Towards a System Architecture for Integrating
Cross-modal Context in Syntactic Disambiguation
Patrick McCrae and Wolfgang Menzel
CINACS Graduate Research Group
Department of Informatics, Hamburg University
Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30, 22527 Hamburg, Germany
Abstract. Most natural language utterances are inherently ambiguous, which
results in semantic underspecification. Yet, despite the omnipresence of ambi-
guity, human communication still succeeds in most cases and even displays a
remarkable robustness – quite in contrast to the majority of natural language
applications today. The reason for this is that in processing an ambiguous utter-
ance humans also integrate information from sources other than the utterance
itself and thus have access to additional knowledge to enrich the semantic
specification that guides disambiguation. One important such source of addi-
tional semantic knowledge in humans is sensory input from cross-modal per-
In this paper we describe a system architecture motivated by effects during hu-
man sentence processing which permits to study the integration of cross-modal
context knowledge in syntactic parsing. We hypothesise that integrating cross-
modal context into syntactic constraint dependency parsing will significantly
and substantially improve the accuracy of structural ambiguity resolution.
1 Introduction
Considering the complexity of factors contributing to successful natural language
interaction, human language processing is surprisingly robust against ambiguous or
ungrammatical input – in fact, much more robust than the majority of present-day
natural language processing (NLP) systems. An important reason for this robustness
in human sentence processing is the access to information sources other than the
linguistic material. In the computation of an utterance’s overall meaning, humans do
not only analyse the linguistic material in isolation but also incorporate additional
linguistic and extra-linguistic information to establish reference and resolve various
types of ambiguity. Typical sources of additional knowledge include cross-modal
sensory information [1], discourse history, context [2] and common sense or world
knowledge [3]. All of these help constrain utterance context and thus facilitate the
computation of the most plausible sentence meaning resulting from the overall con-
text evaluated.
McCrae P. and Menzel W. (2007).
Towards a System Architecture for Integrating Cross-modal Context in Syntactic Disambiguation.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, pages 228-237
DOI: 10.5220/0002430602280237
One extensively studied example for syntactic ambiguity is prepositional phrase
(PP) attachment. It is of particular interest because in many cases disambiguation
cannot be performed on linguistic grounds alone. Consider the classic example (S1).
(S1) The man saw the woman with a telescope.
(S1) has at least two readings, depending on which constituent the PP with a tele-
scope is considered to attach to. In the first reading, with a telescope modifies the act
of seeing and functions as the thematic
INSTRUMENT for seeing. In the second read-
ing, the term telescope modifies the woman and thus functions as the thematic
COMITATIVE expressing the concept of companionship.
Observe that from a purely linguistic point of view both readings and structural in-
terpretations are equally valid. A conclusive attachment preference requires addi-
tional, extra-linguistic information which other sources such as context may provide.
A key source of contextual information in human communication is cross-modal
sensory perception [4], [5]. Given such context information – e. g. by additionally
seeing the image of a man looking through the telescope – we have sufficient extra
information to favour one reading over the other and hence arrive at different de-
pendency structure representations in (D1); attachment PP1 for the thematic role
INSTRUMENT and attachment PP2 for the thematic role COMITATIVE.
While a large number of NLP techniques for handling PP attachment exist, the ma-
jority of these approaches rely on lexical or syntactic properties of the input sentence
or statistical distribution patterns of the preposition relative to its attachment constitu-
ent. All of these approaches are based on properties of the sentence material alone;
none of them incorporate extra-sentential context information although utterance
context is known to direct semantic and structural interpretation in human sentence
processing [2]. If we wish to enable an NLP system to make informed context-
dynamic decisions on structurally ambiguous utterances, we need to provide the basis
for such decisions by making suitable representations of context information available
for integration into the syntactic decision process.
Starting out from CDG, a weighted-constraint dependency syntax parser for Ger-
man, our goal is to develop an architecture capable of integrating cross-modal context
in syntactic parsing. The architectural integration of cross-modal context simulates
the effects of the cognitive processes during human sentence processing. We hy-
pothesise that integrating cross-modal context will significantly and substantially
improve the accuracy of structural ambiguity resolution.
The structure of this paper is as follows: The Literature Review section outlines cur-
rent approaches to PP attachment, one notoriously hard-to-handle type of structural
ambiguity, and provides an overview over the NLP challenges in assigning thematic
roles. From these we derive general requirements for our Context Integration Archi-
tecture. In Section 3 we present the architecture, first conceptually and then with an
implementation focus. In the Future Work section we give an outlook onto which
cognitive and linguistic phenomena we intend to study.
2 Literature Review
Most heuristics for syntactic ambiguity resolution in broad-coverage NLP applica-
tions today are based on the syntactic or syntacto-lexical properties of the sentence
material rather than contextual semantics. These heuristics derive their answer to a
syntactic problem from a primarily syntax-oriented procedure. Given that accurate
thematic role assignment is equivalent to correct syntactic disambiguation, a viable
alternative approach is to achieve syntactic disambiguation via semantic analysis. We
will now illustrate the limitations of primarily syntactic pathways to syntactic disam-
biguation based on PP attachment. Let it be said, however, that the architecture sub-
sequently proposed is not limited to the syntactic phenomenon of PP attachment.
2.1 Current NLP Approaches to Structural Disambiguation: PP Attachment
Some of the central techniques for PP attachment disambiguation today include syn-
tactic approaches such as Right Association/Late Closure and Minimal Attachment or
syntacto-lexical approaches such as statistical methods and case frames.
With reported attachment accuracies of 92% for German [6] and 94.9% [7] to
95.77% [8] for English, statistical approaches to PP attachment based on machine
learning are the most successful and most frequently used ones in large-coverage
parsers today. Statistical methods make predictions for PP attachment based on pat-
terns extracted from large text corpora. These approaches favour attachment in
agreement with what has been found to exist most frequently in the corpus. Note,
however, that the statistical approaches report averages and thus are blind to context,
too. Their decision is static rather than contextually dynamic.
A more semantically inclined approach is provided by case frames which consti-
tute an approach to base PP attachment decisions on a formalisation of the verb’s
syntactic and semantic attachment requirements anchored in the lexicon. With case
frames, the attachment decision is based on the verb’s syntactic argument selection
criteria. These may be extended to include semantic constraints to permit an evalua-
tion of semantic fit for the constituents in question as well. This model is supported
by experimental evidence from priming which indicates that syntactic schemas are
activated during sentence processing [9]. To our knowledge, however, present-day
case-frame implementations do not include extra-sentential context in the assessment
of arguments’ semantic fit. We therefore highlight the need to extend the case frame
model to include cross-modal context as a key component for the assessment of se-
mantic fit in thematic role assignment.
2.2 Challenges in Assigning Thematic Roles
Since a thematic role describes a relation of a noun phrase (NP) to a verb phrase
(VP), approaches to thematic role assignment can, in principle, be based on the prop-
erties of the NP, the VP or both. As a first step towards a semantically enhanced case-
frame approach for thematic role assignment it therefore seems promising to examine
the ontological properties of the PP’s NP to assess whether the PP can actually fill a
specific thematic role, say
INSTRUMENT, for a given verb. (S4.1) and (S4.2) clearly
illustrate the challenge in this task as the same NP can be a good
one sense of the polysemous verb (S4.1) but not for another (S4.2).
(S4.1) He cut the apple off [with a knife.]
Context: Picking an apple.
(S4.2) ?? He cut her off [with a knife.]
Context: A conversation.
This begs the question whether we can use semantic features of the NP in question
to assess its suitability for filling a given thematic role slot. In the literature attempts
have been made to define feature-based thematic role hierarchies as a basis for the
decision on an NP’s suitability in a given thematic role slot [10], [11]. The most
prominent – and also the most frequently investigated – NP feature is animacy [12]
whose importance in human sentence processing has also been shown using brain-
imaging techniques such as ERPs [13].
To our knowledge, however, none of the noun-feature-based categorisation ap-
proaches to thematic role assignment achieves coverage over a broader range of
verbs, let alone generality. We interpret this lack of generalisability of feature re-
quirements on thematic role slots a clear manifestation of the thematic role filler’s
semantic dependence upon verbal argument structure. In assigning the totality of all
thematic selection criteria to the verb, Dowty [14] has dissembled all hopes of con-
structing a generalised, i. e.: verb-independent, noun-feature-based thematic role
Dowty’s view of dominating verb meaning is supported by evidence from priming
experiments suggesting that the thematic roles
are intrinsically integrated into the situation schema referenced by the verb [15]. Fer-
retti et al. found that verb meanings prime nouns which are commonly perceived as
good filler nouns for the aforementioned thematic roles. They conclude that thematic
role knowledge is closely and inseparably coupled to verb meaning.
In our view this experimental evidence motivates to model thematic role assign-
ment in our architecture with close proximity to verb meaning. We also acknowledge
the need to step beyond intrasentential semantic relations in thematic role assignment
and to include additional semantic knowledge from utterance context.
Note that we have excluded here the effect upon thematic role assignment arising from the
semantic interactions between preposition and the NP in the PP to afford the PP’s overall se-
mantic content here.
2.3 The Extent to which Context Influences Thematic Role Assignment
It is not a new claim that context and world knowledge are required for thematic role
assignment. McCawley has argued as early as 1968 [16] that selectional restrictions
must make reference to world knowledge and that some of this knowledge will be
verb-specific. McCawley’s selectional restrictions effectively are the verb’s perspec-
tive on thematic role assignment. [2] also argue for a turn away from structural to-
wards a semantic and context-based approach for the resolution of local ambiguity in
natural language. Their position arises from experimental evidence demonstrating that
thematic role assignment can be context-directed for English reduced relatives [2].
Their findings are further supported by other techniques such as eye-tracking experi-
ments [12].
While the importance of context in thematic role assignment is unchallenged, the
question remains just how strong its contribution to ambiguity resolution is. While
contextual information can in some cases be the key to fully disambiguating an utter-
ance, in other cases it may lead the hearer astray. Trueswell and Tanenhaus [12] argue
to take into account both the strength and the local relevance of contextual con-
straints. Hence, context information is preference-directing in character. It should
therefore not be modelled as a rigid grammatical rule but rather as a preference indi-
cator dynamically adjusting to contextual influences. Our architecture should permit
exactly this: the modelling of preference gradients ranging from hard (must be met) to
soft (can be but need not be met).
3 Proposed Architecture for Cross-Modal Context Integration
3.1 Conceptual View
Our architectural approach centres around CDG, a weighted-constraint dependency
syntax parser downloadable from Based
on a full-form lexicon and a weighted constraint grammar, CDG produces labelled
dependency structures analogous to those in (D1) in a three-step process:
1. The sentence is submitted to a range of external components such as a part-
of-speech tagger and a chunk tagger with the request for feedback.
2. When feedback from the external components has been received, CDG ap-
plies unary constraints from the grammar. Every constraint violation incurs a
penalty. The more important (‘the harder’) the constraint, the more severe its
violation penalty.
3. Once compliance with the unary constraints has been checked, CDG applies
the grammar’s binary constraints and searches for the dependency structures
with the lowest overall penalty score. Penalty scores are the product of all
penalty scores incurred during steps 2 and 3. CDG then outputs the best
ranked dependency parse.
To improve structural disambiguation for PP attachment CDG currently integrates an
external component, the PP Attacher, with the following properties
a. The PP Attacher is integrated in step 1 above. Note that at that stage CDG
has not performed any syntactic parsing and hence has no higher syntactic
information available yet. The PP Attacher can therefore only process its in-
put at token level.
b. Based on attachment observations from large text corpora the PP Attacher
assigns scores for the attachment of a preposition to other words in the same
c. Scores are provided for attachment to all verbs in the sentence as well for at-
tachment to all nouns left of the preposition.
d. For large texts the PP Attacher attains an accuracy of 92% [6].
The PP Attacher’s properties above have the following implications: a. implies that
the current PP Attacher component is ignorant of sentence structure as well as supra-
sentential context. b. implies that the scores returned by the predictor are constant for
a given preposition-attachment-word pair. This means we can expect exactly one
static prediction for the disambiguation of (S1)-like sentences, irrespective of which
context they appear in. This is a direct consequence of the fact that attachment prob-
abilities are based on the preposition alone. The PP kernel noun’s contribution to the
overall PP meaning is presently ignored. c. implies that the PP Attacher evaluates
attachment at word- and not at phrase-level. While d. attests unprecedented disam-
biguation accuracies, properties a., b. and c. indicate that the PP Attacher will not
perform as well in dynamically changing contexts.
To enable our architecture to simulate cross-modal context integration as observed
in human sentence processing we propose the following enhancements:
1. Enable semantic analysis capabilities in the parser. Specifically, enable the
parser to assign thematic roles correctly.
2. Have a plausibility assessment guide thematic role assignment. Perform the
plausibility assessment based on cross-modal context information managed
in a separate Context Model.
3. Add suitable constraints to the grammar which direct attachment preferences
based on the context-sensitively assigned thematic roles. Define these con-
straints such that parsing accuracy outside of the modelled context domain
remains uncompromised.
As for the representation of context information, we believe that the most suitable
representation will be in the form of a machine-readable context ontology of cross-
modal propositional knowledge. For the modelled domain, it is to contain a represen-
For a full account of the PP Attacher see [6].
Note, however, that the PP Attacher can be combined with other external components capable
of making predictions on higher syntactic properties such as phrase structure. The PP Attacher
uses the input of those components to have access to higher syntactic information which CDG
cannot provide at the early stage in the parsing process when the PP Attacher is called.
tation of all relevant objects and their syntactically significant relationships to each
We maintain that the domain-specific representation of extra-linguistic knowledge
need not be exhaustive as long as it is sufficient to support structural disambiguation.
Further, the nature and origin of the context knowledge are arbitrary. This means that,
in principle, the Context Model can function as a unifying interface for a large variety
of contextual data. In robotics, for example, the Context Model can be fed with pro-
positional knowledge derived from cross-modally integrated sensor data such as
video or audio data. Effectively, this permits the integration of propositional knowl-
edge from low-level sensory data into the syntax-semantic interface.
It is also worth mentioning that we are assuming in this architectural approach that
contextual information is indeed congruent with utterance meaning. Strictly speaking,
context information is just one cognitively very plausible and frequently utilised guid-
ing principle to direct structural ambiguity resolution. It is, however, not impossible
to imagine a scenario in which context and utterance meaning diverge, i. e. a scenario
in which context suggests one meaning while the speaker actually intended another
meaning for the utterance. Speakers may purposely employ such semantic contrast in
order to achieve special communicative effects, e. g. in humorous, ironic or meta-
phorical speech. The proposed architecture will detect such cases of divergence be-
tween utterance and context semantics through violation of the corresponding con-
3.2 Implementation View
To realise the conceptual approach presented in the preceding subsection several
changes to CDG’s existing standard implementation for German need to be made. We
now outline these changes in detail.
The existing standard lexicon needs to be extended to include thematic role selec-
tion criteria for all verbs within the domain modelling scope. The existing standard
grammar needs to be extended to perform thematic role assignment. Thematic roles
will be assigned based on a combination of the verb’s lexical properties and plausibil-
ity scores obtained from a Plausibility Predictor Component (PPC). The PPC man-
ages the communication between the parser and the Reasoning Component (RC)
which accesses and queries the Context Model (CM). Queries are formulated by the
PPC based on the input sentence material and lexical information it receives from
CDG. The context model is created manually using an ontology editor. The afore-
mentioned components integrate into the Context Integration Architecture (CIA)
shown in Fig 1.
For the sake of argument, we here omit the discussion of the additional levels of complexity
inferred by the need to perform suitable sensor data fusion prior to integration into the con-
text model. Our assumption is that context information in the Context Model has already
been fused across modalities.
CDG Parser
Component (RC)
Returns plausibility scores
Load into
Sends query
Accesses context
Returns context
Sends sentence plus lexical info
and requests plausibility scores
Fig. 1. The Context Integration Architecture (CIA).
Context integration proceeds along the following sequence of steps:
1. The extended German Standard Grammar and Lexicon as well as the input sen-
tence containing structural ambiguity are loaded into CDG.
2. CDG submits the ambiguous sentence plus additional static information from the
Lexcion to the PPC and requests plausibility scores for structural disambiguation.
3. Based on the input received from CDG, the PPC formulates a query and submits
it to the RC.
4. The RC accesses context information in the Context Model which contains a re-
presentation of the sentence context under consideration. The RC also performs
reasoning on the context information to produce context knowledge.
5. The RC returns its context knowledge to the PPC.
6. Based on the context knowledge received from the RC the PPC assigns plausibi-
lity scores and returns them to CDG. The CDG-internal syntax parsing process
now starts. The grammar’s integration constraints consider any thematic role as-
signment preferences arising from the plausibility scores received.
4 Conclusion
In this paper we have outlined a system architecture motivated by context integration
effects during human sentence processing. Our architecture couples a reasoning com-
ponent operating on a context ontology with a semantically enabled syntax parser.
Contextual influences are integrated via context-dependent plausibility assessments.
Since the Context Model in the architecture is accessed before a sentence is parsed
the syntactic structure obtained can respond dynamically to changing context repre-
sentations. Our architecture therefore permits the simulation of cross-modal context
integration in human sentence processing.
We have also hypothesised that integrating cross-modal context into syntactic con-
straint dependency parsing will significantly and substantially improve the accuracy
of structural ambiguity resolution.
5 Future Work
In this paper we have focused on applying the proposed architecture on PP attach-
ment. We will study parsing accuracy for other types of German syntax ambiguity
such as subject-object ambiguity or genitive-dative ambiguity in feminine singular
Another interesting area of study opened by the proposed architecture is constraint
relaxation. Here, the effect of systematic modifications to the grammar’s constraint
penalty scores upon overall parsing accuracy will be investigated.
We also will use the proposed architecture to model more complex phenomena in
human sentence processing such as cross-modal compensation. This effect assumes
the reliance on contextual information to achieve improved robustness to ungram-
matical or incomplete input.
By extending the mechanism for populating the Context Model from manual to
automated, processing can extend to continuous data streams, which would permit an
expansion from sentence-by-sentence operation to continuous operation. Application
domains in which the Context Model is filled with a continuous flow of propositional
knowledge obtained from different cross-modal sources (e. g. from a robot’s camera
and microphone) are of particular interest. By looping contextual representations
based on parsing results back into the Context Model the architecture may be ex-
tended to build up a discourse history.
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