A Novel Framework for Non-repudiable SMS-based Processes
Antonio Grillo, Alessandro Lentini, Gianlugi Me
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
Giuliano Rulli
Spike Reply s.r.l., Reply S.p.A., Rome, Italy
Confidentiality, data security, sms, ECDSA, elliptic curves.
The exponential growth of the Short Message Service (SMS) use has led this service to an indispensable tool
for social, marketing and advertising messaging. Moreover, mobile devices such as smartphones, handsets and
PDAs represent an enabling factor for distributing digital content. Mobile devices are quickly becoming Per-
sonal Trust Device (PTD); mobile devices embed personal data, which allow sending/receiving confidential
information from/to the PTD. This paper aims to introduce Trusted-SMS, a novel framework to exchange se-
cure SMS. This system is composed by three main entities: the Service Supplier, which publishes and delivers
services; the End User, which choices and eventually pays for a specific service, that belongs to the service-set
offered by a Service Supplier; the Certification Authority (CA) which represents the trusted entity shared by
the Service Supplier and the End User. The CA plays the role of the Certification Authority. The main re-
quirements of the overall system are strictly non-repudiability, user friendliness and platform portability. The
security requirement includes customer transaction authentication, confidentiality, integrity and non repudia-
tion, in an environment composed of heterogeneous networks and devices, with different security weaknesses.
Trusted-SMS allows exchanging SMS digitally signed with Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm. SMS
digitally signed are useful in many scenarios, such as commercial transaction, production of delegation from
a remote site and provisioning of e-healthcare services. The signature is fully contained in a single SMS; the
size of a digital signature amount to fifty bytes leaving more than one hundred bytes (110 bytes) for the SMS
payload. Moreover the application of Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Schema cryptographic algorithm,
which is based on the same credentials needed by the digital signature algorithm, allows protecting the payload
from intrusions.
Short message services (SMS), thanks to its relative
simplicity and ease of use, similar to the e-mail, keeps
on growing in penetrating the market throughout the
world. In fact, during the 2000, just 17 billion SMS
messages were sent; in 2001, the number was up to
250 billion, and 500 billion SMS messages were sent
in 2004 (Kivimaki and Fomin, 2001). At an average
cost of USD 0.10 per message, this generates rev-
enues in excess of $50 billion for mobile telephone
operators and represents close to 100 text messages
for every person in the world.
Text messaging has become so popular that advertis-
ing agencies are now considering it as an irrinuciable
vehicle to keep the customer up to dated about the
new offers and products (Dickinger et al., 2004). The
services providing bulk text messages are also becom-
ing a popular way for clubs, associations, and adver-
tisers to quickly reach a group of opt-in subscribers.
This advertising has proven to be extremely effective,
but some insiders worry that advertisers may abuse
the power of mobile marketing and it will be consid-
ered spam.
Moreover, the proliferation of SMS attracts malware
writers that adapt phishing and other activities based
on social engineering techniques (e.g. spoofing be-
come SMS-spoofing) in order to manipulate people
into performing actions or divulging confidential in-
formation (van der Merwe et al., 2005).
Grillo A., Lentini A., Me G. and Rulli G. (2008).
TRUSTED SMS - A Novel Framework for Non-repudiable SMS-based Processes.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 43-50
This paper aims to describe a novel framework to ex-
change secure SMS: Trusted-SMS. Due to the well
known, or yet undiscovered, security weaknesses of
SMS, it’s important, for some kind of applications,
to enforce security layers, such as confidentiality, in-
tegrity and non repudiation. The goals of this paper
are concerned with:
a Expressing the requirements of the Trusted-SMS
b Analyzing and designing a framework meeting
those needs;
c Characterizing that framework,with a sketch of a
case study.
In the remaining of the paper, the Section 2 sketches
the current level of development of modern methods
and products that involve a secure SMS exchange.
The Section 3 describes Trusted-SMS framework;
this section deals with framework needs and goals
in required features, architectural design and some
technical details. The Section 4 presents a proto-
type system compliant to Trusted-SMS framework as
case study. Section 5 presents some conclusions, and
points to the future trends.
The huge success of some modern network protocols,
not designed with security in mind, poses many con-
cerns about fraudulent intrusions and undiscerning vi-
olation of the privacy. As for the TCP/IP case, the
SMS suffer the lack of many features that are desir-
able or needed on an insecure network, as the GSM
can be considered. For this reason, the companies
offer some security-enhancing products, which allow
to protect private information exchanged via SMS.
