Status, Perspectives and Lessons Learned So Far
Charles Petrie
, Tiziana Margaria
, Ulrich K
, Holger Lausen
and Michal Zaremba
Computer Science Dept., Gates Building, Stanford, CA 94305-9020, USA
Chair of Service and Software Engineering, Institute for Informatics, University of Potsdam, 14482 Potsdam, Germany
Institute for Computer Science, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, 07743 Jena, Germany
DERI Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck, Austria
SWS, Semantic, Web, Service, jABC, jETI, Application, Building, Center, Electronic, Tool, Integration, Mi-
lano, Dortmund, Potsdam.
In this final contribution we summarize the current status and achievements of the SWS Challenge, present
the perspectives and future steps, and summarize the lessons learned so far - both concerning this Challenge
and the non-competitive problem driven comparison of approaches in general, as for instance in the context of
other initiatives with a similar spirit (like the jETI-FMICS and Bio-jETI initiatives).
The SWS Challenge has held three workshops in
2006, the third evaluating six (6) teams. A fourth
workshop is scheduled to be co-located with the Euro-
pean Semantic Web Conference in Innsbruck in June
2007. A fifth is scheduled for Stanford University in
November of 2007.
We briefly summarize here the reflections and
lessons learned over this first year of activity. They
concern our methodology, the setup, the evolution of
the scenarios, and our future activities.
For the most part, our experience has validated the
methodology though we have learned much during
the year: i.e., we have had to refine the methodology
but slightly over the course of a year.
Claims. For each team submission, we evaluate the
claims by having the workshop participants mutually
examine the code changes of the submission. Ini-
tially, we thought that we would need to divide up
into teams to examine the submissions but we found
that the whole workshop could collectively examine
each submission and that everyone wanted to do so.
We suspect that since the results are developed by the
collective consensus of the whole workshop, they are
better than they would have been had they been de-
veloped by smaller groups.
Comparison Criteria. We also initially tried to
rank the submissions in difficulty of moving from one
problem level or sub-level to another by trying to de-
termine whether code was changed that would neces-
sitate a re-compilation and linking, or whether there
was only a change to the declaration of objects upon
which the code acted. Further, we wanted to distin-
guish between whether the current declarations had to
be altered, or whether new declarations were simply
added. We found that these distinctions could not be
made objectively. For example, if someone is writing
in Lisp, there is no objective difference between dec-
larations and code. XML schemas and Java present
similar though less extreme problems.
We have resorted to a collective consensus on sim-
ply whether code or declarations have been changed
as a measure of difficulty in moving from one level so-
lution to another. This has been particularly challeng-
Petrie C., Margaria T., Küster U., Lausen H. and Zaremba M. (2007).
SWS CHALLENGE - Status, Perspectives and Lessons Learned So Far.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 447-452
ing especially in approaches where solutions are syn-
thesized by arranging software components in a graph
with a GUI. One consideration has been whether
changing the graph requires a re-compilation and
linking, producing new code or whether this is es-
sentially a declarative input to an engine, the code of
which never changes: only its behavior.
Open Approach. One of the major successes of our
methodology has been the open approach. First, par-
ticipants are asked to submit new scenarios (including
web services) and these are constantly being evalu-
ated and added to our problem suite. Second, all solu-
tions are documented and participants are encouraged
to ”steal” from each other. One of the teams that has
solved the most problems uses one approach to solve
the mediation problem and another to solve the dis-
covery problem. This team is composed of people
from two different institutions who have developed a
successful synthesis of technologies.
This is exactly the sort of outcome we hoped for:
understanding of which approaches worked best for
what kind of problems and cooperation among re-
searchers at different institutions.
Already the first time when we discussed to build
up a challenge for semantic Web service systems we
agreed on one fundamental principle: ”No Partici-
pation without Invocation”. However this principle
brought some well underestimated effort for both the
organizers as well as the participants. On the other
hand the challenge greatly profited by enforcing to
have real Web Service available, documented and run-
ning at all times: it enforced everybody not to hush up
a problem that occurred, but to solve it.
