Thomas Karopka, Ilvio Bruder
IT Science Center Rügen gGmbH, Circus 14, 18581 Putbus, Germany
Neeltje van den Berg, Wolfgang Hoffmann
Section Epidemiology of Health Care and Community Health, University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany
Andreas Heuer
Institute of Computer Science, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany
Keywords: Telemedicine, Tele-homecare, Community medicine nurse, ICT.
Abstract: In the Federal State of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania 35-40% of the general practitioners (GPs) will retire
within the next 5-7 years. In rural regions, it is difficult to find successors for the vacant practices. Thus a
problem of supplying primary health care to the elderly population in rural regions is foreseeable. An
efficient way to lower the workload for the remaining GPs is the implementation of a special trained
community medicine nurse (cm-nurse). The cm-nurses are supported by telemedical devices, a video
conference system and a mobile data management system. In this paper we report on the information and
communication technology (ICT) architecture of the project.
Society's demographic change and structural
changes in the German health-care system are
nationwide challenges. In the Federal State of
Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, demographic
changes are developing more dynamically than in
many other regions in Germany. At the end of 2005,
25.4% of the population was more than 60 years old
- a percentage which will climb to 34.8% by the year
2020. One of the consequences of an ageing
population is the increase of age-specific diseases.
On the other hand, 35-40% of the general
practitioners (GPs) will retire within the next 5-7
In rural regions, it is difficult to find successors for
the vacant practices. Thus a problem of supplying
primary health care to the elderly population in rural
regions is foreseeable. The Institute of Community
Medicine of the University of Greifswald and the
Institute of Computer Science of the University of
Rostock have started an interdisciplinary research
project between the faculties of medicine, health
economics, pharmaceutics and informatics to
develop a model project for a cm-nurse that supports
GPs in the primary health care for elderly patients in
rural areas (Terschüren, 2007). One of the main
goals of the project is to develop a model that
disburdens the GPs in rural areas in the task of
serving an ever increasing area and therefore
spending a lot of time travelling from the patients for
home visits. The idea is that a part of the home visits
can be carried out by a special trained cm-nurse,
supported by telecare equipment. Modern mobile
technologies, a carefully designed information flow
between the cm-nurse, GP and the participating
pharmacists as well as a central data store for
epidemiological and health economic evaluation are
the prerequisites for the development of a new
model that is unprecedented in the German health
care system.
A key role for the success of a project of this kind
plays the underlying ICT infrastructure. While the
different devices and techniques needed already exist,
Karopka T., Bruder I., van den Berg N., Hoffmann W. and Heuer A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 26-30
Figure 1: System Architecture.
the integration of these into a working system is still
a challenge. In this paper we focus on the
technological aspects and challenges for the ICT
infrastructure needed to allow the project to work.
Several requirements had to be fulfilled and
influenced the design of the system. The main
requirement was that the system should work in
rural areas with no guarantee of internet access.
Further, the system should be open for different
clients and operating systems. Another requirement
was the usability of the system. The software should
be designed in a way that reflects the workflow that
the nurse is accustomed to.
Figure 1 gives an overview of the system. The
central part is a tablet-PC that is used by the cm-
nurse during the home visits. The Institute for
Community Medicine has developed standardised
questionnaires to support the cm-nurse in the daily
work and to collect data for research. At the end of a
working day the cm-nurse transmits the data to the
central database. To support the research in the
project, a central database with pseudonymized
patient data was installed in the Institute of
Community Medicine. The database consists of a
MySQL database currently running on a Windows
2003 server behind the university firewall. The cm-
nurses use a VPN client to log into the university
network to access this central database. Several
other interfaces exist in the system. To support the
drug anamnesis module data is exchanged between
cooperating pharmacies the GP and the cm-nurse.
The data that the nurse collects can be sent to the
electronic patient record (EPR) system in the GP
office. Several telecare devices are also used in the
system. This interface is currently not integrated into
the system and is not considered here.
Whenever possible we used open source software
for the system. The system was implemented as a
client server system. We used the model-view-
controller (MVC) design pattern for the
development of the system. This allows for easy
implementation of different clients. Figure 2
illustrates the software design. Currently the only
clients used are tablet PCs. But it is also possible to
use PDAs or UMPCs. Apache Struts is used as the
framework. Tomcat 5.5 is used as servlet container.
The recorded data is stored in a local object database
(DB4O) on the tablet PC. At the end of a working
day the cm-nurse transmits the data to the server in
the Institute for Community Medicine using a VPN
connection. On the server the data is inserted in a
MySQL database. This is done using Hibernate for the
Figure 2: Software Design.
object-relational mapping. The software was
designed in a way that it is possible to add other
mobile clients in a later phase of the project.
The constraint with the highest impact on system
design was the requirement for the system to work in
rural areas. This is a contradiction to the need of a
broadband wireless infrastructure. In the first pilot
project we experimented with WIMAX but it was
not possible to serve the area needed. An alternative
is GSM/GPRS or broadband UMTS. Both system
were not available in all of our test regions. We also
noticed problems with unstable connections.
Therefore we decided to implement a system that
allows the nurse to work offline. The nurse selects
the patients she wants to visit. All the data is copied
to a local database on the tablet-PC. Once the nurse
is back in her office, she connects the tablet-PC to
the internet and transmits the data to the central
Another process was the selection of the client. We
proposed three clients: A tablet-PC, a PDA and a
UMPC. PDAs are already in use in different clinical
settings and also in home care (Hsu, 2007; Alonso,
2004). Although the PDA is small, light and has a
long battery runtime, we opted against the PDA
because the display is too small for our application.
The modules are designed to guide the cm-nurse
through her visit with standardised questionnaires.
On a PDA the handling was judged to be too
complicated. The UMPC was ruled out due to the
low battery runtime. We finally choose the tablet PC
as a compromise. It has a good battery runtime,
allows a good visualisation of the questionnaires and
is easy to handle with the pen.
Table 1 shows the kind of data and the number of
measurements in the monitoring module in one of
the projects.
Table 1: Type and frequency of data in the monitoring
Module # of Measurements
Monitoring 1822
Blood pressure 1696
Pulse 1241
Drink monitoring 1142
Blood sugar 839
Weight 486
Blood sample 364
Nutrition advice 382
Medical advice 273
Conversation 126
Vaccination 125
Wound examination 112
Dressing 101
The decision to use the Apache Struts Framework
was partly due to time constraints in the project. We
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
only had one month to develop the core of the
system. The Apache Struts framework with the
validation support and the supplied libraries was an
ideal starting point for a prototype. Later on it was
very easy to add new modules to the software and it
was decided to keep the web application instead of
developing a native client. A disadvantage of the
servlet technology is the response time that the
servlet container needs to build the page and the
stateless interface. The advantage, however, is the
easy to use interface and the maintainability of the
software. Currently the software is used in four
different field trials by 27 cm-nurses.
To the authors knowledge the model of a community
medicine nurse supported by ICT as described here
is new. However, the participation of nurses in
primary care or the support of GPs by nurses is
already considered in several countries. In the
systematic review of (Laurant, 2005) the authors
come to the conclusion that appropriately trained
nurses can produce as high quality care as primary
care doctors and achieve as good health outcomes
for patients. The report of (Bourgueil, 2005)
compares the situation in six European countries as
well as in Quebec and Ontario. However, there is
few information of the ICT used by nurses to
communicate with the GP. Most of the published
literature is concerned with telenursing or
telehomecare. Telenursing refers to the use of
telecommunications technology in nursing where the
nurse either does a “virtual visit” using a video
conference system or a telephone to provide home
care services. Studies in Europe suggest that a large
number of patients could benefit from in-home
telecommunication services (Valero, 1999).
Telehomecare means the delivery of health services
over distances into the home care setting where
home health nurses use technology to provide
services in the home which enhance the efficiency
and the quality of care (Milholland, 1995). In these
use cases ICT is used to support a home health nurse
in providing her service, usually over a distance.
Although we also use telemedical devices the
primary use case of our software is the standardised
communication of a cm-nurse with the GP. The cm-
nurse works in delegation of the GP i.e. a task
formerly carried out by the GP is now transferred to
the cm-nurse. However, the GP needs to have the
overview of the health state of the patient and
therefore needs the measurements as well as the
standardised questionnaires to get an impression of
the patients' current health state. Table 2 gives an
overview of the currently implemented modules.
Table 2: Overview of implemented modules.
Module Description
First Interview General questions.
Carried out during first
patient contact
Standard monitoring Module that is carried
out during every home
Training for
telemedical devices
Used to document the
training in the use of the
telemedical devices
Fall prevention Standardised
questionnaire for the
detection of fall risks in
the domesticity of the
Drug anamnesis Registration and
check of all drugs in the
domesticity of the patient
(including interaction
check in cooperation
with local pharmacist)
Geriatric assessment Test for signs of
possible dementia: clock
drawing test (Shulman,
1986), DemTect
(Kessler, 2000)
Palliative care Management of pain and
provision of
psychological and social
SF-12 Short form of the SF-36
health survey for
assessment of the health
related quality of life of
patients (Bullinger, 1995)
A project that uses very similar technology is from
the Luleå University of Technology in Sweden
(Andersson, 2007). The project is called SARAH
and is run by the Center for Distance spanning
healthcare at Luleå University of Technology,
Norrbotton County council and the municipalities in
Luleå and Boden. In this project a district nurse is
supplied with a field rucksack with a laptop
facilitating mobile access to the electronic patient
record and videoconferencing between the GP and
the district nurse, an electronic stethoscope, a digital
camera and other telecare equipment.
For future work an interface for the cooperating
pharmacies is planned where the pharmacist can
access the questionnaire for the drug anamnesis
An ageing population, fewer GPs in rural areas and
high costs in the healthcare system challenge the
development of new models in home healthcare.
ICT offers numerous potential benefits in terms of
improvements for patients, professionals and cost
savings in the healthcare system. We have
implemented a complex ICT infrastructure to
support a community medicine nurse that carries out
home visits in delegation of a GP. The ICT
infrastructure supports the cm-nurses in their daily
work as well as providing data for the health-
economical and epidemiological evaluation of the
The authors would like to thank Andreas Holtz who
designed and implemented the original system.
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HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics