Manuel Möller, Michael Sintek, Paul Buitelaar
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Trippstadter Str. 122, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Saikat Mukherjee
Siemens Corporate Research, 755 College Road East, Princeton, USA
Xiang Sean Zhou
Siemens Medical Solutions, 51 Valley Stream Parkway, Malvern PA, USA
Jörg Freund
Siemens Medical Solutions, Hartmannstr. 16, 91052 Erlangen, Germany
Semantic Web, Ontologies, NLP, Medical Imaging, Image Retrieval.
Rapid advances in medical imaging scanner technology have increased dramatically in the last decade the
amount of medical image data generated every day. By contrast, the software technology that would allow
the efficient exploitation of the highly informational content of medical images has evolved much slower.
Despite the research outcomes in image understanding and semantic modeling, current image databases are
still indexed by keywords assigned by humans and not by the image content. The reason for this slow progress
is the lack of scalable and generic information representations capable of overcoming the high-dimensional
nature of image data. Indeed, most of the current content-based image search applications are focused on the
indexing of certain image features that do not generalize well and use inflexible queries. We propose a system
combining medical imaging information with semantic background knowledge from formalized ontologies,
that provides a basis for building universal knowledge repositories, giving clinicians a fully cross-lingual and
cross-modal access to biomedical information of all forms.
Rapid advances in imaging technology have dramat-
ically increased the amount of medical image data
generated daily by hospitals, pharmaceutical compa-
nies, and academic medical research
. Technologies
such as 4D 64-slice CT, whole-body MR, 4D Ul-
trasound, and PET/CT can provide incredible detail
and a wealth of information with respect to the hu-
man body anatomy, function and disease associations.
This increase in the volume of data has brought about
significant advances in techniques for analyzing such
For example, University Hospital of Erlangen, Ger-
many, has a total of about 50 TB of medical images. Cur-
rently they have approx. 150.000 medical examinations pro-
ducing 13 TB per year.
data. The precision and sophistication of different im-
age understanding techniques, such as object recogni-
tion and image segmentation, have also improved to
cope with the increasing complexity of the data.
However, these improvements in analysis have not
resulted in more flexible or generic image understand-
ing techniques. Instead, the analysis techniques are
very object specific and not generic enough to be ap-
plied across different applications. Throughout this
paper we will address this fact as “lack of scalabil-
ity”. Consequently, current image search techniques,
whether for Web sources or for medical PACS (Pic-
ture Archiving and Communications System), are still
dependent on the subjective association of keywords
to images for retrieval.
One of the important reasons behind this lack
oller M., Sintek M., Buitelaar P., Mukherjee S., Sean Zhou X. and Freund J. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 134-141
of scalability in image understanding techniques has
been the absence of generic information represen-
tation structures capable of overcoming the feature-
space complexity of image data. Indeed, most current
content-based image search applications are focused
on indexing syntactic image features that do not gen-
eralize well across domains. As a result, current im-
age search technology does not operate at the seman-
tic level and, hence, is not scalable.
We propose to use hierarchical information rep-
resentation structures, which integrate state-of-the-art
object recognition algorithms with generic domain se-
mantics, for a more scalable approach to image under-
standing. Such a system will be able to provide direct
and seamless access to the informational content of
image databases.
Our approach is based on the following main tech-
Integrate the state-of-the-art in semantics and im-
age understanding to build a sound bridge be-
tween the symbolic and the subsymbolic world.
This cross-layer research approach defines our
road-map to quasi-generic image search.
Integrate higher level knowledge represented by
formal ontologies that will help explain different
semantic views on the same medical image: struc-
ture, function, and disease. These different se-
mantic views will be coupled to a backbone on-
tology of the human body.
Exploit the intrinsic constraints of the medical
imaging domain to define a rich set of queries for
concepts in the human body ontology. The ontol-
ogy not only provides a natural abstraction over
these queries but also statistical image algorithms
could be associated to semantic concepts for an-
swering these queries.
Our focus is on filling the gap between what is cur-
rent practice in image search (i. e., indexing by key-
words) and the needs of modern health provision and
research. The overall goal is to empower the medical
imaging content-stakeholders (clinicians, pharmaceu-
tical specialists, patients, citizens, and policy makers)
by providing flexible and scalable semantic access to
medical image databases. Our short term goal is to de-
velop a basic image search engine and prove its func-
tionality in various medical applications.
In 2001 Berners-Lee and others published a vi-
sionary article on the Semantic Web (Berners-Lee
et al., 2001). The use-case they described was about
the use of meta-knowledge by computers. For our
goals we propose to build a system on existing Se-
mantic Web technologies like RDF (Brickley and
Guha, 2004) and OWL (McGuinness and van Harme-
len, 2004) which were developed to lay the founda-
tions of Berners-Lee’s vision. From this point of view
it is also a Semantic Web project.
Therefore we propose a system that combines
medical imaging information with semantic back-
ground knowledge from formalized ontologies and
provides a basis for building universal knowledge
repositories, giving clinicians cross-modal (indepen-
dent from different modalities like PET, CT, ultra-
sound) as well as cross-lingual (independent of par-
ticular languages like English and German) access to
various forms of biomedical information.
There are numerous advanced object recognition al-
gorithms for the detection of particular objects on
medical images: (Hong et al., 2006) at anatomical
level, (Tu et al., 2006) at disease level and (Comani-
ciu et al., 2004) at functional level. Their specificity is
also their limitation: Existing object recognition algo-
rithms are not at all generic. Given an arbitrary image
it still needs human intelligence to select the right ob-
ject recognizers to apply to an image. Aiming to gain
a pseudo-general object recognition one can try to ap-
ply the whole spectrum of available object recognition
algorithms. But it turns out that in generic scenar-
ios even with state-of-the-art object recognition tools
the accuracy is below 50 percent (Chan et al., 2006;
Müller et al., 2006).
In automatic image understanding there is a se-
mantic gap between low-level image features and
techniques for complex pattern recognition. Existing
work aims to bridge this gap by ad-hoc and applica-
tion specific knowledge. In contrast our objective is to
create a formal fusion of semantic knowledge and im-
age understanding to bridge this gap to support more
flexible and scalable queries.
For instance, human anatomical knowledge tells
us that it is almost impossible to find a heart valve next
to a knee joint. Only in cases of very severe injuries
these two objects might be found next to each other.
But in most cases the anatomical intuition is correct
and, hence, the background knowledge precludes the
recognition of certain anatomical parts given the pres-
ence of other parts. It is in this use of formalized
knowledge that ontologies
come into play within our
In the context of medical imaging it is necessary to
define image semantics for parts of human anatomy.
According to Gruber (Gruber, 1995), an ontology is a
specification of a (shared) conceptualization.
In this domain the expert’s knowledge is already for-
malized in comprehensive ontologies like the Founda-
tional Model of Anatomy (Rosse and Mejino, 2003)
for human anatomy or the International Statistical
Classification of Diseases and Related Health Prob-
lems (ICD-10)
of World Health Organization for a
classification of human diseases. These ontologies
represent a rich medical knowledge in a standardized
and machine interpretable format.
In contrast to current work which defines ad-hoc
semantics, we take the novel view that within a con-
strained domain the semantics of a concept is defined
by the queries associated with it. We will investigate
which types of queries are asked by medical experts
to ensure that the necessary concepts are integrated
into the knowledge base. We believe that in IR ap-
plications this view will allow a number of advances
which will be described in the following sections.
We chose the medical domain as our area of appli-
cation. Unlike common language and many other sci-
entific areas the medical domain has clear definitions
for its technical terms. Ambiguities are rare which
eases the task of finding a semantic abstraction for
a particular text or image. However, our framework
is generic and can be applied to other domains with
well-defined semantics.
Ontologies (usually) define the semantics for a set of
objects in the world using a set of classes, each of
which may be identified by a particular symbol (ei-
ther linguistic, as image, or otherwise). In this way,
ontologies cover all three sides of the "semiotic tri-
angle" that includes object, referent, and sign (see
Fig. 1). I. e., an object in the world is defined by
its referent and represented by a symbol (Ogden and
Richards, 1923—based on Peirce, de Saussure and
others). Currently, ontology development and the Se-
perception convention
Figure 1: Semiotic Triangle.
mantic Web effort in general have been mostly di-
rected at the referent side of the triangle, and much
less at the symbol side. To allow for automatic mul-
tilingual and multimedia knowledge markup a richer
representation is needed of the linguistic and image-
based symbols for the object classes that are defined
by the ontology (Buitelaar et al., 2006).
From our point of view a semantic representation
should not be encapsulated into a single module. In-
stead we think that a layered approach as shown in
Fig. 2 has a number of advantages.
Figure 2: Interacting Layers in Feature Extraction and Rep-
Once there is a representation established at the
semantic level there are a number of benefits com-
pared to conventional IR systems. For a more detailed
description of the abstraction process see Sect. 4.
Cross-Modal Image Retrieval. Current systems
for medical IR depend on the modality of the stored
images. But in medical diagnosis very different imag-
ing techniques are used such as PET, CT, ultrasonog-
raphy, or time series data from 4D CT etc. Each tech-
nique produces images with characteristic appear-
ance. For tumor detection, for example, often PET
(to identify the tumor) and CT (to have a view on the
anatomy) are combined, to formulate a precise diag-
nosis with a proper localization of the tumor. The
proposed system will allow to answer queries based
on semantic similarity and not only visual similarity.
Full Modality Independence. Cross-Modality
even can be driven another step forward by inte-
grating documents of any format into one single
database. We plan to also include text documents
like medical reports and diagnoses. On the level
of semantic representation they will be treated like
the images. Accordingly, the system will be able to
answer queries not only with images but also with
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
text documents including similar concepts as in the
retrieved images.
Improved Relevance of Results. Current search
engines retrieve documents which contain the key-
word from the query. The documents in the result set
are ranked by various techniques using information
such as their inter-connectivity, statistical language
models, or the like. For huge datasets search by key-
word often returns very large result sets. Ranking by
relevance is hard.
This holds for low-level image retrieval as well.
Here only two similarity measures are applicable:
through visual similarity which can be completely in-
dependent from the object and context and via a com-
parison between keywords and image annotations.
With current IR systems the user is forced to use pure
keyword-based search as a detour while in fact he or
she is searching for documents and/or images includ-
ing certain concepts.
Our notion of keyword-based querying goes be-
yond current search engines by mapping keywords
from the query to ontological concepts. Our system
provides the user with a semantic representation. That
allows the user to ask for a concept or a set of con-
cepts with particular relationships. This allows far
more precise queries than a simple keyword-based re-
trieval mechanism and likewise better matching be-
tween query and result set.
Inferencing of Hidden Knowledge. By mapping
the keywords from a text-based query to ontological
concepts and the use of semantics the system is able to
implicit results. This allows us to retrieve im-
ages which are not annotated explicitly with the query
concepts but with concepts related to them through
the ontology.
To represent the complex knowledge of the med-
ical domain and allow a maximum of flexibility in
the queries we will have to enrich the ontology by
rules and allow to use rules in the queries. Another
point will be an integration of spatial representation
of anatomical relations as well as an efficient imple-
mentation of spatial reasoning.
Our notion of semantic imaging is to ground the se-
mantics of a human anatomical concept on a set of
We aim at using standard OWL reasoners like Racer,
FaCT++ or Pellet.
queries associated with it. The constrained domain of
a human body enables us to have a rich coverage of
these queries and, consequently, define image seman-
tics at various levels of the hierarchy of the human
Fig. 3 gives an overview of the different abstrac-
tion levels in the intended system. For the proposed
system we want to take a step beyond the simple di-
chotomy between a symbolic and subsymbolic rep-
resentation of images. Instead, from our perspective
there is a spectrum ranging from regarding the images
as simple bit vectors over color histograms, shapes
and objects to a fully semantic description of what is
depicted. The most formal and generic level of repre-
sentation is in form of an ontology (formal ontologi-
cal modeling). The ontology holds information about
the general structure of things. Concrete entities are
to be represented as semantic instances according to
the schema formalized in the ontology.
To emphasize the difference to the dichotomic
view, we call the lower end of this spectrum infor-
mal and the upper end formal representation. From
our perspective the abstraction has to be modeled as a
multi-step process across several sublevels of abstrac-
tion. This makes it easier to close the gap between the
symbolic and subsymbolic levels from the classic per-
spective. Depending on the similarity measure that is
to be applied for a concrete task different levels of the
abstraction process will be accessed.
If a medical expert searches for images that are
looking similar to the one he or she recently got from
an examination, the system will use low-level features
like histograms or the bit vector representation. In
another case the expert might search for information
about a particular syndrome. In that case the system
will use features from higher abstraction levels like
the semantic description of images and texts in the
database to be able to return results from completely
different modalities.
We believe that text documents have to be under-
stood in a similar way. Per se, a text document is
just a string of characters. This is similar to regard-
ing an image as a sheer bit vector. Starting from the
string of characters, in a first step relatively simple
methods can be used to identify terms. In further
steps technologies from concept based Cross Lan-
guage Information Retrieval (CLIR)
are applied to
map terms in the documents to concepts in the on-
tology (Volk et al., 2003; Vintar et al., 2003; Car-
bonell et al., 1997; Eichmann et al., 1998). CLIR
currently can be divided into three different methods:
approaches based on bilingual dictionary lookup or
The research project MUCHMORE
( was focused on this aspect.
query either through sample images, or pose struc-
tured queries using conceptual descriptors, or use nat-
ural language to describe queries. In the following,
we explain each of these different methods.
Query by Sample Image. Basically there are two
different approaches to image based queries. The first
approach retrieves images from the database which
are looking similar. Only low-level image features are
used to select results for this type of query. The abil-
ity to match the image of a current patient to similar
images from a database of former medical cases can
be of great help in assisting the medical professional
in his diagnosis (see Sect 4) we believe that image
understanding has to be an abstraction over several
levels. To answer queries by sample image we will
make use of the more informal features extracted from
the images. The support for these queries is based on
state-of-the-art similarity-based image retrieval tech-
niques (Deselaers et al., 2005).
Today there are various image modalities in mod-
ern medicine. Many diseases like cancer require to
look at images from different modalities to formulate
a reliable diagnosis (see example in Sect. 3). The
second approach therefore takes the image from the
query and extracts the semantics of what can be seen
on the image. Through mapping the concrete image
to concepts in the ontology, an abstract representation
is generated. This representation can be used for a
matching on the level of image semantics with other
images in the database. Applying this method makes
it possible to use a CT image of the brain to search for
images from all available modalities in the database
(see Fig. 4–6).
Query by Conceptual Descriptions. Similar to
the use of SQL for querying structured relational
databases, special purpose languages are also required
for querying semantic metadata. Relying on well-
established standards we propose using a language on
top of RDF, such as SPARQL, for supporting generic
structured semantic queries.
Query by Natural Language. From the point of
the medical expert having a natural language interface
is very important. Through a textual interface the user
directly enters keywords which are mapped to ontol-
ogy concepts. Current systems like the IRMA-Project
(see Sect. 6) only allow to search for keywords which
are extracted offline and stored as annotations. Since
our system has to compose a semantic representation
of each query, the ontological background knowledge
can be used in an iterative process of query refine-
ment. Additionally, it will be possible to use complete
text documents as queries.
In cases where the system cannot generate a se-
mantic representation—due to missing knowledge
about a knew syndrome, therapy, drug or the like—
it will fall back to a normal full text search. If the
same keyword is used frequently this can be used as
evidence that the foundational ontology has to be ex-
tended to cover the corresponding concept(s).
Most current work in content based image retrieval
models object recognition as a probabilistic inferenc-
ing problem and use various mathematical methods
to cope with the problems of image understanding.
These techniques use image features which are tied to
particular applications and, hence, suffer from a lack
of scalability.
Among extant work in fusing semantics with im-
age understanding, (Hunter, 2001) describes a tech-
nique for modeling the MPEG-7 standard, which is
a set of structured schemas for describing multime-
dia content, as an ontology in RDFS. There has been
some research (Barnard et al., 2003; Lavrenko et al.,
2003; Lim, 1999; Carneiro and Vasconcelos, 2005;
Town, 2006; Mezaris et al., 2003; Mojsilovic et al.,
2004) on semantic imaging relying primarily on as-
sociating word distributions to image features. How-
ever, these works used hierarchies of words for se-
mantic interpretation and did not attempt to model im-
age features themselves in levels of abstraction. Fur-
thermore, the lack of formal modeling made these
techniques susceptible to subjective interpretations of
the word hierarchies and, hence, were not truly scal-
able. Especially in the context of medical imaging,
our notion of semantics is tied to information gath-
ered from physics, biology, anatomy, etc. This is in
contrast to perception-based subjective semantics in
these works.
The goal of the project “Image Retrieval in Med-
ical Applications” (IRMA) (Lehmann et al., 2003)
was an automated classification of radiographs based
on global features with respect to imaging modality,
direction, body region examined and the biological
system under investigation. The aim was to identify
image features that are relevant for medical diagno-
sis. These features were derived from a database of
10.000 a-priori classified and registered images. By
means of prototypes in each category, identification
of objects and their geometrical or temporal relation-
ships are handled in the object and the knowledge
layer, respectively. Compared to the system proposed
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