method, and after five minutes training, user was
able to do 3,18 key selections per minute.
Considering that user is able to do 5,16 key
selections per minute with his usual UI (a pressing
switch) and that this result was reached in just one
short session of training, it is expected that this
performance will improve with training.
The user could also generate one continuous
control signal using it to move the mouse cursor in
one axis successfully. Resorting to a control signal
that combines continuous and binary features, as
described in Section 4.1-c, the results obtained were
4,36 key selections per minute, thus improving the
performance attained with one binary control signal.
However, it is important to note that this selection
method was tested just with a small selection set
(smaller than the one used for the previous result).
When testing the use of two continuous control
signals, in order to control the mouse cursor in two
axis (as described in Section 4.1-d), the performance
was only 1,71 key selections per minute. This
selection method was difficult for the user,
especially in managing the control of the different
thresholds. Therefore, more training is necessary to
validate this technique.
From this case study, it is clear that the user was
able to generate various types of control signals that
could provide more flexibility to a UI, thus making it
more adaptable to the user progressive conditions.
5.1 Blended Control Signals
Traditionally, control interfaces generate binary
control signals (used to control scanning methods) or
continuous control signals in 2-axis (used to control
direct selection). Based on the various types of
electrophysiological signals that the individual in
this study could generate, a new class of control
signals is proposed – blended control signals - that
combine in a single signal discrete and continuous
features. Based on these signals, different access
methods can be designed. Beyond traditional
selection methods, these signals can potentially fill
the gap between scanning and direct access
methods, as discussed in Section 2. In fact, the
interaction described in Section 4.1-c) is neither
direct nor scanning.
From this study was demonstrated that users may
have potencial to generate control signals with more
information than just for a binary control, though not
enough to direct selection.
In progressive conditions, users experiment
different needs and abilities along different stages.
The more information the user interface can collect
from users' abilities, the faster may be the access to
AT systems.
The use of blended control signals, based on
user's electrophysiological signals, allows a better
adaptation to neurodegenerative conditions,
broadening the possibilities of ways of interaction
and enabling persons with severe neurodegenerative
disorders to interact more efficiently with AT
In this paper a case study demonstrating the use of
electrophysiological control signals by a young man
with ALS was presented.
The user was able to “upgrade” the control
signals by progressive steps. Starting by a binary
control signal using a scanning method, he was
progressively able to generate continuous control
signals, as well as combinations of these – blended
control signals. The case study here presented
clearly shows that other selection methods should
be sought taking advantage of the control signals
that this kind of users may be able to generate, in a
sense richer than binary signals, although poorer
than a continuous signal.
This kind of signals may provide more flexible
and efficient ways of interaction with AT systems, if
multimodal selection methods are designed.
Moreover, resorting to blended control signals, AT
systems may become more user friendly and
adaptable, reducing the rate of AT abandonment,
especially among people with neurodegenerative
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HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics