Mauricio Concha, Marcello Visconti and Hernán Astudillo
Departamento de Informática, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Av. España 1680, Valparaíso, Chile
Keywords: Agile Development, Commitment Management, Risk Management.
Abstract: Agile methods have been proposed to increase customer satisfaction and deliver business value early, yet
y don’t focus on progress visibility other than software deliverables. However, many customers
demand risk visibility over the main aspects that define their expectations: functionality (scope), budget,
time-to-market, and product quality. This article proposes an agile commitment framework based on
structured definition and follow-up of commitments among customers and developers. The framework uses
commitment management to improving risk management by enhancing visibility of business expectation
risks, by providing a negotiation baseline among customers and developers, and by allowing mitigating
action when appropriate. Finally, we summarize several case studies run to evaluate the proposed
framework in academic and industrial settings.
There are clear trends in software business: user
expectations for quality are increasing, software
cycle times are shorter, systems are becoming more
complex and more integrated, new business
opportunities require exploration of new product
concepts, and agile development approaches have
become very common in industry. Since software is
a strategic element to support the business process
within organizations, software alignment to business
goals is an important aspect to manage.
Customer business expectations lead to the
opment of software, and those expectations are
defined at the beginning by customers in terms of:
functionality (scope), time-to-market, budget, and
product quality. These are the aspects the customer
is interested in, and if some of them are missed, it
will lead to an unsuccessful project.
Agile methods are oriented to customer
n and to deliver business value early, but if
flexibility and adaptability are not managed during
the project, agile methods may not assure
achievement of all business expectations. Therefore,
it is necessary to introduce a risk-based approach to
improve risk management in agile projects.
This article is organized as follows: section 2
efly describes agile development; section 3
highlights business risks in agile projects; section 4
presents commitment management; section 5
introduces the agile commitment framework; section
6 describes how to monitor and obtain visibility with
the framework; section 7 shows early results
obtained from using the framework; and section 8
presents future work and conclusions.
In software companies the strongest motivation to
switch to agile development is failure in previous
projects. This prompts the organizations to look for
and try new, potentially more effective methods for
software development.
Agile methods (Alleman and Henderson, 2003),
h as Extreme Programming and Scrum, have
been offered as a way to meet the needs of rapid
external changes in dynamic market situations,
lower defect rates, and reduce development times.
Agile methods are ad
aptive rather than
predictive, unlike traditional methods where most of
the software process is planned in certain detail for a
large time frame. The plan-driven approach works
well only if change is limited, and the application
domain and software technologies are well
understood by the development team.
Concha M., Visconti M. and Astudillo H. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering , pages 72-79
DOI: 10.5220/0002586500720079
The problem of change is exacerbated (Kontio et
al., 2004) by long development cycles that yield
code that may be well written but does not meet user
Agile methods were developed to adapt and
thrive on frequent changes. The rapidly changing
Internet-based economy demands flexibility and
speed from software developers, something not
usually associated with plan-driven development.
The main motivations to use agile methods, as
expressed in the “agile principles” (Agile Manifesto,
2001), are: increment of customer satisfaction;
flexibility and change acceptance in requirements;
frequent delivery of valuable working software to
customers; and collaboration of business people and
Many development teams have successfully used
agile development to build quality software, but
often these projects have failed to effectively
contribute to overall company success. This failure
is due to the fact that most company’s strategic
planning processes have not been aligned to take
advantage of the flexibility and adaptability of agile
development (Rand and Eckfeldt, 2004).
In commercial environments, business goals are
usually managed through a formal contract signed
between developers and customers. In particular,
companies that outsource development are used to
working under contract in order to manage the
customer-developer relationship.
However, defining a traditional contract can be
difficult in agile methods, because it would require
to determine and fix system details early on during
the development process. Instead, agile methods aim
to achieve business goals using iterative
development and close communication between
customer and developer.
Indeed, a key factor for the appropriateness of
agile methods is contractual obligation; if the
requirements for work to be performed are part of a
legal contract, an agile method may be inappropriate
since requirements are malleable (Cram and Bohner,
The challenge of increasing risks visibility when
using agile methods is how to define early in a
project the rules and conditions that will determine
its development, without hampering the iterative and
exploratory nature of agile methods. A customer
may be sure that agility can help, but still needs to
manage and mitigate the risk of failing the business
expectations (about functionality, time-to-market,
budget, and software quality). And this means that
developers need to understand, and commit to, the
project’s business goals, not just to mere
Some work has been already devoted to defining
business goals for agile projects and to enhance risk-
visibility between customers and developers: Agile
Contracts (Beck and Cleal, 1999), Agile
Procurement (Jamieson et al., 2005), and Risk-
Driven Method for XP Release Planning (Li et al.,
2006). However, we will argue that a more
promising staring point is commitments management
(Kontio et al., 1998).
Software development is always a challenging
undertaking and it requires high commitment from
individuals who participate in it. Software
development often involves new technology,
challenging or unknown requirements, and tight
schedules – making it particularly prone to several
types of risk (Kontio et al., 2004)(Hartmann and
Dymond, 2006).
The term commitment describes goals, forms of
cooperation, responsibilities, decisions, and so on,
that stakeholders agree upon in a project;
commitments scope may include all critical aspects
in the project.
Commitments management (Kontio et al., 1998)
is an approach that uses commitments among
customers and developers to define a list of
agreements as baseline for the project, with the goal
of mitigating the risk of losing sight of the original
project motivations. The commitment specification
defines all agreements and establishes a common
view of the project among stakeholders
Commitments management (as part of project
management) is the specification, formalization, and
follow-up of commitments during the whole project,
with the purpose of aligning the final product with
the business strategy and goals that motivate the
software project.
Software contracts and plans provide partial
specification of the commitment agreed for the
project. Project plans define budget and timeline,
specify the software process and the risk
management, but don’t consider the business
underlying motivations and how to manage the
problems. Thus, contracts and project plans are
incomplete commitment specifications.
The commitment management process has been
characterized in the following process areas (Kontio
et al., 1998):
Business motivation. Why is the Project being
Project goals definition. What is delivered and
accomplished, when and for how much?
Process specification. How is the Project
Risk management. What are the risks and what
do we do?
In most projects it is not realistic to expect that all
commitment specifications topics can be defined
exhaustively, and usually there is neither time nor
information to do this. Instead, focus should be on
topics that are most relevant and can be specified. In
the earliest stages of a project, the overall level of
risk is often the most critical situation attribute.
Thus, it should have the highest influence on
commitment specification.
Currently, commitment specification is mainly
based on the participant intuition. Given the
importance of commitment management and
specification, intuition alone may not be enough. As
in many other areas of software engineering,
practical guidelines and methods should be
developed to support critical areas of commitment
The relationship between customers and
developers requires consistent practices so partners
develop confidence that commitments will be
honored, even if individuals change. This in turn
requires creative agreements that do not try to cover
every eventuality, but instead provide ways to deal
with unpredictable future events in a manner that
both sides will perceive as fair and equitable (Schuh,
We propose an agile commitments framework that
adapts commitment management to manage risk on
business expectation for agile methods. The specific
objectives of this framework are to:
Define and specify commitments among
Define and agree on the underlying business
Manage and control the agreed-upon
commitments during the whole project.
Improve risk management through risk visibility
on the business expectation about functionality
(scope), quality, budget, and time-to-market.
Provide a negotiation baseline for customers
and developers.
The agile commitments framework has two
components (see Figure 1): a conceptual schema
framework, which defines the framework itself and
describes its structure; and the instantiation guide
for project level, to be used by managers to
implement agile commitments in specific projects.
Project Level
Figure 1: Agile Commitments Framework.
5.1 Conceptual Schema Framework
Agile commitments are based on the commitment
specification for software projects proposed by
Kontio (Kontio et al., 1998), and are divided in 4
process areas, each one with specific goals (see
Table 1).
The issues that reduce the uncertainty of a new
project using agile methods are defined with the
elements of the framework. Commitments can be
negotiated at the beginning and during the project,
and provide a common and agreed upon outlook to
customers and developers.
The framework structure is based on the
“continuous representation” from CMMI (Software
Engineering Institute - CMU, 2006), and defines
specific goals in every process area. The four
process areas are described in the following sections.
