development of this system entailed the automatic ex-
traction of severalfeatures from the photographs(Fig-
ure 1), capturing some of the factors considered to
have impact on the overall cosmetic result: breast
asymmetry, skin colour changes due to the radiother-
apy treatment and surgical scar visibility. In a sec-
ond phase, a support vector machine classifier was
trained to predict the overall cosmetic result from the
recorded features (Cardoso and Cardoso, 2007b).
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 1: Typical photographs.
In order to extract the identified relevant features
from the image, the detection of the breast contour
is necessary. In (Cardoso and Cardoso, 2007a) the
authors describe a semi-automatic method for the de-
tection of the breast contour. The user has to manu-
ally identify the two endpoints of the breast contour.
Subsequently, the algorithm automatically finds the
contour in-between. The algorithm has been imple-
mented in a computer-aided medical system: the soft-
ware automatically finds the contours, extracts rele-
vant features and outputs a predicted overall cosmetic
assessment (excellent, good, fair, or poor).
Here, we improve on the work of (Cardoso and
Cardoso, 2007a) in two different directions. First, we
present an algorithm for the automatic detection of the
endpoints of the breast contour, thus eliminating any
user input from the process. Therefore a totally auto-
matic breast contour detection is achieved. Next, we
provide a thorough evaluation of the performance of
the proposed method against manually-drawn breast
contours. Standard metrics are employed to compare
two contours.
Before presenting the proposed approach, and for
completeness, we recover the framework for breast
contour detection between two known endpoints of
(Cardoso and Cardoso, 2007a). Then, in section 3
we detail how to automatically find the endpoints of a
breast contour. Examples are provided and a perfor-
mance analysis is conducted in section 4. Finally, in
section 5, we conclude the paper and present possible
directions of future work.
When knowing the two endpoints of the breast con-
tour, we are left with the problem of finding the path
between both endpoints that goes through the breast
contour. As the interior of the breast itself is essen-
tially free of edges, the path we are looking for is the
shortest path between the two endpoints, if paths (al-
most) entirely through edge pixels are favoured. More
formally, let s and t be two pixels of the image and P
a path over the image connecting them. We are inter-
ested in finding the path P that optimizes some pre-
defined distance d(s,t). This criterion should embed
the need to favour edge pixels.
In the work to be detailed, the image grid is con-
sidered as a graph with pixels as nodes and edges con-
necting neighbouring pixels. Therefore, some graph
concepts are in order.
2.1 Definitions and Notation
A graph G = (V,A) is composed of two sets V and
A. V is the set of nodes, and A the set of arcs (p,q),
p,q ∈ V. The graph is weighted if a weight w(p,q)
is associated to each arc, and it is called a digraph
if the arcs are directed, i.e., (p,q) 6= (q, p). A path
from p
to p
is a list of unique nodes p
, p
,. .. , p
, p
) ∈ A. The path cost is the sum of each arc
weight in the path.
In graph theory, the shortest-path problem seeks
the shortest path connecting two nodes; efficient al-
gorithms are available to solve this problem, such as
the well-known Dijkstra algorithm (Dijkstra, 1959).
2.2 Proposed Algorithm
If the weight assigned to an edge captures the in-
tensity of the contour of the adjacent pixels, finding
the best contour translates into computing the min-
imum accumulated weight along all possible curves
connecting s and t:
d(s,t) = min
w(p, q). (1)
Note that, if we ignore the weight component, we are
simply computing the regular Euclidian distance be-
tween s and t along the path P
(which will be a
straight line for the shortest path).
Therefore, to detect the breast contour in (Car-
doso and Cardoso, 2007a) it is proposed a two step
1. Apply an edge detector to the original image
(other operations, replacing the edge detector, will