Children may undergo unnecessary suffering when
indications of their actual conditions are neglected,
even after all health care protocols have been
already applied to them. This is the most ubiquitous
cases, where the concerning authorities are not
prompted with the proper information, or even if the
information is provided, it is hard to roam across a
large amount of raw data to figure out what are the
proper measures in each case.
This work proposes a qualitative improvement in
the programs of prevention, teaching and, in the
therapeutic actions and assistances. A web system
provides a tool to validate and implement
methodologies of technical and administrative
intervention. The TUIA system can maintain an
extensive collection of integrated data on
endangered children, from a wide range of
concerning areas. The system not only provides for
immediate communication of children condition
alerts among the the concerned parts, but also can
aggregate relevant and validated research results to
the benefit of community. This can be achieved as
the system is a platform to develop and validate new
protocols and analytical procedures. The
experimental protocols can be applied together with
the mainstream procedures and the results compared
with cross checking from existing data. New
protocols and reports can be then incorporated into
mainstream as the results have scientific relevance.
The system is developed using state of art web
technology to provide fast and consistent
development. A Domain-Driven (Evans, 2004)
approach is applied to shorten the turnaround of new
software releases as new requirements come in to
play to extend the system functionality. A
lightweight interprocess communication technology
supports distributed hosting if required. It integrates
with machine learning engines and other advanced
analytical tools to provide support to machine
assisted inferences on collected data.
The challenge is to congregate the two aspects of
the public power role: to create methodologies of
scientific investigation, inside the services and in the
universities, capturing the complexity of the theme
and to incorporate the actions against violence in the
involved professionals' practices and to articulate
those practices, not only in the section of Health, but
also in the Education practices, Social Attendance
and Justice.
In a general way, this work proposes the
development of an "algorithm" composed by
taxonomy of information transformed in analysis
methods. The observed population is passed through
clustering algorithms, leading to the identification
of children's sub-groups, according to patterns in
input profiles. This discovery opens the possibility
of multiple studies accomplishment that will result
in a rich knowledge on abuse and its co-morbidities
that do intersection with the several abuse types and
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HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics