Vladimir Camelo Pinto, Thiago Martini da Costa, Marcelo Contardo Moscoso Naveira
Daniel Sigulem, Paulo Schor and Ivan Torres Pisa
Medical Informatics Department, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Rua Botucatu 862, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Keywords: PDA, Students, Health professionals, Usability.
Abstract: In the last decade, handheld computers, also known as Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), have become
popular among physicians, residents and medical students. We have developed a PDA-software, called
MDFluxo, to assist ophthalmologic teaching as a guide. We used a user-centered design to try to diminish
usability problems. It’s interesting that the literature concerning PDA use on health area doesn’t emphasize
usability attributes and it’s evaluation, which is important to widespread PDA use among health profession-
als. MDFluxo efficacy was evaluated comparing it to traditional book guide and a non-guide self-learning.
Usability inspection methods, such as Think Aloud Method, Nielsen Heuristic Evaluation, QUIS 5.0 adapta-
tion, and Cognitive Walkthrough are being used to identify usability problems. The usability inspection
methods help us to identify usability problems and correct them. We evidenced that the students who used
MDFluxo improved the resolution of the clinical case when compared to participants which did not use any
material as support, however there was no significant difference when comparing the MDFluxo students to
students using a book, thus, as a support to ophthalmology learning, MDFluxo is an efficacy tool.
In the last decade, handheld computers, also known
as Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), have become
popular among physicians, residents and medical
students. It is estimated that near 60-70% of the
medical students and residents on the USA use PDA
for some purpose related to health (Kho et al.,
2006). Some equipment characteristics such as: size,
mobility, objectivity at offering relevant clinical in-
formation can be related to the observed spread
(Kho et al., 2006). The main applications used
among medical students and residents are: research
tools (Sutton, 2004), medical calculators (Honey-
bourn et al., 2006), bibliographical references (Rud-
kin et al., 2006), and drugs databases (Stroud et al.,
2005). We didn’t find papers related to health pro-
fessionals and medical students PDA usage on Bra-
zil, although we are managing an electronic research
to get this data (
Widespread use and growth in the use of PDA
can be due to it usability. On a recent review
( that we
have performed, we have evidenced the increasing
use of PDA in the health environment, as well as
PDA-software efficiency and effectiveness in the aid
of teaching and medical practice. There were few
studies regarding PDA-software development cen-
tering on health professional opinions. This could
generate problem in understanding results, since
Nielsen (1993) asserts “is virtually impossible to de-
sign a user interface that has no usability problems
form the start.
The aim of this paper is to present MDFluxo, for
learning ophthalmology based on handheld com-
puters, and its evaluation among medical students.
There will also be introduced preliminaries results
concerning usability inspection methods we are ap-
The MDFluxo software is based on the book “Fed-
eral University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) Guide for
Ambulatories Medicine - Ophthalmology” written
by Schor et al. (2004). In the opening pages Schor et
al. (2004) mention that the book is both a clinical
and surgery manual and that it was created to help
medical practice, describing the most common le-
Camelo Pinto V., Martini da Costa T., Contardo Moscoso Naveira M., Sigulem D., Schor P. and Torres Pisa I. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 227-230
sions in each human eye segment, followed by ana-
tomical location. Each chapter possesses a flowchart
that allows grouping manifestations by their com-
mon characteristics. The book offers a total of 55
flowcharts regarding each disease. Each flowchart
summarizes the medical knowledge discussed in the
current chapter and offers mnemonics to compact
the text with objectiveness.
The flowcharts extracted from the book were,
first revised by specialists, and then transcribed to
eXtensible Markup Language (XML) due to its
flexibility, enhanced integration and SOA-oriented
services for different environments (Pinto et al.,
On this study, we used Palm OS Simulator
sion 5.2.1 to simulate a Palm environment on desk-
top PC. We also used palmOne
Tungsten E hand-
held devices with 320x320 screens. On the desktop
PC, we had installed Microsoft Visual Basic
with the plug-in MobileVB
4.0.0 of the
, and database Microsoft Access
According to general Human-Computer Interface
(HCI) literature and our expertise on developing
health-applications, a close relationship between
health professionals is vital to avoid failures. Thus,
we had chosen a user-centered design process (Nor-
man, 1983) in which we included ophthalmologists,
physicians and residents on prototyped development
2.1 Usability Inspection
Trying to evaluate the five usability quality compo-
nents: learnability, efficiency, memorability and sat-
isfaction (Nielsen, 2003), we planned to use the fol-
lowing methods: Think Aloud Method, Nielsen’s
Heuristic Evaluation, Questionnaire for User Inter-
face Satisfaction (QUIS 5.0) and Cognitive Walk-
A Think Aloud Method (Someren et al., 1994)
was applied to ophthalmology specialists, on a la-
boratorial environment, to evaluate learnability and
efficiency in a simulated case-solving.
Nielsen’s heuristic evaluation (Nielsen, 1994)
was applied by 5 biomedical informatics students to
identify problems on the five usability components.
There are two other usability inspection methods
that will be applied. We translated to Brazilian Por-
tuguese language and adapted the QUIS 5.0 (Chin et
al., 1988). We planed to apply it on several voluntry
physicians to assess their satisfaction using
MDFluxo. A Cognitive Walkthrough Evaluation
Process (Lewis et al., 1990) is being planned to
quantify the efficiency, the learnability, and memo-
rability with medical student in a PBL evaluation.
2.2 MDFluxo Comparing
We didn’t intend to evaluate MDFluxo as a substi-
tute to the traditional learning. On this paper we
compared if MDFluxo is a valid tool to complement
the ophthalmologic learning.
One of the authors (Paulo Schor) developed three
different, equivalent clinical cases to assess
MDFluxo efficacy. Patient's main and secondary
complains, personal info, clinical history, and related
issues were included on the clinical cases.
From UNIFESP and Faculdade de Ciências
Médicas de Santos – Centro Universitário Lusíada
(FCMS-UNILUS), fourth and fifth year medical stu-
dents were divided in three groups. The first group
used MDFluxo as a didactic support, the second
group used the Guide of Ophthalmology book
(Schor et al., 2004) and the last one group didn’t use
any didactic material as support to solve the clinical
Each participant was required to answer three
questions: the diagnostic hypothesis, etiology for
them, and conduct. To each right answer, half right
and wrong it will be attributed values 1, 0.5 and 0
respectively and the accomplishment of the trial was
The students’ response was corrected and the
data tabulated in an electronic spreadsheet. For each
question of the test (diagnostic hypothesis, etiology,
conduct) the grades and time spent to answer were
evaluated. We used the Friedman’s test (Siegel,
1988) to verify the variance among the groups.
The MDFluxo project resulted in 22 prototype ver-
sions, each one built considering the physicians
opinion, regarding flowcharts content, usability at-
tributes, including layout design. We evidenced
great differences between initial and final proto-
types, as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 respec-
Figure 1: Two screenshots from 5
prototype, with several
buttons and few information.
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 2: Two screenshots from 22
prototype, with more
information and improved navigability.
3.1 Usability Inspection
Some preliminaries results of usability inspection
that we are conducting are listed below:
1. We diminished the amount of options present
on preliminary releases to clear the screen.
2. There were no icons on the system. Icons in-
creases the mapping with the real world.
3. The exclamation point (“!”) used for “View info
on the Author” and the button “Close” have not
a consistent use on the system.
4. The red color is often used in the system for
normal instruction of pure text, however, this
color should be used only for critical alerts.
5. It is not obvious that the “Eye Segment” is se-
6. There were grammar and writing mistakes on ti-
tles and menus and generated texts.
7. For the “gender” and “age” we used Select Box,
which does not follow the WIMP standard.
8. The “Instructions” option doesn’t offer a step-
by-step manual, but a short explanation on each
button function. The names “Instructions” and
“Project Information” are not appropriated to
their meaning.
9. In some screens the user could not click on the
text and change it, however, this feature was
wrongly enabled.
10. Error reports were shown several times, such as
Form was unable to load” and “subscript out
of range” during the system loading.
11. The “Help” function is only presented on the
starting screen. During navigation there is no
other “Help” button or “Return to Home/Main”.
3.2 MDFluxo Comparing
The descriptive statistic, which describes the study
results, is present on Table 1. On this table we pre-
sent average results for the groups that used
MDFluxo on PDA, book and the group that didn’t
use anything for each question and time.
Table 1: Descriptive statistics containing average values
for each studied feature.
Applying Friedman’s test to verify statistical dif-
ferences in the values presented on Table 1, we evi-
denced that using PDA leads to a better etiology
resolution and conducts when compared to group
that doesn’t use any material.
Beyond what has been stated, there was no sig-
nificant result for resolution of diagnostic hypothesis
in comparison to the other two groups. In the analy-
sis among the medium time required for the accom-
plishment of the clinical case among three groups,
the use PDA as reference material was better than
the book and without the aid of any material. How-
ever it should be taken into consideration that the
students did not receive previous training for the use
of the software.
On Table 2 we present the statistical difference
in diagnostic hypothesis, etiology, conduct, time and
general result for MDFluxo comparing to book and
students with nothing.
Table 2: Analysis of variance according to Friedman’s
test. (*) p-value > 0.050 (without significance).
Etiology Conduct Time
calc =
(p < 0.423)
calc =
(p < 0.010)
calc =
(p < 0.050)
calc =
(p < 0.015)
calc =
(p <
PDA & Book
> Without
PDA > With-
out nothing
Book > PDA
& Without
nothing *
There are many boundaries on PDA-software devel-
opment, especially when we consider the health en-
vironment and its applications. For MDFluxo pro-
ject, these restraints only reinforced the role of the
participating user during the development process. A
weak mnemonic gap could have been created be-
cause, due to the PDA screening limitation, flow-
charts are showed in parts, instead of the whole, as
in the book. However the group that used PDA-
software MDfluxo achieved better result than the
group that did not use any material for the resolution
clinical case.
Etiology Conduct Time
0.600 0.350 0.450 16.980 1.400
Book 0.650 0.325 0.425 14.420 1.400
nothing 0.475 0.050 0.125 12.220 0.650
The participants that used PDA-software
MDFluxo did not have any difficulties to navigate
through the different. However the amount of flow-
charts presented by the software did not correspond
to the users' expectations.
The ophthalmologic clinicians and students
found MDFluxo as a portable, quick, and intuitive
guideline and a method of learning on managing
clinical cases. Improvements, such as considering
the usability on the development process, could turn
the PDA into a more useful resource to physicians,
enhancing the assistance of patients.
A research was acconmplished in medical data-
base with objective of finding in the medical litera-
ture representations of ophthalmologic information
similar to the representations of the PDA-software
MDFluxo that were extracted of the book of Schor et
al., (2004). However, it was not found similar stud-
ies it to allow accomplishing comparisons with the
results of this study.
We thank the support provided by the Ophthalmol-
ogy Department, Medical Informatics Department,
and Biostatistics and Technology Information Divi-
sion of UNIFESP, and the volunteers. This project
was accomplished with CAPES master’s scholar-
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HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics