Strategy of Risk Management for a Distributed Software
Engineering Environment
Lafaiete Henrique Rosa Leme, Tania Fatima Calvi Tait and Elisa Hatsue M. Huzita
Computer Science Department, State University of Maringá
Colombo Av., 5790, Maringá, Paraná, Brazil
Abstract. The risk management is a subset of the entire software development project
management and includes the process concerned about identify, analyze and control
any threat to the project success. The objective of this paper is to present a strategy for
an effective risk management, for supporting the project management model integrated
to DiSEN (Distributed Software Engineering Environment). This strategy proposes
supplying the lack of a well-defined process for the risk management not only for
DiSEN, but for distributed environments in general.
1 Introduction
A project of software development differs from other sorts of projects due to the innate char-
acteristics of software. The software development by geographically distributed teams, in
addition to the inherent difficulties to the software project, has increased the own characteris-
tics of distributed environments (Enami et al 2006). Those characteristics can be related to
the software (parallelism, concurrence, distribution and synchronization) as well as the pro-
ject by itself (culture, language, mediated communication, knowledge dispersion, etc).
The software project manager has to keep in mind that the project should intend the qual-
ity, productivity and cost reduction through the planning and execution of the product devel-
opment (Project Management Institute, 2004). Thus, a Risk Management must be done
rigorously and permanently. Knob (2005) defines risk management in Software Engineering
as an evolution of the risk concept, that evolved from an analysis in the development model
into a control that must permeate the entire software life cycle. But, some approaches of Risk
Management, still used, does not regard totally the specific characteristics of a software
project. Even more when thinking about development in a distributed environment.
The strategy of risk management, here presented, is worried about the typical characteris-
tics of distributed environments and was based on PMBOK (Project Management Body of
Knowledge), CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration), no MSF (Microsoft Solutions
Framework) e no No-Risk. This paper is organized as follows: item 2 presents DiSEN and
the Project Management Model developed, in item 3 are presented some approaches of risk
management for software projects, item 4 presents some models of risk management, in item
5 is described the risk management strategy here proposed, and finally in chapter six are
found the conclusions of this research.
Henrique Rosa Leme L., Fatima Calvi Tait T. and Hatsue M. Huzita E. (2007).
Strategy of Risk Management for a Distributed Software Engineering Environment.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination, pages 66-75
DOI: 10.5220/0002435100660075
The DiSEN (Distributed Software Engineering Environment) is an agent-based environ-
ment, and its goal is to give support to the distributed development of software products.
This work contributes to that environment with a well-defined strategy of risk management.
It has concerns not only about the classic risks of software development, but also to typical
risks of distributed environments.
2.1 Project Management Model
This PMM (Project Management Model) proposed to DiSEN considers aspects related to the
project management area, and factors associated with the physical distribution of members of
the team. The organization is hierarchically organized in three levels: strategic, tactical and
operational (Enami et al, 2006), each one with its specifics controls and rules. All the mem-
bers of the environment must receive information that was recorded in the environment
repository, and the DIMANAGER (Pedras 2003) is the responsible tool to the information
The project information control in a distributed environment is necessary to record and
control more information about the project, as: human and material resources of each unit of
development registered in DiSEN; a responsibility/authority of the project; knowledge, skill
and training of the team members; and, the cultural aspects of everyone in the organization.
3 Approaches of Risk Management in Software Projects
3.1 Approach of SEI: The CMMI
The objective of CMMI is supply orientations to make better the process of an organization
and its capability to manage the development, acquisition and maintenance of products and
services (SEI 2002). It offers two kinds of representation: continuous or staged. The continu-
ous allows to select the improvement sequence that better attends the objectives of the or-
ganization, and reduces its risk areas. The staged representation offers a supported sequence
of improvements, starting with basic practices of management, and evolving for successive
levels, each one basing the next (SEI 2002).
Due to the interest, in this work, to the analysis of the risk management process as a
whole, it is used the staged representation, once the continuous one uses qualification levels,
which dissolves the risk management on the levels (SEI 2002). The staged representation of
the CMMI presents five maturity levels: Initial, Managed, Defined, Quantitatively Managed
and Optimized. Each maturity level consists of a pre-defined set of process areas, each one
with its objectives to reach and various practices that helps in search of those objectives (SEI
2002). The Risk Management is an area presented only in the level 3, Defined, where the
processes are already marked and understood and are described in patterns, procedures, tools
and methods.
