Application in the Automotive Industry
Jon Aldazabal, Gaizka Ballesteros
MIK S.Coop. Uribarri etorbidea 19, Mondragón Gipuzkoa, Spain
Juan Antonio Martín
MIK S.Coop. Uribarri etorbidea 19, Mondragón, Gipuzkoa, Spain
Keywords: Activity theory, activity analysis, processes reorganization.
Abstract: Activity Theory is a set of basic principles that constitute a general conceptual system, rather than a highly
predictive theory and constitutes an adequate research tool in order to generate organizational activity
changes. This paper intends to show the activity theory model and to present a real case of its application in
a real organization and how the model has achieved company’s reorganization.
MIK S.Coop.
applies the activity theory in many of
its projects to analyse and redefine the way
companies are working in any of its processes. This
paper intends to show the activity theory model and
to present a real case of its application in a real
2.1 The Basic Principles of Activity
Activity Theory is a set of basic principles that
constitute a general conceptual system, rather than a
highly predictive theory and constitutes an adequate
research tool in order to generate organizational
activity changes. The basic principles of Activity
Theory include the hierarchical structure of activity,
object-orientedness, internalization/externalization,
tool mediation, and development.
MIK S.Coop. is the management research centre of the MCC
industrial group (Mondragon Corporación Cooperativa).
2.2 Hierarchical Structure of Activity
In Activity Theory the unit of analysis is an activity
directed at an object which motivates activity, giving
it a specific direction. Activities are composed of
goal-directed actions that must be undertaken to
fulfil the object. Actions are conscious, and different
actions may be undertaken to meet the same goal.
Actions are implemented through automatic
operations. Operations do not have their own goals;
rather they provide an adjustment of actions to
current situations. Activity Theory holds that the
constituents of activity are not fixed, but can
dynamically change as conditions change.
2.3 Object-orientedness
The principle of “object-orientedness” (not to be
confused with object-oriented programming) states
that human beings live in a reality that is objective in
a broad sense: the things that constitute this reality
have not only the properties that are considered
objective according to natural sciences but
socially/culturally defined properties as well.
2.4 Internalization/ Externalization
Activity Theory differentiates between internal and
external activities. It emphasizes that internal
Aldazabal J., Ballesteros G. and Antonio Martín J. (2007).
ACTIVITY THEORY MODEL - Application in the Automotive Industry.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 615-619
activities cannot be understood if they are analyzed
separately from external activities, because they
transform into each other. Internalization is the
transformation of external activities into internal
ones. Internalization provides a means for people to
try potential interactions with reality without
performing actual manipulation with real objects
(mental simulations, imaginings, considering
alternative plans, etc.). Externalization transforms
internal activities into external ones. Externalization
is often necessary when an internalized action needs
to be “repaired,” or scaled. It is also important when
a collaboration between several people requires their
activities to be performed externally in order to be
2.5 Mediation
Activity Theory emphasizes that human activity is
mediated by tools in a broad sense. Tools are created
and transformed during the development of the
activity itself and carry with them a particular
culture - historical remains from their development.
So, the use of tools is an accumulation and
transmission of social knowledge. Tool use
influences the nature of external behavior and also
the mental functioning of individuals.
2.6 Development
In Activity Theory development is not only an
object of study, it is also a general research
methodology. The basic research method in Activity
Theory is not traditional laboratory experiments but
the formative experiment which combines active
participation with monitoring of the developmental
changes of the study participants. Ethnographic
methods that track the history and development of a
practice have also become important in recent work.
2.7 Integration of the Principles
These basic principles of Activity Theory should be
considered as an integrated system, because they are
associated with various aspects of the whole activity.
A systematic application of any of these principles
makes it eventually necessary to engage all the other
In the model (see Figure 1), the subject refers to the
individual or sub-group whose agency is chosen as
the point of view in the analysis. The object refers to
the ‘raw material’ or ‘problem space’ at which the
activity is directed and which is molded and
transformed into outcomes with the help of physical
and symbolic, external and internal mediating
instruments, including both tools and signs. The
community comprises multiple individuals and/or
sub-groups who share the same general object and
who construct themselves as distinct from other
communities. The division of labor refers to both
the horizontal division of tasks between the
members of the community and to the vertical
division of power and status. Finally the rules refer
to the explicit and implicit regulations, norms and
conventions that constrain actions and interactions
within the activity system.
Different subjects, due to their different histories
and positions in the division of labor, construct the
object and the other components of the activity in
different, partially overlapping and partially
conflicting ways.
There is constant construction and renegotiation
within the activity system. Coordination between
different versions of the object must be achieved to
ensure continuous operation. Tasks are reassigned
and redivided, rules are bent and reinterpreted.
There is also incessant movement between the
nodes of the activity. What initially appears as object
may soon be transformed into an outcome, then
turned into an instrument, and perhaps later into a
rule (Engeström, 1996). For instance, an unusual
medical case first appears as a problem, is
transformed into a successful diagnosis and
treatment, the account of which is used
instrumentally as a prototype or model for other
similar cases, and is gradually sedimented and
petrified into a rule requiring certain procedures in
all cases that fit the category. On the other hand,
rules may be questioned, reinterpreted and turned
into new tools and objects.
This section intends to present a real case of activity
theory application in a real organization.
The organization designs and manufactures
tooling and machinery for the iron and aluminium
foundry industry, mainly for the automotive sector.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Subject: Project manager, Technical manager and
Instruments / artifacts: spreadsheet, project
management programme
Division of labour:
Project manager: he defines project’s phases’
deadlines (long-term planning).
Technical manager: He is responsible for
managing design activities that is to say, for
defining short-term deadlines and its
monitoring and for assigning designers to each
specific activity.
Designer: He develops product’s design.
This division of labour is all right in theory, but
in practice technical managers feel more
comfortable designing than managing their
department. They were designers before being
Technical managers and in spite of having new
responsibilities they haven’t fully assumed them. If
there are problems with the activities deadlines they
rarely adopt the necessary measures to correct it.
Therefore, Technical Office work usually arrives
late to the following process phases (CAM,
manufacturing, assembly).
Rules:This company is organized in customer
teams, depending on technologies (iron, aluminium
or injection). Each team’s structure is formed by a
project manager, a technical manager, designers, a
quality manager, an assembly manager and assembly
workers. Manufacturing is common for all the
The main goal of this organization is to provide a
personalized attention to customers but, on the other
hand we loose flexibility. In practice we find a
problem when there are significant work level
differences among teams because they are
specialised in their customers and they are not used
to sharing their resources. This problem is even
more critic in the technical office, which is usually
the origin of the delivery delays. Technical
managers don’t like “lending” their designers to
other teams.
In addition to work level balance problem there
is a huge lack of standardization (different
documents, different design programmes, etc.).
Technical managers are focused on their own teams
and they don’t manage together their department.
Meetings among technical managers don’t even
Community: Directly, all the departments which
take part in the order – delivery process (project
managers, technical office, manufacturing,
Indirectly, the whole organization and its customers.
4.5 New Configuration of the Processes
Once all the analysis elements have been defined,
and specially focused on the tensions identified
during the activity, we organized interdisciplinary
sessions in order to find some alternative activities
with the objective of tension reduction.
Within each session there was an interesting
dynamic between open-ended dialogue technique
and the desire for reliable data. The influence of
observation on the observed is a well known
phenomenon. The mere act of watching may help
subjects to increase their awareness of mediating
instruments, rules and the activity system object.
Clearly, the group became more aware of
misalignments in their work methods or tools.
As we said, the briefing, especially the
discussion of tension between the subjects and
division of labour served as a catalyst for dialogue
between de interdisciplinary group. This dialogue
created a new depth of understanding among the
whole process. Having a representative of each part
of the process to discuss more deeply the meaning
and implications of the process analysis contributed
significantly to the appreciation of the whole group
and permitted to arise some solutions or changes
described in next lines.
Subject: Project manager, Technical manager,
Designers and Technical Director (new figure).
Division of labour:
Project manager: he defines project’s
phases’ deadlines (long-term planning).
Technical director: he manages the
technical office (resources assignment,
innovation, standardization, activities
monitoring, etc.).
Technical manager: He is responsible for
the engineering and design activities of his
Designer: He develops product’s design.
Rules: Technical office needed a new figure who
really managed the department. In the new model
developed technical managers continue working in
customer teams but designers are not members of a
customer team but of different projects. The
technical Director is the person who assigns
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
designers to each project. He knows workloads and
he can decide which project needs which designer.
Moreover, designers will work with different
customers / technologies and technical office will
increase its flexibility.
Technical director will not only balance
workloads but he will also assume the department
standardization activities (documents, checklists,
CAD programmes) and he will lead all innovation
and improvement initiatives.
Instruments: an ERP will be implemented to
improve the organization’s management (to
standardize processes, to avoid documents
duplications, etc.)
Actions can not be analysed as if they were isolated
activities. The Activity Theory defines and takes
into account all the elements taking part in the
activity, not only the subject and the outcome but
also the object, the division of labour, the
instruments, the community involved in the action
and existing rules and culture.
Relations among the different elements defined
are dynamic and can change if the ambient
conditions change, so the moment’s conditions
determines each analysis results and if conditions
change it will be necessary to make a new study.
The Activity Theory offers us a theoretical
framework to study social practices. The greatest
asset in an organization is its people, that is to say,
its employees’ knowledge, capabilities and acts.
Consequently, Activity Theory provides an
important potential to be applied in companies and
contribute to analyse most of its problems.
Engeström, Y., Middleton, D., 1996. Cognition and
communication at work. Cambridge University Press.
New York.
Engeström, Y., 2005 Developmental Work Research.
Expanding Activity Theory in Practice. Lehmanns
Media. Berlin.
Engeström, Y., Miettinen, R., Punamäki, R.L. 1999.
Perspectives on Activity Theory. Cambridge
University Press. New York.
ACTIVITY THEORY MODEL - Application in the Automotive Industry