To construct Product Line Architectures in the
PRISMA framework, is order to have the
advantages of distributed systems, which will
facilitate the management of complexity.
To create an integrated and flexible approach to
describe (medical) diagnosis architectural
models that are complex, distributed, and re-
usable by improving the development of
expert systems for (medical) diagnosis
following the PRISMA model (Pérez, 2006) to
integrate the components and aspects.
To apply MDA techniques to implement the
systems on different platforms, and to
automatically transform them and incorporate
the features of the Features Model instances to
obtain an executable application.
In the future, we want to extended the analysis of
the diagnostic field in other application domains in
order to increase variability and our Base-Line. Our
Products Line will be able to offer more products. In
addition, we plan to validate our approach in other
case studies, and compare the performances of the
generated Expert Systems with other obtained using
other approaches.
This work has been funded under the Models,
Environments, Transformations, and Applications:
META project TIN20006-15175-605-01.
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HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics