created FTP accounts. However this turned out to be
suboptimal: while it enabled to understand and verify
a particular solution, the link between a solution’s de-
scription in the papers submitted to the workshops, to
the related discussion on the Wiki, and finally to the
relevant parts of a solution’s declarative description is
too little integrated. We assume that this is one of the
reasons why so far participants only share to a very
limited amount of their formalizations. We hope to
improve this in the future.
Evaluation and Debug Infrastructure. Another
aspect of involving real Web services is the possi-
bility to automatically verify a solution by issuing a
set of different messages and monitor the subsequent
message exchanges. This is a useful feature, since it
makes the challenge more scalable with respect to the
number of participants - it essentially enables to au-
tomatically verify solutions. Moreover it allows for
teams to participate not only during workshops, but
also at any other time by just exposing their Web Ser-
vices. Other people interested in the claims of a team
can just use the online portal to start a test set against
a particular solution and verify its coverage.
Another aspect is to offer some form of debug-
ging support. Already with six teams it was quite of-
ten necessary to examine the application server’s log,
be it to determine a typo in the endpoint addresses
used in a mediator implementation, or to identify an
invalid message. Over time we added different views
to the online portal that allows to examine parts of the
message exchange and in particular the status of the
systems involved.
As of now there are three levels related to the data and
process mediation scenario. The first, original sce-
nario involves the mediation between Blue and Moon,
within a stable (static) scenario: the protocols, the
messages, and the data formats are known and fixed.
Data and process mediation scenarios have been
based completely on the RosettaNet protocol (Roset-
taNet Website, 2007). RosettaNet Partner Interface
Processes (PIPs) allow trading partners to connect
electronically to process transactions and move infor-
mation within their extended supply chains. The first
impression of the RosettaNet specification is its com-
pleteness, but once we started to work on scenario
definition and implementation, we realized that sev-
eral aspects of the specification should be improved
to allow for automation of the RosettaNet processes.
We can give a couple of examples: The same fields
in the schema of one message are defined differently
in the schema of another message (even within the
same PIP). There are various possible interpretation
for particular fields in the messages, causing ambigu-
ities: two teams working on the integration solution
might actually use the same field differently. Vari-
ous cases allow for free interpretation, e.g. having
an address defined on the order level and on the line
item level caused a confusion about which one should
be used. Regarding the practical problems, potential
RosettaNet messages are extremely large (e.g. even to
confirm a message, the whole initial message must be
included with it), but the schema requires that at the
same time the whole message with many empty fields
is sent. Due to lack of formal semantics, processes
defined by UML specification can be interpreted dif-
ferently by various teams.
Since Web services address also dynamically
changing scenarios, even when knowing the partner
(i.e. without discovery) it is already possible and
likely that
1. WSDL descriptions may change, leading to dif-
ferent message structures being exchanged, and a
need for all the conversation partner to adapt
2. protocols may change, for example when adding
complexity in the structure of an operation. In this
scenario, instead of one line item per order multi-
ple line items are allowed. This requires adapting
the business logic of the mediator.
No new levels are currently foreseen.
At the time of the last SWS-Challenge workshop
in Athens, GA, six groups had presented their solu-
tions to the mediation approach. Five of them were
ranked according to the evaluation criteria, and in-
deed they showed very different approaches. From
the most to the least declarative, we range
• from a fully declarative approach based on
METEOR-S (Wu et al., 2007), where nearly full
automation was achieved, to
• three approaches that combine partially automatic
generation and partially automatic adaptation, but
in different subproblems:
– the WSMO/WSMX approach of (Zaremba
et al., 2007) uses a generic (abstract) state ma-
chine for the flow, thus it has advantages on the
process adaptation level
– the WebML/Webratio (Zaremba et al., 2007;
Margaria et al., 2007) uses generic im-
port/export mechanisms from the WSDL and a
partial generation of the processes, that ease the