that software/system models should have to be spec-
ified in the form of documents. For instance in the
case UML, OCL will facilitate this task obviously.
As future work, it is planned to extend this meta-
model in order to support configuration management.
This will imply that for any type of document it will
be necessary to identify at which level configuration
control will be performed. For instance for a software
requirement document the configuration item could
be each requirement. This will be a methodologi-
cal decision that should be taken in each case by the
method engineer.
Automation may be a key issue to support the ap-
proach described within this paper. Therefore it is
planned to set up the basis to define a software engi-
neering environment architecture in which documents
are the central issue and supports all the concepts in-
troduced within the paper. Documents will be used as
the integration mechanism of tools and services us-
ing XML schemes to define the document templates.
These XML schemes will be the result of applying
some mapping rules to the proposed metamodel. A
Software Engineering Environment will manage the
XML schemes and documents and will trigger the ex-
ecution of the defined tools for performing the tasks
assigned to different documents or subdocuments. A
prototype was already developed few years ago as
presented in (Alarc
on et al., 2004).
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14840, the project VULCANO FIT-340503-2006-
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