Generating and Merging Business Rules
by Weaving MDA and Semantic Web
Mouhamed Diouf, Sofian Maabout and Kaninda Musumbu
e Bordeaux I, LaBRI (UMR 5800 du CNRS), Domaine Universitaire 351, cours de la
Libration 33405 Talence Cedex, France
Abstract. Information systems (IS) are getting more and more complex. The
design of such systems requires various individuals with varied expertises. The
requirements expressed, when the design of such a system is decided, may change
upon time. These changes may even occur very often. Thus, the more the system
is flexible, the easier the upgrades will be. One of the standard ways to design
flexible systems is the use of the so called “business rules” whose aim is the
separation of business from system in an application. Business rules define and
constrain business processes in enterprizes. Therefore, many business-governing
rules have to be implemented in business-supporting applications, in order to
reflect the real business environment. The aim of this paper is to give the way
to automatically generate and merge a part of the business rules by combining
Model Driven Architecture and the Semantic Web using the Ontology Definition
1 Introduction
Business rules are statements that express (certain parts of) a business policy, defin-
ing terms and defining or constraining the operations of an enterprize, in a declarative
manner [1–4]. The business rule approach is more and more used due to the fact that
in such system, business experts can maintain the complex behavior of their applica-
tion in a “zero development” environment. There exist more and more business rule
management systems (BRMS) and rule engines, adding new needs in the business rules
community. Currently the main need in this domain is having a standard language for
representing business rules, facilitating their integrations and share. Work for solving
this lack is in progress at OMG and W3C [5–9] and others initiatives [10, 11].
In another side, an enough heavy step during business rules bases systems realization
is the step of elicitation of rules from the business. Entreprises, generally, have (legacy)
models in a UML or Entity Relation like model. A question which results from this is,
using models, is it possible to automatically generate a part of business rules? For doing
automatic generation by machines, they need to understand formally (semantics) terms
and concepts they are manipulating.
In Model Driven Architecture (MDA) [12] every concept is expressed by a model,
but it does say anything about semantics [13]. In another side, researches in Seman-
tic Web, especially the use of ontologies, give many possibilities for adding semantics
to semistructured data, making automatic reasoning possible. Logic is a key component
Diouf M., Maabout S. and Musumbu K. (2007).
Generating and Merging Business Rules by Weaving MDA and Semantic Web.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Model-Driven Enterprise Information Systems, pages 19-28
DOI: 10.5220/0002427000190028
in the Semantic Web. Also, the Semantic Web will be one of the biggest open systems,
so merging information coming from different sources with different reliability level,
in a correct way will be crucial. In this paper, we focus in “how can business rules be
automatically generated and merged from conceptual models semantically enriched?
And what is the interest in doing so?”
The paper is divided in two main parts. Section 1 is devoted to an introduction to busi-
ness rules and the concept of Model Driven Architecture and semantics. In section 2,
we give a methodological overview of our approach and discuss the possibilities and
the benefits provided by mixing models and web semantics. We insist of its wide appli-
cability and theoretical soundness.
2 The Business Rules Approach
2.1 Business Rule’s Definition
The aim of business rules is to capture customer needs [14]. The term business rule has
a different meaning according to business or system point of view:
From an information system perspective: A business rule is a statement that defines
or constrains some aspect of the business (policies, know-how). It is intended to
assert business structure, or to control or influence the behavior of the business.
From a business perspective: A business rule is a directive, which is intended to in-
fluence or guide business behavior, in support of business policy that is formulated
in response to an opportunity or threat.” [15].
In a more simple and basic formulation, a business rule is a pair of if-then statements
(we will see it in more details in next sections).
Principles and Objectives. In information systems, we do no more ask “whether the
behavior will change” but rather “when the behavior will change”. So it is a good thing
to handle those changes from the beginning of the conception step. Business rules are
at the center of any application, however hardest is to list them and to structure them
in an effective approach of management [1]. The use of a Business Rules Management
System (BRMS) facilitates the census and the implementation of business rules [1].
The business rules approach makes it possible to allow a “collaboration” place between
business and system experts. It allows legacy code curation that becomes through time
very difficult and heavy to maintain and also to make evolve.
The principle of business rules is not a new one, it is a direct application of the Seven-
ties artificial intelligence theories [16] which, at that time, passed to be utopian due to
a problem of computer’s power.
The objective of the business rules approach is to allow information systems design
guided by the business, for the business and by the business [3]. To the traditional crite-
ria of information systems, namely robustness, maintainability, extensibility, scalability,
a new one is added: adaptability [14]. A system must be able to be adapted to the fluc-
tuations of the market. Further more, the behavior of such systems must be directly
modified by business people in a zero-development environment. Who know the busi-
ness of the application better than them? With this, requests of update will no longer
inundate the information technology service with work. Business maintenance will no
longer wait eternal time to be processed. The business rule approach allows satisfying
these requirements by separating the business logic (the what) and the system logic (the
how). The business rules approach makes it possible for business experts to manage the
behavior of the system using natural languages (business languages).
The hardest task in making business rules based systems is to extract them from knowl-
edge. Generally, knowledge is at the end represented by models. In the next sections,
we will talk about MDA models and show how can we use them for extracting business
3 Model Driven Architecture
The Model-Driven Architecture starts with the well-known and long established idea of
separating the specification of the operation of a system from the details of the way that
a system uses the capabilities of its platform [12].
Fig.1. Global view of the Model Driven Architecture approach.
Figure 1 gives a general view of the MDA approach. We can see that a construction
of a new Information System begins with the development of one or more requirements
models (CIM). Then we may develop models independent from any platform (PIM).
In theory, the latter models must be partially generated from the former. PIM must be
permanent, i.e. they do not contain any information about execution platform (is it a
J2EE or .NET etc. application).
For constructing the concrete application, we must have Platform Specific Models (PSM)
that are obtained by transforming PIM and by adding technical information relative to
platforms. PSM are not permanent models. All these models are for facilitating code
generation. The MDA approach is widely used and advanced generators do exist.
3.1 MDA Models and Semantics
MDA principles are very interesting and allow economizing time during application life
cycle by code and model generation. However, MDA specification does not tell anything
about semantics on models. MDA is only interested by content and not context. So using
semantics will offer a more interesting way in automatic generation.
Business rules are about meanings and act on models. Generating all business rules
is impossible but it would be possible and helpful to generate a large part of them. For
doing this automatically, it is clear that adding semantics in models is needed.
Some Solutions for Adding Semantics to Models. In MDA, an instance of MOF
(Meta Object Facilities) [17] is used for representing models but our work is only con-
cerned by UML models. For adding semantics to UML models we can use:
1. UML profile: UML can be used for modeling many domains. The problem with
this is that UML models are so generic that it is impossible to know either it is an
object application, a metamodel, a model, a database structure or anything else just
by looking at it [13]. For adding precision, the OMG has standardized the concept
of UML profile [18]. A UML profile is a set of technics allowing to adapt UML to
a particular domain. Once these profiles are pasted on models, we can use them for
making inference. As we can see, doing this can solve our problem of semantics
lack on models in a low level, but this is not exploitable by machines because there
is no notion of logic and semantics is not formally defined.
2. Object Constraint Language: In UML it was not possible to define the body of
an operation (or a method) so the OCL [19] was standardized by OMG for this
purpose. OCL allows expressing many kinds of constraints on UML models, e.g
“before renting a car one must be sure that this person is ok”. OCL seems to be a
good solution for our problem but it is not the case. Indeed, the first problem with is
that it does not offer automatic inference and the second is that it does not support
side effect operations. However OCL 2.0 does permit reference to operations that
change the state of the system in a constraint expression, but the semantics of such
a reference is that the operation will have been invoked when the truth of the con-
straint is tested. This semantics, which is permitted only in post-conditions, does
not satisfy the requirements of the action clause of production rules, which cannot
be used as post-conditions of operations.
3. Action Semantics: remember that the main constraint with OCL was that it only
supports no side effects operations. To solve this constraint, the OMG standardized
Action Semantics [20]. Now we have a formalism which is able to express any kind
of operations and constraints but it is not enough. Indeed, this formalism is too com-
plicated to be used [13], was not created while thinking to machine comprehension
and self-use, and does not have a textual formalism.
