Nowadays, traceability is a key factor for supply
chain and product lifecycle management which
allows public authorities to increase customers’
safety and private businesses to improve supply
chains and get better outcomes through a higher
level of customer service, the products’
customization and the quality control. The case of
SMMART project shows that different benefits can
be achieved in this area.
The complete historical data about planned and
actual shipping times should help companies to
avoid delays. T&T system, in combination with
SCEM functions, will also help to react in the
optimal way in case of a delay caused either by
transportation or repair disruptions. Increased
efficiency of in-stock parts management also means
a shorter searching, identification and stocktaking
Thanks to the traceability functions, the users
will have a possibility to compare complex
properties of disposed parts, including forecasted
lifecycle costs which can vary according to the
history of a part (ex. total working time or type of
repairs already made). This will allow stockholders
to differentiate their pricing strategy.
Traceability functions will not only increase the
general quality, but also permit to inform customers
about potential delays or failures of delivery. This
will help the customers to reduce costs and to
increase their satisfaction.
One of the expected results of developing RFID-
based T&T systems is a simplified spare parts
process management, which saves time on trouble
shooting, parts inspection and on whole products
lifecycle. Traceability using RFID technology also
permits to create new services which will integrate
industrial and logistics traceability in order to
provide comprehensive value added services to
customers and to increase the global
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems