used parses the XML document to an ASN.1 format
and, in the sequel, to a binary-encoded format.
Currently we have advanced wireless and mobile
technologies and devices as well as systems that
carry out biomedical signal’s analysis through signal
processing algorithms. In this work we have argued
on the worth of taking advantage of such resources
in order to improve emergency services and decision
making support in the Healthcare domain. In this
way we can make the acquired sensor data much
more useful.
In the scope of Telecardiology, in particular, we
have elaborated in this paper how the existing ECG
data format standards lack this concern. We have
then proposed a novel ECG model striving not only
for application- and platform-independence and
focusing data content, but also admitting elements to
address telemonitoring concerns. As a result, we can
provide better emergency services and decision
making support, meeting then the requirements
related to pervasive scenarios in Healthcare.
The first usage results remarks ecgAware is
suitable for its purpose. After all, throughout the
TeleCardio evaluation we will test such data format
under an intensive usage by one or more medical
communities. Hence, we will have statistical metrics
to better evaluate it.
Former usage scenarios in Telemedicine, e.g.
remote reporting, are still covered by the ecgAware
data format. In fact, it embraces features of the
former ECG reference standards. Future usage
scenarios may cover other vital signs telemonitoring.
This is feasible by using the same research
methodology, i.e. exploring each biomedical signal
domain as we did in this work with the ECG.
Moreover, the XML technology provides flexibility
such that we can incorporate several XML schemas
to a root one. We thus can keep the elements
regarding telemonitoring, in general, and to design a
record structure for each biomedical signal we
choose to bear.
This work has received financial support from
FAPES (grant no. 31024866/2005) and CNPq (grant
no. 50.6284/04-2). The first author would like to
express his gratitude to Giancarlo Guizzardi for his
invaluable contribution to the progress of this work.
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