which makes the processing faster and safer. This
area evidenced manual affects in the difference of
the results of the table 2 and 3 as well as some
terrible interpretations of RNA owed the qualities of
the images and of obtaining of the same ones.
The results were analyzed by a medical area
specialist, who verified the concordance of results
Figure 7 shows the graphic of the t-student test
applied to results obtained through both the
proposed methodology and Image J for total areas.
Lines in the center of the graphic show the
arithmetic averages of results obtained through each
methodology and one may observe that they are very
close to each other.
Similarly, there are two other graphics that also
corroborate the efficiency of results obtained
through both Image J and the approach of this paper.
Figure 8 shows the results of t-student tests for
granulation area and Figure 9 for slough area.
Both the Image J and our methodology based on
ANN presented satisfactory results. The t-student
test at 95% was applied and the results confirmed
the efficiency of both methods. This finding testifies
that the variation observed between the results
obtained through both methodologies is acceptable
and that they can be applied in practice.
The results obtained suggest that both image
analysis methods are effective in the measurement of
total area, granulation and slough, being considered
as adequate for the dynamic-therapeutic evaluation
of leg ulcers. Artificial Neural Networks seem to be
a high-level methodology for the analysis of images
due to the lower interference from the
operator/researcher, since it does not require manual
This new application will be one more tool to aid
in the diagnosis at FMRP and perhaps replace the
image J because of its little practicality. For better
performance of this new application is desirable to
use standardized images, as mentioned in item 3,
because the images non-standardized not behaved so
well on the standardized; but nevertheless been
achieved good and acceptable results general finals.
This project encourages and contributes for the
application of new technologies and hence the use of
softwares in this area with the emergence of new
research lines.
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