As we can see, none of the UML “technics” is suitable for adding semantics to mod-
els. In another side the semantic web aims to make the web comprehensible by both
humans and machines [21]. A part of semantic web is about ontology and reasoning.
Ontologies are used to model concepts, relationships between them, properties and in-
stances of those concepts [22]. In addition, the Web Ontology Language [23] supports
the inclusion of certain types of constraints in ontology, allowing new information to be
deduced when combining instance data with these description logics [22]. At this point
our dilemma is how can we use MDA models and Semantic Web? Ontology Definition
Meta Model (ODM) is the response.
3.2 The Ontology Definition Metamodel
MDA provides a solid basis for defining the metamodels of any modeling language, and
thus a language for modeling ontologies based on the MOF [24]. The ODM is a pro-
posal for an OMG’s RFP (Request For Proposal) [25] resulting of an extensive previous
research in the fields of the MDA and ontologies [26–28]. The main goal of ODM is
to bridge the gap between traditional software tools for modeling (like UML) and ar-
tificial intelligence technics (Description Logics) for making ontologies. The principle
of ODM is to merge Model Driven Architecture and Semantic Web. ODM is still in
standardization process at the OMG [29] when this paper is being written. Basically
ODM allows creating ontologies using UML and transforming it to OWL/RDF, Topic
Map or Common Logic (Figure 2).
Fig.2. ODM principle.
Next section, we see how ontology reasoning is used to solve the lack of semantics
in models.
4 Adding Semantics to Models for Automatic Business Rules
MDA technologies and Semantic web are complementary; the former is concerned
about automating the physical management and interchange of metadata, while the lat-
ter is focused on the semantics embodied in the content of the metadata as well as
on automated reasoning over that content [30]. Model Driven Development (MDD)
is being developed in parallel with the Semantic Web [31]. Emerging applications in
finance, healthcare, security, communications, business intelligence, and many other
vertical markets are content and context sensitive (semantics) [30]. Merging Semantic
Web and MDA will be benefic to both:
MDA is only interested by content and not by context (semantics), semantic web
will solve this important problem.
For semantic web: an interesting thing is that so mature UML tools could be used
for making ontologies rather than using so theoretical languages. Very often, soft-
ware engineers use UML, so it will be a good thing for allowing them using their
preferred UML tools for modeling Ontologies. Doing so will facilitate the use of
Merging MDA and Semantic Web technologies allow more automatic processing like:
generation of constraints and business rules from models. Now for example, suppose
that, to our little model in Figure 3 we add an ontology where we declare that a human
must have a mother that must be a human to. Therefore, with qualified “reasoners”
we can generate that: IF a Human is the mother of a Human then that Human is a
Woman. Therefore, we can infer that “IF Christ mother’s name is Marie THEN Marie
is a Woman”.
Fig.3. A little ontology for a little model.
4.1 Our Approach for Business Rules Automatic Generation
For generating business rules automatically, we will use principally the semantics in
OWL format. In OWL, we can make automatic reasoning with both structures (TBox)
or assertion on individuals and properties (ABox) [32]. In our case for example, if
we have: Predicate : Domain17−Domain2. This declaration means that we have a
property Predicate going from the domain Domain1 to the range Domain2. So we want
to generate that:
IF Object1 Predicate Object2
THEN Object1 is o f type Domain1 AND Object2 is of type Domain2
Fig.4. Our approach.
Figure 4 describes our approach: using ODM, our model is generated in OWL/RDF
model and this last one is enriched with semantics. Now two solutions are possible for
generating rules: serialize the rich model in XMI [33] and use e.g JMI [2] for parsing
it manually or making inference directly with the OWL model using a OWL reasoner.
We have adopted the last solution because there exist good OWL Reasoners and this
solution uses less intermediary steps.
Recall that our gaol is not to generate all kinds of business rules. Indeed, this is in-
feasible. However, the part of them that we will be able to generate will save time for
business experts. Figure 5 summarizes our approach throughout MDA layers.
