changing in their activities. Defining that, allows
evaluating to what extent the activity is changing,
from the form of data or structure to competencies
and know-how. Having those information
collaborating actors are able to redefine their
common activities, and also to state the needed
resources, effort and support they need to
collaborate under a new operating scheme. A similar
evaluation is applied to evaluate coordination
evolution from the As-Is to the To-Be situation there
is no particular method applied here, but and
indication on each described collaboration activity.
3.3 Effort for Change Evaluation
This last step is design to indicate for each
transformed activity spotted in the level two, the
necessary human and technical resources to deliver a
constant process. Once the extent to which activity is
being transformed is fixed, as referred in CMM
models, simulations are programmed to evaluate the
needed documentation, management and control to
reach continuous process improvement through
readjustments. The prerequisite skills, knowledge,
practices and tools to ensure compliance with the
corporate procedures and process are fixed at this
level. We estimate that readiness for change is
reached when technical and human capability is
estimated in relation to a define service level with
improvement possibilities. Readiness means here the
organisational capacity to incorporate new business
processes and mastering there possible evolution.
Referring to ADESI Specific Action (2004) we
consider that the ability to answer to actual industrial
stakes such as constant change, an integration of
methods considering both human and technological
dimensions is crucial.
We have resumed in this article the potential change
that the SMMART project can generate in the
maintenance activity. The main issue for MRO
organisations is to decrease maintenance time so as
to maximize operation time. The SMMART concept
is a technological enabler that has to be integrated in
existing organisations to improve proactive
maintenance capabilities. The organisational impacts
are plural regrouping maintenance logistics and
design process. We proposed a potential change
capability maturity model which provides a practical
framework to estimate the change project
progression. Our next issue is to elaborate a strong
simulation method so as provide reliable human
capability evaluation. We still have to set the
adequate method base on empirical researches
analysis and strong theory evaluation. Our main
focus trough this article was to present a practical
model enabling the evaluation of technological
change impacts on human and technical structure for
new technology introduction. Our investigations aim
at conciliating human and technical factors for
optimal process design.
We thank Lionel Lautier from Turbomeca and Juan
Izeta Yurrita from MIK MCC for their contributions.
This Work has been carried out within the
SMMART (System for Mobile Maintenance
Accessible in Real Time) project that received
funding from the European Community FP6.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems