Exploiting RFID in a Challenging Environment:
A Commercial Case Study of Plant Rental and
Intermittent-wireless Hand-held PDA-based Scanners
Peter Dickman
, Gareth P. McSorley
, Jim Liddell
John Glen
and Jim Green
University of Glasgow, Department of Computing Science
17 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow G12 8RZ, UK
Spartan Solutions Ltd., Ladywell Business Centre
94 Duke Street, Glasgow G4 0UW, UK
Abstract. This experience report presents an overview of the Phalanx software
system from Spartan Solutions. This is an RFID-based asset-tracking solution,
exploiting robust hand-held PDA-based scanners with intermittent wireless con-
nectivity to integrate operational activities with ERP/logistical information sys-
tems for the plant-rental sector. Unusual challenges in the operating environment
and user community have been overcome using novel techniques and unique
combinations of technology and methodology. The Phalanx system is an exem-
plar of an innovative RFID application overcoming significant data management
problems. Wireless security issues have been addressed and the system includes
internal web-services interfaces that are now being extended for exploitation in
operational and corporate oversight applications. The middleware platform en-
ables integration of previously separate applications, with extension of business
processes to the operational domain. The experiences reported have been gained
in development, deployment and use in several countries and offer an insight into
the effectiveness of an RFID-enabled infrastructure for improved business per-
formance in a new commercial sector.
1 Introduction
Spartan Solutions Ltd is a UK-based leading edge technology company and software
consultancy offering RFID-based asset tracking systems with total integration into ex-
isting logistics and servicing management systems and business processes. Spartan is a
major player in asset tracking for the rental market, with systems deployed in the UK,
mainland Europe and North America.
This short paper presents a commercial case study demonstrating integration of an
innovative RFID-enabled application with commercial logistics software, using inter-
mittently connected hand-held wireless devices. The challenging field conditions faced
by Spartan’s rental customers have directly influenced the overall software architecture
for their application systems, and the Phalanx middleware layer is designed specifically
to address the business needs of Spartan’s principal markets.
Dickman P., P. McSorley G., Liddell J., Glen J. and Green J. (2007).
Exploiting RFID in a Challenging Environment: A Commercial Case Study of Plant Rental and Intermittent-wireless Hand-held PDA-based Scanners.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on RFID Technology - Concepts, Applications, Challenges, pages 75-81
DOI: 10.5220/0002426500750081
2 Background: Asset Tracking in the Rental Market
Plant rental companies operate in a highly-competitive market, providing a broad spec-
trum of items for their customers, ranging from mobile generators that can be the size
of a small car or a shipping container, to individual cables or boxes of tent pegs, leased
for periods of days or weeks. Although the logistical processes in such companies are
usually highly automated, with efficient call-centre based front offices, the nature of the
items being rented means they tend to be stored in large depots, or even fields. Further-
more, since many of the items are large and metallic, and some are stored inside walk-in
containers, there are challenges for any electromagnetic or line-of-sight communication
system deployed to support item handling.
Traditionally, paper-based processes are used to manage the dispatch and return
of rented items. Order sheets are printed from the order management system and car-
ried into the storage yards, where they are updated as required to reflect on-the-ground
knowledge and essential ad-hoc decisions about deployment made by experienced field
staff. This transition to paper introduces a significant dislocation in several respects.
Management lose visibility of activity and the disciplined automated processes can be
disrupted, leading to non-compliant behaviour by operations staff. Worse still, updates
from the paper sheets back into the automated logistics systems can take days, or in-
deed never be properly completed. Consequently, the tracking of rented assets becomes
somewhat hit-and-miss, and invariably errors occur that require manual rectification.
Spartan offers a tailorable computerised solution based on RFID tags affixed to the
rentable items, and hand-held wireless PDAs with integrated RFID scanners. Develop-
ing this system involved overcoming a number of significant problems, as described in
the next two sections. The advances described here are essential enabling steps for the
deployment of RFID technologies in other challenging environments. The Phalanx sys-
tem, which is at the core of Spartan’s software products, is now deployed at sites across
the UK, Europe and North America, with worldwide deployment planned for late 2007,
as a result of substantial contracts with major multi-national rental companies. In part-
nership with manufacturers of hand-held computers and the leading specialist software
houses producing order management systems for the rental market, Spartan are rev-
olutionising the business practises of an entire sector, exploiting RFID technology in
conjunction with their specialist sector know-how and software.
The integrated environment and platform addresses process control issues but offers
significant additional benefits. In particular, the reality of operations behaviour can be
captured for exploitation in the enterprise systems with minimal latency. Forms of in-
formation never normally seen in an ERP system, such as GPS and timing data, are also
made available and reports can be generated based on these new modalities. Further-
more, other technologies can be enabled by extension of the computer-based approach
into the operations domain. Modular design allows the system to be tailored to the
needs of the company, for example allowing a small amount of added telemetry, or a
simple warehouse management application to be integrated, in situations that do not
merit the cost of a full-function inventory management solution. This flexibility is the
key to maximising business value using an asset management system and is only possi-
ble because unified business processes are extended throughout the operational sphere
by the Phalanx software system.
3 Hardware Challenges: RFID in a Difficult Environment
Several physical environment challenges had to be overcome in order to properly ex-
ploit the potential of RFID as a support mechanism for plant rental. The items to be
tagged include large metal entities that are subject to “robust” handling, both when
being loaded onto lorries for delivery and subsequently when in use. This introduces
significant difficulties. Firstly, the RFID tags used on large metal items require back-
ing plates, to ensure a clear scanned signal can be achieved. Secondly, they must be
reliably attached to ensure they are not subsequently lost, and this must be achieved
without physical impact on the plant, so neither welding nor drilling is acceptable. Fur-
ther, the tags must be entirely weatherproof and designed to withstand physical shocks.
Fortunately, tags meeting these requirements, and appropriate attachment techniques,
are commercially available. Normal RFID tags are unusable when directly attached to
sheet metal, so Spartan has deployed some 25,000 tags designed specifically for such
use, with a special backing. Of these, only 5 failed in-house acceptance tests due to
manufacturing faults, and none have been reported as failing in the field.
The electromagnetic challenges extend beyond the difficulty of tagging metals. The
yards and fields in which some of the tagged items are stored are large in extent and
uniform wireless coverage is further impeded due to the presence of metallic contain-
ers and other sources of interference. To avoid the costly requirement for large-scale
wireless networking, the approach taken was to attach RFID scanners to PDAs and
to develop the software system to permit intermittent interactions between the central
systems and those PDAs.
4 Workforce Challenges: Process Integration and Usability
The combination of advances in RFID hardware and the Phalanx software system, inte-
grated with ERP systems, offer the potential for considerable improvement in process-
ing of rental orders and in turnaround of the rented items. However, achieving those
benefits required both extension of the computer-mediated business processes into the
realm of plant handling and order fulfilment and buy-in from the staff responsible for
handling the tagged equipment.
Typically, carefully designed ERP processes break down or are violated by oper-
ations staff due to problems accessing information or because of a difficulty with the
instructions given to them. The key to success in this field is the realisation that op-
erations staff must be able to change and adjust orders, leaving them with the final
decision as to which items will be dispatched. Failing to exploit this expertise always
leads to problems, and successful companies are very reliant on operational experience
and insights. In manual order completion the field staff will also often correct errors and
dispatch slightly different equipment from that listed, using their expertise to interpret
the order and adjust the request as necessary. The office staff normally never hear of
these changes, or, if they do, the information is rarely linked meaningfully to the orig-
inal order. Automating the systems, eliminating the paper-based step, allows prompt,
accurate and complete updates, showing precisely which items were dispatched.
Rapid feedback also allows order-taking staff in call centres, who are not aware
of local conditions in the operations sites, to better understand the issues involved in
order dispatch, and to learn from changes made by operations staff. This interaction
improves the service offered to customers and also empowers the operational staff, who
are able to address difficulties in a more effective and thorough fashion, knowing that
their decisions are being acted upon and valued. In addition, the more accurate oversight
of equipment which this approach offers allows far better control over maintenance and
The extent to which orders are modified varies enormously between companies, and
between locations for a single company. Early field testing of the Phalanx system for
a major customer showed that in excess of 50% of orders were subject to at least one
modification or correction by operations staff. Even after significant improvements in
upstream (front-office and sales) processes, modification rates in the range 30%-40%
continue to be reported. The most frequent cause is that an essential component has
been omitted from an order, however operations staff might also decide, for example, to
upgrade to a newer item to avoid sending a piece of equipment that appears excessively
worn (albeit usable) to a high-profile location.
Thus the advantage of extending automation into the operations area is that the em-
bedded business processes can allow for final-stage flexibility, with immediate feedback
and continual oversight as orders are changed and satisfied. However, these benefits
are only realisable if the existing, carefully designed ERP and logistical processes are
honoured. Requiring substantial process change during the introduction of the asset-
tracking system would eliminate most of the advantages and it was therefore essential
that the Phalanx system be adaptable and consistent with existing business processes.
Integration of Phalanx into a company’s information infrastructure requires flexibility
in terms of process modelling and an ability to integrate into a range of database and
order management systems.
Employee perceptions must also be considered and their concerns addressed. Oper-
ational activities in the plant rental sector have not previously tended to be associated
with technology, and it was foreseen that some staff might be hesitant about adopting, or
wary of the introduction of, “automation”. To eliminate such worries, the user commu-
nity was involved throughout system development and deployment. An explicit design
goal for the handheld systems was that they should be usable with minimal training and
without the need for a detailed instruction manual. This “pick up and use” approach
required that the handhelds were clearly compatible with existing practise, and that the
interfaces were highly intuitive and aligned closely with the operational culture of the
adopting companies.
5 Software Challenges: System Integration and Intermittent
Addressing the issue of intermittent connectivity by employing hand-held computers
merely transfers the challenge of integration from the networking infrastructure to the
middleware software. Perfect consistency cannot be achieved between the corporate
information systems and intermittently-connected handhelds, given that changes will
be introduced in both settings. It was, therefore, essential that the software solution be
designed to permit, detect and support the resolution of, inconsistencies.
For example, operational staff engaged in order fulfilment may have to substitute
items or modify an order if faced with an inconsistency, or if the requested item is un-
available (e.g. if it is damaged during handling). Simultaneously, an update to the order
could be received from the customer, or a request could be generated for the item being
used to substitute for the faulty plant. In either case, at the time the order fulfilment in-
formation is passed back to the corporate logistics software, the discrepancies must be
detected and flagged for immediate resolution. In a traditional paper-based system this
issue might only be noticed hours or days later, long after the substituted equipment has
been shipped. In an integrated system such as Phalanx the problem is detected within
seconds or minutes and can be resolved before loading is completed.
Furthermore, updates can be automatically communicated to the operations staff,
allowing them to be promptly informed of changes and avoiding them wasting time
on activities that have become unnecessary or counter-productive. On a large site, the
passing of updates to whoever is handling an order is vastly improved by automation.
In traditional paper-based systems considerable time can be wasted determining who
is handling a particular order and finding them, whereas the automated system directly
passes information to whichever handheld is being used to progress the order.
The movement of large items of plant means that, in principle, the handheld devices
could be damaged or destroyed. Although Health & Safety training means that accidents
are extremely rare, and the PDAs used are designed for rough-handling, the Phalanx
system has been designed to cope in the event that a handheld fails or is destroyed (e.g.
dropped or crushed). The central middleware elements are aware of the tasks passed
to each handheld, and the only updates that would be lost are those occurring after the
last period of wireless connectivity a significant improvement over the superseded
paper-based approaches.
User acceptance and conformity with existing business processes are both crucial
to the success of such a software system. To this end, Spartan employ user-centred
development processes for the handheld applications and business process-oriented ap-
proaches to the integration with existing ERP solutions and other corporate information
systems. Working with company operations staff has ensured widespread user accep-
tance, and the exploitation of agile techniques has allowed rapid iterations and updates
to address issues and suggestions in a manner that has further reinforced the sense of
ownership for operations staff.
An early version of the Phalanx software architecture [1] is shown in Figure 1. This
example uses a Movex
ERP system [2], with an underlying Oracle
database [3],
as the main enterprise software platform, but other ERP systems, e.g. from SAP, are
also supported. The Business (BAL) and Data (DAL) Abstraction Layers give access
to the core database used by Phalanx to manage activity on the handheld devices. The
writeback service passes updates into the central system to capture changes introduced
by the operations staff. The extraction service provides an indirection layer, simplifying
the integration of Phalanx with customers’ existing systems.
This version, using Windows Mobile
and Microsoft
.NET Framework 2.0 [4],
has been described, from a customer perspective, in a Microsoft Case Study [5]. Most
significantly, its deployment reduced rental turnaround times from days to minutes.
Fig.1. Outline Software Architecture.
6 Ongoing Work
Ongoing work within Spartan is further exploiting the extension of business processes
into the operational domain. The Phalanx suite is being enhanced to exploit the real-time
information potential of the system, with new interfaces for depot managers and senior
management. Having unified ERP and operational activities, senior management can
also be connected to the resource. Traditional approaches can provide business infor-
mation for senior management, extracting it from the ERP systems, however this tends
to be time-consuming, clumsy and costly. By means of a lightweight, reconfigurable
web-based view onto the internal Phalanx information repositories, senior management
are being given a clear and continuously-updated insight into the activity in their depots
and the effectiveness of their company processes.
7 Lessons Learnt
The Phalanx system is a real-world commercially-deployed middleware solution that
exploits RFID-data in a seamless integration with existing enterprise information sys-
tems, extending business processes into the operational domain. Phalanx solves critical
closed-loop supply chain problems, and is one of a new generation of sector-specific
integrated software solutions that are leveraging the potential of RFID technologies in
conjunction with a more flexible unifying approach to business process design.
Exploitation of RFID advances in the plant rental sector required an integration
with existing ERP and related infrastructures. Traditionally, ERP solutions focus on
large reliable server-based systems with many carefully-designed and strictly enforced
process steps. Operational activities tend, in contrast, to be very lean with a minimal
number of small process steps and flexibility in approach to rapidly resolve unforeseen
and unforeseeable problems. Fusing these two very different perspectives has required
a unique hybrid approach at many levels. Distinct software development methodologies
(user versus process focused) have been deployed for the handheld software and cen-
tral components; inconsistency of information is allowed, detected and managed; and
highly reliable centralised systems interact flexibly with highly portable equipment for
operations staff, exploiting network connectivity whenever it is available.
The software technologies deployed within the Phalanx system include: wireless
security mechanisms (based on 802.11x and an authentication server), web services,
purpose-built lightweight communication mechanisms, COTS database systems and
business process modelling software.
User-engagement throughout development and deployment has been critical to the
successful adoption of RFID in this field. In particular, uptake is detectably more rapid
and thorough in sites involved in early stage development and configuration of the sys-
tems, with slightly more resistance on sites at which the customer simply deploys clones
of the system. Such deep user involvement is likely to be essential to the successful
development of future RFID applications in process-rich environments, as these tech-
nologies penetrate other sectors.
Furthermore, to aid the transition to Phalanx, the Spartan handheld solution has
been designed to also work without any RFID or barcode tagging. In the absence of
tags, operators would simply type in the serial number of the equipment being picked,
returned or serviced. However, manual data entry slows the logistics process down and
is subject to human error. To ease the burden of retro-fitting a tag to the asset, a very
simple tagging process is supported on the handheld which takes no more than a couple
of minutes per piece of equipment. This means tagging can be quickly performed in
bulk (for example during an equipment audit) or scheduled into routine maintenance.
As senior managers in two multinationals have independently stated: adopting the
Phalanx system is a “no brainer”, given the substantial business benefits that accrue
immediately. Nonetheless, these advantages are only achievable because of careful in-
tegration with existing practises and processes, unifying the operational and planning
activities despite the apparent contradictions and inconsistencies they present.
The key benefits of RFID-based item tracking are well understood. The experiences
reported here demonstrate the difficulties that must be resolved before that value can
be realised in demanding and process-rich domains, and identify approaches and tech-
niques that have been successfully deployed to overcome a number of key problems.
A Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP 0856), part-funded by the UK DTI, supports
the collaboration between the Department of Computing Science at the University of
Glasgow and Spartan Solutions Ltd.
1. Dr Gareth P. McSorley, Dr Peter Dickman, Jim Liddell and John Glen, Middleware support
for RFID-enabled Logistics, poster presentation at EuroSys’07, Lisbon, March 2007.
2. Movex is a registered trademark of Lawson/Intentia.
3. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation.
4. Windows Mobile and Microsoft are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
5. A Microsoft Case Study reporting experience with the Phalanx system is available at:
(web link valid as of April 2007)