The Challenges of using Technology to Improve Wellbeing in Older Adults
Douglas Millward
School of Computing and Information Technology, University of Wolverhampton
Wulfruna Street, Wolverhampton, WV1 1SB, UK
Wendy Nicholls
School of Applied Sciences, University of Wolverhampton, Wulfruna Street, Wolverhampton, WV1 1SB, UK
Keywords: Assistive technology, integration, psychosocial, telecare, user interface, wellbeing.
Abstract: Telecare is an increasingly important application of technology that is designed to increase the
independence of older adults, amongst other goals. The programme of research described below aims to
identify important issues with the deployment of this technology to the target group. It describes an on-
going programme of research that attempts to classify these issues, and posit solutions. It additionally
proposes a new area of research into the effects of telecare and related technologies on a client’s
psychosocial wellbeing.
The UK Government has a published plan to provide
Telecare into every home that requires it by 2010
(Curry, Trejo-Tinoco, & Wardle, 2002). One of the
problems faced in requirements gathering and
analysis in the assistive technology (AT) field is the
number of stakeholders involved. These parties
include healthcare providers, social services, formal
and informal carers. The needs of these groups have
been studied (e.g., Lines & Hone, 2004). However,
few studies have tried to gather older adults
requirements and aspirations.
It is argued that the shift towards using technology
to provide or even replace services that promote
client independence should be accompanied by a
focus on addressing more holistic needs, such as
improving well being and quality of life. The
purpose of the current research programme is
therefore threefold:
1. Telecare is an emerging and increasingly
important aspect of AT (Barlow, Bayer, & Curry,
2003). However, although there is evidence to
support the view that telecare can assist in ensuring
the physical well being of clients, there has been
little research around the effect of such systems on
the psychosocial aspects of wellbeing. Aim 1 is
therefore to test the effect of contemporary system
provisions on the psychosocial well being of older
adults In order to achieve this aim the authors have
created a system that provides similar outputs to
those of other commercial offerings in the telecare
2. It is hypothesised that telecare systems will
have a greater effect on the psychological well being
of users if users are provided with increased
feedback on the information that these systems can
provide. To this end the prototype system discussed
above is provided with a user interface that is
capable of providing continual feedback on the
status of the system, and by inference the status of
the client’s home. The second aim is to investigate if
the provision of an easily accessible user interface
will improve on the effects measured above
3. The third aim of this programme is to identify
the needs of older adults with respect to future
developments, direction, and provision of an
Enhanced Electronic Assistive Technology System
(EEATS). Research (Dickinson, Eisma, & Gregor,
2003) indicates that the increasingly (over)complex
user interfaces associated with modern computer
applications (and systems) places a large burden on
a users cognitive abilities as they try to build a
mental model of the operation of the system and
Millward D. and Nicholls W. (2008).
ASSISTING WELLBEING - The Challenges of using Technology to Improve Wellbeing in Older Adults.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 164-167
this, combined with lower confidence makes it
difficult to master new technologies (Marquie,
Jourdan-Boddaert, & Huet, 2002). Training alone
will not increase confidence (Segrist, 2004), and as
anxiety about using computers is positively
associated with age (Ellis & Allaire, 1999) it may be
that pursuing the use of computers specifically needs
revision, and technologies, such as the telephone
(Reed & Monk, 2004), or other familiar technologies
need to be revisited as viable alternatives. White et
al (White et al., 2002) recognised that a simplified
interface would be of benefit to older adults. The
first stage of the present study therefore sought to
identify the current trends in IT and AT use in older
adults, with a view to establishing the ideal mode of
delivery for AT in the proposed intervention.
2.1 Design
There are three stages to the present study.
Stage 1: The aim was to gauge established
practice with IT, AT and familiarity with household
technology using a postal survey.
Stage 2: The aim is to explore the effect of AT
on mental health well being and to elicit an
evaluation of the system provided. Measures of
psychological functioning, quality of life,
relationships with others, and well being, will be
taken before and after a trial period of one week
using the AT.
Stage 3: The aim is to explore possibilities for
the type of applications older adults desired in order
to inform development and design. Three focus
groups will be conducted.
Thus far, stage 1 has been implemented and
results are discussed below.
2.2 Participants
There were 59 participants of which 20 were male
and 39 were female. With respect to age, 22% were
under 65, 42.4% were 65-75, 25.4% were 75-84 and
10.2% were 85 years of age and over Where n
values vary in the below analyses, this is due to
missing data. Thirty-one participants were recruited
from a supported housing project and 28 from an IT
club for older adults.
2.3 Materials
Participants were issued with a postal survey. The
purpose was to get an overview of the technologies
already in use by older adults and their preferences
for the medium through which assistive technology
should be provided. Items asked about the frequency
with which household technologies are used,
confidence with these technologies, and ease of use.
Participants were further asked what tasks they
completed on a computer, on the internet, on a
mobile phone, and on a TV. Finally, participants
were asked about the likelihood of their using a
variety of assistive technologies as a reminder
system for medication.
The following variables were derived:
Often – The frequency with which technologies
such as computers, mobile phones and televisions
are used. A higher score indicates a higher
frequency. The possible range of scores was 5 – 20.
Difficulty – The difficulty with which
participants rate using technology such as
computers, mobile phones and televisions. A higher
score indicates more difficulty. The possible range
of scores was 6 – 24.
Confidence – The level of uncertainty the
participant experiences when using technology. A
higher score indicates more uncertainty; a lower
score indicates more confidence. The possible range
of scores was 6 – 24.
Participants were also asked about the number of
tasks they completed on each of a computer, the
internet, a mobile phone, and a TV. Thus four
variables were created to describe the number of
tasks completed with each.
