The increasing complexity of clinical trials has
generated an enormous requirement for knowledge
and information management at all stages of the
trials – planning, specification, implementation, and
analysis. Our focus is currently on two application
areas: 1. tracking participants of the trial as they
advance through the studies, and 2. tracking clinical
specimens as they are processed at the trial
laboratories. The core of the Epoch framework is a
suite of ontologies that encodes knowledge about the
clinical trial domain that is relevant to trial
management activities. This focus on just supporting
trial management activities is also reflected in our
approach to temporal constraint reasoning. Thus, in
the temporal constraint ontology and in our
reasoning approach with rules, we have limited
ourselves to the types of temporal constraints, to the
complexity of formalism and to the levels of
reasoning to just support the clinical trial
management activities. For example, we do not
support checking temporal constraints for
consistency. We continue to work on the temporal
constraints ontology to support newer and more
complex constraints. With any complex constraint,
one concern is the power, or lack thereof, of our
reasoning approach with SWRL rules,
Since we use OWL ontologies and SWRL rules,
native RDF Store (storing data as RDF triples)
would have been a natural solution for storing
clinical trial data, and then seamlessly operate on the
data using our ontologies and rules. ITN uses a
legacy relational database system to store clinical
trial data, and therefore, prevents us from using
native RDF Stores as our backend. We have built
techniques to map the database tables to our virtual
trial data ontology OWL classes. With these
solutions, our data model remains flexible and
independent of the structure of the data sources. We
are yet to undertake a thorough evaluation of our
dynamic mapping methodology especially in the
area of scalability
An often over-looked aspect of knowledge-based
reasoning approaches is the task of knowledge-
acquisition. Currently, we use the Protégé-OWL
editor to build the Epoch models. Based on the class
and property definitions, Protégé automatically
generates graphical user interface (GUI) forms that
can be used to create instances of these classes
(OWL individuals). Thus, domain specialists can use
to enter a specification of a protocol, say for a
transplant clinical trial, using these Protégé-
generated forms. Unfortunately, domain specialists
find it cumbersome and non-intuitive to use the
generic user interfaces as they are exposed to the
complexities of the Epoch ontologies, the OWL
expressions and the SWRL rules. We are building
custom graphical user interfaces that hide the
complexities of the knowledge models, and that
facilitate guided knowledge-acquisition. Providing a
friendly user interface to enter SWRL rules can be
The knowledge requirements borne out of the
need for managing clinical trials align well with the
touted strengths of semantic web technologies –
uniform domain-specific semantics, flexible
information models, and inference technology.
Using these technologies, we have built a
knowledge-based framework for temporal
constraints reasoning that is, above all, practical.
This work was supported in part by the Immune
Tolerance Network, which is funded by the National
Institutes of Health under Grant NO1-AI-15416.
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HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics