be used on-line, so the users have access from
Besides managing patient information, including
their consultations, the application has the possibility
for managing and viewing the images provided by
medical devices.
An element of originality is content-based visual
query using color characteristic. It permits selection
of a query image and finding all similar images from
the database (Del Bimbo, 2001; Smith, 1997). This
option could be very helpful for establishing the
In this section, database structure used by the
application including tables and logical connections
between them is presented in detail. The database
contains a number of tables populated when
installing the application. The tables contain a series
of codes that makes easier the work of updating
patient information and the investigations. These
tables are:
- Medical units with a specific code and name:
the medical units can be an individual office, a
laboratory or hospital clinics and departments.
- Users groups: this table stores information
about user groups, administration rights for
each group (administrators, doctors, nurses
etc.). The table also contains a group identifier
and a group name that can be specified for each
group. Each unit has specific management
- Users: is a table that contains user
identification, name, password, and
corresponding group.
The data confidentiality is ensured by user name
and password that are provided separately for each
unit. In order to increase the data security, the
password is encrypted. Each doctor has access to
information regarding his own patients, but he can
share some data that can be seen by other specialists.
He can also access both statistical and scientific data
regarding all patients in database but in this case the
identification data about patients is hidden and the
ID number, name and address are blinded. At
information management level, anonimizing all
information concerning clinical data ensures
confidentiality; diagnosis, paraclinical information,
treatments are also blinded and only statistical data
can be viewed. On the other hand, the office
secretary can see personal information about patients
and referring doctors, but no diagnosis and treatment
elements are accessible.
- Diagnosis table is used for storing the diagnosis
code and name.
- Analyses table codifies paraclinical and
biological data. It has the following structure:
code, description, and minimal and maximal
- Clinical examination table includes the
following elements: code, description, and
- Patient groups include code and description.
The patients can be grouped by the category of
disease (digestive, cardiology, renal etc.), by
the medical insurance category or by
participation to different programs (national
health programs or clinical studies).
The following tables are the most important in
the database because they store information about
patients, examinations, investigations and results:
- Patients table is used for storing information
about patient’s visits: personal ID number,
name, doctor, county, city, address, phone/fax
number, email and program – if any.
- A patient might have several examinations, for
each of them storing in the Consulting table,
the diagnosis, date and treatment. Each
examination might contain one or several
clinical examinations (it is stored code,
description, a series of analyses identified by
code and obtained value).
- Images table is storing information about still
or moving images, obtained from a patient
during his whole disease history. These data
are: path and name of the image file, type of
image and color information automatically
extracted for later content-based image query
on color feature.
3.1 Set-up
This function permits updating auxiliary tables in
database as for example tables containing diagnosis
codifications, clinical examinations, analyses
codifications, departments, user groups and users.