The available solutions can be divided into two dif-
ferent models: ”‘Peer-to-Peer”’(P2P) and ”‘Client-
Server”’(CS); the former focuses on the SMS ex-
change which involves only mobile devices, while the
latter focuses on the SMS exchange which occurs be-
tween a mobile device, as the Client, and a remote
computer, as the Server.
Many solutions belong to the P2P model, such as
Message in a Bottle (Chirico, 2007), Spider-SMS
(Barbi, 2007), Kryptext (Kryptex, 2007), MultiTasker
(MultiTasker, 2007) and CryptoSMS (CryptoSMS,
2007). Products as Fortress-SMS (FortressSMS,
2007) follow the CS model, this can be view as a gen-
eralization of products based on P2P model. The level
of security of the previous solutions is strictly related
to the key-distribution schema and the security algo-
rithm applied. Miabo and Spider SMS cannot be used
for sending and receiving information as part of busi-
ness transactions and personal communications. They
don’t fit security needs because the former relies on a
PGP schema as public key infrastructure and the latter
relies on a random key generator.
Fortress-SMS relies on a Rijndael engine with ci-
pher block chaining (Advanced Encryption Standard
compliant) as encryption algorithm; CryptoSMS uses
three overlapping strong encryption schemes, em-
ploying both block and stream ciphers. Fortress-SMS
and CryptoSMS are not fully documented about their
execution times; to the best of our understanding en-
cryption schemas adopted by these products require
long processing times on mobile devices (Waadt et al.,
Many products allow both the SMS digital signature
and the SMS encryption; Trusted-SMS allows SMS
digital signature or alternatively SMS signature on
SMS encrypted.
Furthermore, the GSM specifications (3GPP, 2007)
don’t define any mechanism for ensuring integrity of
SMS content and authentication of SMS sender. SMS
digitally signed can be used to avoid SMS-tampering,
ensuring integrity and authentication of the sender
(Center, 2007). SMS encrypted are suitable to avoid
unauthorized access to SMS content.
Trusted-SMS is a complex framework for allow-
ing secure SMS exchange between involved entities.
This framework enables a user to send or receive
SMS messages digitally signed with standard Ellip-
tic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) and
optionally encrypted with standard Elliptic Curve In-
tegrated Encryption Schema (ECIES). According to
the digitally signed SMS, this framework can be used
to avoid SMS from tampering ensuring integrity and
non repudiation: the recipient can detect the tamper-
ing during the SMS verification process. With en-
crypted SMS, this framework can be used to avoid
SMS from unauthorized access. If someone intercepts
an encrypted SMS he cannot eavesdrop the SMS con-
Trusted-SMS is composed by three main entities:
Service Supplier: this entity is responsible for pro-
viding services;
End User: this entity is the consumer of the supplied
Certification Authority: this entity is responsible to
ensure trusting to the involved entities.
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
3.1 Required Features
The expected use cases and the resulting requirements
suggest the following list of features, trying to depict
the Trusted-SMS framework. For the sake of simplic-
ity, we divide the framework required features in three
subsets, which are related to the previously identified
Service Supplier entity features:
1. each Service Supplier owns a Large Account
number; clients of a Service Supplier use its
Large Account number as its identifier;
2. the Service Supplier has to be able to generate,
send and receive different kind of SMS;
3. each SMS, which Service Suppliers have to
send to Customers, must be ECDSA-Signed us-
ing the CA private key (KPrivCA);
4. each SMS, which Service Suppliers receive
from a Customer, must be ECDSA-Verified us-
ing the Customer public key (KPubMSISDN);
5. the Service Supplier has to manage a large
number of information as end user personal
data which has to be stored in a persistent mem-
ory storage;
6. the Service Supplier wants to preserve SMS
content also from CA access.
