The sensitivity and specificity rates attained with
each of the study input patterns and each of the
study ANN model varied from 0.76 to 1 and from
0.57 to 0.99 respectively (Table 3).
The areas under the ROC curves for LVQ and
SOM inputting IP3 were 0.94 and 0.90, respectively,
for SOM inputting IP2 was 0.92 and inputting IP1
Table 3: Specificity (sp) and sensibility (se) values
calculated through leave-one-out algorithm for different
data sets and for all ANN models analyzed in this study.
sp se sp se sp se
PE1 0.97 0.97 0.99 0.90 0.98 0.94
PE2 0.98 0.95 0.96 0.96 0.86 0.94
PE3 0.98 0.93 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.90
PE4 0.88 0.87 0.88 0.90 0.88 0.90
PE5 0.80 0.76 0.67 0.76 0.67 0.76
The area under the ROC curve for IP2 (all variables
studied) inputted in SOM (0.92) indicates that this
input pattern improves the performance of SOM but
is still bellow the performance of LVQ using a much
simpler set of input variables (IP3).
However, a previous statistical test not shown in
this study (t-Student test) presented a statistically
significant association between the data collected on
the excursion of the diaphragm and the child being a
mouth breather. This association seems to reflect on
the area under the ROC curve (0.97) calculated for
SOM model when the variables associated with
spine curvature and diaphragm excursion (IP1) was
Despite the input of the data referring to the
diaphragm excursion (IP1 and IP2) yielding a better
performance of SOM, the fluoroscopic investigation
is an additional medical examination that is not
usually performed in the clinical practice. Therefore,
if we are to deal with such limitation, LVQ model
associated with the input of variables of spine
curvature only (IP3) can presently be a good
alternative model due to its high rates of sensitivity
and specificity.
Including the variables weight and height to the
set spine curvature and diaphragm excursion (IP1) to
form IP2 resulted in lower performance of SOM
model according to ROC curve analysis. This agrees
with previous statistical analysis (Student’s t-test)
showing that the variation of weight and height
between mouth and nasal breathers was not
statistically significant.
Pesonen et al. (1996), Markeya et al. (2003), and
Ng & Chong (2006) compared the performance of
SOM and BP models in different tasks of
classification of biomedical data and found that BP
had higher rates of specificity and sensitivity. This
was not the case in the present study. In fact,
training in SOM is unsupervised, which would
support its worse performance in data classification
as compared with models using supervised training.
A potential explanation for the best performance of
SOM over BP in the present study is the limited set
of data (52 patients) for training and validation
currently available.
As previously mentioned, the present report is
part of a broader biomedical study. So far, the use of
computer-aided modelling focused the development
of a reliable diagnosis tool. This is deemed to be the
first step to develop a second and perhaps more
important tool that could indicate the severity of
changes in body posture and assist the decision
making regarding the prescription of a
physiotherapeutic treatment for such condition.
ANN modelling is a resource that could overcome
the complexity of such task.
The best rates of sensitivity and specificity were
attained for variables associated with the spine
curvature only (IP3) inputted in LVQ model. A
further comparison of performance using IP3 was
carried out between SOM and LVQ models using
their respective ROC curves which showed that the
area under the curve for LVQ model was larger
(0.94) than that for SOM (0.90).
Although supervised learning ANN models, such
as BP model, have been reported to yield better rates
of sensitivity and specificity, the present study found
that SOM and LVQ, both competitive-learning-
based algorithms, had better performance.