Web Service Infrastructure. We have started with
three Web Services simulating a client trying to pur-
chase goods using the RosettaNet protocol and its
counter part, the Moon legacy system. Taking into
account different versions of services and the media-
tion systems that have been implemented to test the
system we are operating at present around 20 differ-
ent Web Services. Over time five different developers
have been involved for different aspects of the execu-
tion platform. All services have now been migrated to
the axis2 engine for Web Services. Unfortunately, the
complexity of the messages used has revealed several
bugs in the implementation of the axis2 engine, which
caused spendin major resources just on the underlying
technologies and not purely on the “business problem.
In fact it turns out that a variety of skills is required
to master such a testbed. First, in-depth knowledge
of WSDL and XML Schema to design proper ser-
vice description utilizing the maximum of the descrip-
tive power of the standards. Most obviously some
knowledge on a web service engine (such as axis2)
and the underlying application server (such as tom-
cat) is required as well as a fair amount of database
design and web application programming skills. It
also turned out to be necessary to understand a good
deal about the Internet Protocol and firewalls in order
to help participants to manage their invocations. And,
last but not least, such an infrastructure requires some
monitoring facilities that guarantee a 24/7 live sys-
tem, which is not the usual approach in a university
respectively research environment.
Effectively it demonstrated that in spite of the fact
that Web Services are an established technology, cur-
rent tools are only able to hide a small degree of the
underlying complexity. As soon as we reached some
border case, understanding of underlying protocols
and standards was essential.
Besides the technical challenge we realized an-
other important point: We decided to not formalize
the problems using a logical formalism, but rather to
describe them using natural language documentation.
Having to communicate with developers as well as
participants, we conclude that only having text based
documentation as a common model is suboptimal. We
realized that a fair amount of the solution to the prob-
lems is its formal description. In fact, had we had
such descriptions from the start we could have saved
several iterations of discussion with developers.
Collaboration Infrastructure. Having effective
means to share information between the organizers
and the participants is another important aspect for
a successful challenge. We have started with a set
of static web pages, however it was soon clear that
this is suboptimal. A Wiki that enables corrections
and improvements on the documentation in a collab-
orative fashion turned out to be much more adequate.
While this improved the efficiency of the discussions
around the different problems sets, it turned out not
to be enough to share descriptions of the solutions be-
tween participants.
Similar to the problems, also the solutions come
with a fair amount of complexity. In order for a team
to participate, we required to publish the declarative
parts of the teams solution on the Semantic Web Chal-
lenge Portal. A Wiki did not provide sufficient means
to share such complex structures, so in addition we
created FTP accounts. However this turned out to be
suboptimal: while it enabled to understand and verify
a particular solution, the link between a solution’s de-
scription in the papers submitted to the workshops, to
the related discussion on the Wiki, and finally to the
relevant parts of a solution’s declarative description is
too little integrated. We assume that this is one of the
reasons why so far participants only share to a very
limited amount of their formalizations. We hope to
improve this in the future.
Evaluation and Debug Infrastructure. Another
aspect of involving real Web services is the possi-
bility to automatically verify a solution by issuing a
set of different messages and monitor the subsequent
message exchanges. This is a useful feature, since it
makes the challenge more scalable with respect to the
number of participants - it essentially enables to au-
tomatically verify solutions. Moreover it allows for
teams to participate not only during workshops, but
also at any other time by just exposing their Web Ser-
vices. Other people interested in the claims of a team
can just use the online portal to start a test set against
a particular solution and verify its coverage.
Another aspect is to offer some form of debug-
ging support. Already with six teams it was quite of-
ten necessary to examine the application server’s log,
be it to determine a typo in the endpoint addresses
used in a mediator implementation, or to identify an
invalid message. Over time we added different views
to the online portal that allows to examine parts of the
message exchange and in particular the status of the
systems involved.
As of now there are three levels related to the data and
process mediation scenario. The first, original sce-
nario involves the mediation between Blue and Moon,
within a stable (static) scenario: the protocols, the
messages, and the data formats are known and fixed.
