services. The feedback channels to the patients’
questions and recordings should be timely defined
and validated. In order to investigate the use of
telemedical technology in everyday life situations,
research studies should be performed in a relatively
long-term manner. Also, by employing a multi-
method approach, such studies should focus on ob-
serving to which degree the patient adopts this new
technology into his or her everyday life as well as
body scheme or body image. Additionally, such
studies should take into account the interaction be-
tween the patient and the system, as well as the in-
teraction between the patient and the health care
professionals. Finally, it seems necessary to also
investigate how the patient’s partner or spouse ex-
periences the technology in daily use.
The study is supported by the Research Council of
Norway. The clinical trials are done in close co-
operation with Sørlandet Sykehus HF, Arendal and
the company WPR Medical AS. The authors thank
Torstein Gundersen, Ellen Ytrehus and Åse Løs-
nesløkken at Sørlandet Sykehus, and Eirik Aanonsen
at WPR Medical for good assistance with the pa-
tients during clinical trials. We also thank Kjersti
Nag, Hjørdis Løvdal Gulseth and Hedda Løvland for
their assistance with interviewing the patients.
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HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics