vital signs, avoiding the manual introduction of
these values in the system.
- Automatic collection of the alarms produced by
these devices and diffusion for the knowledge of
the medical staff of the ICU service.
- Storage of all this information. Capacity to con-
sult data of different stages from the beginning of
the stay of a patient. Usually medical devices do
not have the capacity to store the information gen-
erated during all the stay of the patient in the ICU.
Some of them have buffers of storage, but they are
not big enough to store all the information relative
to the complete entrance of the patient.
- Plug-and-play functionality, that simplifies the
use of the system for communicating with the
medical devices, specially for the nursing staff.
- Automatic collection of the constants indicated in
the treatment, always with the corresponding val-
idation of the nursing staff. Obtaining of nursing
reports relative to these constants.
- Taking of values for semi-automatic generation of
- Generation of trend curves.
- Compilation of the information in a unique and
standard format that facilitates its integration
and handling and provides a real interoperability
among devices.
- An application that facilitates a joint visualization
for the generation of diagnoses with all the infor-
mation of several medical devices.
As it can be seen, the main purpose of the sys-
tem is to facilitate the collection, storage and subse-
quent processing of the information provided by the
medical devices connected to patients in the intensive
care units in an homogeneous and standard way. The
automation of the collected data has been possible to
make it available to the medical staffin a friendly way,
and a real interoperability among heterogeneous me-
dial devices has been obtained.
This work has been funded by the SACYL (Sanidad
Asistencial de Castilla y Leon - Health Welfare
of Castilla y Leon), through agreement of collab-
oration between the University Clinical Hospital
(HCU) of Valladolid and the Centre for Automation,
Robotics and Information and Manufacturing Tech-
nology (CARTIF Foundation). We appreciate the col-
laboration of the intensive medicine staff of the HCU
and the CARTIF development team involved in the
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