complements the wireless communication systems,
satellite and wired applications, like cable TVs
(Opera, 2007).
Based on the telemedicine and using PLC as part
of the communication channel, this paper will
present the ongoing work and its preliminary results
performed at the PO@Health Project, located in the
capital city of Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul
State, Brazil) and it is organized as follows. It starts
with a brief motivation and description of the
medical scenario. We follow with previous work on
projects in the telemedicine and PLC areas and a
detailed explanation of the proposed platform
(emphasizing ultrasound examinations) and the
network communication. Then, we present the
medical, technical, and social results achieved
during the first pilot. Finally, we discuss the
estimated benefits and directions of the on-going and
for future work.
At Porto Alegre, capital city of Rio Grande Do Sul
State in Brazil, the Maternal-Infantile Hospital
Presidente Vargas (HPV) is a medical referral center
involving pregnancy. The public hospital assists a
vast part of the population in the city who lacks of
specialized maternal/medical infrastructure. Most of
these patients come from remote districts just for the
accomplishment of routinely ultrasound
examinations and for accompaniment of pregnancy
Restinga is the poorest and the most remote
district of Porto Alegre, having more than 80.000
inhabitants, with a population density of 23
inhabitants/ha, and occupying more than 20.000
homes. The growth tax between 1991 and 2004 was
from 5,6% per year and the medium monthly
income of the answerable for the domiciles is 3,03
minimum wages.
The district counts just with a small health center
and lacking of specialist physicians and basic
medical devices, including ultrasound equipment.
The health center sums up an average of 300 patient
transfers to HPV per month for basic ultrasound
examinations, being more than the half in the field
of obstetric/gynaecologic. This represents a risk for
the patient since this kind of transfer involves
transportation risks in bad conditions streets,
traumas and other financial costs for simple exams.
In addition, it overflows the HPV capacity with
patients that, in the majority of the cases, could be
assisted in their own district by available General
Practitioners, the residents, for example, helped by
an expert doctor, using a basic structure with
ultrasound and internet connection. In fact, most of
the cities have a basic structure of general doctors
who, very often, cannot give a final and correct
diagnosis without a second medical opinion or
assistance/discussion, even remotely over the
Nevertheless, there was no fast internet
connection structure at Restinga since the year of
2006, when a power line communication pilot
project started to be implemented, offering fast
internet communication in the plug-ins of four
public buildings.
The next section will go in detail over two
previous projects, one based in telemedicine and the
other based on PLC, which are the basis for the just-
started applied project PO@Health (telemedicine
over PLC).
3.1 T@lemed
Following the telemedicine concepts, the T@lemed
Project (T@lemed, 2007) was developed by the
authors and was based on a teleconsultation
platform, named TeleConsult, which allows a
medical store-and-forward image-based
telediagnosis in real-time on-line mode or either off-
Figure 1: TeleConsult main interface.
The TeleConsult software platform is based on
TeleInViVo (Kontaxakis et al., 2000), which is a
telemedicine workstation used in isolated areas such
as islands, rural areas and crisis situation areas. The
TeleInVivo system integrates in one custom-made
PO@HEALTH - A Medical Training Telemedicine Case Study based on Ultrasound Images over an Hybrid Power Line