First Year Overview
Charles Petrie
, Holger Lausen
and Michal Zaremba
Computer Science Dept., Gates Building, Stanford, CA 94305-9020, USA
DERI Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck, Austria
SWS, Semantic Web, Web Services, Challenge, Methodologies.
This paper provides an overview of the results of the first year of the Semantic Web Services Challenge.
Other papers in this same conference proceedings provide detail of participant contributions as well as lessons
learned. This paper is an introduction to the Challenge purpose, organization, methodology, problems, and
Service-Oriented Computing is one of the most
promising software engineering trends for future dis-
tributed systems. Pushed by major industry play-
ers and supported by many standardization efforts,
Web services are a prominent implementation of the
service-oriented paradigm. They promise to foster
reuse and to ease the implementation of loosely cou-
pled distributed applications.
Though Web services are appealing especially
in the area of enterprise application integration, the
idea of service-oriented computing and the envisioned
availability of thousands of services can not be fully
leveraged as long as service oriented applications
must be created and maintained manually. Semantic
technology may help here, by lifting service-oriented
applications to a new level of adaptability and robust-
ness. By using semantic annotations to describe ser-
vices and resources, the tasks of service discovery, se-
lection, negotiation, and binding could be automated.
Currently there are many different approaches to
semantic Web service descriptions and many frame-
works built around them, yet a common understand-
ing, evaluation scheme, and testbed to compare and
classify these frameworks in terms of their abilities
and shortcomings is still missing.
The purpose of the ongoing Semantic Web Service
Challenge (www.sws-challenge.org) is precisely to
develop this common understanding of various tech-
nologies intended to facilitate the automation of medi-
ation, choreography and discovery for Web Services
using semantic annotations. This explores trade-offs
among existing approaches, reveals the strengths and
weaknesses of the proposed approaches as well as
which aspects of the problem space are not yet cov-
The series of three workshop in the first year of
the SWS Challenge has provided a forum for discus-
sion based on a common application. The Challenge
focuses on the use of semantic annotations: partici-
pants are provided with semantics in the form of nat-
ural language text that they can formalize and use in
their technologies. Being a challenge rather than a
contest, workshop participants mutually evaluate and
learn from each others’ approaches.
The Challenge has participating groups from in-
dustry and academia developing software components
and/or intelligent agents able to automate mediation,
choreography and discovery processes between Web
services. All approaches and participants are invited.
Though “Semantic” is in the title of this Challenge,
we invite non-semantic approaches and evenly evalu-
ate all submissions in our methodology.
Petrie C., Lausen H. and Zaremba M. (2007).
SWS CHALLENGE - First Year Overview.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 407-412
At the SWS workshops, the approaches were pre-
sented and demonstrated, but also the code was jointly
reviewed. The common application helped develop-
ing a profound mutual understanding of each other’s
technology and the collaborative discussion of the
profiles of the various approaches. The participants
developed an evaluation scheme that classifies the
functionality and the agility offered by the various ap-
proaches, and applied it to the participating technolo-
The SWS Challenge is an evaluation of function-
ality rather than performance. We are not interested in
how fast a particular piece of code works. Certainly
algorithms for analyzing web services are relevant,
but algorithms can be analyzed in terms of complexity
apart from code. We are interested not in the speed of
the code but in programmer productivity. For a given
change in the emerging era of Service-Oriented Ar-
chitectures, how hard will it be for programmers to
make changes in an increasingly flexible and dynamic
IT environment? This Challenge seeks to understand
the advantages and tradeoffs, wrt. this question, of
various programming approaches.
There is no “winner” in these challenges, though
one can look at the results of each workshop and see
which team has so far solved the most problems with
what level of difficulty. This Challenge is intended
to be an objective certification of approaches to the
problems of semantic technologies, with an emphasis
on industrial problems in order to make the technolo-
gies relevant.
Therefore the SWS Challenge is taking a soft-
ware engineering approach to evaluating Semantic
Web Services.
The working hypothesis of the se-
mantic technology community is that a semantic ap-
proach will allow a given change to be made with
less difficulty than with traditional coding techniques.
This is essentially a software engineering claim. Thus
we allow “all comers” to participate. If it develops
that a particular coding technique manages the prob-
lem changes of the challenge scenarios better than a
semantic approach, this will also be be valuable infor-
mation for the semantic community.
In the Challenge methodology, teams automati-
cally validate their solution to problems by having
their system send correct messages to the web ser-
vices in the SWS Challenge infrastructure. At the
workshops, teams present papers about their approach
“It’s the Programming, Stupid”, IEEE Internet Com-
puting, May-June, 2006.
http://www-cdr.stanford.edu/ petrie/online/peer2peer/w306.pdf
with claims about the ease of changing from one prob-
lem to another. Then we peer-review these claims and
agree upon an evaluation of the approach, as well as
certifying the technology problem level.
The problems are specified in English, other than
the WSDL descriptions associated with the test ser-
vices. We challenge the participating teams to de-
velop their own semantic annotation formalisms that
are sufficient to solve the problems. Additionally, we
analyse the general difficulty in moving from solving
one problem level or sub-level to another.
This is why we use standards such as RosettaNet
and WSDL and make our scenarios at least similar
to industrial problems. It is also why we insist that
submissions actually solve the problems by sending
correct messages to the Challenge web services for
each scenario. It is easy to make claims in academic
papers that such-and-such a problem has been solved.
It turns out to be much more difficult in practice, as
our teams have discovered, to make such approaches
actually work. Our slogan is “no participation with-
out invocation”. In order to be evaluated on a prob-
lem level, the submission must have demonstrated the
correct exchange of messages with the corresponding
Challenge web services.
The problems being solved by the teams are busi-
ness scenarios divided into major problem levels with
sub-problem variations. The first major problem level
consists of developing a mediator that allows a hy-
pothetical company to have its legacy web services
to conform to a RosettaNet purchase order (PO) stan-
dard that is being used by a customer. We then change
the web services, the protocol, and the order in con-
secutive variations.
In particular, we have presented two broad areas
of problem scenarios:
The mediation scenario problems concern making
a legacy order management system interoperable
with external systems that use a simplified version
of the RosettaNet PIP3A4 specifications
The discovery scenario problems concern the dy-
namical discovery, selection, binding, and invoca-
tion of the most appropriate shipment service for
a set of given shipment requests.
Subsequent problem levels involve increasingly
difficult web service discovery and composition sce-
Figure 1: Mediation Scenario.
narios. We have not yet developed all of the scenar-
ios, but in the end, the teams should process the or-
der from the company, mediating the PO process, or-
der the right parts from the suppliers, the suppliers
should ship the parts, and the company should ship
to the customer the completed order, with associated
For this challenge we focus on the very basic scenario
of purchasing goods using a simplified version of the
RosettaNet PIP3A4 specifications.
There are three main components taking part in
the scenario, as depicted in Figure 1:
Company Blue, which is a customer (service re-
quester) ordering products,
Mediator which is a piece of technology provid-
ing automatic or semi-automatic mediation for the
Moon company
Legacy System of the Moon Company
While the external interfaces must follow the
RosettaNet specification, internally Moon uses a pro-
priety legacy system in which data model and mes-
sage exchange patterns differ from those of Roset-
taNet. Participants shall basically enable Moon to
”talk RosettaNet” and implement the Purchase Order
receiving role part of the interaction described in the
RosettaNet PIP 3A4.
Both the Moon legacy systems and the customer
Web services (Blue) are provided by the challenge or-
ganizers as technical infrastructure running at DERI
in Innsbruck and accessible online, and can not in
principle be altered (although their description may
be semantically enriched). The sketch of the media-
tor of Fig. 1shall be implemented by the participants.
In the mediation scenario, Moon uses two back-
end systems to manage its order processing, namely a
Customer Relationship Management system (CRM)
and an Order Management System (OMS). The chal-
lenge provides access to both systems through public
Web services described using WSDL. The scenario
describes how Moon has signed agreements to ex-
change purchase order messages with its client com-
pany called Blue using the RosettaNet PIP 3A4 spec-
In order to address integration of Blue and Moon
companies, the participating groups are encouraged
to use SemanticWeb service technology to facilitate
conversation between all systems, to mediate between
the PIP 3A4 and the XML schema used by Moon, as
well as to ensure that the message exchange between
all parties is correctly choreographed. In particular,
Data mediation is involved in mapping the Blue
RosettaNet PIP 3A4 message to the messages of
the Moon back-end systems.
Process mediation is involved in mapping of
message exchanges defined by the RosettaNet PIP
3A4 process to those defined in the WSDL of the
Moon back-end systems.
Conversations between the systems including
data and process mediation operate on semantic
descriptions of messages, thus requiring the trans-
formation from messages used by existing sys-
tems to the ontological level.
Infrastructure. The existing systems are Moon’s
back-end applications including CRM and OMS sys-
tems as well as Blue’s RosettaNet system (gateway).
Each system communicates using different formats,
e.g. Blues RosettaNet gateway communicates ac-
cording to the RosettaNet PIP 3A4 message (Pur-
chase Order), whereas communication with the CRM
and OMS systems is more proprietary - specified in
their WSDL descriptions. Detail descriptions of these
WSDL interfaces can be found at SWS-Challenge
web site.
Challenge Levels. The workshop organizers pro-
vide a set of challenge problems. These build upon
the initial mediation problem, which we call Level 0.
On top of this various levels are added, each corre-
sponding to a general kind of problem, and each with
sublevels of complexity. For the mediation scenario:
Level 0: Mediation Scenario (static)
Evaluation: is determined automatically by the
sandbox system - when the solution is able to pass
the basic conversation.
Level 1: Mediation Scenario (adapting to changes in
systems), with the following distinction:
Level 1a: Data Mediation: signatures are
Level 1b: Process Mediation: more than one
item appears in the order.
Evaluation: determined by peer review at the
SWS workshops.
The changes involved in the levels 1a and 1b were
not published from the beginning, but made available
to the participating groups only once they solved the
previous levels.
The discovery scenario is a more visionary scenario
compared to the mediation scenario in the sense that
it cannot be solved with current syntactic techniques
alone. This fact is also reflected by the smaller num-
ber of solutions submitted to this scenario.
The scenario defines ve shipping services (de-
scribed via their WSDL and a natural language doc-
umentations) and presents a set of increasingly com-
plex shipping requests. Given a request, a suitable
shipper needs to be discovered and invoked. Thus,
participants have to create (semantic) descriptions for
the available shippers and the given shipping requests
such that the discovery and invocation task can be per-
formed by an automated autonomous agent.
Recently the shipping scenario has been extended
but here we describe the scenario in the version
that has been evaluated at the Third SWS-Challenge
Workshop in Athens (November 2006).
Shipping services are characterized by the follow-
ing properties:
Operation range: Shippers operate worldwide or
in a set of listed countries or continents.
Package limitations: Shippers define maximum
bounds on the dimensions and the weight of pack-
ages. Additionally the notion of a dimensional
weight is used: Packages with a low weight,
but big dimensions need to use the dimensional
weight (computed from the dimensions of the
package) instead of the actual weight.
Price: Four shippers statically specify the price
as rules how to compute the price of a package
depending on shipping location and package di-
mensions or weight. One shipper requires to dy-
namically call a webservice endpoint to gather
the current price providing the same information.
Thus for goals specifying an upper price limit for
the shipping operation, this service could not be
A description of the extensions released since can be
found in the “SWS Challenge: Status, Perspectives, and
Lessons Learned so far” paper in these same conference
discovered by exploiting static descriptions alone,
but required dynamic negotiation during the dis-
covery process.
Package collection: Shippers offer collection of
packages and define various constraints on the
minimum or maximum advance notice for collec-
tion or the total length of the collection interval.
(This aspect was not covered by the set of goals
evaluated in Athens.)
The predefined requests specify a required ship-
ping operation, characterized by concrete pickup and
delivery addresses as well as concrete package di-
mensions and weight. The more complex goals ad-
ditionally specify a maximum price for the shipping
operation. During discovery, participants have to fil-
ter unsuitable shippers, automatically choose a suit-
able one and invoke it by calling the corresponding
web service endpoint. Since the shipper do not use
a common XML-Schema for their messages, partici-
pants also have to deal with issues of data mediation
to create the properly formatted messages.
One advanced goal requested the sending of two
packages instead of one. Since none of the shippers
support multiple packages, this goal has to be mapped
to multiple invocations of the same or different ship-
In the first year of the SWS Challenge, we have had
three workshops with six (6) teams participating. The
other papers in this conference proceedings describes
the contributions of these teams in more detail. Here
we give an overview that will help the reader with
an overall perspective. In each case, we provide the
name of the primary contract for the approach(s).
DIANE (Universit
at Jena)
Contact Person: Ulrich K
uster, Institute for
Computer Science, Friedrich-Schiller-Universit
Jena, 07743 Jena (Germany), Tel: +49 3641
946433, Ulrich.Kuester@uni-jena.de
DIANE is a method for automated service match-
making, selection, binding and invocation and
was used in the discovery scenarios.
WebML/Webratio (Politecnico di Mi-
Contact Person: Federico Michele Facca,
Politecnico di Milano, Dip. di Elettronica e
Informazione, 20133 Milano (Italy), Tel: +39 02
2399 9623, facca@elet.polimi.it
jABC/jETI (Universit
at Dortmund/Universit
Contact Person: Christian Kubczak, Universit
Dortmund, Chair of Programming Systems,
Dortmund (Germany), Tel: +49 231 755 7757,
These two teams took a software engineering ap-
proach to the mediation scenario.
Contact Person: Maciej Zaremba, Digi-
tal Enterprise Research Institute (DERI -
http://www.deri.ie), National University of
Ireland, Galway, (maciej.zaremba@deri.org)
This team solved both mediation and discovery
problems using WSMX.
Swashup (IBM)
Contact Person: Max Maximilien, IBM Almaden
Research Center, San Jose (CA), tel: +1 408
9272124, maxim@us.ibm.com
The “Swashup” approach uses Ruby on Rails for
a purely engineering approach to solving the first
level of the mediation problem.
METEOR-S (Wright State University)
Contact Person: Karthik Gomadam, Kno.e.sis
Center (http://knoesis.org), Dept. of Computer
Science & Engineering, Wright State University,
Dayton, OH, karthik.gomadam@gmail.com (with
collaborators at LSDIS lab, University of Georgia,
Athens, GA).
This team’s approach uses SAWSDL + Planning
+ Data Mediation Web service to solve the medi-
ation problem.
The precise results of all of the teams as of the
Athens, George Workshop can be found in the SWS
Challenge Wiki
. It should be noted here that the
three teams of Politecnico di Milano/Cefriel, DERI,
and Jena currently have solved the most problems in
both the mediation and discovery scenarios. The IBM
approach was near to solving the first level of the me-
diation problem but had not done so as of February
2007. We expect a solution at the Innsbruck work-
shop in June of 2007. Other participants are invited to
contribute to this workshop and another planned for
November at Stanford University.
Finally we would emphasize that the SWS Chal-
lenge is open, both to participation and to the submis-
sion of new scenario problems. Some of the scenarios
can be “stand alone” and others will refine and extend
the “Blue Moon” customer/company/supplier/shipper
scenario. Eventually, this scenario should include the
company fulfilling the customer order using a supply
chain composed of the best suppliers and shippers for
the specific customer order.
Our mission is to supply not only a large use-
ful “sandbox” for testing semantic web service ap-
proaches, but also a de facto standard for certifying
such technologies, as well as furthering an academic
understanding of the benefits and trade-offs of these
approaches. The papers in this session are the first
results from this understanding as they include com-
parisons of approaches.