3.2 Approach of PMI: The PMBOK
The PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) is composed by nine areas of
knowledge of project management: project integration management, project scope manage-
ment, project time management, project cost management, project quality management,
project human resource management, project communications management, project risk
management, and project procurement management.
Its risk management proposal is composed of the process worried about the risk man-
agement planning, identification, analysis, response, and monitoring and control of risks in a
project. Its objectives are increase the probability and impact of positive events, and decrease
the probability and impact that adverse events could cause to the project objectives (PMI
Its processes are: risk management planning (decides how to tackle, plan and execute the
risk management activities for a project); risk identification (determines which risks might
affect a project and documents their characteristics); qualitative risk analysis(prioritizes risks
for further analysis through the valuation and combination of their probabilities of occur-
rence and impact); quantitative risk analysis (analyses numerically the effects of identified
risks to the project global objectives); risk response planning (develops options and actions to
increase opportunities and decrease threats to the project objectives); and risk monitoring and
control (tracks the identified risks, monitors residual ones, identifies new ones, run response
plans to risks and evaluate the effectiveness in the entire project life cycle).
3.3 Approach of MSF (Microsoft Solutions Framework)
The MSF Risk Management Discipline (MSF 2002) defines six logic steps to plan and exe-
cute strategies for the management and extract knowledge for the organization: (1) Risk
identification should be done as soon as possible, and repeated during the project life cycle. It
allows the involved members to identify the risks so that the team stays warned about this
potential problem; (2) Risk analysis converts the data obtained in risk identification in a form
so that the team can use it to make decisions about the risk prioritizing. This prioritization
gives parameters to the team in manage the most important risk, in accordance with the
project resources; (3) Risk planning and schedule use the results of analysis and prioritization
to compose strategies, plains and actions. They should ensure that plans are merged to the
routine of the team. The scheduling links directly the risk planning to the project planning;
(4) Risk tracking watches the status of specific risks and the progress of the respective action
plans. It includes monitoring the probability, impact, exposure and other measures whose
changes may affect the project characteristics, modify its resources or schedule. Report gives
to the team and other stakeholders the status about the project risks and the plans to manage
them; (5) Risk control is the process of executing the action plans for risks and the associated
reports; (6) Learn formalizes the learned experiences and the relevant project artefacts. It is
made in a form, for reuse of the team and the whole organization.
These are logic steps that does not must be followed strictly in this chronological order.
For instance, a team can pass through steps 2, 3 and 4 more frequently for a determined risk
class, and pass just periodically through the step of learning, to report the knowledge for the
3.4 Approach of No-Risk
The No-Risk is a process for the application of risk management in software projects for
information systems. It was conceived by a study with project managers, with the objective
of identify the relevant risk factors on software projects, about cost, time and quality (Olivei-
ra 2006).
It is defined a process risk management in software projects, associated to a software de-
velopment process, which proposes the risk analysis based in factors previously mapped.
No-Risk is organized in stages, as follows: risk management planning, risk identification,
risk control planning, risk monitoring, risk communicating, and risk learning.
4 Risk Management Models
4.1 Management and Analysis Model of Peters
Peters (2001) presents the risk management clearly together with its analysis. According to
his proposal, the risk management is divided in five main activities: planning, control, moni-
toring, direction, and recruitment. Risks might be assessed about their seriousness, in qualita-
tive and quantitative units. For instance, the qualitative evaluations of severity should be
made by and expert risk manager, using words like “zero”, “very low”, “low”, “average”,
“high” or “very high”. The quantitative evaluations are made in the interval from 0 to 1.
The main objective or risk analysis is to develop a set of strategies of risk prevention.
This consists of execute a detailed project that embody the resources of fail tolerance in the
software architecture, and also of improving the project so that it presents a system behavior
that accomplishes system security, testability and maintenance. The risk engineering is pre-
sent in all the software life cycle, and there is a permanent interchange between risk analysis
and the risk management processes.
4.2 Evaluation and Control Model of Rook
Rook (1993, apud Pfleeger 1998) distinguish risks from other project events focusing in
three characteristics: (1) risk impact: a loss associated with the event. The event must create a
situation where something negative happens to the project: a loss of time, quality, money,
control, understanding, and so on; (2) risk probability: the likelihood that the event will oc-
cur. We must have some iadea of the probability that the event will occur. The risk probabil-
ity is assessed from 0 (impossible) from 1 (certainty), and in this last case, once the risk
occurrence is sure, it is called problem; (3) risk control: the degree to which we can change
the outcome. For each risk, we must determine what we can do to minimize or avoid the
impact of the event. It involves a set of actions taken to reduce or eliminate a risk. The risk
probability changes over time, as can the impact. It is task of the project manager to track
these values over time, and plan for the events accordingly.