Data and process mediation scenarios have been
based completely on the RosettaNet protocol (Roset-
taNet Website, 2007). RosettaNet Partner Interface
Processes (PIPs) allow trading partners to connect
electronically to process transactions and move infor-
mation within their extended supply chains. The first
impression of the RosettaNet specification is its com-
pleteness, but once we started to work on scenario
definition and implementation, we realized that sev-
eral aspects of the specification should be improved
to allow for automation of the RosettaNet processes.
We can give a couple of examples: The same fields
in the schema of one message are defined differently
in the schema of another message (even within the
same PIP). There are various possible interpretation
for particular fields in the messages, causing ambigu-
ities: two teams working on the integration solution
might actually use the same field differently. Vari-
ous cases allow for free interpretation, e.g. having
an address defined on the order level and on the line
item level caused a confusion about which one should
be used. Regarding the practical problems, potential
RosettaNet messages are extremely large (e.g. even to
confirm a message, the whole initial message must be
included with it), but the schema requires that at the
same time the whole message with many empty fields
is sent. Due to lack of formal semantics, processes
defined by UML specification can be interpreted dif-
ferently by various teams.
Since Web services address also dynamically
changing scenarios, even when knowing the partner
(i.e. without discovery) it is already possible and
likely that
1. WSDL descriptions may change, leading to dif-
ferent message structures being exchanged, and a
need for all the conversation partner to adapt
2. protocols may change, for example when adding
complexity in the structure of an operation. In this
scenario, instead of one line item per order multi-
ple line items are allowed. This requires adapting
the business logic of the mediator.
No new levels are currently foreseen.
At the time of the last SWS-Challenge workshop
in Athens, GA, six groups had presented their solu-
tions to the mediation approach. Five of them were
ranked according to the evaluation criteria, and in-
deed they showed very different approaches. From
the most to the least declarative, we range
from a fully declarative approach based on
METEOR-S (Wu et al., 2007), where nearly full
automation was achieved, to
three approaches that combine partially automatic
generation and partially automatic adaptation, but
in different subproblems:
the WSMO/WSMX approach of (Zaremba
et al., 2007) uses a generic (abstract) state ma-
chine for the flow, thus it has advantages on the
process adaptation level
the WebML/Webratio (Zaremba et al., 2007;
Margaria et al., 2007) uses generic im-
port/export mechanisms from the WSDL and a
partial generation of the processes, that ease the
the jABC/jETI approach (Margaria et al., 2007)
provides automatic generation of ad hoc com-
ponents from the published WSDL descriptions
into its own service components and (at this
stage) manual graphical construction of the ser-
vice logic, thus supporting automatic adaption
for level 1a and requiring manual intervention
for level 1b.
These three approaches have been pairwise
compared in two contributions to this special
Session: (Zaremba et al., 2007) and (Margaria
et al., 2007). Additionally,
two approaches resort to software engineering for
the mediation solution:
the DIANE approach is actually geared primar-
ily (fast exclusively) towards discovery, thus
the mediation solution falls outside the specific
profile. The mediation problem was solved tra-
ditionally (Ulrich K
uster, 2007), by providing
specific adapters to the RosettaNet messages
and to the Moon system, and a process logic
written in BPEL. The adaptation required for
level 1a was achieved automatically and for
level 1b manually, by editing the BPEL.
the Swashup solution (Michael Maximilien,
2007) is a pure software engineering approach
based on agile programming by means of Ruby
on Rails service mashups. It has been de-
signed for compactness of the code, and it is the
only one that for the moment does not provide
graphical support to the programmer.
The level of declarativeness was considered ini-
tially as an indicator of merit of a solution, in that
it indirectly expresses its abstraction (from the pro-
gramming level) and robustness (wrt. changes and
evolution). At least one group (jABC/jETI) is cur-
rently working on achieving automation of service
logic composition from declarative specifications.
As of now there are two comprehensive scenarios re-
lated to service discovery and matchmaking. The first,
original scenario involves the discovery of an appro-
priate shipment service out of ve offers, each with
different peculiarities regarding price, supported lo-
cations, maximum package weight, constraints on the
pickup time and the speed of delivery. One offer re-
quired to call the service to check for the actual price
of a particular shipment.
Based on a hierarchy of increasingly difficult
given goals (i.e. shipping requests), submitted so-
lutions are evaluated. At the time of the last SWS-
Challenge workshop in Athens, GA, four success lev-
els have been evaluated and two more were planned
but not ready for evaluation, since the corresponding
goals had not been released:
1. discovery based on location
2. discovery with arithmetic price and weight com-
3. discovery including request for quote
4. discovery including sending multiple packages
(which had to be resolved to multiple service in-
5. discovery with temporal semantics, i.e. pickup
times and required speed of delivery (not ready
for evaluation)
6. discovery with conversion of measurement units
(not ready for evaluation).
Meanwhile goals for level 5 as well as a com-
pletely new scenario have been released. Submis-
sions for the new goal and the new scenario will be
evaluated beginning at the upcoming Fourth SWS-
Challenge Workshop co-located with the ESWC in
June 2007.
The new second discovery scenario deals with the
discovery of a vendor for electronic products. It in-
cludes three sources of difficulty:
Currently only few products which are available
for purchase have been modelled in the scenario.
However, it is planned to extend this to a much
more realistic setting. Participants should indicate
how they are going to cope with semantic descrip-
tions of vendors offering tens of thousands of dif-
ferent products.
A limited notion of preference is introduced to
the requests which require some notion of rank-
ing among matching offers.
Most requests cannot be serviced by a single invo-
cation of a single offer, instead some means of au-
tomated service composition are required to solve
the more advanced goals.
Success levels to evaluate submissions against
this scenario will be developed at the Fourth SWS-
Challenge Workshop, but the following levels are en-
visioned and checked for by the released goals:
1. discovery based on clear product specifications
2. discovery including preferences (like as cheap as
3. discovery for multiple products that must be re-
solved to multiple service invocations
4. discovery for multiple products with a global op-
timization goal (e.g. overall minimal price)
5. discovery for multiple correlated products (like a
notebook and a compatible docking station)
6. discovery for multiple correlated products and a
global optimization goal.
For the near future two extensions to the scenarios
are planned.
On the one hand we will add goals that require
automated unit conversion to either of the discovery
scenarios. This might e.g. be done by mixing prod-
ucts with a price stated in Dollars with products with a
price stated in Euro in the scenario. Participants will
have to detect that prices are given in different cur-
rencies and develop means to deal with this, e.g. by
automatically invoking a currency conversion service
during service matchmaking. This will be one further
step towards really adaptable systems.
On the other hand we are currently working to in-
clude a realistic number of products into the supplier
scenario. We are investigating whether it is possible
to exploit the Amazon E-Commerce service to gather
the necessary amount of realistic product data. In-
cluding a large number of products into the scenario
will have major implications on the solutions. First,
creating meaningful descriptions will become much
more difficult. On the one hand a broad generic de-
scription in the sense of “this service sells electronic
products” will be of little use during discovery. On
the other hand it might not be feasible to explicitly
list all available products within a description for var-
ious reasons (privacy, dynamicity, . ..). Thus partic-
ipants will have to balance their solution somewhere
between these extremes and decide on the amount of
statically encoded information versus the amount of
information being dynamically gathered.
The first of the two planned extensions is targeted
at increasing the complexity of the discovery prob-
lems at the process and reasoning level. Solutions be-
ing able to still tackle the problems will have proven
an even higher level of adaptability to homogenous
environments. The second extension is complemen-
tary and increases the complexity with regard to the
amount of information that needs to be processed
and finally taken advantage of during discovery.
Both extensions combined are aiming at making the
discovery scenarios even more realistic than they al-
ready are, thereby underlining the goal of the SWS-
Challenge to provide industrial level application sce-
We will continue the organization of the SWS Chal-
lenge workshop in 2007 and hopefully beyond it. The
initiative is now going beyond its initial boundaries
and we hope to target much wider audience. Just
when finalizing this paper, the W3C Semantic Web
Service Testbed Incubator Group initiated by Chal-
lenge organizers has been approved by the W2C. The
mission of the group is to develop a standard method-
ology for evaluating semantic web services based
upon a standard set of problems and develop a pub-
lic repository of such problems. There is a new Coor-
dinated Action proposals in preparation for European
Commission, which includes Challenge as one of its
core activities. And we have a book planned to report
on the first year’s results.
The Challenge is now quite a growing and still
naturally mutating ”organism”. Many of the initial as-
sumptions about how the challenge should be run and
structured have been verified and/or modified during
its execution. In this last section we would like to
mention just a few new ideas for the future Challenge
The Challenge needs more new interesting scenar-
ios. While the initial scenarios have been provided
by the authors of this paper, this is not scalable, and
currently we have already new scenario problems cre-
ated by the larger SWS Challenge community. We are
open for new proposals of interesting use cases, which
could be hosted by the Challenge testbed system and
against which participants could test their execution
engines. This plans are also related with providing
an easier process for submitting new problems. Cur-
rently we maintain WIKI infrastructure, where all the
scenarios are stored. Together with the grow of the
community, we should have some more formal pro-
cess how we incorporate new use cases, how we make
sure that their fit the interest of participants (so some
formal approval process), as well as how makes the
hard job and takes care of implementation of the prob-
lems. This will be part of the outcome of the W3C
During previous workshops we used the whole
workshop to evaluate solutions of all the teams. This
cannot scale as the number of teams participating in
the challenge is growing. What is even more impor-
tant is the lesson we learned during Athens meeting,
that teams might have different understanding of pass-
ing/not passing the same tests. The Challenge would
require an improved integrated testbed allowing for
automation of the process. The set of the automated
tests would be deciding on behalf of organizers if the
team accomplished the given level of problems, as the
automated script would be run against proposed solu-
tion (e.g. the message unknown to participants would
be send to their mediators to make sure that the so-
lution is not hardcoded and can actually handle any
Last, but not least is the idea of integrating differ-
ent problems to allow ”mashups” - combining content
from more than one source into an integrated expe-
rience. Currently the scenarios are pretty separated
and we proved during our past meeting the teams can
accomplish one problem without even touching the
other one. Given this independence, it would be in-
teresting, to split the existing problems into micro-
problems (and to host only micro-problems on the
Challenge server), but to allow to mashup them freely
to create even new scenarios, not envisioned by the
creators of the mashups.
Margaria, T., Winkler, C., Kubczak, C., Steffen, B., Bram-
billa, M., Ceri, S., Cerizza, D., Valle, E. D., Facca,
F. M., and Tziviskou, C. (2007). The sws media-
tor with webml/webratio and jabc/jeti: A comparison.
In Comparative Evaluation of Semantic Web Service
Frameworks Special Session at ICEIS 2007.
Michael Maximilien, E. (2007). A partial solutio to the se-
mantic web service challenge problem using swashup:
The ruby on rails services mashup approach. In Com-
parative Evaluation of Semantic Web Service Frame-
works Special Session at ICEIS 2007.
RosettaNet Website (2007). RosettaNet Website.
Ulrich K
uster, Birgitta K
onig-Ries, M. K. (2007).
Discovery and Mediation using DIANE Ser-
vice Descriptions. available at http://sws-
Wu, Z., Ranabahu, A., Gomadam, K., Sheth, A. P., and
Miller, J. A. (2007). Automatic Composition of Se-
mantic Web Services using Process and Data Media-
tion. Techn. Rep. Kno.e.sis Center, Wright State Uni-
versity, Dayton, Ohio, February 28, 2007.
Zaremba, M., Vitvar, T., Moran, M., Brambilla, M., Ceri,
S., Cerizza, D., Della Valle, E., Facca, F. M., and
Tziviskou, C. (2007). Towards semantic interoper-
abilty: In-depth comparison of two approaches to
solving semantic web service challenge mediation
tasks. In Comparative Evaluation of Semantic Web
Service Frameworks Special Session at ICEIS 2007.