End User entity features:
1. the subsystem placed on the End User platform,
a smartphone, has to be realized as a MIDP 2.0
java mobile application;
2. End User platform has to be able to manage dif-
ferent kinds of SMS;
3. each End User is characterized by a key-pair:
a public key(KPubMSISDN) and a private key
4. each SMS, which Customers have to send to
Service Suppliers, must be ECDSA-Signed by
client application using its own private key
5. each SMS, which Customers receive from Ser-
vice Suppliers, must be ECDSA-Verified by
client application using the CA public key
6. the subsystem placed on the End User platform
must be defined on a parameters set which de-
fines the elliptic curve; that elliptic curve is
used for generating/verifying ECDSA signa-
tures (this curve is shared with server applica-
7. the subsystem placed on the End User platform
must be defined on a parameters set which de-
fined the hash function; that hash function is
used for creating a digest which must be signed
with the identified signature algorithm;
Certification Authority entity features:
1. a single server realizes the Certification Au-
thority (CA); each Service Supplier knows this
2. the CA must be able to sign SMS using ECDSA
with its own private key (KPrivCA);
3. the CA must be able to verify SMS us-
ing ECDSA with an appropriate public key
4. the CA has to manage a large number of con-
fidential information (e.g. end users’ keys),
which has to be stored in a persistent memory
5. each keypair is characterized by a temporal va-
6. the CA subsystem offers a graphical user inter-
face in order to allow administration of some
7. inserting/deleting end users in/from CA reposi-
tory has to be an administration task;
8. updating end user status (e.g. able/disable) has
to be an administration task; a disabled user is
temporally excluded from whole system, this
feature is activated when end user’s devices are
lost or stolen, when contract’s temporal validity
is expired and is in line for renewed;
9. updating end user key status (e.g. able/disable)
has to be an administration task, an end user
with a disabled key cannot sign SMS while he
can continue to verify information sent to its
10. inserting/deleting service suppliers in/from CA
repository has to be an administration task;
11. updating service supplier status (e.g.
able/disable) has to be an administration
3.2 Architectural Design
The architectural design evolves naturally from iden-
tified required features. Figure 1 proposes the overall
architecture of Trusted-SMS framework. Despite of
previous definition of the framework as result of three
main entities, figure 5 shows six components:
Published Services: it represents the common space
where Service Suppliers interact with End Users
advertising services and products.
Service Supplier: it represents the subsystem that
realizes the Service Supplier entity features pre-
viously identified.
TRUSTED SMS - A Novel Framework for Non-repudiable SMS-based Processes
Certification Authority: it represents the subsystem
that realizes the Certification Authority entity fea-
tures previously identified.
End User: it represents the subsystem that realizes
the End User entity features previously identified.
SMS Gateway: it represents a generic Short Mes-
sage Service Center (SMSC).
CA Administrator: it represents the front end to CA
administration services.
Figure 1: Overall architectre of Trusted-SMS framework.
This paper goes on to describe accurately identi-
fied subsystem.
Service Supplier subsystem: The Service Supplier
subsystem can be divided in 4 main components (Fig.
a component that acts as general purpose end user
interface, publishes provided services;
a component that acts as interface with the sms
gateway, sends and receives SMS to/from end
a component that acts as interface with the Certi-
fication Authority in order to request a signature
for a text or to verify an SMS signed by an user;
a component that can be view as Service Supplier
core, generates SMS text, interacts with others
components in order to process and store end user
requests and responses.
An end user request for a specific service could
generally done by interacting with the service supplier
directly or by a dedicated interface. The service sup-
plier subsystem collects end user requests, automat-
ically converts the request into a SMS text, requests
to CA a signature for this text and finally forwards
the SMS to the end user through the SMS gateway.
In order to preserve confidentiality of the SMS con-
tent the signature is requested for a hash of that con-
tent. Reaction to an end user response involves the
same service supplier subsystem components. The re-
sponse is received through the SMS gateway interface
and it is stored into the database. The service supplier
interacts with the CA to verify the appended signa-
ture. The result of the verifying test is recorded in
the database. If the requested service counts a kind of
confirmation, the end user is informed by a new SMS
communication or a message on the service supplier
Figure 2: Structure of Service Supplier subsystem.
End User subsystem: The End User interacts with
the remaining system by two different ways.
In the first case the End User chooses a specific ser-
vice from the set of the published services; the Service
Supplier of that service asks for confirmation. The
End User has to confirm its choice to make use of re-
quested service.
In the second case, the End User receives a com-
munication about a service directly from the Service
Supplier; only if necessary the End User answers to
that communication. Service Supplier in this case can
send service-communication without any explicit End
User requests. In the first case described above, the
End User realizes its interactions using two different
channels; the first channel is used to select a service,
the second one is used to accept the delivery of the se-
lected service. In the second case these channels are
Separating the capability of requesting one service
from the capability of accepting or denying the deliv-
ery of that service ensures an high level of security. If
those channels rely on different technologies a poten-
tial attack becomes a very hard challenge. The main
software component of the End User entity is repre-
sented by a midlet: a Java 2 Micro Edition(J2ME)
application that can be executed on a personal mobile
device characterized by low computational capability,
such as a smartphone or a pda. The midlet has two
main responsibilities; it has to verify the signatures
that are carried by the incoming SMS and it has to
generate the signatures that are carried by the outgo-
ing SMS according to the CA and End User creden-
tial. Each midlet deployed on a mobile device has
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
to be provided with the CA public key and the End
User private key; the former is used to verify CA sig-
natures, while the latter is used to generate End User
End User credential (i.e. its cryptographic keys) are
included in the midlet resources and protected by us-
ing a symmetric key injected into the midlet code. Re-
ceived and sent SMS are stored in a secure separate
repository, different from the usual mobile phone’s
SMS repository, secured and encrypted by user’s PIN.