Fig.5. Our approach throughout the MDA layers.
As we can see the first step is a generation according to the CIM in an OMG SBVR
[5] like syntax (in strict natural language), the next step is to generate executive rules ac-
cording to the PIM and models based on XMI like standard. At the PIM level either our
business rules language ERML [34], the RIF W3C standard, the PRR OMG proposal
or RuleML [6, 7,11] may be used. At this step we use our “translators” for generating
rules at the PSM level for a specific rule engine. We are still missing a standardized rule
5 Merging and Aligning Business Rules
Information sharing is the key issue in cooperative information systems. One particu-
lar advantage of sharing information among multiple systems is that it is often able to
deduce additional knowledge that is not locally held by any of the systems, but collec-
tively by all of them. However, information from different systems might, and often do,
conflict each other. Logic is a key concept in the Semantic Web and will come from dif-
ferent entities and sources. Business rules coming from different sources with different
reliability level and intervening at the logical level in the Semantic Web stack, must be
merged or aligned. This work must be done regardless of whether the ultimate goal is
to create a single coherent rule base that includes the information from all the sources
(merging) or if the sources must be made consistent and coherent with one another but
kept separately (alignment) [35]. The issue of modularity in logic programming has
been, during the 90s [36], and is still, actively investigated. For example, suppose that
we have a model M
with a data base DB
in which we have tuples Name, Birthtown
and a set of rules KB
formed by:
: IF Name is empty THEN throw error
: IF Birth town is empty THEN throw error
Moreover suppose we have a model M
with a data base DB
in which we have tuples
Name, Basetown and a set of rules KB
formed by:
: IF Name is empty THEN cancel
: IF Base town is empty THEN cancel
If we want to use both M
and M
in the same system, we will probably want to use
and DB
and merge KB
and KB
. Doing so, a conflict is raised: R
and R
have the same conditions but actions are not the same. How to do? Currently the work
of merging, or aligning business rules is performed mostly by hand, without any tool
to automate the process fully or partially. The experience of manually merging and
aligning the knowledge bases is an extremely tedious and time-consuming process. At
the same time we can notice that many steps in the process could be automated, many
points where a tool could make reasonable suggestions, and many conflicts and con-
straints violations for which a tool could help.
Our approach presented in previous sections can be used for merging knowledge base
in a semi-automatic way based on a semantic level rather than syntactic. Like busi-
ness rules generation, first models transformed in ontologies are enriched semantically.
Then we use the PROMPT [35] Algorithm for merging ontologies. PROMPT takes two
ontologies as input and guides the user in the creation of one merged ontology as out-
put. All terms and concepts used in business rules constitute the ontologies, so merging
business rules is equivalent to merge ontologies. We choose PROMPT because, due to
his extremely general knowledge model (Classes, Slots, Facets and Instances), it can
be applied over a variety of knowledge representation systems. A part of business rules
could be automatically merged (like R
and R
), and the other part will be presented
to business experts for validation (like R
and R
6 Conclusion
A business rules application is intentionally built to accommodate continuous change
in business rules. The ability to change them effectively is fundamental for improving
business adaptability. The platform on which the application runs should support such
continuous change. Offering to knowledgeable business people (experts) the possibility
to formulate, validate, and manage rules in a “zero-development” environment brings
more value-added to this notion of “computer sciences in humanity’s service”. Auto-
matically generating a part of these business rules will be valuable. In this paper, we
have seen that by combining Model Driven Architecture and Semantic Web, a solution
is possible. Right now we can only make generation according to the CIM in a OMG
SBVR like syntax. The next step will be to generate executable rules according to the
PIM using our rule language or models based on XMI. The last step will be to have an
editor allowing to edit both models and semantics.
Manually merging and aligning knowledge bases is an extremely tedious process. We
also have seen that using MDA and Semantic Web a semi-automatic solution is possible
for merging and aligning rule bases. Making simple generic business rules generation
from models possible will facilitate the use of the business rules approach.
Adding semantics on conceptual models will open an exciting and interesting domain
of application because, ontologies reasoning principle becomes possible with MDA
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