condition, organ or disease. Medical professionals
interface with this document in light of the known
patient information to support their patient-centred
healthcare delivery.
2.2 Computer-Interpretable-Guidelines
The underlying principle behind the CIG approach is
to disassemble the guideline into separate workflow
activities, and then orchestrate rules to link these
activities together centrally based on the presented
patient data. The majority of CIG’s decompose the
medical guideline into an Arden Syntax Medical
Logic Module (MLM) or similar by dividing the
narrative guideline into ‘evoke’, ‘data’, ‘logic’ and
‘action’ slots. These slots are used to develop a
software workflow activity plan, complete with a
triggering condition, but contain no motivation or
goal. As more guidelines are added, rules controlling
the selection, merging and division of workflow
activities increases. The centralised CIG control
engine which manages these activities provides the
motivation or goal for the software to operate. As all
guidelines are coupled together via the centralised
set of management rules it is not possible to
distribute this activity among a number of computer
systems. This is fundamentally different to the true
operation of a medical guideline where many copies
of the same guideline exist.
In summary, a CIG is a list of workflow plans
which are called and used when the relevant patient
information is available. It is centralised and the
original knowledge is fragmented and cannot be
truly interfaced with.
2.3 Software Agents
An agent is an autonomous self-contained software
module which is programmed using belief, goal and
plan attributes. Each agent has its own inference
engine which interprets these attributes in order to
perform some activity. The principle of a BDI
agent’s operation is based on a belief capturing the
informational attributes, the desire capturing
motivational attributes and the intention capturing
the deliberative attributes of an agent (Rao et al.,
1995). An agent shell is a generalised version of an
agent which can be adapted for a wide variety of
different applications. There are a number of BDI
agent shells available such as Jason, 3APL and
Jadex. Jadex 0.932 was the agent shell used in this
research. Although there are characteristic
similarities between agents and guidelines the raw
Jadex shell is not capable of capturing guideline
functionality without some modification. To this end
the Jadex agent shell was adapted and this modified
version of the Jadex agent was titled Autonomous
Socialising Knowledge agent (ASK-agent).
Using the ASK-agent model a guideline can be
decomposed into workflow activities, but instead of
having a centralised inference engine to manage all
the guidelines, each guideline has its own inference
engine. The guidelines have the ability to
communicate with other resources using message
passing. The ASK-agent encodes the separate
workflow paths and motivational management rules
of the guideline within a single autonomous software
module. There is no centralised engine managing the
separate ASK-agents, therefore the approach is
distributed. Each agent registers itself, complete
with the services it provides, language and ontology
it uses with a Directory Facilitator (DF). The DF
acts as a goldenpages for agents, allowing them to
be looked-up, accessed and used as independent
Table 2: Adapted MLM to Agent map.
The agent’s beliefs capture and encode the
information attributes of the guideline, the agent’s
ASK-Agent Component
Evoke The ASK-agent’s action trigger to perform
some task, or perform goal.
Data Belief, the facts the agent uses to trigger logic.
A belief can be any Java object.
Logic Condition, precondition or trigger based on
beliefs used for the selection of an appropriate
workflow activity plan or goal.
Action Execution of the workflow activity.
Motivates the ASK-agent to achieve a specific
goal to reach some desired state, such as
determine patient gender, age, PatientID.
Motivates the ASK-agent to maintain a specific
condition (e.g. maintain the plausibility value
above 60%)
Motivates the ASK-agent to seek alternative
avenues on an IF basis without committing to
the workflow activity (e.g. test alternative paths
before committing to the path, such as would
knowing the gender of the patient alter the
If more than one workflow activity is triggered
simultaneously, but only one should be chosen
the ASK-agent must choose the most
appropriate course of action to take.
If data stored in the beliefs or received in a
message has a level of truth, but cannot be
established as 100% true or false, then the
ASK-agent can weight its selection of an
appropriate action (e.g. the patient could have
kidney failure, probability of 60%, but the
patient could also have liver failure, probability
of 55%)
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics