proper FSF.
5.4 Modem Management for Exam
A specific thread is in charge to manage the modem,
and it operates by means of the
package (Java, 2007), jointly with the
packages. The operations performed by
means of these packages are: ISP number dialing, ISP
authentication and TCP/IP data transfer towards the
server by means of a socket opening.
The user can start the transmission to the RCC
from the exam FSF simply pressing a key on its re-
mote control. In response to this action, the thread
establishes the connection with the ISP using the in-
formation previously read from the smart card. Once
the connection with the ISP has been established, the
thread opens a client socket specifying the IP address
of the server of the RCC. This IP address is read from
the smart card too, since different users need to send
their exams to different RCCs. At this point, the
thread sends a stream composed of two main parts:
the patient’s data and the exam data (collected during
the acquisition phase). Once the whole data stream
has been sent, the connection is closed and another
exam can be acquired.
In this paper, a DVB-T framework for tele-home care
was presented along with its prototype implementa-
Thanks to the DVB-T set-top box, which is very
similar to a computer with the possibility to be pro-
grammed, the system can interact with external cus-
tom peripherals and can be connected to the web.
Easy to use by people not skilled in digital electron-
ics, and since tele-home care is mainly used to mon-
itor elderly people which eventually falls in the pre-
vious category, pushed by the imminent deadline de
fined by the UE for the switch-off of the old ana-
log broadcasting transmission system, such tele-home
care framework could represent the best solution in
terms of quality and costs. Compared to traditional
systems, the presence of a visual environment on the
TV screen allows a more friendly use providing also
more detailed information and feedbacks about the
signal quality, and guiding the user through all the
exam procedure without any required printed manual.
Experimental results show the high potentiality of
the proposed solution and deserve further improve-
ments such as the development of a more powerful
base station (or a set of different base station models),
the realization of a digital broadcasting system, and
the extension to the official sanitary card, currently
under trial in some Italian regions and in other Eu-
ropean countries. It is actually under test a complete
Visual application to read and analyze the exams on
the Remote Care Center.
This work is part of the Personal e-Care project,
which has been partially founded by INFN, the Nu-
clear Physics Italian Institute.
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