In this work we have presented an example of the
application of business process modeling to the
health sector. The main objective is in the first
instance, to show on the basis of the accomplishment
of this work the experience acquired in business
process modeling applied to health sector processes
and with the active participation of hospital staff
(business people), and on the other hand to show the
results obtained in the modelled and graphical
visualization of some of their processes to starting
off mainly by the received training. Once the first
selected model was created, it was possible not only
to determine the utility of process models for
managing these processes but also to propose
improvements of the same.
The experience in process modeling using the
BPMN notation in the health sector has been
interesting and fruitful for the work group. In
addition, it was demonstrated that it is easily
applicable and also, that it would be easily
applicable in any other enterprise field and
simultaneously understandable by all the users of the
This work and the lessons learned will be the
starting point for the development of the models of
those processes that the institution considers to be
the most relevant ones in the fulfilment of its
mission. Besides, this will allow the institution to
have reference models that will be, among other
things, the basis for: the certification within the
program of continuous improvement of the hospital,
the analysis and redesign of its processes, the
evaluation of the efficiency of the process, the
elaboration of hospital information systems, etc. In
future works, we will complete the three processes
chosen by the GHCR work group.
This work has been partially financed by the
ENIGMAS Project (Junta de Comunidades de
Castilla-La Mancha, Consejería de Educación y
Ciencia, reference PBI-05-058), ESFINGE Project
(Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Dirección
General de Investigación/Fondos Europeos de
Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), reference TIN2006-
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HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics