Management
2. Top Management Support 6. Project Champion
3. Business Plan and Vision 7. Appropriate Business and
4. Effective Communication Legacy systems
Parr et al [12] considered two organisations implementing an ERP system and what
CSFs they used in each stage. The CSFs identified at the planning phase were:
1. Management Support 3. A Champion for the Project
2. Commitment to the Change 4. A Vanilla ERP Approach
This paper intends to combine the work of Loh et al [9], Nah et al [11] and Parr et al
[12] to obtain a unified framework of CSFs for the initial phase of an ERP
implementation (Table 4).
Table 4. Unified framework of CSFs at the initial phase of an ERP implementation.
CSFs at the Initial Phase Loh et al (2004) Nah et al (2001) Parr et al (2000)
Project Champion
3 3 3
Project Management
3 3
Business Plan and Vision
3 3
Top Management Support
3 3 3
ERP teamwork and
3 3
Effective Communication
3 3
Appropriate Business & Legacy
Commitment to the Change
A Vanilla ERP Approach
6.1 Project Champion
Parr et al [12], state that a project champion is an advocate for the system who is
unswerving in promoting the benefits of the new system. The project champion
should be a high-level executive sponsor who has the power to set goals and
legitimise change [11]. It is a CSF that there is a project champion with these
attributes is involved in an ERP implementation.
6.2 Project Management
According to Loh et al [9], good project management is vital and that the scope of the
ERP implementation project should be established and controlled. This includes the
system implemented, the involvement of business units and the amount of project
reengineering needed. They continue to explain that the project should be defined in
terms of milestones and critical paths. Deadlines should also be met to help stay
within the schedule and budget and to maintain credibility [9].
6.3 Business Plan and Vision
A clear business plan and vision to steer the direction of the project is needed
throughout the ERP lifecycle [1]. There should be a clear business model, a
justification of investment, a project mission and identified goals and benefits [11].
6.4 Top Management Support
Parr et al [12] describe top management support as top management advocacy,
provision of adequate resources and commitment to the project. Top management
need to publicly and explicitly identify the project as a top priority [11]. Senior
management must be fully committed with its own involvement and have a
willingness to allocate valuable resources to the implementation effort [5].
6.5 ERP Teamwork and Composition
The ERP team should consist of the best people in the organisation [1]. Building a
cross functional team is also critical [11]. The team should have a mix of consultants
and internal staff so the internal staff can develop the necessary technical skills for
design and implementation. Both business and technical knowledge are essential for
success [11]. Managers should be assigned full time to the implementation and
partnerships should be managed with meetings scheduled regularly [9].
6.6 Effective Communication
Effective communication is critical to the success of ERP implementations [9].
Communication includes the formal promotion of project teams and the advertisement
of project progress to the rest of the organisation [5]. Expectations at every level need
to be communicated [11]. Nah et al [11] state that communication should penetrate all
levels in the company, from upper managers to bottom operators, everyone should
know what to expect in the business process change. They continue to explain that
communication increases the willingness of people to change and take part.
6.7 Appropriate Business and Legacy Systems
Nah et al [11] believe that appropriate business and legacy systems are important in
the initial phase of the project as a stable and successful business setting is essential.
They continue to explain that business and IT systems involving existing business
processes, organisational structure, culture, and information technology effect
success. The existing business and legacy systems determine the IT and
organisational change required for success [5].
6.8 Commitment to the Change
Parr et al [12] define the commitment to the change as perseverance. They state that a
company should have determination in the face of inevitable problems with
6.9 A Vanilla ERP Approach
According to Parr et al [12], a company should have a vanilla ERP approach in order
to be successful. Parr explains that essentially a vanilla approach involves a minimum
customisation and an uncomplicated implementation strategy. Organisations should
be willing to change the business to fit the software with minimal customisation [5].
Holland et al [5] state that an organisation should try to purchase the package that fits
best into its business processes.
7 Case Study: ERP Non-Implementation at Company X
7.1 Project Champion
The project management (the author) was mainly responsible for the role as the
project champion. As a new employee solely employed to project manage the project,
most questions and queries were directed towards her. The product Company X had
chosen to implement was a well known ERP system, implemented in many
companies worldwide. The project manager was able to promote the product knowing
the functionality and the quality of the ERP system. However, as the project
progressed and the project managers confidence in the system dropped due to the
mismatch of the system and the companies requirements, the project manager no
longer felt the same way about the system and this fact was picked up on by other
members of staff.
7.2 Project Management
Project management at Company X could have been better. At the beginning of the
project there was much uncertainty of the tasks that needed to be involved to
complete the project. Communication errors had led the ERP vendors to believe they
were implementing a smaller system than was required, for example, they had not
been informed that any manufacturing modules were required. They were also not
enlightened as to the timescales that the company wished to work to, so consequently
their initial implementation dates and plans were effectively useless. The company
created their own project plan including milestones. Again this suffered from being
produced with communication errors as the ERP vendors input was not used. The
plan was created not knowing any detail of the ERP system and how long the
implementation of the software would actually take. Once the differing project plans
were recognised, the problem was addressed. New plans were not drawn up however
because the problem of the ERP system not fitting the company was highlighted, and
this problem needed to be addressed before any further plans could be made.
7.3 Business Plan and Vision
Upon investigation it was evident Company X did not have a clear business plan and
vision for the ERP system. Although some goals and benefits were identified, nothing
was documented properly and defined in a united format. In November 2005, at the
beginning of the project manager’s recruitment, there was no clear idea what the ERP
systems intention was. The modules of the ERP system that were purchased
contradicted the majority of senior managers’ ideas of what the system would do and
what was actually required by the system. It was established that a project mission
was non existent. The justification of investment was also a subject not approached in
great detail.
7.4 Top Management Support
The senior management at Company X were committed to the project. Three of the
four Directors were members of the steering committee, which meant they gave their
input on the project on a regular basis. All of the steering committee members were
encouraged to be committed to the project by the Directors. The budget for the ERP
system had been approved and committed in the form of a contract between Company
X and the ERP vendor. Overall time and money was allocated. The project however,
may have benefited from top management publicly and explicitly identifying the
project as their top priority. As the project progressed, the existing Managing Director
left the company. A new Managing Director joined the company. The resources that
had previously been allocated for the project were now in question. Especially as the
project scope looked as if it was going to increase which of course meant the cost of
the project would increase. The concerns from the new Managing Director made the
commitment of the other Directors involved in the projects waver. This was portrayed
in lack of attendance in meetings.
7.5 ERP Teamwork and Composition
The steering committee was cross functional. It consisted of the senior manager of
each department and all of the directors that were available. An ERP consultant was
also involved at the initial phase of the project. The ERP consultant’s knowledge
regarding the chosen ERP system was limited, although he still contributed well to the
team. It would have been preferable to assign more than one person to the project full
time, however because Company X is a SME this was simply not feasible. All the
team were committed and meetings were scheduled regularly. Overall Company X
achieved well in terms of teamwork and composition.
7.6 Effective Communication
Company X communicated well within the steering committee group. However,
communication to outside of the steering committee was limited. Users could find out
about the ERP project by asking questions of the steering committee, however no
other formal way of communication was identified. In hind sight the project should
have had newsletters or made use of notice boards and intranets.
7.7 Appropriate Business and Legacy Systems
Company X had its business faults prior to the ERP system implementation. Some
business processes were duplicated or ineffective, especially processes that stretched
over departments. Employees were allowed to carry out tasks in their own ways,
which led to array of formats and systems. Business processes did not seem to be the
businesses priority, rightly or wrongly the opinion seemed to be that as long as the job
got done, it was ok. The organisational culture was not completely open to a new
computer system either. Previous failed implementations of an ERP system had left
the organisation guarded. Company X possibly was not the right company to adopt an
ERP system, especially at that time.
7.8 Commitment to the Change
Company X was committed to the project. All the steering committee gave the project
their full attention in terms of attending all the required meetings, doing all of the
work required and being positive about the project. When problems occurred with the
fit of the ERP system, the steering committee focused on all of options that were
available at the time and came up with the most appropriate solution. The company
can be seen as being committed to the change from this perspective.
7.9 A Vanilla ERP Approach
Company X had a vanilla ERP approach. They realised the time and cost implications
of customising an ERP system extensively. They were extremely anti –customisation,
this was made clear in all of the initial meetings.
Reviewing the business processes began shortly after the employment of the project
manager. It immediately became apparent that the ERP system selected was a bad fit
for Company X. Company X manufacture make to order furniture, they need the
flexibility to make almost anything requested. This means that Company X needed an
ERP system with a good product configurator. The ERP system selected did not have
a product configurator. The vendors did not suggest using an external configurator or
integrating the system with the existing bill of material system. It was later discovered
that this may have been because the ERP vendor had never implemented the system
in a similar manufacturer and the system was mainly marketed towards service
organisations not manufacturing. Although Company X had a vanilla ERP approach.
This approach was distorted because of the current situation. Company X could not
implement the chosen ERP system in a vanilla format because it was a bad fit for the
Table 4: Summary of the extent Company X achieved each CSF.
8 Discussion
Company X’s ERP system failed to be implemented, it failed in the initial phase.
What constitutes ERP failure can be questioned. However it is almost irrefutable that
the ERP system at Company X failed.
So why did it fail? Company X successfully achieved the CSFs, teamwork and
composition and commitment to the change. They had a cross functional steering
committee who were committed to the project, attended scheduled meetings regularly
and faced the problems with the ERP system with determination. However, Company
X’s ERP implementation failed to be implemented; so it appears that achieving two
CSFs, teamwork and commitment to change were not enough to make a successful
ERP implementation in the initial phase.
It can be said that Company X only partly achieved the CSFs, project champion,
project management, top management support, effective communication and a vanilla
ERP approach. There was a project champion, however as the project progressed, the
project champions promotion for the project diminished. Project Management of the
ERP implementation was not admirable; the project plans differed between the ERP
vendor and Company X so the timescales were not defined. The project was clearly
supported by three Directors, however top management support was hindered by the
CSFs at the Initial Phase
X achieved
Company X
partly achieved
Company X
did not achieve
Project Champion
Project Management
Business Plan and Vision
Top Management Support
ERP Teamwork and Composition
Effective Communication
Appropriate Business & Legacy systems
Commitment to the Change
A Vanilla ERP Approach
existing Managing Director leaving the company. His replacement was a new
Managing Director who did not support the project. Communication within the
steering committee was good, however, communication outside of the steering
committee outside of the project was limited. There was no formal way of
communicating the project to users. Although the company had a vanilla ERP
approach, the selected ERP system was not a good fit to the companies processes so
the vanilla approach was distorted. Company X only partly achieved five CSFs. A
partly achieved CSF could have been a reason for the ERP failure. For example, the
Project Champion’s diminishing support for the project could have led to the rejection
of the ERP system to the users which then progressed to the rejection of the system by
the steering committee and a discontinuation of the whole project. Effectively, to only
partly achieve can be said to fail in some way, and that partial failure could have led
or contributed to the whole system failure.
Company X did not achieve the CSFs, business plan and vision and appropriate
business and legacy systems. Although some goals and benefits were identified,
nothing was documented properly and defined in a unified format. The company did
not have the appropriate business and legacy systems. The culture at Company X was
guarded against a new IT system. Failing to achieve these CSFs could have been the
reasons for the failure of the ERP in the initial phase.
This research has distinguished that there is not one reason for the failure of
Company X’s ERP system. This research has defined seven reasons (five partly
achieved CSFs and two not achieved CSFs) out of nine reasons that may have caused
failure. Gargeya [3] found that factors leading to success and failure are complex and
do not occur alone. This research clearly supports this assumption.
9 Conclusion
Considering CSFs has allowed the authors to explore a wide variety of explanations
for the ERP failure in the initial phase of implementation at Company X. Prior to this
research, it was deemed by the authors that Company X’s ERP demise was simply
due to lack of support of the project by the Managing Director. However, looking at
the case in terms of CSFs, it was discovered that although lack of top management
was a critical factor, it was not the only factor that led to the ERP failure. Company X
only partly achieved and did not achieve in total seven CSFs. So in total, this paper
has identified seven reasons for the failure of the ERP implementation at Company X.
This research is extremely useful for Company X to understand when they undertake
IT projects in the future. Recognising what the CSFs are and that they need to be
achieved will encourage successful IT implementations. This research is also useful
for researchers and practitioners who wish to implement ERP systems. They will
know that nine factors need considering in the initial phase of ERP implementation,
and failure to meet or to only partially meet seven of these factors results in failure.
This paper is limited because it fails to identify the importance of each CSF in the
initial phase of ERP implementation, for example whether the non achievement of
one CSF is more critical to failure than others. This paper proves that the failure and
the partial failure of seven out of nine CSFs cause ERP failure in Company X,
however it does not recognise how many non achieved CSF were actually necessary
to cause failure. This paper also fails to recognise if a particular combination of
factors led to the ERP failure, for example, if the non achievement of two CSFs
together signifies failure.
This research would be validated further if the same conclusions were made by
considering the subject from a different perspective; possibly looking at the ERP
implementation from a user perspective, the Managing Director’s perspective or the
ERP vendor’s perspective.
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