Thus, if someone snaffles your mobile phone full of
your private SMS he cannot read them because they
are protected inside the repository.
Figure 3 shows the End User subsystem pointing out
that three units made up this subsystem; SMS I/O In-
terface, which manages the SMS sending and receiv-
ing activities, and Graphical User Interface, which
leads the interaction with the User, are coordinated
by the End User Core. In order to store application
data End User Core interacts with Record Manage-
ment System(RMS). Cryptographic operations (i.e.
signature generation or verification) are performed by
the Core unit. Service Supplier Interface represents
the second unit; listing all services offered by sup-
plier and requesting for a service delivery represent
the main issues that the second unit has to resolve.
Figure 3: Structure of End User subsystem.
Certification Authority subsystem: The Certifica-
tion Authority represents the trusted entity; End User
and Service Supplier share the same confidence to-
wards the CA entity. The CA subsystem has two main
communication partners: the CA Administrator and
the Service Supplier.
Interactions with CA Administrator are intended for
managing users registered to Trusted-SMS frame-
work. Service Supplier interacts with CA subsystem
in order to obtain the generation/verification of signa-
ture carried by SMS.
The CA subsystem is supported in all its activities
by a database, which allows the permanent storage
of needed information. Database keeps informa-
tion about End Users, Service Suppliers and CA it-
self. End Users information concern with personal
data (e.g. name, surname) and personal creden-
tial(e.g. public key, public-key-validity flag, user-
enabled flag). In order to insert new users, delete or
enable/disable existent user, enable/disable users keys
those information are accessed in a ”‘write-mode”’ by
CA Administrator with related services. In order to
verify End User generated signatures, credential in-
formation are accessed in a ”‘read-mode”’ by services
related to the Service Supplier. CA information con-
cern with CA credential and CA Administration priv-
ileges; the former are accessed by Service Supplier
related services in order to generate a signature, the
latter are used in authentication process while acquir-
ing CA management control.
Finally, Service Supplier information are related with
supplier data, which are accessed by Service Supplier
related services in order to verify if that Service Sup-
plier is licensed to use these services.
Figure 4 proposes the structure of the Certification
Authority subsystem. Certification Authority Core
provides cryptographic and database services to the
other modules of this subsystem. These modules
manage the communication with CA partners.
Figure 4: Structure of Certification Authority subsystem.
3.3 Technical Features
Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) (Martinez et al.,
2005) is a family of public-key algorithms that can
provide shorter key lengths and, depending upon the
environment and application in which it is used, im-
proved performance over systems based on integer
factorization and discrete logarithms (Higgins and
Clement, 2001). ECC has its security based on a dif-
ficult mathematical problem. An elliptic curve can be
thought of as a mathematical structure in which cer-
tain operations can be defined. These operations pro-
vide a one-way function that can be used to produce
efficient cryptographic systems. The one-way func-
tion used in ECC is called the elliptic curve discrete
logarithm problem (ECDLP). The ECDLP is simi-
lar to the one-way function on which DSA (of Stan-
dard et Technology, 2007) and Diffie-Hellman are
based, and hence, elliptic curve analogs of each of
TRUSTED SMS - A Novel Framework for Non-repudiable SMS-based Processes
these algorithms have been defined. The most pop-
ular signature scheme which uses elliptic curves is
called the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
(ECDSA) (Jonson et al., 2001). The Secure Hash Al-
gorithm (SHA) (F.I.P.S., 2002) hash functions refer
to ve FIPS-approved (F.I.P.S., 2007) algorithms for
computing a condensed digital representation (known
as a message digest) that is, to a high degree of prob-
ability, unique for a given input data sequence (the
Trusted-SMS relies on ECDSA to sign the ex-
changed data, thus avoiding unnoticed modification.
The SHA1 hash function makes a digest of the data.
Reducing a message in a digest lowers computational
capabilities needed by the signing task, as we need,
since the mobile devices involved in the system are
very resource bounded. Trusted-SMS uses ECDSA
with a 192 bit Elliptic Curves (EC) with a consequent
48 byte signature value. The Keys size of 192 bit
agrees with the size of an SMS that is 140 bytes for
binary and 160 bytes for textual SMS. In comparison
to a 1024 bit RSA key, ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptog-
raphy) provides shorter keys, shorter encrypted mes-
sages and faster private key operations. Comparing
the two cryptographic systems, a 1024 bit RSA key is
considered to have the same secuity of a 160 bit ECC
key. The cellular networks can be broken into two
chief components - the radio, or ”air interface” and
the wired backbone (out of scope of this paper). The
air interface of a cellular network can be divided into
control and traffic channels. Control channels (CCHs)
are used for call setup and SMS delivery. Traffic chan-
nels (TCHs) are used for the duration of voice calls.
It helps to think of control channels as a very small
portion of radio frequency that allow cellular towers
to send information pertaining to call setup, SMS de-
livery and network conditions (such as the availabil-
ity of traffic channels) to mobile phones. The Short
Message Service - Point to Point (SMS-PP) is defined
in GSM recommendation 03.40 (3GPP, 2007). GSM
03.41 (3GPP, 2007) defines the Short Message Ser-
vice - Cell Broadcast (SMS-CB) which allows mes-
sages (advertising, public information, etc.) to be
broadcast to all mobile users in a specified geograph-
ical area. Messages are sent to a Short Message
Service Centre (SMSC) which provides a store-and-
forward mechanism. It attempts to send messages to
their recipients. If a recipient is not reachable, the
SMSC queues the message for later retry. Transmis-
sion of the short messages between SMSC and phone
can be done through different protocols such as Sig-
naling System 7 (SS7) within the standard GSM MAP
framework or TCPIP within the same standard. Mes-
sages are sent with the additional MAP operation for-
ward short message, whose payload length is limited
by the constraints of the signalling protocol to pre-
cisely 140 bytes (140 bytes = 140 * 8 bits = 1120
bits). In practice, this translates to either 160 7-bit
characters, 140 8-bit characters, or 70 16-bit char-
acters. General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a
packet-switched technology. GPRS that is an exten-
sion of GSM can be used as the bearer of SMS. Spoof-
ing from a mobile is impossible unless you can forge
GPRS radio traffic (Levy and Arce, 2004).
Realizing a prototype developed with open source
tool we illustrate the validity of our framework. We
utilized Trusted-SMS framework in a specific health-
care environment. E-Health involving information
and communication technologies that are at the ser-
vice of a wide range of actors in the health sector,
from doctors, hospital managers, nurses, data pro-
cessing specialists, social security administrators to -
of course - patients and citizens, is a good test-bed for
our framework.
The Certification Authority performs its tasks by us-
ing Web Services. The W3C Web service definition
refers to clients and servers that communicate using
XML messages that follow the SOAP-standard (Lai
et al., 2005). The CA publishes two different lists of
web services, each one for its communication part-
ners: the CA Administrator and the Service Supplier.
The permanent storage of information is achieved us-
ing a mysql database and it is protected by symmetric
key encryption (Zoratti, 2006).
Service Supplier publishes its services on an inter-
face, from which end users can request the delivery
of a specific service. Once the end user requests
a service the related request is stored into a mysql
database. For each request received the supplier use
the signature generation service in order to produce
the related SMS. Each received SMS is drawn from
the database and it is processed in order to verify its
signature validity. The Service Supplier subsystem
utilizes the signature verification/generation services
exported by CA as web services.
A SMS gateway is realized by an external hard-
ware component that behaves as a gateway between
GSM mobile phone network and web applications
(AreaSX, 2007). This component provides the SMS
sending/receiving capability using simple GET or
POST HTTP transactions over Ethernet.
The End User subsystem is mainly represented by a
Java 2 Micro Edition application compliant to MIDP
2.0 and CLDC 1.1 and installed on different models of
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Nokia mobile phones: series 40 equipped with Sym-
bian OS 8.0 (i.e. 6630, 6680), series 60 2nd edition
equipped with Symbian OS 8.1 (i.e. N70), and series
60 3rd edition equipped with Symbian OS 9.1 (i.e.
N73, E70). Bouncycastle Crypto APIs offer support
for realizing cryptographic operations. This APIs are
an open source solution, which works with everything
between J2ME and JDK 1.6 (Bouncycastle, 2007).
Next, we present the description of two use cases,
both derived from different ways of the end user in-
teraction with the framework described above.
