Confining the Insider Threat in Mass Virtual Hosting Systems
Marco Prandini, Eugenio Faldella, Roberto Laschi
Mass virtual hosting is a widespread solution to the market need for a platform allowing the inexpensive deployment of web sites. By leveraging the ever-increasing performances of server platforms, it is possible to let hundreds of customers share the available storage, computing, and connectivity facilities, eventually attaining a satisfying level of service for a fraction of the total cost of the platform. Since the advent of dynamic web programming, however, achieving a sensible tradeoff between security and efficiency in mass hosting solutions has become quite difficult. The most efficient and widespread solution, in fact, foresees the execution with undifferentiated rights of code belonging to different customers, thus opening the possibility of unauthorized access of one customer to the others’ data. This paper illustrates a possible solution to this problem, based on the integration of Mandatory Access control techniques within the web server. The proposed solution guarantees robust isolation between resources belonging to different subjects, without introducing a sensible increase in resource utilization.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Prandini M., Faldella E. and Laschi R. (2007). Confining the Insider Threat in Mass Virtual Hosting Systems . In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems - Volume 1: WOSIS, (ICEIS 2007) ISBN 978-972-8865-96-2, pages 105-114. DOI: 10.5220/0002431801050114
in Bibtex Style
author={Marco Prandini and Eugenio Faldella and Roberto Laschi},
title={Confining the Insider Threat in Mass Virtual Hosting Systems},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems - Volume 1: WOSIS, (ICEIS 2007)},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems - Volume 1: WOSIS, (ICEIS 2007)
TI - Confining the Insider Threat in Mass Virtual Hosting Systems
SN - 978-972-8865-96-2
AU - Prandini M.
AU - Faldella E.
AU - Laschi R.
PY - 2007
SP - 105
EP - 114
DO - 10.5220/0002431801050114