of difficult clinical cases. There is only a potential
indication for the use of asynchronous method and
the success factors are being established yet, but
only for specific specialties (Finamor et al., 2005
and Ferguson, 2006). The studies of the diagnosis
agreement performed still not presented a consensus.
This prototype showed us a basic structure to
have success in remote telediagnosis in dermatology.
We expect that a web system based in these
characteristics must have rate success nearly face-to-
face consult. This is the aim of test-bed: trial a
structure, to obtain data to analyse the outcomes and
construct the web systems based in tested values.
In the experiments, found in literature, that use
email to submit data and attach images files, it there
is not a pattern that it indicates that set data must be
submitted. The text is based only on professional
common-sense and medical practice. Bergus et al.
(2006), demonstrated that the quality of information
is very important to referral reduce the need for
clinic consultation. In this prototype data
standardization was used to facility the data input
and establish a vocabulary.
In the next trials, we expected that test-bed
shows efficiently to obtain a list of another standard
indicators that will answer previously to the raised
issues: what size, minimum image resolution and
compression will be able to realize a diagnosis,
minimum personal data, what data will must be
compose recent clinical history, the minimum
amount of images to diagnosis, that images are
essential, the efficiency rate if images and data will
be analyzed separately. Indications to the use for
specific clinical cases also could be known.
We expect that this study will contribute for the
establishment of the asynchronous flexible
collaboration as efficient, reliable, comfortable, and
economic method for health professionals in specific
medical specialty.
Sérgio Hirata, Sérgio Yamada and Priscila Yshioka,
Department of Dermatology - Federal University of
São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil.
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HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics