areas, may strongly contribute to a higher accep-
• Addressing problems with the hearts’ electrical
system seems to be a widely accepted disease type
for such a mobile application.
• There does not seem to be a strong desire for the
patients to view their own EGC.
• The ICT knowledge of cardiologists and their
preferences imply that, except for emergency sit-
uations, an internet application would be a good
choice for their end system.
Security issues have explicitly been factored out
of the questionnaire in order not to overwhelm the
cardiologists with technical details. However, such
issues are a pivotal part of every health related ap-
plication and contribute highly to the acceptance and
credibility of a system.
3.1 Outlook
In this paper we illustrated the perspective of cardiol-
ogists regarding a mobile telecardiology application
scenario for patients. We would like to extend our
research in the following areas:
• A survey on the patients may give insights about
what elements to consider on the client side. It
would be interesting to analyze the technologi-
cal knowledge split by age group and the willing-
ness of patients to use such a system when offered
some well-defined benefits.
• The usage of standard equipment greatly con-
tributes to a seamless rollout to the public. We
would like to investigate how existing technolo-
gies can be integrated in order to provide a so-
lution that aids the patients and cardiologists and
that is also cost-effective.
• Qualitative interviews with cardiologists might
give us a better idea about possible usage scenar-
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