suitable for the proposed application. Although the
performance is not yet as good as those of the best
systems, some improvements can be carried out in
the model, through the use of channel fusion.
For the first time this framework is employed in this
particular problem. The Bayesian network presents a
more comprehensive graphical representation, deals
with uncertainty through its probabilistic
representation, and can work with incomplete data
through its inference engine.
The capability of learning the network
parameters from a training data set was verified
using two training strategies, and the result is that
when working with non-observable nodes the
training method based on the EM algorithm
produces a better modelling of the uncertainty
related to the observed data and the labels defined by
a cardiologist.
Our future work will focus on evaluating the
performance of this system using a fusion strategy in
order to explore information obtained from multiple
channels. On the other hand, this network will be
extended to classify more arrhythmias, as ischemic
We hope that this system can be further
developed and then implemented to assist an expert
in the analysis of such events in ECG signals.
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CAPES (a foundation of the Brazilian Ministry of
Education), CNPq (an agency of the Brazilian
Ministry of Science and Technology) and FAPES (a
foundation of the Secretary of Science and
Technology of the Government of the State of
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