5.1.1 Business Motivation
The purpose of the business motivation area is to
define why the project is being developed and what
business goals and expectations are settled by the
customer. The specific goals are:
Strategic directions and intentions: Specify
for the project the directions, intentions, and
ENASE 2007 - International Conference on Evaluation on Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
business strategy. Therefore, the business
expectations are defined at the higher level.
Thus, it is possible to agree upon a common
perspective about the project.
Business value goals: Establish the business
value goals for the software that will be
developed, the expected final product, and the
expected economic effect in business.
Time-to-market: Specify the business
opportunity defined for the project. If there are
either a deadline or time-to market defined for
the software. It is important to agree on the
opportunity cost that will exist if the project is
Table 1: Conceptual Schema Framework.
Process Areas Specifics Goals
Strategic directions and intentions
Business goals
Deliverables and Iterations (value
Schedule and times
Cost and budget
Project Goal
Project management
Agile process definition (standard or
Conflict resolution procedures
Agile Process
Change control procedures
Shared assumptions for the project
Risk Analysis and identification
Scope of risk management
Accepted Risks
Project Risk
Risk responsibility assignment
5.1.2 Project Goal
The purpose of the project goal area is to define
what will be delivered and accomplished, when and
for how much. The specific goals are:
Deliverables and iterations: Estimate the
number of iterations, and the time for every
cycle. Define the scope of all deliverables at
each iteration and agree on business value
added for every intermediate product.
Schedule and times: Define the schedule and
global times for the project, considering the
number of iterations and when the software is
required. This goal has key importance in
project management, and it is related to the
“time-to-market” business goal.
Cost and budget: Establish an agreement over
the total cost estimation for the project,
considering the iterations and resources needed.
This must be a realistic agreement among the
Quality: Define how the quality in the project
will be assessed, this allows the definition of
acceptance criteria for the deliverables.
5.1.3 Agile Process Specification
The purpose of the agile process specification is to
define how the project will be developed and what
methodology will be used. The specific goals are:
Project management: Define how the project
management will be carried out, which depends
on the agile method selected for the project. If
the project is part of a larger one, it is required
to define how the project integration will work.
Agile process definition (standards or
frameworks): Establish which agile method will
be used, whether some framework will be
followed, and what level of compliance with
standards is defined for the project.
Conflict resolution procedures: Establish how
the problems will be addressed during the
project, and who is going to make the important
decisions. This goal must be aligned with the
business goals of the project.
Change control procedures: Define the
process for change evaluation and
incorporation, considering that the agile project
must be open to changes.
5.1.4 Risk Management
The purpose of the risk management process area is
to identify potential problems before they occur, and
agree upon activities o mitigate adverse impacts on
achieving objectives. A continuous risk management
approach is applied to effectively anticipate and
mitigate the risks that have critical impact on the
project. The specific goals are:
Shared assumptions for the project: Define
explicitly the assumptions for the project, and
how those must be known and agreed upon for
every participant in the project. For example,
technology, feasibility, external factors, etc.
Risk analysis and identification: Identify and
analyze risks in the project to determine their
relative importance and potential impact.
Scope of risk management: Define the scope
of risk management in the project, and its
importance during development.
Accepted risks: Specify the list of risks that
will be mitigated and what activities will be
planned and executed in order to reduce the
impact and occurrence probability.
Risk responsibility assignment: Define the
responsibilities in risk management, and who
will be in charge of each planned action
5.2 Instantiation Guide
The instantiation guide defines the steps to follow to
implement agile commitments in a specific project.
During the instantiation activities, customers and
developers consider the project characteristics and
the particular business expectations.
As part of the framework, we have defined some
document templates to support the instantiation
process; they provide a standard tool to specify and
control commitments for the project.
The execution of the commitment management
framework is oriented to measure risk qualitatively;
thus, the main problem is to decide which risk
metrics should be gathered during the project.
Risks are defined as a possibility of loss or
negative impact on a project. Risks can be evaluated
during the project with a probability value and
potential impact. In the context of this work, risk
will be considered as the possibility and impact of
not achieving the customer’s business expectations.
A risk metric is an objective measure associated
with a risk factor to be mitigated, although its
measurement may be problematic (Boehm and
DeMarco, 1997). The risk factors addressed by the
process framework are based on the business value
expectations and goals: functionality, time-to-
market, budget, and product quality.
A risk factor is a potential problem, characterized
by the probability of occurrence and a potential loss
(of life, money, property, reputation, and so on). In
the previous factors, customers can define the
potential loss, and therefore the problem becomes
how to measure the probability of occurrence, and
how this probability changes during the project
For this specific process framework, the available
approaches for assessing risk, and hence validating
the process framework, are:
Initial Scenario: At the start of the project, all
business value goals (functionality, time-to-
market, budget, and quality) must be established
in terms of qualitative metrics, as well as
potential losses incurred if a business value goal
is not met.
Current Risk: The perceived risk at the
moment of the measure; it is a subjective
assessment. It can be measured using the
perceived probability, and it must be measured
along the whole project execution.
Risk Incurred: The probability of failure that
the project faced but eventually avoided.
Therefore, the problems did not occur because
the mitigation efforts worked.
Final Scenario: At the end of the project, it is
possible to compare the initial business goals
taken in the “Initial Scenario” with the final
values obtained for business goals
(functionality, time-to-market, budget, and
Figure 2: Continuous Risk Visibility.
Figure 2 shows the point in time where each
assessment is carried out, according to the agile
commitments framework.
At the end of each project, two important metrics
can be obtained: the total risk incurred during the
project for the business goals fulfillments, and the
variation in the final results obtained for the
business goals according the customer evaluation.
Also, the customer is able to assess whether this
framework was useful with the purpose of reducing
risk exposure, and if the business goals have been
- Current Risk
- Risk Incurred
Project Start-up Initial
- Current Risk
- Risk Incurred
. . ..
- Current Risk
- Risk Incurred
Final Scenario
ENASE 2007 - International Conference on Evaluation on Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
The agile commitment framework has been
evaluated for feasibility and effectiveness through
several case studies at two different levels: at the
Conceptual Framework Level, the process
framework has been validated using expert
judgment; and at the Project Level, the framework
has been instantiated and verified in real projects, in
two different case studies: an academic exercise, and
a real project developed in an international maritime
transportation company.
7.1 Conceptual Framework Level
At the conceptual level, a case study was carried out
by instantiating the framework in 54 different agile
projects developed in software companies. This case
study introduced the framework in real projects at
their initial stages; it collected information about the
instantiation process itself, the results obtained, and
the evaluation by IT professional that used the
framework, according to their expertise and expert
The agile commitments framework was
instantiated for the projects in the case study only for
the “Initial Scenario”, and this framework was not
used in the other phases of the development, because
it was not considered as relevant for this level of
conceptual evaluation.
The case study included two groups of projects,
classified according to the professional level of the
participants: the first group had 48 graduate-level IT
professionals and the second one had 35 IT
professionals with undergraduate level software
engineering studies. The main conclusions from this
case study (Concha, Visconti and Astudillo, 2007)
are summarized in Table 2. In general terms, the
framework has been successfully used for the initial
phase of these projects being applied correctly in all
agile methods used in the case study, also it was
possible to confirm the framework as a platform to
define commercial conditions between customer and
developers, and finally there were no negative
observations in the conceptual evaluation.
In this case study, we did not verify with the
participant companies how every project finished
because that was out of scope of this proposal, nor
did we verify if agile development had been
correctly applied. The only result we were interested
in from this case study was the instantiation of the
framework for the “Initial Scenario”, and the expert
Table 2: Conceptual Level Conclusions.
Perspective Description of Results
The framework is applied correctly in
all agile methods used in the case
study. In total, 14 Scrum, 15 XP, 3
AUP, 1 FDD, 21 incremental &
iterative ad-hoc development.
IT professionals (experts) confirm as
valid using the commitment
management in order to support risk
management for business expectations
Negotiation For outsourced development projects,
it is possible to confirm the framework
as a platform to define commercial
conditions between customer and
developers, providing a useful
negotiation baseline.
7.2 Project Level Academic Evaluation
In the first case study, the framework was
instantiated in 8 academic projects, each of them 3
month long, and developed as part of a “Software
Production Workshop” for professional engineering
seniors. The workshop theme was Semantic Web
development using agile methods, specifically
Feature Driven Development (FDD).
Table 3: Project Level Conclusions (case study 2:
Semantic Web and FDD projects).
Perspective Description of Results
The framework is applied to FDD with
no observations.
It allowed risk visibility during the
whole project to instructor and
Negotiation It allowed a baseline for agreements
and commitments between instructor
and students.
The framework leads the commitment
management; therefore it is carried out
consistently during the project
The objective of this case study was to use the
agile commitments framework in the projects and to
learn about the risk visibility during the projects.
The framework was used in the complete project life
At the workshop end, 6 out of 8 projects had
instantiated the framework correctly. Consistently,
the 2 projects that were unable to instantiate the
framework had a poor overall workshop evaluation.
The results of this case study from the instructor
(stakeholder) viewpoint are summarized in Table 3.
7.3 Project Level Industry Evaluation
The second case study at project level corresponds
to a real development project in industry. The
proposed method was applied to a Web-based
application project in a shipping company. The agile
method used was FDD. The 2-month project was
developed under outsourcing, and only the domain
experts belonged to the company. During the
project, and using the agile commitments
framework, the project manager was able to obtain
the risk visibility required. This risk visibility
allows the stakeholders to make decisions in order to
mitigate the risks, particularly in terms of quality
and scope (functionality) expected for the final
software product. Those elements were critical in the
customer business expectations for this particular
Table 4: Project Level Conclusions (case study 3: industry
Perspective Description of Results
The framework is applied to FDD with
no observations.
The framework is a useful tool to
assess the risk exposure level in the
different project stages; this allows the
managers the timely implementation of
the corresponding mitigation strategies.
The subjective risk assessment
proposed by the framework could be
improved through objective measuring.
Negotiation The framework enables a common
understanding between stakeholders
and developers about the business goals
of the project, providing a good
baseline to negotiate commercial
conditions. Also, it allows the customer
to control the project during its
The framework supports the
implementation of commitment
management in an agile project,
contributing to control the progress of
the project based on the commitment
fulfillment, and providing the required
risk visibility on the business
expectations risks.
In the commercial aspects, the framework
enables a common understanding between
stakeholders and developers about the business goals
of the project, providing a good baseline to negotiate
commercial conditions.
The results for this industry case study from the
stakeholder viewpoint are summarized in Table 4.
Both case studies allowed us to receive feedback
from the customer side on two evaluation levels: 1)
the conceptual level, where the framework has been
assessed by IT professionals considered as experts in
the area because of their expertise in project
management; and 2) the project level, where the
framework has been instantiated and used in real
projects during the full life cycle of a number of
academic projects as well as an industry project.
Agile methods can be aligned to business goals
using commitments management as a
complementary activity, to mitigate risk to business
value expectations. In this article, we have defined
an approach that can be used regardless the agile
method implemented in the organization. The
proposed solution corresponds to the integration
between agile methods and a commitments
management technique.
Commitments management does not modify the
essence of agile methods; it only supports them with
complementary practices. We can see at least four
benefits from using the proposed agile commitments
framework: 1) the framework is well-defined and
generalized for any agile method; 2) the framework
allows customers and developers to develop a
negotiation baseline, as an effective and agile
alternative to contracts; 3) the framework improves
risk management through risk visibility on the
business expectation elements: functionality (scope),
quality, budget, and time-to-market; and 4) the
framework provides a risk-driven decision support
tool to the customer during the whole development
Concerning potential improvements to the agile
commitment framework, an issue to consider is to
avoid the subjective risk assessment during the
project; the framework could suggest some objective
way to measure risk using, for example, a value
based technique. Another issue for further discussion
is to determine if the framework is suitable for
project with short iterations; in such cases there is no
enough time to implement the commitment
ENASE 2007 - International Conference on Evaluation on Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Ongoing work focuses on extending the agile
commitments framework by defining an
intermediate instantiation level, to allow managers to
define process instances for an organizational
domain, which can then be instantiated for specific
projects in a project portfolio under the same
business condition.
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