Elvira Rolón, Félix García, Francisco Ruiz, Mario Piattini
Department of Information Technologies and Systems
Indra-UCLM Research and Development Institute - University of Castilla-La Mancha
Paseo de la Universidad 4, 13071, Ciudad Real, Spain
Luis Calahorra, Marcial García and Rafael Martin
General Hospital of Ciudad Real
Ciudad Real, Spain
Keywords: Business Process, Health Sector, Modeling, Case Study.
Abstract: The importance of the analysis, modeling and management of business process is not restricted to a specific
enterprise sector. In the field of sanitary management, due to the nature of the service offered, sanitary
institutions’ processes are also the basis for decision making focused on achieving their objectives to grant
medical assistance of quality. In this work, we will present the application of business processes modeling
to the processes of an institution of the health sector, using the BPMN notation. The objective of this work
is to show our experience obtained in the elaboration of the conceptual models of some hospital processes
that can be used as a basis for others in the collaboration with hospitals for modeling their processes using
BPMN. Hospital processes are very complex, and with their graphical visualization, their management and
improvements are facilitated by means of the understanding and detection of possible failures.
Business processes enable the activities of a
company to be described in a manner which is
understandable to all its users, with the purpose of
analysis and design. Design means explicitly
modeling, designing, simulating and redesigning the
process as the organization learns what is possible.
Due to the need to respond to competitive pressure
or to business opportunities, business analysts need
to restructure processes quickly (Smith et al., 2002).
In business process modeling the main concept is
that of the business processes themselves, which
describe the activities involved in the business and
how they relate to and interact with the necessary
resources to achieve a goal for the organization.
Some specific goals of business process modeling
are: (Beck et al., 2005; Erickson and Penker, 2000):
1. To ease the understanding of the key mechanisms
of an existing business, 2. To serve as a basis for the
creation of appropriate information systems that
support the business, 3. To improve the current
business structure and operation, 4. To show the
structure of an innovated business, 5. To identify
outsourcing opportunities and, 6. To facilitate the
alignment of business specifications with the
technical framework that IT development needs.
Similar to all types of organizations, in the health
sector it is vitally important to keep its business
processes up to date. This objective must not only be
achieved through the continuous improvement of the
services offered but also as a fundamental part of the
quality programs in which it is immersed.
Business processes in hospitals are very complex
and variable, due to the daily work which requires
frequent reactions to the interim results of diagnostic
processes as well as to unexpected medical
instructions. When comparing the business
processes in a hospital to the processes of other
business areas, certain characteristic properties are
evident, such as those pointed out by (Amberg and
Gräber, 1996): a high number of cooperating
organizational units, limited resources, a high ratio
of manual activities, most medical processes can be
on E., Garc
ıa F., Ruiz F., Piattini M., Calahorra L., Garc
ıa M. and Martin R. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 173-178
blueprinted only roughly in advance and details of
medical processes are frequently changed.
From the point of view of computer science, the
tendency of clinical practice is to move towards a
shared care environment in which knowledge of
clinical information systems (a combination of
technology, data and people) should include
definitions of all clinical processes’ aspects, as well
as the functions and responsibilities of the people
involved in them (Colreavy, 2000). In this line,
(Osterweil, 2006) argues that more precise and
comprehensive process definitions are more
effective bases for the kinds of definitive analyses
that lead to successful improvement efforts in a
more efficient manner.
Our interest is based on the conceptual modeling
of the health-care sector processes by using the
philosophy of business process models as a starting
point. There are several important works dealing
with this subject, such as those presented by
(Framiñán et al., 2004) and (Parra et al., 2005a;
Parra et al., 2005b) in which business process
modeling and simulation are applied to the health
sector, particularly in processes such as telemedicine
and hepatic post-transplant. On the other hand,
(Graeber, 1997) had already carried out a similar
work but on the basis of workflow management
systems for the design of hospital information
systems. In (Röhrig, 2002) an approach is presented
through which existing business process descriptions
are reused to analyze health care security
requirements. Additionally, in the literature there are
works related to business processes in the health
sector, for example the presented by (Anyanwu et
al., 2003) as well as (Habing et al., 2001).
In this work, we will present the application of
the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)
for business process modeling in the health sector
with the aim of showing our experience in the
collaboration with the process modeling that can be
applicable to any institution in the health sector.
Our intention when modeling hospital processes
is that of facilitating the visualization and
understanding of the activities that are carried out in
the fulfilment of their mission. Another main target
is to make visible the current processes (as-is
models) for their analysis and comparison with the
target processes (to-be models). This is one of the
main problems that arise when clearly identifying
the logical sequence of the real processes and their
efficiency. This is due to the fact that, in most cases,
hospital employees carry out their activities
mechanically without having a theoretical basis.
This paper is organized as follows: In section 2,
the BPMN notation for business process modeling
will be detailed; in section 3 an overview of the
collaboration context will be shown and in section 4
we will describe and illustrate our first experience in
health-care process modeling. Next in section 5 we
will present some lessons learned from this work.
Finally, in section 6 some of the conclusions drawn
from this work will be put forward.
Business process models (BPMs) can be created or
presented by using many different techniques or
languages. These languages are very different from
one to another, since each one studies the processes
in a different way, depending upon the purpose for
which it was created (Dufresne and Martin, 2003).
Among the languages for modeling business
processes mentioned in the literature, special
attention must be paid to the following ones: IDEF 0
(FIPS, 1993), IDEF 3 (Mayer et al., 1995), UML
(Erickson and Penker, 2000), UML 2.0 (OMG,
2003), and BPMN (OMG, 2006).
We are particularly interested in BPMN because
its first goal is to provide a notation that can be
easily understood by all business users, from the
business analysts to the technical developers and
business people (White, 2004). Moreover, it
provides a graphical notation to express business
processes in a Business Process Diagram (BPD),
based on a flowcharting technique tailored to create
graphical models of business process operations
allowing the easy development of simple diagrams.
BPD is composed of two basic categories: the
first one is formed by core elements (Flow Objects,
Connecting Objects, Swimlanes and Artifacts) that
make it possible to develop simple process models
and a complete list of elements that allows the
creation of complex or high-level business process
models. Some of the BPMN elements for business
process modeling are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: BPMN notation elements.
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
With the objective of analyzing the use of BPMN
notation in real cases, a multidisciplinary work
group was created. The group was composed of
software engineers from the Alarcos Research
Group of the University of Castilla-La Mancha
(UCLM) and health professionals and administrative
staff from the General Hospital of Ciudad Real
(GHCR) which is a part of the Health Care Services
of the Spanish region of Castilla-La Mancha.
The main interest of the GHCR group is to build
a state-of-the-art health care system, but it has faced
several challenges in the application of business
process modeling to health care processes. In this
context, a set of work objectives and methodology to
be followed were defined for each group. The
applied research method was Action-Research (A-
R). A-R is a collaborative research method aimed at
joining theory and practice between researchers and
practitioners by means of a process of a cyclical
nature. A-R is focused on new knowledge building
which must be useful in practice and which is
obtained through searching for solutions to real
situations (Avison et al., 1999). Given its qualitative
and cyclic nature, A-R is a very suitable method to
apply to organizations in order to promote the
continuous improvement of their processes. Being
most advisable for our study, this one was the
method that was selected.
On this basis, and in agreement with the research
method, our first move was to approach the GHCR
work team. The work in collaboration was carried
out in different phases that are detailed below:
Phase 1: The first phase was started with three
informative meetings that lasted three hours. In this
first meeting with the hospital manager and the
people in charge of the different areas of the
hospital, the objectives of the process were put
forward and a brief introduction to business process
modeling and its advantages were presented;
moreover team works were defined for choosing the
processes to be modelled. Later on, two other
meetings with the people assigned by the hospital
team work to be responsible for the collaborative
work took place.
Phase 2: In the second phase the personnel of the
hospital received a 20 hours intensive course. This
training session went into depth in the subject of
modeling and the techniques for business processes
modeling specifically BPMN notation, as well as in
the importance of Business Process Management.
Phase 3: In this phase the hospital work group
carried out meetings for the selection of three
possible processes with different degree of
complexity but equal importance level for the
institution. This selection was mainly based on the
following criteria:
Processes must be well-known by all the
participants in the work group.
The process must affect multiple departments
Information technology was considered as an
essential tool during the workflow.
Necessity of improvement of the process.
Phase 4: The next step was the definition of the
work method by the members of this group. With
the purpose of integrating the knowledge of the
different members of the team, a specific work
group was selected for each process, designing at
least one representative member for each subprocess
or affected organizational unit. Moreover, it was
necessary to carry out the compilation of
information, data and documents (such as textual
definition of the process, paper-based documentation
and electronic forms) that could be used for the
elaboration of the selected process models.
Phase 5: In this phase, two meetings of both
team works were carried out (GHCR and UCLM)
that lasted around 2 hours each. In these meetings,
the selected processes were: a) Programmed
Surgical Patient (PSP), b) incorporation of a new
employee, c) Citation process.
Phase 6: This phase consisted basically of the
development of the PSP process model. The way of
creation of the model was collaborative and
iterative. In order to achieve this goal, there were
necessary work meetings with the person in charge
of the process for the refinement of the model to be
carried out. Also interviews to some of the
participant roles in the process execution took place.
In this work, we used the Business Process
Modeling Notation (BPMN) for the health care
sector processes modeling. We have selected this
notation because it is widely accepted and
recognized in the enterprise market due to the
easiness that it provides for the construction of
simple or high level processes. In this case, the
model has to be as simple, transparent and
understandable as possible for all the stakeholders in
the health sector.
The process model presented in Figure 1 shows
at a high level abstraction the Programmed Surgical
Patient (PSP) process and the activities that are
carried out when a patient is admitted into the
hospital for the accomplishment of the surgical
treatment of an injury or a disease that has been
previously prescribed by means of diagnosis.
At the construction phase of this model a first
rough draft was elaborated on the basis of the
information that has been previously compiled
(textual description of the process, documents,
forms, etc.). Having elaborated a first version of the
conceptual model of the process, a meeting with the
stakeholder in charge of the process from the GHCR
work group was carried out.