2.4 Procedure
Questionnaires were distributed and returned via
gatekeepers at the housing organisation and the IT
club. Informed consent was granted from all
participants. Data were entered into SPSS for
3.1 Overview
There are two parts to the data analysis. To begin
with the relationships between the variables are
ASSISTING WELLBEING - The Challenges of using Technology to Improve Wellbeing in Older Adults
presented. This is followed by comparisons between
the age groups surveyed.
3.2 Correlations
The frequency with which participants used
technology was significantly correlated with the
reported difficulty of use (r =-.561, n= 18, p = .16),
and confidence in using technology (r =-.533, n =19,
p =.19). Those who use technology more frequently
find it easier and have more confidence (see table 1).
The easier using technology was perceived, the more
confidence participants reported (r =.947, n = 17, p<
Table 1: Correlations between frequency, ease and
confidence of use with actual use of technology.
Often Difficulty
* = p<.05
** = p<.01
3.3 Comparisons between Age Groups
Participants were grouped according to their age.
Three groups were created; below 65, 65-74, and 75
plus. These groups were contrasted on their
frequency of use, difficulty with technology, and
confidence with technology, as well as the mean
number of tasks completed online. See tables 2 and
3 for means and standard deviations.
Table 2: The mean (sd) frequency, difficulty and
confidence with using technology according to age group.
n Often n Difficulty n Confident
Below 65 13 12.92 8 11.75 8 12.13
(2.33) (4.53) (4.85)
65-74 17 14 8 10.38 9 11.22
(1.80) (2.07) (2.44)
75 + 19 10.74 2 13 3 12.33
(2.70) (0) (1.53)
Total 49 12.45 18 11.28 20 11.75
(2.69) (3.32) (3.42)
Of the variables described in tables 2 and 3
significant differences were observed between the
age groups regarding frequency of use (F = [2, 46]
9.21, p<.001), the number of functions used on a
computer (F = [2, 56] 4.18, p<.05), and the number
of functions used on a TV (F = [2, 56] 3.35, p<.05).
Specifically, when compared to the 65-74 group, the
over 75 group used technology less frequently and
fewer functions on a TV. They also used fewer
functions on a computer than the under 65 group.
Table 3: The mean (sd) number of tasks completed with
each technology according to age group
n Computer Internet Mobile TV
Below 65 13 2 1.08 1.85 2
(2.24) (1.49) (2.03) (1.47)
65-74 25 1 .52 1.12 1.96
(1.38) (1) (1.48) (1.27)
75 + 21 .48 .38 .48 .95
(.98) (1.07) (1.36) (1.63)
Total 59 1.03 .59 1.05 1.61
(1.58) (1.16) (1.63) (1.51)
The possible range of scores were as follows; computer use = 0
– 12, internet use = 0 – 8, mobile phone use = 0 – 11, TV use = 0
– 8
The present study indicated the frequency and ease
of use are related to increased confidence. We
therefore need to select a technology that is used
frequently, and is easy to use. Of the technologies
that were asked about, participants used the most
functions on their TV. However, when considering
the type of devices that could provide a suitable
interface for older adults and mediate the assistive
technology, the personal computer (PC) may be
perceived as the ideal device. Currently, pre-
installed operating environments (Windows, Mac
OSX, and Linux) are too complex for untrained
users to manage effectively, and as Oksanen-Sarela
(Oksanen-Sarela, 2000) observes “(the) more
complicated the technology, (the) less it gives space
to different ways of using it as the user doesn’t have
the skills or knowledge (to change its
functionality)”. Furthermore, it is unlikely that the
providers of AT systems will be able to provide the
levels of training required by some users, as
Dickinson et al (Dickinson et al., 2003) observe,
“why should the user be re-educated and redesigned
when it is the software that is inappropriate for their
It was found that that the technological artefacts
that were used most often were the mobile phone
and television. Given that frequency of use is
associated with ease of use and confidence, these
technologies have clear potential as applications for
the AT. It has already been discussed (Millward &
Nicholls, Submitted) that the telephone is not an
acceptable medium to present the variety of data that
can now be made available. For the proposed
intervention, the television was chosen as the mode
of delivery as it was the next most familiar. The
group of participants with the least familiarity and
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
most difficulty with the technologies were those
over the age of seventy-five. However, confidence
levels were roughly equivalent between the three age
groups which shows potential for training.
This paper has introduced a new programme of
research that seeks to explore the use of assistive
technologies (in particular telecare) in evaluating the
psychosocial aspects of wellbeing. Barlow et al
(2003) discuss that Telecare has been split into two
areas – information provision and risk management.
This split may be historical in nature, based on the
evolution of Telecare systems from community
alarm systems (Doughty & Williams, 2004), or it
may be based on such systems originating from
common requirements agreed between stakeholders
from the health and care providers fields (Lines &
Hone, 2004). Whatever the reason the result is that
systems appear, at least to the end user, to be clinical
in nature (Blythe, Monk, & Doughty, 2005). It is
argued that it is time that the two facets of Telecare
systems come together to form an EEAT system.
The benefit of this type of system is that it may
make Telecare systems more acceptable to older
adults by being more attractive to older adults. This
attribute could be stimulated by enhanced usability
(this resonates with the definition of social
dependability posited by (Blythe et al., 2005),
(Dewsbury, Sommerville, Clarke, & Rouncefield,
2003). The specific aspirations of the client group
will be assessed in stage 3 of the research plan.
Further research will then be directed towards
relating these ‘future requirements’ to the
capabilities of the technologies currently available.
The contribution of this research to the field is in
identifying a potential new application of electronic
assistive technology.
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Aging and Mental Health, 6(3), 213-222.
ASSISTING WELLBEING - The Challenges of using Technology to Improve Wellbeing in Older Adults