At the SWS workshops, the approaches were pre-
sented and demonstrated, but also the code was jointly
reviewed. The common application helped develop-
ing a profound mutual understanding of each other’s
technology and the collaborative discussion of the
profiles of the various approaches. The participants
developed an evaluation scheme that classifies the
functionality and the agility offered by the various ap-
proaches, and applied it to the participating technolo-
The SWS Challenge is an evaluation of function-
ality rather than performance. We are not interested in
how fast a particular piece of code works. Certainly
algorithms for analyzing web services are relevant,
but algorithms can be analyzed in terms of complexity
apart from code. We are interested not in the speed of
the code but in programmer productivity. For a given
change in the emerging era of Service-Oriented Ar-
chitectures, how hard will it be for programmers to
make changes in an increasingly flexible and dynamic
IT environment? This Challenge seeks to understand
the advantages and tradeoffs, wrt. this question, of
various programming approaches.
There is no “winner” in these challenges, though
one can look at the results of each workshop and see
which team has so far solved the most problems with
what level of difficulty. This Challenge is intended
to be an objective certification of approaches to the
problems of semantic technologies, with an emphasis
on industrial problems in order to make the technolo-
gies relevant.
Therefore the SWS Challenge is taking a soft-
ware engineering approach to evaluating Semantic
Web Services.
The working hypothesis of the se-
mantic technology community is that a semantic ap-
proach will allow a given change to be made with
less difficulty than with traditional coding techniques.
This is essentially a software engineering claim. Thus
we allow “all comers” to participate. If it develops
that a particular coding technique manages the prob-
lem changes of the challenge scenarios better than a
semantic approach, this will also be be valuable infor-
mation for the semantic community.
In the Challenge methodology, teams automati-
cally validate their solution to problems by having
their system send correct messages to the web ser-
vices in the SWS Challenge infrastructure. At the
workshops, teams present papers about their approach
“It’s the Programming, Stupid”, IEEE Internet Com-
puting, May-June, 2006.
http://www-cdr.stanford.edu/ petrie/online/peer2peer/w306.pdf
with claims about the ease of changing from one prob-
lem to another. Then we peer-review these claims and
agree upon an evaluation of the approach, as well as
certifying the technology problem level.
The problems are specified in English, other than
the WSDL descriptions associated with the test ser-
vices. We challenge the participating teams to de-
velop their own semantic annotation formalisms that
are sufficient to solve the problems. Additionally, we
analyse the general difficulty in moving from solving
one problem level or sub-level to another.
This is why we use standards such as RosettaNet
and WSDL and make our scenarios at least similar
to industrial problems. It is also why we insist that
submissions actually solve the problems by sending
correct messages to the Challenge web services for
each scenario. It is easy to make claims in academic
papers that such-and-such a problem has been solved.
It turns out to be much more difficult in practice, as
our teams have discovered, to make such approaches
actually work. Our slogan is “no participation with-
out invocation”. In order to be evaluated on a prob-
lem level, the submission must have demonstrated the
correct exchange of messages with the corresponding
Challenge web services.
The problems being solved by the teams are busi-
ness scenarios divided into major problem levels with
sub-problem variations. The first major problem level
consists of developing a mediator that allows a hy-
pothetical company to have its legacy web services
to conform to a RosettaNet purchase order (PO) stan-
dard that is being used by a customer. We then change
the web services, the protocol, and the order in con-
secutive variations.
In particular, we have presented two broad areas
of problem scenarios:
• The mediation scenario problems concern making
a legacy order management system interoperable
with external systems that use a simplified version
of the RosettaNet PIP3A4 specifications
• The discovery scenario problems concern the dy-
namical discovery, selection, binding, and invoca-
tion of the most appropriate shipment service for
a set of given shipment requests.
Subsequent problem levels involve increasingly
difficult web service discovery and composition sce-