Pfleeger (1998) defines two main types of risk: (1) Generic risks (common to all soft-
ware projects as: misunderstanding the requirements or staff turnover); (2) Project-specific
risks (threats that result from the particular vulnerabilities of the given project as a network
software needed for the project process was not available).
The risk management evolves some important steps. Firstly, we should assess the risks of
the project to be developed, to understand what might happen during the development or
maintenance process. This evaluation is divided in: identification (that can be made with the
use of several techniques), analyse and prioritize risks. The notion of risk control allows the
manager to know that he might be not able to eliminate all the risks. Instead, they might be
minimized or mitigate by taking action to handle the unwanted outcome in an acceptable
way. Risk control involves risk planning, reduction and resolution.
4.3 Model of Sommerville
Sommerville (2000) says that risks can threat the project (its schedule and resources), the
software being developed (its quality and performance) or the organization (the one which
develops or needs the software). The sorts of risks that might affect a project depends on the
project and the organizational environment where it is being developed. However, it is pos-
sible to abstract some of them in general lines, as represented in Table 1.
Sommerville (2000) proposes a process of risk management with the following steps: (1)
identification (knowing the project, product or business risks), (2) analysis (probability and
consequences or risks, if become real), (3) planning (make plans for tracking risk, to avoid or
minimize its effects on the project) and (4) monitoring (the risk is constantly assessed and
plans for mitigation are revises in proportion to more information of risk become a avail-
Table 1. Potential software risks (Sommerville 2000).
Risk Risk sort Description
Staff turnover Project Experienced staff will leave the project before it is finished.
Management change Project
There will be a change of organisational management with different
Hardware unavailability Project
Hardware which is essential for the project will not be delivered on
Requirements change
Project and
There will be a larger number of changes to the requirements than
Specification delays
Project and
Specifications of essential interfaces are not available on schedule
Size underestimated
Project and
The size of the system has been underestimated.
CASE tool under-
Product CASE tools which support the project do not perform as anticipated
Technology change Business
The underlying technology on which the system is built is super-
seded by new technology.
Product competition Business A competitive product is marketed before the system is completed.
5 Risk Management Strategy
Karolak (1998) says that risks in distributed software development projects are inclined to be
more centred in not so visible aspects, when compared to the classical software development.
There must be activities of risk identification and planning of mitigation strategies in distrib-
uted projects: organizational, technical and communication. Moreover, maybe there are risks
in more than one category, and these must be on the top of priorities list.
The strategy presented here is an extension of the project management model proposed
by Enami et al (2006), which classifies the users in distinct levels in the organization, such as
operational, tactical and strategical. And also it is used the categorization of Sommerville,
stratified by the scope where the risks may impact: project, product and business.
In this strategy, information is always disseminated in two directions. Firstly, bottom-up
direction, in which the organization lower levels generate information related to the risk
management process, and each manager, when receive the data sent from the immediately
lower level, upgrades it and send the information again, until reaching the tactical level. In
this level, the information is upgraded again, and then is started the propagation to the lower
ones in a top-down direction. This is the documentation which will guide all the risk man-
agement process.
The stages of this strategy are: Risk Discovering, Risk Analysis, Risk Mitigation Strate-
gies, and Risk Monitoring and Learning.
5.1 Risk Discovering
As described in by MSF (2002), risks must be clearly identified and classified so that the
team can enter into an arrangement before evaluation them. During the risk identification, the
focus of the team must be intentionally expansible for any new risk that might be spotted,
besides the already known ones from previous projects. It is important to give special atten-
tion for looking gaps in what is already know about the project and its environment that may
affect, in an unfavorable way, the project, or limit its success.
When treating an outsourcing project, policies and organizational procedures will, cer-
tainly, be disagreeing. But, in early project management is necessary a standardization of
absolutely all the elements project related, for instance, documentation, procedures, represen-
tation and implementation characteristics.
In 1989, Boehm presented a risk classification structure, also called risk taxonomy. This
classification is critical to establish the workflow and bases the organizational risk knowl-
edge because provides a base for indexing new contributions and searches, and recover the
already existing work.
In distributed projects, communication and organizational aspects deserves special atten-
tion, once the geographic distribution makes these factors more complex. If we are leading
with a project in a distributed environment, the complexity is much bigger, with the insertion
of other factors, as: language, time zone, local cultures, and others.
Fortified with all the presented framework, the software engineers and project managers,
in each distributed unit, proceed the risk discovering process. Must be used methods, as
suggested by McManus (2004), as follows: brainstorming, swot analisys, checklists and
questionnaires, and interviews.
The result of risk discovering must be recorded by the project manager and reported to
the local manager, in case the last one has not participated of the process yet. It is task of the
local manager reports to the general managers, informing the process current situation, and
what was produced in this stage.
5.2 Risk Assessment
As said by McManus (2004), the objective of this stage must be investigate the probability of
each risk and the impact that the identified risks will have on the project.
It can be used a relevant scale representing probabilistic values, since “unlikely” until
“certainly”, or numeral values (for instance, 10%, 30%, 50%, …).
Each risk must have a probability assigned (SEI 2002). Each one is assessed and then
values are assigned, that might include probability, consequence (impact) and limits. The
values assigned to the risk parameters can be integrated to produce additional measures, as:
risk exposition, which can be use to prioritize the risks to be treated.
MSF (2002) says that the probability and impact, if combined, turn possible to evaluate
the risk exposition, also treated in PMI (2004).
The project manager is the main responsible for the entire process or risk assessment, and
he can include software engineers and other stakeholders on the evaluation. Once the result is
reported, the local manager can respect the result of the works, include or consider with the
project manager some relevant points.
It is task of the local manager keep informed the general manager, about the results of
that evaluation. SEI (2002) says that is very important that this communication carries:
summary of the most critical risks, and key-parameters of risks (as the probability and con-
sequence of these risks).
The local manager makes the integration of all the evaluations received and communi-
cates, again, the general managers any appropriated verification.
5.3 Risk Mitigation Strategies
Some organizations facilitates the risk mitigation implementation more than others, depends
on the risk maturity level conscience. The general manager must be attentive to the charac-
teristics of each development unit.
It is role of the project manager, in each unit, to manage the risk mitigation on its elabora-
tion and implementation. MSF (2002) informs that each organization is apt to adopt one of
the following strategies developes plans for risk mitigations: research, accept, avoid, transfer,
mitigation and contingency. The resulting status of these mitigation efforts must be commu-
nicate between the managers.
Many times many things are not known related to a specific risk. This strategy defines what
must be learned about a risk for acquiring more information and be able to determine better
the risk characteristics before make any decision.
Many risks presented in projects come from incomplete information. Risks related to the
uncertainties because of the knowledge missing are commonly solved or managed when you
learn more about their domain.
If the team chooses the research, the risk plan must include an adequate research plan,
which contains the hypothesis to be tested, team, and any necessary hardware.
Might be possible to admit the consequences of a risk, being not necessary take other initia-
tives over the already planed ones.
Accept a risk is not, necessarily, doing nothing. The reason for this chosen must be, in-
stead of being mitigated or moderated. These risks must be monitored anyway, since
changes may happen on its probability or impact.
As shown by PMI (2004), it evolves changes on the project management plan to eliminate
the threat, isolate project objectives of the risk impact, or “relax” the objective in danger, as
schedule extending or scope reduction. Many risks that can arises on the beginning of the
project can be avoided cleaning requirements, obtaining information, improving communi-
cation or acquiring skills. Project changes sugestions can be made, as adopting less complex
process, doing more testes, or chose another
McManus (2004) says that, when developing risk scape strategies, the organization
should take into account the potential value of the activity and the potencial risk, once those
strategies are expensive e could severely restrict the company skill of its own business man-
agement. Even though, some risks that arises on the beginning of the projects can be avoided
by a better requiriments eliciting, information obtaining of communication improvement, the
last one very important in a distributed software engineering environment.
Sometimes it is possible to transfer a risk so that it is can be better managed by another entity
outside the project (MSF 2002). For instance: insurance, external consultants, component
purchasing, and outsourcing services. It consists in transfer the negative impact of a threat,
add with the response responsibility, for a third part. Risk transfer simply outsources a risk
responsibility; it does not eliminate the risk. Risk responsibility transferring is more effective
when treating budget areas. Sometimes it evolves payment to the part that received the risk.
The main reason to take this strategy is having all the protections about that risk, once it
cannot be avoided and it need more resources than those available on the organization.
It implies in a reduction of the probability and/or impact of a risk event for an acceptable
level. Actions for reduce the probability/impact of a risk to occur are always more efficient
trying to repair the damage after the risk occurrence. The strategy that the teams always
adopt that can make anything to reduce the probability or impact of a risk, so that it become
more acceptable for the project and the organization.
Not all risk projects has a reasonable and good cost-profit mitigation strategy. In the cases
where the mitigation is not possible, it is essential to consider a contingency planning.
Evolves the elaboration of one or more actions and activities to reduce the impact of a risk
through a planed reaction. Such activities have the objective of prevent any adverse fail to
project objectives. Where was not possible to reduce the probability, it is possible to address
the risk impact focusing coupling that reduce the impact. For instance, developing redun-
dance in a subsystem can reduza de impact of a fail of the original component.
Risks in this category are those ones that can be critical or catastrophic to the project. It is
important that the team and the managers to enter into an agreement as early as possible,
about the contingency starters and their values, thus no delays happen on the budget draw up
or necessary resources to put in practice the contingency plan.
5.4 Risk Monitoring and Learning
In this step the risk documentation produces on the prevous steps should be recovered and
compared to the facts the really happened, upgrade and then, the new documentation is
added to the institutional knowledge base. PMI (2004) says that planned risk responses, that
are included in the project management plan, are executed during the project life cycle, but
the process must be constantly monitored for new risks or to any change in the ones already
The monitoring should: identify, analyze and plane recent raised; to keep the conduct for
the identified risks; to reanalyze already existent risk; monitoring starting conditions for the
contingency plan; to monitor residual risks; to review the risk response execution while
evaluating its effectiveness.
Other objectives are to determine if: project assumptions are still valid; risk, as assessed,
have changed from the previous status, with course analysis; peculiar risk management
policies and procedures are being followed; cost or schedule contingency reserves should be
modified according to the project risks.
SEI (2002) presents the following examples of actions taken in monitoring and control:
identified, managed, tracked and controlled risk quantity; risk subjection and for each as-
sessed risk and as a summary percentage of management funds; activity of changes for the
risk mitigation plans (for instance: processes, schedule, resources); occurrence of unforeseen
risks; volatility of the risk classification; effort comparison of estimated risk mitigation im-
pact versus the real one.
During the project development, the software engineer should report the happened prob-
lems observed during the development, that stays recorded in a base of the system. That
informação will be used by the project manager in monitoring and control step.
In accordance to MSF (2002), organizations that use risk management techniques fre-
quently judge necessary to create a structured approach for the project risk management.
Conditions to succeed that are: (1) an individual should be given ownership of a specific risk
classification (might be the new ones or those that had their mitigation strategies succeeded)
and also responsibility for approving changes; (2) risk classifications should balance the need
for a comprehensive coverage or risks against complexity and usability; may be created
different risk classifications for different projects; (3) a risk knowledge base should be con-
figured to store classifications, definitions, diagnosis criteria and risk assessment systems,
and capture the feedback from the experience of the team; (4) the process of risk revision
should be managed to ensure that all the knowledge was captured.
Thus, the suggested changes and corrective and preventive actions, that were taken and
the result of previous activities should be documented.
6 Conclusions
Risks in software development projects should be managed since the early phases of project
conception, from its identification and passing through all the stages described in this paper.
The risk management in a distributed software engineering environment should be even
more detailed, because of the inclusion of factors inherent to these environments, for in-
stance: the time zone, cultural differences, etc.
In an environment which organization is organized in strategic, tactical and operational
levels, the information should be always available to the ones who take interest in them. In
each cycle of the risk management process, the information should bottom-up flow, for the
well aware of the manages about the activities running in each one of the organizational
layers. Then, the way should be drop-down in which the general manager has already re-
ceived all the information, made updates and distribute again to the under layers.
Future works are the treatment not only of the negative risks, but also the positive ones,
so that it became possible to take advantage of the opportunities that a project holds, and the
implementation of a tool to be connected to the DiSEN, and its objective is to support the
risk management in that distributed environment. There is, still, the necessity of elaboration
of a knowledge repository for this environment, so that not only the risk knowledge is re-
corded, but the all the knowledge or the environment.
We are thankful to CNPq for the financial support to the DiSEN project, process no.
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