Therefore, simultaneously, the construction of
the final model was possible, by means of the
process description by the group of users to obtain a
continuous feedback of the process. The
construction of the model presented in Figure 1 was
also possible thanks to the interviews made to the
departmental personnel (participant user group and
roles) involved in the process execution. By means
of these interviews users explained to the modeler
the work that they develop and the main activities
that are carried out throughout this health care
process. Once evaluated the PSP process model, the
development of this model in a lower level of
decomposition began. The first subprocess to
develop is that corresponding to the Surgical
Waiting List (SWL).
Similarly, for the construction of this subprocess
the necessary textual and documentary information
was compiled. Moreover, we have counted on the
collaboration of the person in charge of this
subprocess for its description and validation. The
obtained result is shown in Figure 2.
With the development of this first model, and
one of its subprocesses, it was possible to obtain the
As-is model of one of the most representative
processes within the sanitary service that offers the
participant institution.
The work done will be the reference model that
will serve as a basis for the construction of the “to-
be”models. The application of the BPMN notation
was very useful, since due to its characteristics; at
any moment the construction of the processes
models presented was facilitated for both participant
groups (of business and systems).
In the development of the “as-is” models of the
process selected, there were some difficulties and
limitations, mainly the following ones:
Due to the nature of the work in the health sector,
management in hospitals is oriented towards
functions and not towards processes. This is
because of the high degree of specialization of the
different activities which frequently are made up
of units with a high level of decentralization.
Figure 1: Programmed surgical patient process model.
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 2: Surgical waiting list subprocess model.
In the chosen process, diverse roles from different
organizational departments which also work with
certain degree of autonomy with respect to the
others take part. This fact represented a problem at
the time of efficiently designing the process.
Variability of the process: Due to the fact that it is
applicable to all surgical services of the hospital
and to all patients who are going to take part in
any surgical pathology except for urgent surgery,
which entails many exceptions in decision
There were some discrepancies between the
participant professionals in the process at the time
of the description of its activities, which partly
reflects the absence of a model bases for the
When the roles of the active people in charge in
the process were not well defined a conflict was
generated in the identification of the activities.
In some cases the asynchronous communication
by means of email was necessary.
Nevertheless, it is also important to emphasize the
advantages that the application of business process
modeling using BPMN in the health sector provides
such as:
The most important aspect was than with the
training on BPMN that received the hospital staff,
they had a clearer vision of their processes and the
form in which they had to express it.
Before creating the business process model, the
textual description of processes had not a clear
structure. After receiving the course, the personnel
from the hospital could develop a more structured
description of their processes in accordance with
our objective consisting of modeling them by
using BPMN.
The process modeling serves as a reference as well
as a starting point for the documentation of the
processes that it carries out. In addition, the
process modeling is able to be the basis for the
certification of this process within the program of
continuous improvement of the hospital.
Through the graphical representation of the
processes, the understandability of the model is
facilitated being in addition a basis for decision
making, as well as for redesigning future new
Having the models of the processes facilitates the
incorporation and integration of new personnel
into the working areas and processes of the
Within the phase of analysis, some steps of the
process were clarified such as that stating that
members of the work group were different.
It was possible to identify the different roles
interacting between themselves within the process.
Being a practically recently opened hospital it has
inherited processes of the sanitary institutions that
previously formed it. This is the reason why the
design and modeling of its present processes come
to represent an evolution approaching the quality
of the service.
With the detection of failures and bottle-necks in
the present process will allow us to take corrective
measures in the rules from this process, therefore,
facilitating the management of its processes.
In this work we have presented an example of the
application of business process modeling to the
health sector. The main objective is in the first
instance, to show on the basis of the accomplishment
of this work the experience acquired in business
process modeling applied to health sector processes
and with the active participation of hospital staff
(business people), and on the other hand to show the
results obtained in the modelled and graphical
visualization of some of their processes to starting
off mainly by the received training. Once the first
selected model was created, it was possible not only
to determine the utility of process models for
managing these processes but also to propose
improvements of the same.
The experience in process modeling using the
BPMN notation in the health sector has been
interesting and fruitful for the work group. In
addition, it was demonstrated that it is easily
applicable and also, that it would be easily
applicable in any other enterprise field and
simultaneously understandable by all the users of the
This work and the lessons learned will be the
starting point for the development of the models of
those processes that the institution considers to be
the most relevant ones in the fulfilment of its
mission. Besides, this will allow the institution to
have reference models that will be, among other
things, the basis for: the certification within the
program of continuous improvement of the hospital,
the analysis and redesign of its processes, the
evaluation of the efficiency of the process, the
elaboration of hospital information systems, etc. In
future works, we will complete the three processes
chosen by the GHCR work group.
This work has been partially financed by the
ENIGMAS Project (Junta de Comunidades de
Castilla-La Mancha, Consejería de Educación y
Ciencia, reference PBI-05-058), ESFINGE Project
(Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Dirección
General de Investigación/Fondos Europeos de
Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), reference TIN2006-
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