for digital rights management and the description of
access policies for the protection of EHR data.
We foresee a need to mediate distributed data ac-
cess, where data is stored, accessed and processed in
a truly distributed fashion without the help of cen-
tralised policy mechanisms. Distributed data access,
however, also requires a dedicated access control ar-
chitecture, which we presented in Section 3 as a gen-
eral model for access control in distributed processing
environments, e.g. the medical IT environment de-
scribed in the use case. Any concrete implementation
of an policy enforcement mechanism can be analysed
and compared with respect to this model.
The analysis of current EHR standards has shown
that they are not ideally suited for reliable data pro-
tection and patient-controlled access restrictions. In-
stead, they should be used in combination with dedi-
cated policy languages.
Section 4 presents two dedicated policy descrip-
tion languages that might be used to specify data ac-
cess policies for EHR. A structural analysis and short-
ened example explains how these languages could be
used. Even though a full policy description repre-
senting the use case could not be given for reasons
of readability and length, their general applicability is
shown. The two languages are compared face to face,
outlining important differences when used for EHR
An open issue and potential basis for further work
is the formulation of a generic set of actions, rich
enough for the fine-grained control over medical data
in the workflow and simple enough for the patient to
reliably apply in EHR policies.
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