Enhancing Security of Terminal Payment with Mobile
Electronic Signatures
Evgenia Pisko
Chair of Mobile Commerce and Multilateral Security
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany
Abstract. With the growing number of debit card transactions, security issues
have arisen correspondingly. By applying the latest technical innovations,
criminals are using more and more effective methods of card fraud. They are
exploiting security weaknesses of existing debit card payment rules. For
instance, if a criminal has acquired the complete card data, he will be then able
to use it to withdraw money until the card is blocked. To authorize each
payment and to guarantee the integrity of payment information, we have
developed a service architecture for mobile signature secured payments at the
POS, which we present in this paper. To support the proposed architecture we
suggest service subscription and payment protocols.
1 Introduction
Debit card payments performed at the point of sale (POS) have gained in customer
acceptance over the last years. The proportion of debit card payment transaction (PIN-
secured debit (or electronic cash) and signature debit) rose to almost 27% of all
purchases in 2005 in Germany [1]. The card usage trend in the USA is similar [2].
With the growing number of debit card transactions, security issues have risen
correspondingly. According to statistics from the Federal Criminal Police Office of
Germany (in German: Bundeskriminalamt or BKA) signature debit frauds reached
48143 acts and PIN-secured debit frauds reached 32232 acts in 2005 [3]. Weaknesses
of existing debit card payment rules are successfully used by criminals to get access
to the bank accounts of card holders. Signature falsification is one of the easiest
methods for signature debit fraud. Similarly PIN-secured transactions are not safe
from misuse if criminals get known PIN and card data. This is possible through
communication eavesdropping at manipulated cash points and POS terminals. This
manipulation very often occurs at the ignorance of shop or bank personnel. For
example, one of the recent schemata introduced in some European countries is shown
in Figure 1.
Special chips have been installed in POS terminals by criminals. Physical access to
a POS terminal without the assistance of shop or petrol station keepers, who
themselves are often victims of these manipulations, is sufficient for this purpose.
Supported by Deutsche Telekom Stiftung
Pisko E. (2007).
Enhancing Security of Terminal Payment with Mobile Electronic Signatures.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Workshop on Wireless Ubiquitous Computing, pages 13-22
DOI: 10.5220/0002430900130022
These chips can intercept the card code and PIN and send this data via wire phone
channel or via SMS to criminals. The “card mafia” acts mostly internationally.
Customer card data eavesdropped in a petrol station in Italy will be send to criminals
in Romania and will then be used at a cash point in Spain. This provides additional
difficulties for police investigations and consequently for refunding money to the
account owner [4].
Fig. 1. Card misuse schema.
In addition to the technical security problems of debit cards [5], the main problem is
the payment protocol itself. Once known, card data allows endless amounts of
payments or cash withdrawals until the card is blocked. Also, TAN usage for
payments at the POS would not necessarily bring success because of missing
customer acceptance.
Card payment procedure has to meet the following security requirements:
- authentication of customer and merchant;
- authorization of payment request;
- integrity and
- confidentiality of payment information (e.g. sum, date and target account);
- availability and
- reliability of payment service.
Application of electronic signatures instead of handwritten ones may enhance existing
payment practices to meet the authentication, authorization, integrity and
confidentiality requirements. Mobile versions of electronic signatures will facilitate
the service availability and an appropriate service design and implementation – the
service reliability. To be equated to handwritten signatures, electronic signatures have
to meet the legal requirements of the countries in which they are applied. In Europe,
legally binding signatures have to be qualified as defined in the European
Directive[6]. This implies the use of a smart card as Secure Signature Creation
Device. The most widespread smart cards are the SIM
cards already used in mobile
phones, which bring the next advantage of signature usage without additional
investment in special hardware. Suitability of these mobile smart cards for qualified
electronic signatures was argued in [7].
In this paper we suggest mobile service for signature secured payment at the POS.
In the next section we discuss related works in mobile payment development. Section
3 presents the service architecture and mobile service specific architecture parts. In
sections 4 and 5 we propose the subscription and payment protocols for developed
payment architecture. In the last sections we analyze the possible vulnerabilities of the
proposed protocols and conclude our presentation.
2 Related Works
Advantages of mobile phone use for payment handling – mobile payment - have
engaged mobile commerce research and development very intensely. Numerous
mobile payment research and development projects as well as driving initiatives have
not achieved hoped-for results: mobile payment transaction volumes have been
leaving more to be desired.
A very good classification of mobile payment services is given in [8]. The key
distinguishing characteristic of these services is the significant role of an intermediary
– it can be a Mobile Network Operator (MNO), a financial institute or a specialized
mobile payment provider. [9] presents a generic mobile payment workflow between
the customer, merchant, payment service provider and trusted third party (TTP),
shown in Figure 2.
Fig. 2. Mobile payment workflow [9].
In this mobile payment schema, the purchase operation takes place after a
circuitous interaction procedure. Our payment schema takes this a step further while
SIM – Subscription Identification Module
only requiring a substitution for one step of the existing payment practice – card
usage authorization. However we consider the research results in the mobile payment
area as relevant to our work, especially in regard to questions of market acceptance
and development trends.
3 Payment Handling at a Point-of-sale with Mobile Signatures
We propose the following payment schema. A customer paying with a debit or credit
card has to authorize card usage with his/her signature. The POS terminal reads the
card data as usual from a card magnet stripe or integrated chip and generates an
electronic receipt. This receipt will be sent to the mobile device of the customer, who
signs this receipt on his/her mobile device and sends it back to the POS terminal. The
POS terminal verifies the signature and confirms the payment according to payment
protocol described in the section 5. Then the signed electronic receipt will be
forwarded to the customer bank, which handles it under the terms of its own security
The payment handling described above implies signature service architecture,
presented in Figure 3, which consists of the following interacting parts:
- Mobile Signature Application (MSA) on mobile device
- POS terminal application
- Financial Institute (e.g. credit card institute, bank)
- Mobile Signature Service Provider (MSSP)
Fig. 3. Mobile signature service for payment handling at a point-of-sale.
We will discuss the functionality of Mobile Signature Application and MSS
Provider in more detail.
3.1 Mobile Signature Application
The core of the MSA is a cryptographic module consisting of a Cryptographic
Engine (CryptoEngine) on the smartcard (SIM or UICC
) integrated in the mobile
device and a CryptoEngine Interface on the mobile device itself. The CryptoEngine
provides following cryptographic functions:
- key generation and storing
- signer authentication
- signature calculation
UICC - Universal Integrated Circuit Card
The CryptoEngine Interface provides access for additional application
components to the cryptographic functions on the smart card. The hash value
calculation operation should also be outsourced to the CryptoEngine Interface
because of the resource constraints of smart cards. The secret key, stored in smart
card memory, can only be accessed via the CryptoEngine after a successful user
These main components interact with the “outside world” via a set of interfaces: the
user interface, the communication module, and the service provider interface. The
User interface displays the electronic receipt and signature request received from the
POS terminal, converts the electronic receipt to an appropriate format for the
CryptoEngine, and provides for dialog between the CryptoEngine and user, e.g. signer
authentication characteristic input: - PIN and/or biometric authentication. The
Communication module supports interconnection with the POS terminal according
to the hardware facilities of the mobile device and communication protocol.
3.2 Mobile Signature Service Provider
Mobile signatures can be applied not only for payment authorization, but also for
Mobile Brokerage [10] or remote enterprise network access [11]. In most cases
collaboration with an MSSP is required. Commonly, the MSSP as an intermediary
institution offers the following functions: data to be signed and signed data
converting, communication interposition and signature verification, as well as access
to certificate lists and application component download. For the use case described in
this paper, the MSSP acts as a cooperation partner for the other interacting player:
- Financial institutes request signature verification from the MSSP for the
electronically signed checks they’ve received
- Merchants would require technical and organizational support from the
MSSP to offer mobile signature based payment;
- Customers subscribe to this service either at the MSSP directly or at the
dialer, where they will be eventually redirected to the MSSP cooperating
with the merchant to get required software for their mobile devices.
This constellation requires a reliable unified design of interaction workflows. We
specify these workflows as service subscription and payment protocols described in
the next sections.
4 Service Subscription
Mobile signature service can be offered for a certain special use case or can be shared
with other electronic services, e.g. Mobile Banking or E-Government. In both cases
service subscription requires a more complex way of service invocation as well as
service component distribution and installation. We suggest the following schema
shown in Figure 4.
Fig. 4. Signature service subscription.
A user U has an account at a bank B and is accustomed to doing his/her shopping at a
certain supermarket chain A, which supports the usage of electronic signatures at their
POSs for payments with the debit cards of B. U decides to subscribe this service. The
core signature components CryptoEngine and CryptoEngine Interface are already pre-
installed on his/her smart phone by an MNO. Using UMTS, U decides to fulfill the
service subscription via the mobile device. If U has never used mobile signatures
before, at first he/she has to get a signature certificate according to a certification
protocol, for example, as described in [7]. Next U goes to the web site of the
supermarket chain A and transmits his/her signature certificate. A proofs the
certificate via the MSSP and signs it with its own secret key. This signed certificate
will be stored on the mobile device and will serve as the authorization record for U
for further communication with the POSs of A. Then the web site redirects U to an
appropriate MSSP, where U can download the needed application components for
his/her mobile device. After successful installation, U can sign his/her checks at the
POSs of A.
In our service subscription schema we place merchant A as the contact partner for
the service subscriber, though it may seem to be more preferable to subscribe to
signature service at the bank – the card issuer. However, we consider the presented
succession as more effective because of the higher involvement of the merchant in the
payment service support.
5 Payment Protocol
The payment protocol describes communication rules and operations between the
customer’s mobile device and the POS terminal. The protocol operates with following
- PlainRcpt: data to be signed;
- SignedRcpt: signed data;
- SubsrAuth: authorizing characteristic assigned to the customer after service
- NoRepl: negative answer;
- YesRepl: positive answer;
- SrvRefuse: the payment service will be refused;
- PosPK: public key (PK) of key pair used by the POS terminal.
These objects are used by protocol functions:
- Send(): send message;
- ENCR(): encrypt message with recipient’s public key;
- GetSign(): requests signature;
- SendSign(): signature reply;
- GetAuth(): request for service subscriber characteristic;
- SendAuth(): send service subscriber characteristic;
- ProveCert(): prove whether customer’s certificate corresponds to the authorization
The prerequisite for communication via payment protocol is the successful
connection establishment between a POS terminal and a mobile device. The selection
of communication carrier (Bluetooth, WLAN, NFC, GSM/UMTS or Infrared)
defines, eventually, additional requirements for communication security, e.g. data
integrity and confidentiality as well as sender authorization. We suggest Near Field
Communication (NFC) [12] as the communication carrier. The NFC provides up to a
424 kBit/s transfer rate at 13.56 MHz within the range of some centimetres. To enable
communication, the mobile device should be placed directly next to the POS terminal.
In this case, communication data interception and manipulation is almost impossible,
and sender authorization will be fulfilled visually by both the customer and the POS
terminal operator themselves. This is especially important for the public key exchange
procedure. Additionally we assume that secret keys (SKs) of all payment participants
are stored securely and can not be shared with a potential attacker.
The positive payment operation has following workflow. After the input of
customer card data, POS terminal T has to prove whether mobile device M is allowed
to use mobile electronic signatures for card payment by the merchant. After a
successful customer authorization, T sends its PK to M, generates the receipt,
encrypts it with customer’s PK and sends it to M, which decrypts it with own SK
stored on the SIM card and displays the received receipt. Then the customer proves
the receipts visually on his/her M, whether the card data and payment sum are correct,
and signs the electronic receipt. If the signature calculation was successful, M sends
the signed receipt back to T. The back communication is also secured by encryption
with the PK of T. T encrypts the signed receipt with its SK and then with the PK of
M. If the encryption result and original receipt are identical, the payment will be
accepted. Then the receipt will be encrypted again and stored at T or transmitted to
the merchant’s central terminal for continued processing.
Figure 5 presents the full protocol workflow including negative operation
Fig. 5. Payment protocol.
6 Vulnerability Analysis
In this section we present potential attacks on the proposed payment service which are
aimed at breach of payment confidentiality, authorization or integrity. Possible
vulnerability points of the payment service are the subscription and payment
procedures. For our analysis we use following notations:
- Attacker A;
- Customer C;
- Payment service provider P;
PKSK , : key pair assigned to each participant;
- Receipt: electronic receipt to be signed
)( iptReceSK
: signed receipt,
PKSK : authorization record, generated for the C during subscription by the P.
Attack scenario 1. A succeeded to get a copy of authorization message )(
generated for a C by payment service provider P, and stores it on his/her mobile
device. At POS of P the A authorizes with this message and then signs the receipt
with his/her
. P tries to decode
)( iptReceSK
PK , fails and does not accept
Attack scenario 2. A succeeded to get the mobile device of the C, containing the
authorization message
. However the access to signature application and to
on the mobile device is protected via PIN, password or biometric authentication.
Therefore A can not use the mobile device for payment.
Attack scenario 3. A manipulates POS terminal application so the application sends
all payment data to A. Since the receipt transmission and storing are secured via
public key encryption, the interception will not break data confidentiality. This break
would only succeed if the interception were to occur during the signature prove
operation when the POS terminal processes plain payment data. However the
interception will not archive its main goal – receipt manipulation. Also if A gets the
payment data, he will no be able to change the receipt to get it accepted.
Our analysis shows that the proposed payment architecture and supporting
protocols guarantee the payment information integrity that makes customer account
misuse impossible. The problem of payment confidentiality that will not be provided
for by the proposed payment protocol in its existing form can be solved by an
additional operation: after successful authorization, the POS terminal sends a dummy
message to the mobile device and asks for a signature; so the POS terminal will get
or )(dummy
SK , which it will decrypt with
PK . This redundant
authorization operation may reduce the risk of confidentiality break, but will increase
payment processing time.
7 Conclusion and Further Work
SIM-based mobile qualified signatures offer promising features for securing card
payments. Payment authorization, always controlled by a customer, and guaranty of
payment information integrity may reduce number of debit card frauds significantly.
Additionally, the advantages of mobile services - operational availability, flexibility
and usability – can stimulate usage of electronic signatures for payment operations.
For the suggested service architecture and protocols presented in this paper, we
showed integration possibilities for existing payment and mobile infrastructures.
This paper discussed security advantages of the proposed architecture. In our future
work we intend to address economic implications of the presented payment
architecture. This will cover questions of key parties’ interests and implementation
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