method is not very crucial for the reported data set.
This also supports the choice of the simplest classi-
fier type, the one node MLP, as a preferred classifier.
However, it has to be noted that the classification task
might have been harder if more real data had been
available serving as a basis for the data generation.
On the other hand, the results with the current data
suggest that neurolinguistic tests used in aphasia test-
ing separate quite well the healthy subjects and pa-
tients from each other. Thus, it is possible that there is
no need for using more advanced classification meth-
ods in patient / healthy subject separation.
The current classification research should be ex-
tended to include more classifier types. Especially
traditional classifiers types, such as na¨ıve Bayes clas-
sifier, discriminant analysis or k-nearest neighbor
classifiers should be investigated, since the success of
the one neuron MLP classifiers suggest that the sim-
ple classification methods might perform noticeably
well with the classification task.
An important question is also how well the used
data generation method preserves the characteristics
of the original data. This question should be exam-
ined in more detail in order to ensure that the data gen-
eration does not unnaturally bias the data. Moreover,
other aphasia data sets should be tested, althoughfind-
ing a suitable data set with decent number of test cases
seems to be problematic.
The author gratefully acknowledges Professor Martti
Juhola, Ph.D., from Department of Computer Sci-
ences, University of Tampere, Finland for his help-
ful comments on the draft of the paper and Tampere
Graduate School in Information Science and Engi-
neering (TISE) for financial support.
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