Case Study of SMMART Project
Paulina Blaszkowska, Jana Pieriegud and Michal Wolanski
Department of Transport, Warsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodleglosci 164/1013, Warsaw 02-554, Poland
Keywords: Traceability, Tracking & Tracing, Supply Chain Event Management, RFID Technology, Spare Parts
Logistics, Automotive Industry, Aerospace Industry.
Abstract: Tracking and tracing of shipment is nowadays a key element of customer service. RFID technology, which
provides real-time tracking, helps to indicate and to monitor the transition of the events along the supply
chain. Traceability permits not only to reduce the total logistics cost and to shorten the order cycle time, but
also to increase efficiency, to improve quality performance and to offer new added value services for
clients. The Authors present the theoretical background of the problem as well as the experiences and the
ideas of new solutions which are currently developed within the SMMART 6 Framework Program Project.
Traceability has developed from the traditional
tracking and tracing technology which enables to
determine the location of single items, product lots
or transport units into a broad approach for
monitoring of performance across the supply chain.
The increase in the information’s volume led to the
necessity of using advanced technologies for supply
chain improvement, such as Supply Chain Event
Management which permits to enhance the visibility
of the data collection. RFID technology opens up
completely new opportunities in the logistics
traceability context. The most significant progress in
this area can be observed in the automotive and
aerospace industries.
The aim of this paper is to present the
contemporary knowledge and solutions as well as
particular examples of business benefits which can
be achieved thanks to logistics traceability.
Firstly, various definitions and relations between
tracking, tracing and traceability are reviewed. The
second part describes the main challenges which
encompass tracking and tracing (T&T) system
design development, including technological
solutions which could be used to identify the object
and to collect data from the supply chain.
The SMMART project case study presented in
the last section of this paper concerns the spare parts
supply chains of aircraft and automotive
manufactures to which many new traceability ideas
have to be adopted. The end-user requirements
concerning this system were conducted from
research activities undertaken in the SMMART
project as well as from the literature review.
2.1 Definitions
There are various definitions of tracking, tracing
and traceability (van Dorp, 2002; Kärkkäinen et al.,
2004). Tracking and tracing is usually associated
with logistics as the process of determining the
location of goods which are delivered from an origin
to a destination. If tracking is the ability to
determine the current state of a product in the real
time, tracing means the ability to remember the past
states and the origins (raw materials, subparts,
components) of the product as well. According to
van Twillert (1999) “tracking and tracing may be
subdivided into a tracking part and a forward and
backward traceability. The tracking part consists of
the determination of the ongoing location of items
during their way through the supply chain. The
forward traceability part refers to the determination
of the location of items in the supply chain, which
Blaszkowska P., Pieriegud J. and Wolanski M. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 599-604
were produced together. Backward tracing is used to
determine the source of the problem of a defective
Thus, the term of logistics traceability is related
to the order-delivery processes and can be
understood as an ability to retrace steps and events,
referring to logistical activities such as
transportation, distribution or warehousing.
Another important area, especially for closed-
loop supply chains, is the industrial traceability
which concerns the processes related to products
(Saaksvuori and Immonen, 2005). In this context,
traceability refers to the completeness of the
information about all the states of entity and their
changes during their product lifecycle, including
manufacturing, removing, maintaining, repairing,
storing and delivering processes. The Air Transport
Association (ATA) defines traceability as “the
ability to show where a part has been since it was
manufactured or last certified” (Kelepouris et al.,
In the European food industry, where traceability
is required by law, traceability is defined as “the
ability to trace and follow a food, feed, food-
producing animal or substance intended to be, or
expected to be incorporated into a food or feed,
through all stages of production, processing and
distribution” (Regulation 178/2002/EC).
Another compilation of branch standards is ISO
21849:2006 and it specifies the requirements for the
product identification and traceability for the
lifecycle management of aircraft and space
products/parts as well. It states the minimum
essential identification of the information needed for
traceability of a product for its lifecycle.
It is worth mentioning that in the software
development, the term traceability refers to the
ability to link requirements back to stakeholders'
rationales and forward to corresponding design code
as well as to test cases. Traceability supports
numerous software engineering activities such as
change impact analysis, compliance verification of
the code, regression test selection and requirements
The term traceability in manufacturing systems
may refer to status, performance or goal (Cheng and
Simmons, 1994). In the first case, the subject of
tracing is the current situation of the system,
including for example delivery time. The
performance traceability analyses long-, medium-
and short-term indicators, such as a variance
between planned and actual shipping time. The goal
tracing indicates if target levels of those factors were
achieved at particular fields.
From the software design point of view, the
traceability system will contain T&T application
which will offer standard tracking and tracing
functions. However, in the context of the present
study, it is essential to outline the main challenges
for tracking and tracing system design development.
These issues will be examined in section 3.
2.2 Benefits
Currently, traceability is one of the bases of supply
chain management approach. Such functions as
current status, expected delivery time and
information about delays allow coordination
between companies involved in a supply chain
(Kärkkäinen et al., 2004). Numerous benefits from
improved T&T system could be identified in the
fields of operational performance, risk and safety as
well as in the legislation (Kelepouris et al., 2006).
Traceability helps companies to use their assets in
a more efficient way and to achieve a competitive
advantage through a better customization and faster
deliveries of ordered goods. A number of incorrect
deliveries and costs caused by them can also be
significantly decreased thanks to the better quality
Tracking is also useful for aftermarket logistics,
especially within relative long-lifecycle goods, such
as vehicles or aircrafts. Traceability through the
maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) processes
enables new efficiencies in these operations as well
as increases visibility at the logistics level. Thanks to
dedicated offers, it helps to build individualized
relations with customers. It is also applicable when
selected batches of the product have to be recalled,
for example because of manufacturing failures.
As it was already mentioned, traceability is
required in food industry. According to the
European regulation 178/2002, the entire supply
chain including animals and its feed should be
traceable, and the information should be available
for competent authorities. Other regulations refer to
medicines, drugs and tobacco products, in order to
provide full emergency control over the supply
chain, for example in case of incorrectly labeled
medicines. Thanks to tracing, wrong lots of the
products can be recalled from the market precisely,
without the necessity to remove all the entities,
which – in case of unique medicines for example –
can be dangerous. In this case, traceability also
permits a precise, purposeful and possibly cheap
reaction to customers’ claims, which is a significant
improvement both for clients and manufacturers.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Other benefits for many sectors (e.g.
pharmaceutical, automotive) concern the fact that
traceability gives possibilities to prevent
counterfeiting and theft in a more efficient way.
3.1 Supply Chain Integration
General strategic tendency to decentralize
production and management leads to a broad
organizational dispersion of particular functions
which are transferred to smaller units. It impacts,
among others, the traceability. According to
Zimmermann (2000) two generic tracking & tracing
mechanisms have to be distinguished. As far as the
first one – decentralized – is concerned, each party
in the supply chain disposes of their own data
available to others upon request. Requests are
addressed to the predecessors in the supply chain
until the data are found. The company which has the
information passes it over to the addressee from
whom the request was received.
The second tracking and tracing mechanism –
the centralized one – operates on the basis of the
data managed by only one company. Each party
interested in particular information has to send a
request directly to this main player in the supply
chain. As it is stressed by experts (Kärkkäinen et al.,
2004), centralized solutions are suitable for internal
tracking and tracing. From the entire supply chain
perspective, current tracking and tracing systems are
mainly decentralized. However, from the point of
view of a single company, these systems are
designed to ensure total visibility within one
organization which collects and manages the data.
The integrated tracking and tracing system which
covers the whole multi-company supply chain is the
most important challenge. Especially, when it is
required by regulations, like the Resources
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) in an
American law concerning hazardous wastes where
the cradle-to-grave tracking is a necessary
condition. Also, the federal aviation regulations
require an individual tracking of each parts’ history.
In case of automotive industry, car manufactures
should comply with new European Commission
laws mandating 80 percent of each car be recycled.
At present, within a project called PROMISE, Fiat
and its suppliers are testing an RFID system in
which tags are applied to certain car components.
If a car must be scrapped, the owner and/or the
dealer will be able to use the data to determine
which components still could be resold or recycled
(Wasserman, 2007).
However, the total level of integration depends
on whether all interested parties will agree on the
scope, identification technology, coding, content of
exchanged information, architecture of information
and the access to information (Kärkkäinen et al.,
3.2 Extended Information in Supply
Single tracking information is narrowed to “the
identity of the entity at the checkpoint, the location
of the checkpoint, and the time of arrival of the
entity” (Kärkkäinen et al., 2004). Even if it is
combined with the history of the entity, it appears
not to be sufficient. Companies aim to integrate
logistical and manufacturing information to follow
the processes from raw material to final product
supplied to the customer. Extended information may
refer to the following fields: environment of an item
(e.g. temperature, humidity, process flow, product
information (e.g. ingredients, composition) and
changes of the product state (e.g. detailed history of
maintenance). However, this extended information
could improve management decisions only if the
T&T system is integrated with other enterprise’s
systems like ERP, SCM, WMS or TMS. Tracking
and tracing system itself provides information, but
does not analyze it.
Proactive operations are not the basic function of
the T&T system, however the data collected during
various processes are essential for forecasting and
planning purposes. Supply Chain Event
Management (SCEM) is the mechanism which
supports sorting and information management
process. It permits to inform the proper user about
an event (e.g. a delay of the delivery) and to propose
solutions for the problem.
3.3 Supply Chain Event Management
Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM) is a
management approach which deals with events
which happen differently than they were scheduled.
It provides a possibly early detection of the
deviation and an implementation of corrective
actions, according to the rules given (Otto, 2003). It
is also connected not only with logistics
management, but with management by exceptions as
According to Otto (2003) and Elsenbach (2005),
SCEM – similar to other concepts such as CRM
(Customer Relationship Management) – can be
understood as a management concept, a software
solution and a software component.
As a management concept, SCEM changes the
functionality of tracking from simple determining
the position to determining, comparing with
scheduled status and generating needed output data
(only in case of significant negative difference).
While choosing right corrective actions, a SCEM
system compares potential costs and benefits of
different possibilities, taking into account their
influence on other proceeded orders, and re-planning
them in the most efficient way.
The SCEM system can also have a learning
functionality, which can prevent repeating negative
events it the future, thanks to appropriate planning –
ex. avoiding routes where delays happen more often.
To perform advanced functions, SCEM system
has to be supplied in a lot information concerning all
the processes, their costs and conditions, for
example to valuate potential loses resulting from a
number of alternative delays.
To sum up the SCEM concept, a sequence of its
second level functions should be presented (Otto,
collect data about current and planned status;
document current and planned status;
analyze the situation in order to model
potential results of the failure;
decide which corrective actions must be taken;
implement the new plan;
learn how to avoid similar faults in the future
(if they occur more often).
3.4 Automatic Identification and
Data Capture
Data collection is of crucial importance for tracking
and tracing systems. If the high quality of
information is not ensured, the whole system will
not achieve high level of performance. According to
the survey prepared by the Auto-ID Lab (Fleish et
al., 2005) even 30 per cent of tracking data are
incorrect. There are several dimensions which
constitute the basis for evaluating the collected data.
Not only the timelines and precision, but also
integrity, completeness and source should be
examined (van Dorp, 2002). In this context, it seems
to be obvious that data collection process without
automation is not the suitable solution for most
companies. The increased automation means
significant cost and time savings as well as
improved quality of the data. Thus, it should be
considered as one of the challenges for T&T system
At present, both aerospace and automotive
industry deal with thousands or even millions of
spare parts of different types circulating in the
network. Identifying each of these items on the basis
of human-readable text means high labor cost,
delays and errors which impact economic
performance and customers’ satisfaction. For
example, more than 64 million vehicles were
manufactured in 2005, requiring up to 10,000 parts
each, in assembly plants around the world
(Wasserman, 2007). It is desirable that Auto ID
technology could be applied not only to spare parts
but also reusable assets such as tools, pallets and
containers as well as the documentation
accompanying the item (Kelepouris et al., 2006).
There is a wide spectrum of technological
solutions which could be used to identify the object
and collect data from the supply chain but barcodes
(both linear and 2D markings) are still the most
ordinary tracking solution (Kärkkäinen et al., 2004).
RFID (passive and active tags) was also
implemented successfully in many organizations.
Other technologies which enable automatic
identification are more often used as a complement
to RFID or operate as hybrids. These are GPS,
RTLS (Real-Time Location System), VoIP, sensors,
biometrics and others. These technologies are not
the subject of the present paper and therefore they
will not be examined in detail.
The introduction of AIDC solution does not
solve definitely the problem of status changes. The
status of a spare part changes not only when it is
reallocated between points of the network, but also
after maintenance and planned or unscheduled
repairs. In each of these cases, tracking and tracing
data as well as the maintenance history of the item
need to be modified (e.g. Boeing aircraft engines are
renumbered). The same part could get in and out of
the supply chain several times in a relatively short
time. To ensure high quality of information both
downstream and upstream the supply chain, the data
entries must be created in various locations in the
network – anywhere the status change may occur. It
means that proper IT infrastructure has to be located
not only in warehouses and production plants but
also e.g. in repair shops.
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4.1 Project Challenges
The SMMART (System for Mobile Maintenance
Accessible in Real Time) is an integrated Research
and Development project co-funded by the European
Commission under the FP6 joint IST (Information
Society Technologies) priority. Coordinated by
Turbomeca – one of the world leading manufacturer
turbine for helicopters and engines for aircrafts – the
project involves a consortium of 24 partners, which
consists of large industry leaders, small and medium
enterprises as well as research centres and
universities from across the Europe.
The main challenges of logistics traceability
system developing in project for the aerospace and
automotive industries are to be able to:
optimize maintenance and logistics planning
through a worldwide network,
monitor in the real-time the usage and the
maintenance data throughout the lifecycle of
critical sub-assemblies of a vehicle,
ensure end-to-end visibility of the integrated
supply chain,
provide new end-users services.
The aerospace and automotive industry which
are beneficiaries of the project are regarded as
highly innovative and global-wide ranging despite
being restricted with numerous standards related to
each operated vehicle during its whole lifecycle. The
crucial importance of spare parts logistics comes out
of the necessity to keep these standards and to
maintain the cost at the same time. Spare parts
supply chain presents specific features, including
complexity of the supply network, aftermarket
support activities which bring many challenges and
opportunities (managing of obsolete, repaired, new
parts, forecasting demand of parts, reallocation of
parts etc). Therefore, spare parts supply chains need
the advanced T&T systems to stay agile and
4.2 Developing T&T System Functions
Logistics T&T system in SMMART project is
designed to fulfill the requirements of leading
companies in automotive and aerospace industries.
The complexity of the logistics network, which will
be covered with the T&T system, steams from fields
of activities of end-users, in particular spare parts
supply and MRO aftermarket services.
In the context of problems which were briefly
outlined in the previous chapter, the main challenge
is to ensure the real-time visibility of each item
including assets such as tools. In order to reach this
goal, item-level automatic identification will be
applied to the most critical assets in the network
(e.g. turbines, engines). The dominant technology is
RFID, as it enables improvement of the data and
deals with ordinary status changes as well. Other
solutions, which are tested to support the
identification processes, will be bi-dimensional
barcode technology and visual techniques (necessary
in case of system failure).
The dedicated functions of the T&T system
developed in SMMART project include global
automatic inventory, reallocation algorithm, supply
chain event management and reports.
The global automatic inventory will be carried
out on the basis of item entrance and exit registration
in the checkpoint. This solution will provide basic
information for further use in the areas of
maintenance, customer service or management (e.g.
planning, troubleshooting).
The SCEM as an extended function of T&T
system will support strategic and operational actions
of the manufacturer. In order to provide users with
essential information about events which influence
the processes, proper alerts will be generated on the
basis of the data collected during the logistic
operations (both automatic inventory and item
replacement). It should be clear when one realizes
that avoiding stock-outs is critical to keep or
enhance repair cycle time.
The user of T&T system will also be provided
with reports generated on the basis of pre-defined
criteria. The data collected by using RFID
technology could be much more detailed than these
which are ensured by the barcodes and it is crucial
that users will have a fast access to required
information. When it comes to spare parts, the
logistics information will be enriched with the
maintenance history of an item. This is important in
the context of a particular item. The parts which are
ready-to-use or temporary failed (needing different
repairs) as well as these removed from one module
and mounted in another can be easily identified.
T&T system mechanism will be centralized and
suitable to internal supply chain of end-user. It is
possible to integrate it in a wider supply chain
context provided that all the parties, including
external logistics service provider will agree on the
common solution.
Nowadays, traceability is a key factor for supply
chain and product lifecycle management which
allows public authorities to increase customers’
safety and private businesses to improve supply
chains and get better outcomes through a higher
level of customer service, the products’
customization and the quality control. The case of
SMMART project shows that different benefits can
be achieved in this area.
The complete historical data about planned and
actual shipping times should help companies to
avoid delays. T&T system, in combination with
SCEM functions, will also help to react in the
optimal way in case of a delay caused either by
transportation or repair disruptions. Increased
efficiency of in-stock parts management also means
a shorter searching, identification and stocktaking
Thanks to the traceability functions, the users
will have a possibility to compare complex
properties of disposed parts, including forecasted
lifecycle costs which can vary according to the
history of a part (ex. total working time or type of
repairs already made). This will allow stockholders
to differentiate their pricing strategy.
Traceability functions will not only increase the
general quality, but also permit to inform customers
about potential delays or failures of delivery. This
will help the customers to reduce costs and to
increase their satisfaction.
One of the expected results of developing RFID-
based T&T systems is a simplified spare parts
process management, which saves time on trouble
shooting, parts inspection and on whole products
lifecycle. Traceability using RFID technology also
permits to create new services which will integrate
industrial and logistics traceability in order to
provide comprehensive value added services to
customers and to increase the global
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems