equidistant to each system. To face the problem of
latency of communications, or even momentary lack
of connectivity between different institutions when
the healthcare professional needs the patient
information, the system tries to collect useful patient
data a prior, i.e., before the user request. Scheduled
appointments trigger data discovery and report
collection. Agents facilitate ubiquity as they allow
MAID to operate in an asynchronous faction, which
is more powerful than other technology solutions
like web services that rely on synchronous
Regarding synchronization, our proposal takes
two different approaches. When integrating patient
data in an institution, MAID collects all updated
reports from the departmental IS so that its local
repository stays updated. In this scenario on the
other hand, when integration occurs between
different MAID systems our method is more like
lazy synchronization, i.e., the information is
updated only when a healthcare professional access
to the system is scheduled. Although, this approach
may raise problems in unscheduled accesses, we feel
that full synchronization stresses network resources
too much.
Although single system image is usually
regarded as being a user interface issue, MAID
delivers the same functionality of single image not
to human users but to requesting systems that may
have user interfaces themselves.
Consistency and integrity were not a major
concern in this implementation. Nevertheless it
should be noticed that MAID has already some data
quality checking in place, namely to detect wrong
patient identifications (Cruz-Correia, Vieira-
Marques et al. 2006). For full consistency checking,
it is essential to have documents introspection which
stresses the use of informatics standards like XML
to describe documents, or even healthcare related
standards like HL7-CDA or OpenEHR.
Unfortunately, the Portuguese reality is still far from
having healthcare IS that give access to their data
through this standards.
Transparency is very difficult to obtain when
dealing with documents generated in heterogeneous
IS, because they lack normalization regarding
presentation. To achieve a high level of transparency
it is essential to use structured documents (e.g.
4.2 Implementation Issues
By providing interfacing behaviours to incoming
mobile agent there is no need for complex
interactions reducing interface agent congestion
which would arise from multiple agents requesting
database queries.
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HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics