The participants that used PDA-software
MDFluxo did not have any difficulties to navigate
through the different. However the amount of flow-
charts presented by the software did not correspond
to the users' expectations.
The ophthalmologic clinicians and students
found MDFluxo as a portable, quick, and intuitive
guideline and a method of learning on managing
clinical cases. Improvements, such as considering
the usability on the development process, could turn
the PDA into a more useful resource to physicians,
enhancing the assistance of patients.
A research was acconmplished in medical data-
base with objective of finding in the medical litera-
ture representations of ophthalmologic information
similar to the representations of the PDA-software
MDFluxo that were extracted of the book of Schor et
al., (2004). However, it was not found similar stud-
ies it to allow accomplishing comparisons with the
results of this study.
We thank the support provided by the Ophthalmol-
ogy Department, Medical Informatics Department,
and Biostatistics and Technology Information Divi-
sion of UNIFESP, and the volunteers. This project
was accomplished with CAPES master’s scholar-
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HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics