monly held. The literature on that theme is from now on copious. In most of the firms
(86%), the intranet development corresponds to an integrational strategy. It comes up
with internal networks development or corresponds to a post-fusion situation and in
general it reflects a will to accelerate the integration of historically geographically
spread out unities. The existence of an HR function is also a permanent feature in the
firms, but the integration level of the intranet by the HRF and its impact on HRM are
very diverse. The strategic HRM context of the intranet setting up could be also
pertinent, notably the tool functionalities and its performance. The dossiers which
have been analyzed reveal the existence of two significant contexts: -23% of the firms
are reorganizing themselves or reengineering one or more processes. During the im-
plementation of intranet, firms are changing their management processes. -86% of the
companies are underlining the necessity of organizational integration either because
they are organized in network or because they have carried out external growth op-
erations (fusions, acquisitions) or internal expansions. They want to create or rein-
force the cohesion, an homogeneous culture, the activities coordination and cross
processes. The intranet comes in support to interorganisational relationships.
Human Resource Management. A US typology concerning the link between HRM
and performance demonstrates that 43% of the groups run a traditional hr policy». It
means that the classical functions are realized (employment, compensation, training
and participation) as well as certain projects such as flexible working hours (time
budgeting, reduced working week). This strategy aims at bettering the employees’
mobilisation and the working performance. In our study, a means of 45% of the firms
are kept in a such strategic or innovating HR policy. The function experts conceive
competency management and carrier management systems besides usually functions.
Organizational knowledge is also developed when the group qualifies itself as “a
learning company” or develops «management learning » policy. Furthermore, 12% of
the firms have a function in evolution, either because the enterprise is young or be-
cause of a reorganisation. In that case, the goal is to rationalize and redeploy its HR
policies. They invest for example, on that occasion in a new HRM-IS.
3 Development Stages and HR Intranet
The article will offer an overview of applications and detailed Intranet illustrations.
The aggregation of information issued from approximately 150 files reveals the tar-
gets of the firms and the level of the intranet sophistication. The results, the perform-
ance bellow expectation as well as the perspectives of the firms are registered.
The firms in the present sample have adopted one of the three approaches: Specific
HR headings can be introduced in a Corporate intranet. The latter is conceived by
CEO with the help of the communication and IS department. It’s dedicated to the
internal organizational communication and to the employees’ information. This kind
of intranet is at the boundary of HR questionings. The HR intranet, driven by the
HR department is a support to the HR policy and to social management practices.
They are specific to the HR function and they could be integrated to the corporate
intranet. This sort of Intranet integrates functionalities such as access to training cata-