DIANE uses a fuzzy set based approach to match-
making. Offers are modelled as the configurable set
of effects a service can provide wheras requests are
modelled as the fuzzy set of similar effects a user is
willing to accept. This maximizes the chance to find
a match and allows to integrate user preferences, thus
providing a very finegrained ranking of matching of-
fers. But to achieve this and still maintain efficient
computability the expressivity of the employed lan-
guage (DSD) had to be restricted quite strictly. An
example will be given below.
Glue in contrast uses a very different matchmak-
ing philosophy. Glue performs matchmaking based
on the notion of a single goal instance and the avail-
able web service instances. Matchmaking is then per-
formed by evaluating rules that check whether a par-
ticular web service instance under consideration is
suitable for the particular goal at hand. In princi-
ple this eases the matchmaking since it is easier to
compare two instances than to compare a fuzzy with
a configurable set. Thus – in turn – Glue is able to
support a much more expressive language (F-logic)
without compromising efficient computability.
To illustrate the trade-offs, assume the following
two examples: A shipper supports collection of pack-
ages on Monday through Friday, the preferred day can
be specified within the ordering process. A requester
accepts collection on either Friday, Saturday or Sun-
day. Using DIANE’s set based approach, this could
be directly encoded and the matcher would correctly
detect a match and automatically choose Friday as the
proper collection day. In the SWE-ET approach this
could not be captured directly (since it requires set-
based matching).
Now assume the requester had required a particu-
lar collection day instead of allowing multiple options
but the conditions of the shipping (regarding price,
available collection times, ...) vary depending on the
chosen collection day. This could be easily modelled
correctly in SWE-ET but not directly expressed using
DSD (lack of expressivity regarding rules).
It should be mentioned however, that in both cases
certain workarounds allow the respectively inferior
approach to deal with the issue at hand. This is also
reflected by the fact that both approaches were suc-
cessfully applied to solve the SWS-Challenge discov-
ery scenarios released so far.
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