cates allows issuing CAs to simplify their PKI: they
are not published and they are not listed in CRLs.
The key characteristics of the authentication ar-
chitecture are (i) the use of smartcards for strong
authentication, to store Professional credentials and
to improve their mobility, (ii) the use of short-lived
RTS certificates carrying Professional identification
and roles for authentication on the RTS Portal and au-
thorization of operations required to the RTS, (iii) the
use of “normal”-lived HI certificates for Professional
enrolment for RTS certificates, (iv) a PKI where the
RTS and each HI run their own, private PKI with
(v) cross-certification for the establishment of trust
relations required to validate Professionals creden-
tials and RTS credentials within SSL sessions. This
authentication architecture is highly scalable and is
prepared to be applied to other medical telematic
projects such as the Brain Imaging Network Grid
(BING) (?) and the Grid-Enabled REpoSitories for
medicine (GERESmed), two medical networks now
under development an IEETA/University of Aveiro.
A prototype was implemented as proof of con-
cept and based exclusively in technology provided
by Windows systems or developed for Windows sys-
tems. Regarding the browsers used by Professionals,
we tested two of the most popular ones also on Win-
dows systems: Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
The major source of problems that we found for
implementing the prototype was the use and manage-
ment of smart cards by Professionals’ systems and
browsers. The variety of middleware existing for
managing smart cards and the different approaches
followed by different applications (browsers) regard-
ing the middleware make it very hard to provide a
clean, ubiquitous interface for Professionals. Further-
more, this is a critical issue in the deployment of this
authentication architecture along many different sys-
tems and computers.
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gramme 2003-2006 of the Portugal Digital Initia-
tive, through the POSI programme of the Portuguese
Government, and by the FCT (Portuguese R&D
agency) through the programs INGrid 2007 (grant
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