In first use case, the End User (a patient) has a
preliminary contact with a medical professional for
receiving a complete check-up. As soon as the physi-
cians have the results for physical examinations, he
sends a SMS signed to the patient. The SMS car-
ries personal information about patient health status
protecting them with some cryptographic techniques.
Signing the SMS content ensures patient on sender
authenticity; moreover cryptographic protection guar-
antees patient privacy. In this way physicians can in-
form immediately the patient about the examination,
if necessary they can ask for a secondary care.
The second use case, which refers to a more com-
plex situation, will be described using a schematic
representation (Fig. 5). In particular this case-study
depicts the whole scenario including all interaction
from the preliminary registration phase. In order to
reach clearness in exposition, description is organized
as a finite sequence of steps, which refers to Figure 5.
Figure 5: Structure of Certification Authority subsystem.
1. The CA-Administrator add End Users and Service
Suppliers to the framework, this represents the
zero step of the happy scenario of the case study.
This step is executed for every End User/Service
Supplier, who decides to subscribe to Trusted-
SMS services.
2. The Service Supplier that delivers a set of ser-
vices publishes them on its interface (such as a
web site).
3. The End User (a patient) has an initial contact
with a medical professional for receiving health
4. The End User choices a specific service (such as
request for its own case history, specific exam-
ination results, information about personal cure,
reservation for a secondary care, buying a medi-
cal examination, etc.) from that interface and
5. its request reaches the Service Supplier.
6. The Service Supplier produces an SMS related to
the request received.
7. Utilizing the signature generation service offered
by Certification Authority, the Service Supplier
signs the SMS content
8. The CA checks both the Service Supplier creden-
tials and the End User credentials; only if the cre-
dentials are valid, CA begins the signature gener-
9. The CA sends the signed response to the request-
ing Service Supplier.
10. The Service Supplier forwards the digitally signed
SMS to SMS Gateway, (10) which delivers it to
the End User.
11. The End User verifies the signature carried by the
SMS, if necessary accepts or refuses the service
delivery and generate the signature for response
12. The response SMS is sent to the SMS Gateway,
13. which forwards it to the Service Supplier.
14. The Service Supplier requests to utilize the digital
signature verification process.
15. The CA processes the Service Supplier request by
checking the credentials of entity involved and
16. answer to Service Supplier with the status of ver-
ification process.
17. The Service Supplier realizes the End User choice
(cfr. step 10 accept or refuse) if the End User dig-
ital signature was successfully checked.
18. The Service Supplier publishes on the web site the
transaction status
19. The End User can control the effective status of
the service delivery. Steps 18 and 19 are condi-
tional on the specific requested service.
TRUSTED SMS - A Novel Framework for Non-repudiable SMS-based Processes
The growth of mobile technology has opened various
opportunities, both in marketing and in M-Commerce
applications; technologies such as cell phone net-
works are becoming integrated with other systems
such as the Internet. The SMS have been very pop-
ular among mobile phone users because it is silent,
fast, and cheap. Unfortunately, this may lead to new
security risks, for example when conducting phish-
ing attacks using mobile technology and especially
the SMS.
In this paper we proposed a framework to exchange
secure SMS with respect to: (a) security, communi-
cation between principals are based on well crypto-
graphic techniques, (b) traceability, transaction are
not kept anonymous, (c) usability and convenience,
cost of deployment and management for all subsys-
tems involved (consumer, service suppliers, trusted
service provider) are acceptable.
Furthermore, in order to set Trusted-SMS into a spe-
cific e-healthcare scenario, we made a prototype de-
veloped with open source tool. Since current trends
in mobile phone technology move towards a direc-
tion of miniaturization and higher computational and
graphical performance, allowing a complete transac-
tion procedure in less than a minute, we believe that
Trusted-SMS prototype can shows the validity of our
framework in the field.
Finally, the case study covers only one of the possible
uses of Trusted-SMS framework. The systems man-
aging private information, or systems that schedule
a booking/reservation procedure (e.g. system that can
be used by theatre, stadium cinemas, airline company,
university), or involving money transfers, can benefit
of security features provided by Trusted-SMS frame-
3GPP (2007). 3rd generation partnership project.
AreaSX (2007). Sms machine/htpp.
Barbi, L. (2007). Spidersms - sending and reception of en-
crypted sms.
Bouncycastle (2007). The legion of the bouncycastle.
Center, C. C. R. (2007). Sms spoofing - q-a with ccrc staff.
Chirico, U. (2007). Miabo - messages in a bottle.
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