(32% against 24% of the ones aged over 2). This
supports the idea that these individuals should be
considered as a target population for the
implementation of electronic integrated databases.
Regarding the different institutions chosen by
individuals for outpatient care, several are attended;
Hospital Pedro Hispano, Hospital Geral Santo
António, are the most visited.
When attending private clinics, the most
requested speciality is paediatrics, as it was
In a previous similar study done by students of
the Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto on
elderly population, it was shown that there should be
an exchange of information between health
institutions in the Porto region. Our study
emphasizes this notion because children in this area
visit a great number of institution but choose to one
emergency care facility (UPP) only; as such, the
main conclusion of the study is that integrated EPR
between hospitals and health centres would most
benefit of children population in Porto region.
4.1 Limitations
The UPP’s waiting room, where interviews took
place, was itself a limitation to the receptivity of the
interviewees due to emotional distress associated
with an emergency situation impairing their ability
to answer accurately.
The current organization of Porto’s paediatric
emergency referrals (a centralized healthcare facility
for all events), may difficult the generalization to
other cities.
Implementing an Electronic Patient Records
accessible in health centres and the UPP is relevant
for the population studied, especially those under 2
years of age.
The authors wish to thank Prof. Dr. Almeida Santos
(director of UPP) for all the collaboration in this
study, and Prof. Dr. Altamiro Costa Pereira for
reviewing the article.
This study was supported by POCTI/0753/2004
- Unit I&D CINTESIS nº 753/2004 from Fundação
para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
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POPULATION - Current Trends in Paedriatic Patients’ Mobility between Institutions Requires Implementation of
Electronic Patient Records