Keith Darlington
London South Bank University, BCIM, 103, Borough Road, London, SE1 OAA, UK
Keywords: Explanation, Expert Systems, NHS Direct, Prodigy.
Abstract: A great deal has been written about healthcare expert systems in recent years. This paper examines a
particular feature of expert systems: namely explanation facilities. A limited explanation capability is an
integral part of a rule based expert system. The role of explanation in expert systems has been largely
ignored in healthcare literature, since the MYCIN system and its derivatives were developed in the mid
1980s. However, empirical research has shown that users are more likely to adhere to recommendations
made by expert systems when explanation facilities are available. Furthermore, explanation provision have
been shown to improve performance and aid the user with a better understanding of the subject domain as
well as result in more positive user perceptions of an expert system. This paper looks at the evolution of
explanation facilities in healthcare expert systems, and investigates user requirements for explanation
facilities in the healthcare domain.
The medical expert system MYCIN (Shortliffe
1981) was amongst the first of a number of decision
support diagnostic systems developed in the late
1970s. Since this time, the use of expert systems as
an IT decision making aid in healthcare has grown
rapidly (Schank, Doney and Seizyk, 1988),
(Thornett 2001). For example, NHS Direct Hotline
uses an expert system in basic patient diagnostics.
NHS Direct has been at the forefront of 24-hour
health care in the UK - delivering telephone and e-
health information services direct to the public, and
is accessed by over two million people every month.
PRODIGY (Thornett 2001) is another example of an
expert system that is used in primary care in the UK.
Prodigy provides decision support to general
practitioners within consultations regarding drug
But many researchers have been sceptical about
expert system usage in healthcare. For example,
Delaney et al, (1999) believe that computerised
decision support systems have great potential but
have largely failed to live up to their promise.
However, Walton et al, (1997) presents evidence to
suggest that advice from a computer
will be more
convincing if presented simultaneously with an
explanation for that advice. In their evaluation of
CAPSULE, an expert system giving advice to
general practitioners about prescribing drugs, they
say that “Finding the most effective way
presenting the explanation is an important goal for
studies of computer support for prescribing
drugs”. Yet, an explanation component is a standard
feature of expert systems in that the systems
problem solving behaviour can be observed during a
The inclusion of explanation facilities can
enhance performance of the decision making and
lead to greater adherence to the recommendations of
the expert system (Gregor and Benbasat, 1999),
(Arnold et al, 2006). Indeed, many studies have
demonstrated the importance of a system being able
to explain its own reasoning. For example, in a study
of physician’s expectations and demands for
computer based consultation systems it was found
that explanation was the single most important
requirement for advice giving systems in medicine
(Buchanan and Shortliffe, 1984). Also, according to
(Berry et al., 1995), explanation is seen as a vital
feature of expert systems – particularly in high risk
domains, such as medicine, where users need to be
convinced that a system’s recommendations are
based on sound and appropriate reasoning.
However, despite the importance attached to
explanations, few expert systems provide acceptable
Darlington K. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 223-226
explanation. Surprisingly, research in explanations
has been largely ignored in healthcare expert
systems since the development of MYCIN. Mao and
Benbasat (2000) cite reasons why explanations in
expert systems had failed to appeal to the user: that
they were difficult to understand, and that they
ignored the needs of different users. The following
sections examine ways in which some of these
shortcomings have been overcome in the healthcare
domain, beginning with a look in some detail at one
of the first ever expert systems to incorporate
explanation – the medical expert system MYCIN.
The explanation facilities in MYCIN (Shortliffe,
1981) were presented in a natural language that was
translated from the rules making the explanations
easier to follow for the user. Explanations were also
supplemented with certainty factors that numerically
expressed the degrees of certainty attached to
conclusions or outcomes. This meant that users of
MYCIN could get an understanding of the likelihood
of the advice given. However, there were many
shortcomings identified with MYCIN’s
explanations. The following sections describe these
shortcomings and how they were overcome.
2.1 Rule Trace
MYCIN is a rule based expert system – which
means that knowledge is stored in the form of rules
(Darlington, 2000). The explanation facilities provided
in MYCIN and the other first wave of rule-based
expert systems would have been a rule trace. This is,
essentially, a record of the system’s run-time rule
invocation history during a consultation.
2.1.1 Feedforward and Feedback
A feedforward explanation provides the user with a
means to find out why a question is being asked
during a consultation (i.e., during the data input
stage). The feedforward explanation will retain the
manner in which input information is to be obtained
for use in finding a solution.
A feedback explanation provides the user with a
record of problem solving action during a
consultation: i.e., how a conclusion was reached
when the data has been completely input. The
feedback explanations will present a trace of the
rules that were invoked during the consultation and
display intermediate inferences in getting to a
particular conclusion.
2.2 Strategic Explanations
Rule trace methods formed the basis of explanations
in MYCIN (Shortliffe, 1981), but Clancey (1983)
tried to adapt MYCIN from its diagnostic role to that
of tutorial role in a system called GUIDON. The
purpose of GUIDON was to provide a training
system for junior consultants. What was thought to
be a simple task turned out to be very difficult
because MYCIN did not contain knowledge which
explicitly contained strategic knowledge. This is
knowledge about how to approach a problem by
choosing an ordering for finding subgoals to
minimise effort in the search for a solution. For
example, the rule of thumb that alcoholics are likely
to have an unusual aetiology can lead the expert to
focus on less common causes of infection first
thereby pruning the search space to find a solution.
The strategic knowledge in MYCIN was implicitly
incorporated in the problem solving rules. However,
Clancey realised that this knowledge needed to be
explicitly represented, so that it could become
transparent to students training to use the system.
The lessons of GUIDON led Clancey to develop a
follow up system called NEOMYCIN (Clancey &
Letsinger, 1981): this was a consultation system
whose medical knowledge base contained the
tutorial strategic knowledge.
2.3 Justification Knowledge
An expert system can only reason with the
knowledge contained in its knowledge base Thus,
the designer of a diagnostic medical expert system
would ensure the knowledge base contains enough
problem solving knowledge to ensure the system can
arrive at the correct conclusions. However, the rule
trace can only reconstruct a trace from what
knowledge is contained in the expert system
knowledge base. If the builder has not included the
knowledge to justify the knowledge in the rule-base,
then the system will not be able to justify the
existence of the knowledge? Clancey (1983) realized
the importance of this justification knowledge when
attempting to extend the MYCIN system to support
the training of junior physicians. Again, he found
that MYCIN failed to do this because it did not
contain justification knowledge. Justification
knowledge is often unavailable because the rules
which model the domain do not capture all the forms
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
of knowledge used by experts in their reasoning.
This is because builders of expert systems capture
“rules of thumb” shallow knowledge that only
enable the system to solve diagnostic problems
Empirical research has consistently shown that user
acceptance of expert systems increases for non-
expert users when this justification knowledge is
present, and that justification is the most effective
type of explanation to bring about positive changes
in user attitudes toward the advice giving system
(Ye & Johnson 1995).
2.3.1 Capturing Deep Knowledge to
Represent Justification Knowledge
Expert physicians would, of course, use rules of
thumb themselves in solving problems, but they
would also – as a result of their training and
experience – possess a deep theoretical
understanding of their subject domain. They may,
for example, use “rules of thumb” or heuristic
knowledge when performing a diagnosis. These
“rules of thumb” may be sufficient to enable the
physician to carry out a diagnosis, and therefore, this
is the knowledge that is captured in rule-based
expert systems because it is clearly much easier to
obtain and code, and is sufficient for problem
solving. However, this justification knowledge
would have to be explicitly captured by the system
designer if it were required for explanation.
In the healthcare domain, user requirements would
vary according to employment categories which
may include physician (including junior physician),
nurses, administrators and also, as we will see later
in some application examples, patients.
Considering the expert physician vs. non expert
divide, research has shown that expert physicians do
make use of explanation facilities but their
requirements are very different to that of other
users. Experts tend to have a preference for
feedback rule trace explanations and are more likely
– than non-experts – to use explanations for
resolving anomalies (disagreement), verification
and exploring alternative diagnoses (Arnold et al
2006), (Mao and Benbasat, 2000). Non-experts such
as trainee physicians, on the other hand, are more
likely to use explanations for short and long term
learning. Moreover, (Arnold et al 2006), have
shown that non-experts tend to use both feedback
and feedforward justification explanations, as well
as terminological feedforward explanations, i.e.,
definitions of domain terms, etc., to assist during
the data input stage. Patients – or other non-experts
– using the NHS Direct system may benefit from
this type of explanation because these explanations
would facilitate learning of the subject domain.
Some examples of these user-centred applications
of explanation are briefly described in the next
3.1 Some User-Centred Explanation
Prototypes in the Healthcare
A number of healthcare projects involving the use of
user modelling for explanation have been prominent
in recent years. OPADE (Carolis et al, 1996) is a
European Community Project funded expert system
for generating beneficiary centred explanations
about drug prescriptions that take into account the
user requirements. The main objective of OPADE is
to improve the quality of drug treatment by
supporting the physician in their prescription process
and by increasing compliance with the therapy
(Berry et al, 1995). OPADE supports two types of
user: those who directly interact with the system
such as general practitioners and nurses, and those
who receive a report of results – i.e., the patients.
The explanations that are generated are dynamic
(unlike static canned text explanations) in that a
“user model” is maintained containing the
characteristics of the user. A “text planner”
component plans the discourse during a consultation.
The text planner will build a tree containing the
discourse plan which will depend on the objectives
that are to be met by the user model. The
explanation is then delivered in natural language by
taking as input the tree generated by the text planner
and transforming it using text phrases into the
appropriate format.
HEALTHDOC (Marco et al, 1995) is another
user-centred expert system whose main purpose is to
generate reports for patients and materials for health
education. This system enables the production of
health-information and patient-education documents
that are tailored to the individual personal and
medical characteristics of the patients. Health-
education documents can be much more effective in
achieving patient compliance if they are customized
for individual readers. The documents are presented
textually and the text can be adapted to different
patients, because the system contains a database
containing information about the clinical data of
every patient – such as their personal and medical
This paper recognises the role of expert systems in
healthcare. However, one of their main features -
explanation facilities – has been largely ignored in
healthcare systems to date. Yet, empirical research
has consistently shown, in recent years, that users are
more likely to adhere to expert system
recommendations when explanation facilities are
available. Furthermore, explanation provision have
been shown to improve performance and aid the user
with a better understanding of the subject domain as
well as result in more positive user perceptions of an
expert system.
However, users will not use an explanation
unless it addresses their basic information needs.
This means that system designers must involve users
in the evaluation of explanation facilities to ensure
that they serve the needs of specific user groups. As
this paper has shown, providing designers submit the
effort, explanations can be tailored to the needs of
different users. Perhaps the time has come for
healthcare expert system designers, and users of such
systems to re-evaluate the potential of explanation
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Berry, D., Gillie, D. T., and Banbury. S., 1995.What Do
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Buchanan, B., G., Shortliffe, E., H., 1984. Rule-based
Expert Systems: The MYCIN Experiments of the
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Carolis, B.D., Rosis, F.D., Grasso, F., Rossiello, A., Berry,
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HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics